A/N : Takes place in the Ducktales 2017 universe and during the episode " From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22!"

Scrooge had left earlier today with Webby, Miss Beakley got kidnapped or something like that, leaving Donald and his three nephews alone in the manor. The triplets were on their respective beds as the moon was at its highest point, but none were sleeping as they had done that during noon after an eight-hour TV marathon.

Huey was under his blanket, his yellow glow stick illuminated a shadow of him with his junior woodchuck book, probably planning what badges to acquire on the next outing. Dewey had his strap-on keyboard on him, fiddling harmonious chords as he listened to it with his headphones. Louie was on his phone, watching the funny compilations of the Ottoman Brothers. He was having a good time.

Until the screen went black.

"Well, my phone's dead. Wanna go look around the mansion?" Louie plugged in his charger to the phone before hopping down from his bed.

"No, you're not," a voice came from the glowing blanket, Huey lifted his cover to see Louie, rolling his eyes at him. "You are going to the garage to call dibs or possibly 'borrow' Uncle Scrooge's things."

"That kinda sums it up," he plainly replied. "But no, I'm not gonna take anything."

Knowing Louie his entire life, Huey found that extremely hard to believe. But he shrugged it off since Uncle Scrooge and the rest had moved the potential evil entities somewhere else after the last time they went to the garage, hopefully all of them. "Just don't do anything that could potentially destroy you or us or the whole city or all of the things I just said," he commanded and went back under his sheet.

"Yes, sir," Louie said with a firm voice and lifted an arm to his head in salute.

"Did you say something?" Dewey said, pulling his headphone from his ears, looking towards Louie who was walking to the door.

"Look around the mansion or something, you in or out?" Louie had a blank expression to his brother.

"Nah, I'm already way deep in my zone right now," he put on back his headphone and kept playing his instrument, his head nodding to his heavenly music.

Louie just shrugged at the reply. His hand reached the knob and swung the door open. "You do you then," he took a last glance at his brothers before shutting the door.

The mansion wasn't exactly well lit during the night, one of Scrooge's 'tactics' to manage his wealth. Some parts of the mansion, like the study and some halls, still uses candles and chandeliers instead of light bulbs. Although they weren't as bright as an electrical bulb, they were enough to illuminate the hall.

Along his trek to the garage, there were a number of knight sets that decorated the hallway, each one different than the last, maybe from different kingdoms. They all stood with shields on the left and their attack weapon on the right, swords, spears, and axes. Louie changed glances at them, admiring them. Then he looked at a giant sword preserved in some display cabinet. Huey called them greatswords, because it certainly required an extreme amount of strength. That and the obvious enormous size.

The greatsword, was unlike the other swords. Its condition was worn, its blade from the hilt to the tip was heavily chipped, the fuller that held the blade had a bit of darker color than its blade, its grip was long shaped like a rod, its guard was curved more to the blade.

Louie whistled at its beauty and placed a yellow paper on it with his name on it. Moving on, he saw a wooden door stood between the spear-holding knights, that was surely the way to the garage.

"Finally, takes forever to get to one side in this mansion," he grumbled, pushing open the door. His hand reached the wall, searching for a switch to flick on. A click sound came from his hand, but the room was still pitch black.

"Of course Uncle Scrooge forgot to fix the lights again." Shortly after his statement, the lights flickered on. Instead of seeing precious treasures covered with dust, he was greeted with a dreary stairway leading down to what looked like another door at the end. Louie coughed a bit, the air was dusty. Walls were concealed with cobwebs and dusts. This part had never been visited for a long time.

"Eh, wrong room," he shrugged and turned to his back, only to bump onto Scrooge's new security bot.

It had the same model, only this one had an even darker color with its eyes glowing blood red. Scrooge had recently bought a newer version of the bot after the last one went haywire and tried to kill Dewey and Webby. He also had said that this killing machine wouldn't malfunction that easy and try to obliterate them.

"Oh, didn't see you there," Louie apologized, the robot only hovered in silence, silently staring at him. "Which way is to the garage, DT-88?" He said as he read the print on its chest.

Louie was greeted with only the menacing stare from the robot.

"Right," he sighed, stupid security bot. "I'll just be on my way."

"Scanning complete. Warning. Large amount of hazardous material detected ahead. Cleaning protocol suggested. Awaiting orders," the robot's voice startled him, he wasn't expecting it to have deep gurgling as its voice, nor the ability to clean, nor he asked to scan the dirty room.

"You mean the dust?" Louie questioned, no answer from the robot for the third time. He was annoyed at this rate, "Yeah, okay, whatever. Do what you can do."

The robot instantly zinged into the room, then flew out to Louie after ten seconds flat. He took a peek at the stairway, the walls and ceiling were no longer covered with cobwebs, the dusty floor was now spotless, and the air smelled like... strawberries? Okay, that was a nice touch. Maybe this bot was useful after all.

"Cleaning complete. Further scanning indicates there are more hazardous materials beyond the door. And also an unknown entity and a few of precious metals," it reported.

"Yeah, okay, you can- wait, what did you say?" Louie halted his steps and swerved to the floating machine.

"Cleaning complete. Further scanning-"

"Just the last two words!"

"Precious metals."

"As in gold?" Louie almost shouted in excitement.


The simple reply made Louie formed a smile on his face. This machine just earned the spot of becoming his new best friend.

"We should go down there," Louie hatched a plan. "So I can return the gold to Uncle Scrooge. He might be running short of gold in his money bin," he calmly explained.

The robot stared at him for a few seconds before replying, "Affirmative."

Louie smiled as his plan was in motion. He might return it to Scrooge, or he could spend it on something like a virtual reality set, or those next generation gaming platforms. He shook his head from the thoughts, he'll decide what to do about them later.

"Proceed with cleaning protocol for the other room?" It asked as the eyes glowed even redder.
"After I get the gold," he said as the bot stood down. "Do you have a nickname? DT-88 sounds like a science weapon thingy." He walked passed him to the descending stairs, the robot tailed him.

"You may call whatever is appropriate to you," it replied with its deep voice.

"Then let's just call you Eighty for short," Louie said as he took another step down with the bot tailing him. "I'm just gonna take the silence as a yes."

They finally reached the bottom of the stairs, there stood a wooden door with a rusty round metal as its handle. Louie grabbed the circle and tried pulling it, the door didn't budge. He gave a push to the door, dust fell from the top as the door shifted a microscopic length. Louie turned to the bot after a minute of pushing the heavy door, "I don't suppose you can open this?"

Louie stepped aside as Eighty slowly floated over to the door, the chest slid open and a small cannon emerged.

"Wait, no-"

Too late. The door swerved to the wall from Eighty's projectile, its hinges broke, and the door fell to the ground. Clouds of dusts erupted from the impact, rats and other rodents scurried away to safety, birds flapping away from outside.

"Nice work," the duck clapped sarcastically as he entered the dark room, that was the tenth broken door this week.

Eighty went on ahead of Louie, its chest slid open once again and inhaled all the dust that was present. A pink cloud puffed out from its neck, the air now has a strawberry scent. Louie was again impressed by it as he breathed in the perfumed fresh air.

"Scanning couldn't pick up a suitable light source," the bottom part of Eighty hatched open and a stick fell to the floor, "Use this yellow stick to illuminate your surrounding by bending it in to approximately forty-five-degree angle."

The stick rolled itself to Louie's feet, he picked it up and cracked the stick. The yellow glow washed away the darkness around him. He stood on a dusty, squeaky, and old wooden floor. His left and right were littered with knight armors, some were missing its breastplate, visor, and other pieces. Louie also noticed they were covered with rust, scratches too.

In front of him was a chest that looked like it came straight out of those pirate movies. And a chest like this must be where the gold was. Without second thoughts, Louie ran to it. He could already smell the sweet scent of those precious golds.

Louie snatched a sword nearby and stabbed it to through the small gap between the opening. He gave his best to crack open the treasury, but the sword snapped into two, causing Louie to lost his footing and tumbled down to the floor.

Louie turned to Eighty who was only silently watching him. "Help me with this?" he asked the robot.

"Censors had picked up an unknown entity on the precious metals inside the container," Eighty reported before turning to Louie.

"Well, you're a security bot, right? I'm sure you're packed with guns and other kinds of weapons that can handle whatever is in that box," Louie calmly said and picked up another sword. Before he could stab the sword to the gap, Eighty pushed him away.

"Shield yourself," Eighty's eyes slowly glowed, Louie backed up and shielded himself with a chest plate from the one of the scattered knight pieces. The lid exploded, shards of wood darted every direction.

Louie lowered the plate, the top of the chest was no more. He shined his glow stick next to his head as he looked inside the chest, the gold he had been waiting for, was nowhere to be found. There was only a slim helmet, the bottom part seemed to be covered with a shabby dark blue fabric, the top was solid metal with the structure of an eagle, the tip of the helm seemed to be missing its plume.

"That is one cool helmet," Louie whispered and stuck his mark using his yellow post-it paper. "Now where's the gold?"

"Under the helmet," Eighty answered, Louie proceeded lifting the helm. There it was, a bit disappointed there was only a couple of gold coins, but nonetheless a treasure was still a treasure.

"Sweet!" He exclaimed, quickly snatched the gold, and placed it in his pockets. A tiny piece of paper caught his attention as it drifted from the back of the helm and slowly floated to the dust-covered bottom of the chest. His left hand held the headgear still while the right hand took the paper.

"Don't pick up the helmet," his words faded at the end, his head swerved to his left hand, the helmet was emitting dark purple fog. His hand immediately dropped it back to the chest in reflex. He wiped his hand against his jacket as his eyes were still on the smoking helmet.

Of course Louie accidentally unleashed an ancient evil helmet when the two most important individuals that had the knowledge to defeat it were elsewhere.


A/N : Halfway writing this fic, I completely, completely forgot that Duckworth, with his dark purple smokey demon thing, existed in the show as a ghost. I forgot entirely there was an episode about that. So you can safely say that the purple smoke in this one has nothing to do with Duckworth, or not safe since things about to go down. Let's just say that episode has not happened yet, Duckworth doesn't exist.

Anyway, hopefully you enjoyed this little prologue. I decided to make this into a story after randomly writing this, every single day at the middle of the night. Stay tuned for the next chapter. I also try to keep the story with the tone of the show and not make everyone out of character.
