Like always: Thanks to disneyfananalyst for beta reading :*

The Ninja Storm Rangers with Future Blake returned to the command base. It was hard for the blue aurora knight to leave Cami alone, but he knew that she would even fight with him, just to be alone. But if she was out there too long, he would have to go and find her. If her father was here, she was not safe, especially in a state like this.

- What was that about? - Dustin asked. Dah, they were talking about him, so he knew that was about him, but still... what? - Well, it was about me I guess, but still... about future me. Or whatever me. - yellow ranger added, rubbing his head.

Future Blake rolled his eyes and raised his wrist to his mouth.

- Show me a pic of Dustin and Kat. - he said to the computer, which was built into his suit. Then a hologram from his wrist showed a photograph of Dustin kissing Kat on the cheek with a smile. She was laughing. Shane and Dustin were shocked that this girl had...

- Wait a sec. This girl has a cat's ears and whiskers? - Shane asked, quite shocked.

- She is an alien, but she has lived on earth for quite a long time. Anyway, this is Doctor Katherine Manx, ex-SPD ranger and member of the resistance. - Blake explained and looked at Dustin.

- You two were stupid enough to fell in love. Well, it was in the beginning of Drakkon's conquering quest. We all thought that he would be next villain to be defeated by the Rangers' power... but it didn't happen. Still, you two are engaged. You were right, Shane, when you said that there is no woman on earth that could keep Dustin tied down... she had to be alien. – the Aurora knight laughed shortly, making the past rangers shocked.

Dustin was engaged to the alien woman that kinda looked like a cat? And her name was Kat? Really?

- Soo... what happened? - Tori asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

- We, the Aurora Knights I mean, had a mission at one of Drakkon's factories. - Blake sighed. - He was creating a powerful weapon there. We couldn't allow it to happen... so we destroyed it all. We didn't know that Manx was inside. We killed everybody inside. At least we thought so. – the Aurora knight shrugged. - But Drakkon's troops found her, and his technology managed to save her, it seems. You fell into a fury after hearing that she is almost dead and in Drakkon's hands. We tried to stop you, but you went alone to find her, and you never came back. Next time I saw you, you were standing arm in arm with Drakkon's troops. - Future Blake explained everything, skipping some information that could be taken badly by the past rangers. The Aurora knight knew that he should feel hurt because of another betrayal from his own past team, but... he was too dead inside to feel it at all. The war killed him a long time ago.

The past Rangers sat in silence, analyzing what future Blake had just told them. Cameron was first to speak.

- Wait... you destroyed the whole factory? With everybody inside? - Cam started to realize what the future rangers did. His team looked at him. They didn't catch it yet. The Aurora knight looked at him with serious glaze.

- Yes, we did. This is war, Watanabe, not horseplay with Lothor. Lothor is a little puppy in comparison to Drakkon. – the Aurora knight answered.

- But there were civilians inside! - Cameron answered with shock. Now the other rangers understood what Cam meant. Of course. Monsters and villains didn't work in the factory, only people who probably didn't have much choice in the matter. They had killed innocents.

- Yeah. We killed some civilians, but if Drakkon had gotten that weapon... there would be thousands more deaths. You don't have the right to judge us. You don't get the full picture. It is not a glorious battle, where good will always win. We lost already. This is a fight for survival. – the Aurora knight hissed with anger.

- If you are killing innocents, how are you better than this Drakkon anyway?! - Shane was shocked. They were just talking, learning about the 'glorious rangers legacy' with Cameron, and now they see that future rangers are destroying it.

- We are not. - Cami said. Then they all realized that they didn't notice when she had entered the command center.

- Cami... - Future Blake started to say something.

- No. We should find another way... It is not about what you can do with your weapon... it is about what you should do. - Cami answered, remembering her childhood mantra. Every training session with her father had begun with those words. She had tears in her eyes.

- Cami, if Drakkon could repair Serpentera... he would kill much more than we killed. – the Aurora knight answered. - Besides... It was not only your call... we all decided that it was the only way. - he added, trying to take away some of her guilt.

Camila was the red ranger, the leader... it was her decision to destroy that manufacture. She had the last word in this matter... and all of the guilt.

- I'm the leader uncle. It was my order. - She answered with anger. - And I had to deal with the consequences. - she added after second and rushed to the computer, starting to search for something or somebody.

- What are you doing? - Present Blake asked.

Dustin sat on the ground, thinking about everything that he had just learned. He was not a "one girl" kinda guy and he knew it… but it seemed like there would be somebody that would put an end to that… only to be used to turn him to the bad side in the end. Then again, with all this talk about Drakkon, his ranger slayers team, resistance, aurora's knights: which side was the good one, truly?

- Cami... - Tori wanted to say something to her... future daughter? This was so weird still.

- No... just no... just shut up! All of you! I have work to do before my dad brings his friends. - She could not manage talking to her mother right now, even if this was not her mother. Not yet, anyway. Tori had the same calming voice that made Cami believe that everything would be alright, that they could deal with everything. She couldn't bear it right now.

- What do you mean will bring his friends? - Hunter asked.

- You stole my notes from me, didn't you at least read them?! - Cami shouted. She rose from the computer. - No?! So... As you can see, he is not the only ranger slayer. There is a whole team! And they knew that I am here, they probably know that Uncle Blake is here and there is a hole to the universe that is not conquered by Drakkon yet, so... they will show up, sooner or later. - She threw the papers with her notes in Hunter's face and she returned to the computer.

Hunter looked into the notes again, looking for the "rangers slayers":

Kimberly Hart

Cameron Watanabe

Lucas Kendall



Hello everybody! Here it is, next chapter.

I hope that you are enjoying this so far, give my a sign if you do :*

See ya in the next :*