Eventually, dinner was ready and everyone sat down together to eat. This time, Martha was the one who served dinner.

"Ah hope ya enjoy it," Granny Smith smiled. "Bright Mac could never get 'nough of my cookin'. That boy did love ta eat."

"Aw, Ma..." Bright Mac smiled bashfully and blushed.

"Well, what son doesn't love his mother's cooking?" Martha smiled back.

Bright Mac smiled. Martha served everyone before she would sit down at the table with them. Once she was done, she then joined them to get some food herself. They all began to eat the very special and delicious dinner.

Atticus didn't mean to be creepy, but he smiled as he watched this from outside a window and was suddenly pulled by his tail across the ground.

"You did very good." Drell muffled as he dragged Atticus away.

"Thanks." Atticus smiled.

"Now it's time for you to go home." Drell told him after letting go of his tail.

"You know, you could tap me on the shoulder." Atticus said about the dragging.

"Yeah..." Drell replied. "...But nah."

"Of course." Atticus rolled his eyes.

Eventually, Atticus went home, but of course, would visit Equestria again soon. He looked back to the house and smiled. "Good luck, and I hope for the best for you and Applejack." he then wished.

Drell then grabbed a hold of Atticus and pulled him through a portal to hurry him up.

Patch still seemed to be chewing on his new chew toy. He then soon saw that Atticus was coming back.

Atticus stretched a little and soon came down to see his dog. "Hey, boy, I wasn't gone long, was I?" he then asked.

"No, but I still missed you a lot." Patch smiled.

"Aw." Atticus smiled back.

"This chew toy is awesome by the way..." Patch said. "Kinda glad I'm not on the farm, I just know that everyone would fight me for it."

"No doubt about that." Atticus chuckled.

"Maybe a little later I'll show The Buddies... Feels like it's been a while since I last saw them." Patch said.

"Sure has." Atticus nodded.

"Maybe I'll bring Colette too..." Patch said. "We are their 'dogparents'."

"That's very sweet that Buddy and Molly let you do that." Atticus smiled to his Dalmatian.

"I know." Patch smiled back.

"Hm... I feel like a sandwich..." Atticus said before going into the kitchen.

"KABOOM!" Cherry's voice yelled out and suddenly, Atticus poofed into a sandwich.

"What the-?" Atticus asked.

Cherry smirked as she held her wand.

Atticus narrowed his eyes and soon changed back to normal. "What was that for?!" he then asked.

"Bored." Cherry shrugged with a smirk.

"Fair enough." Atticus said.

Cherry then used her wand again.

Atticus brought out his own wand to clash with the magic, and suddenly, they both turned into a cat and a dog. "What the-?!" The adventurous duo then yelped.

Drell soon appeared out of the closet with a smirk. "Do I sense magic being used irresponsibly?" he then asked, dramatically serious and scolding.

"She started it!" Atticus told him while pointing to Cherry.

"I did no such thing!" Cherry whined.

"LIAR!" Atticus glared.

"SANDWICH BOY!" Cherry glared back.

Drell simply sighed before turning them both back to their original forms. Cherry and Atticus looked to each other.

"Heheh..." Drell chuckled before glaring and shouting at them. "I COULD HAVE YOU BOTH STONED FOR THIS!"

Hearing him shout at them like that caused Atticus and Cherry to huddle together.

"Grow up, won't you?" Drell sighed and rolled his eyes. "You'll be high school graduates soon."

"That's right..." Cherry said. "How time flies... Advanced Classes... Diplomas... College..."

Patch frowned as he nearly forgot all about college.

"Jessie always made college look so easy... Could I handle it?" Atticus wondered.

"I guess we'll find out once we go through..." Cherry said before gulping. "Twelfth grade..."

"And you'll have to find out which college to apply to or if they want you in their college to find out which one to accept the scholarship to which one." Drell told them.

"Thank you for the added pressure." Cherry muttered.

"You're welcome." Drell smiled.

Cherry simply grumbled in response.

"Well, I'll see you guys later... Have a great summer..." Drell said.

"At least this isn't like that time with the Tiny Toons when we were with Buster and Babs down river out of Acme Acres, and we made it back in time for them to go back to school." Atticus shrugged.

"At least you didn't have the worst road trip to a theme park ever." Patch said.

"Yeah, lucky us." Cherry smirked.

"Not funny, Cherry." Patch glared.

"I think it is." Cherry smirked.

"Anyways, let's just enjoy the rest of our summer." Atticus smiled.

"We still got a few weeks left..." Patch said. "What should we do?"

"What can we do besides back-to-school shop?" Cherry asked.

"How about telling us what happened with Superboy?" Patch suggested to Atticus.

"So that's where you were..." Cherry said. "Drell told me you were in Smallville for a while."

"Sounds good then, let's hear it!" Patch cheered.

"Well, I was in Smallville for a while, but that wasn't the only place I was at." Atticus said.

"Ooh, this just got more interesting." Patch smiled.

"I even went to Ponyville!" Atticus said.

"What for?" Cherry asked as she began to take a drink.

"I had to fix up Superboy with Applejack." Atticus said which caused Cherry to cough and do a spit take.

"Are you high?!" Cherry coughed.

Atticus began to tell them of why he had to fix up Superboy with Applejack and told them the entire story of what happened. It was a pretty fun story for Cherry and Patch, even if Cherry didn't want to admit it.

The End