Dear Scrooge...
Dear Scrooge...
Goldie tapped the pencil repeatedly in a single pattern.
"Gah, this is stupid!" Goldie mumbled as she ripped the paper into tiny pieces.
"It's a stupid letter. Nothing more or less." Goldie said quietly as she laid her head down. She looked out into the blistery winter storm as the moon shined bright. If only her words can spill like the moon itself.
Goldie began tapping her pencil as she mentally sighed. How is writing one simple request so hard. She was supposed to be the one too hard to write to. She is the stubborn one.
Stubborn. She can relate a lot to Scrooge. Both of thick headed and full of air. Both too stubborn to admit anything.
She was too stubborn to write anything.
"Lass ye hear can't write anything can ye?" Went a voice inside.
"Oh please not now." Goldie sighed.
"Too stubborn, too wild, smart yet cunning," it went on. "Ah don't know how many times yew tried ta get me yet failed."
Goldie gritted her teeth as she tapped the pencil faster.
"It's even in yer name isn't it O'Gilt. Get it? Guilt. O'Gilt?"
"Okay okay!" Goldie yelled but fell silent. No one was in the room. How could she let her head do the talking?
"It's not that hard. Just get it down and don't." Goldie whispered. She picked up the pencil and wrote.
It was long, it was painful like the agonizing month at White Agony. All that sweat, dirt at the hem of her dress and best pants. The way they slept late and woke early. How Scrooge was yelled at her but not so much to tell her of. The meaning of that one fight in the cabin. How great it felt that one evening when they snapped...
"Done," Goldie said as she reread her letter.
Scrooge,I'm gonna say it once and that will be the one time you will ever hear it from me.I love you.There now. Happy?Now, it's hard for me as you are even reading this but how in the devil hell did I ever fall for you.Answer is I don't know.Look, everything is complicated. Even I don't know how to explain or process it but I admire how you even come back to me. Even all the things I did to you. Believe me, I don't even deserve you after leaving you for dead many times. (I'm not sorry one bit)But the point is that I heard you're leaving for Duckburg and I'm wondering if there's room for one more?Come on Scrooge, you know you love me and can't resist.Glittering Goldie O'Gilt
Goldie scanned the letter once, then twice, then even a third time and placed into a letter before she had second thoughts about this.
"Okay, now where are those stamps."