*All characters belong to Kiera Cass*
Chapter 1
The sun from the Dominca sky beats down on my closed eyes. I can feel it, warming my body with it's early morning rays. Peeking through my red hair, I adjust to the bright room.
I suppose it was time to get out of bed already. Looking at the clock, I saw it was nearly noon.
I'd been sleeping a lot lately. It was now, officially, two weeks after the Selection. Knowing that Maxon chose Kriss over me, knowing that I betrayed his trust in me, knowing that he didn't love me anymore, knowing all of this, I still loved him. How could I not?
All the procrastinating and arguments that we had were so pointless. If only I had trusted my heart and told him I loved him sooner, perhaps all of this wouldn't have happened. We were so close to being married, to having a life together. We'd even slept together that one night, that amazing night where I had thought our world was uniting and everything was finally working out.
Sitting up in bed, I wiped that thought from my mind. I didn't want to remember that beautiful moment, for it was now just a memory. Something that I would never share with Maxon again.
I went to wash up, noticing that my eyes were slightly less red compared to my other mornings. I didn't think I cried last night, for once.
My trip to the Dominca was probably the best choice I'd made. It was far away from anyone I knew. I needed time to heal. My family was supportive, of course, and wanted me home. But I knew that home would only have reporters hovering around, as well as the reminder that my father wasn't there anymore.
May wanted to join me here, but I declined the offer. I wanted to be alone. I didn't want anyone to know how weak I'd felt these past two weeks.
The suite that I got here was extravagant, too extravagant. Now that I was a three, however, and a princess, this was the type of treatment I received and it was also something I had to get used to now.
Of course, I wasn't as isolated as I wanted to be. People recognized me, of course. A lot of the vacationers would ask for pictures or autographs when I went to eat at the restaurant or lie on the beach. The reporters were the worst thing though, they were always around. The resort did a good enough job of keeping them out, but they were always hiding around corners, sneaking in.
I hadn't picked up a magazine since I'd been here, but I was pretty sure Maxon and Kriss were headline news. I was also pretty sure I was in it. Both of these things always made me walk past the magazine stands without a second glance. I didn't want to see how happy they were, and I did not want to read what the reporters were writing about me.
After putting on some simple makeup, especially concealer for under my eyes, I got on a blue sundress for the day. The weather here had a humid heat to it, that always seemed to leave the skin glistening. As for the beach, the crystal clear ocean was stunning.
Another day lounging on the beach sounded perfect. Heading out, I put on my sunglasses. They were the best wardrobe choice I'd ever owned. Of course, I wouldn't tell my former maids that.
My eyes started to tear up thinking of them. They were still at the palace, probably helping Kriss now. She did mention how she wanted my maids during the Selection. I couldn't help feeling jealous of her having them. They were more than just maids to me, however, they were my friends. I missed the comfort they had given me during the Selection. Now, I had no one.
Thankfully, the sunglasses did it's job and covered my red rimmed eyes from the world. If the reporters were around, they wouldn't capture an image of me crying, at least.
"Hello, Princess America. How was your sleep?" The resort owner, Mr. Wess, greeted me like always. He was a heavier man, with a very thick mustache that was turning from black to gray. As a four, he was doing very well for himself though, as this resort was a five star one. Royalty often stayed here when vacationing, as well as many two's and three's.
The day I arrived, he'd been extremely accommodating. Offering me all these spa packages, room service, and more. I told him I only wanted to be left alone, and he seemed to understand. From that moment on, I liked him.
Responding with a slight smile, all I could muster up these days, I replied, "It was very comfortable, as always. Thank you, Mr. Wess."
He nodded, following me to a seat in the dining room. Standing beside my table, he handed me a small, white envelope. "This came in the mail for you today, princess."
"Thank you," I accepted. With that, he left with a slight bow.
It was very weird, being called princess. But as an Elite, that was now what I was and I had to get used to it.
The letter was from a Prince Calvin of France. It read:
Dearest Princess America Singer,
I am Prince Calvin Laurent of France. I write to you today, to give my sympathies to you for your loss, and my gain, in the Selection. I say my gain because I wish to inform you that you losing has made me the happiest man in all of France. I've watched the Selection this entire time, and must admit that I found you to be the most beautiful of all of the ladies.
Perhaps I am coming on too strong, but I want my feelings for you to be perfectly clear. I wish to see you, to meet with you in person. I believe we would be a good match. I wish to tell you in person how beautiful, strong, and brilliant you are. After meeting, I have a very strong, persistent hope that you would then make me the happiest prince in the world and become my wife. My Queen. The future Queen of France.
Just know, I am waiting for your reply in hopes that you can give me a chance. We can have a wonderful future together. One where you will live very comfortably.
Sincerely yours,
Prince Calvin Laurent
Finishing the letter, I rolled my eyes under my sunglasses. This wasn't the first letter I'd received wanting my hand in marriage. This was probably the twelfth one or so. I was nowhere near ready to even think about pursuing another relationship, let alone marriage.
I'd received another letter last week from Marlee. Among asking me how I was doing, she had told me a lot of gossip too.
Natalie, had apparently gotten engaged to a very high up politician. Elise, herself, had received many marriage proposals too. She was currently dating some prince in Asia. The other girls in the selection were either married already, engaged, or dating someone. Marlee was still in the palace working as a servant. She seemed happy, after all that she went through. I missed her deeply.
She'd wished me the best of happiness and wanted me to write to her. I hadn't yet. These past two weeks, I could barely get dressed , let alone, write a letter. It seemed that with Maxon taking my heart, he also seemed to take my energy.
I felt tired all the time, I had a constant headache, and my heart literally felt like it had broken. It hurt so much, all the time. I hoped that in time, everything would heal. But I wasn't too sure it would happen.
Thankfully, my appetite was as strong as ever. It gave me a reason to get up in the morning. And this all inclusive resort had plenty to eat. As I ate my brunch, I read over the letter from the prince again. He'd called me beautiful, strong, and brilliant. Perhaps that was what I used to be, what I portrayed on television and in the reports during the Selection. But now, I felt like the complete opposite.
I felt stupid, for all that I did in making Maxon not trust me. All those choices I had made during those weeks. I chose not to trust him, I gave him ample reasons not to trust me, and I betrayed him when I never told him about Aspen.
And strong? To be honest, this was the weakest I'd ever felt. I couldn't get out of this sad, miserable state of mind I'd been in lately. No matter what, my thoughts and emotions seemed to get the better of me each day.
Then there was beautiful. Maybe I still had that, I sighed. If I were being honest, I only took the time to make myself decent each morning because of people knowing who I was. Because of the chance that a reporter may snap a photo of me. I wanted to keep up the appearance of my being alright. I didn't want Maxon or Kriss opening up a magazine or newspaper with a headline about me being utterly heartbroken. That pride in me was still there, at least.
Finishing my meal, I headed to the sandy white beach. There were people suntanning on towels and lawn chairs, some already looking red from the intense sun. Other people were swimming in the water, laughing and having fun with each other.
I made my way to my usual spot. The resort had given me a private cabana near some palm trees. It was further away from the other resort guests, allowing me to usually go unnoticed by them. On the table, there was already some refreshments waiting for me. Mr. Wess always seemed to be a step ahead of me.
I layed down on the lounger, reaching for the ice cold water. Closing my eyes, I started to relax. Comforted by the hot sun and partial shade provided by the palm trees, I started to doze off.
That is, until a splash of cool water hit my body.
"Ahh!" I screeched, jolting up in shock. I was soaked! My blue dress latched to my body like a layer of second skin, my hair was dripping down my back, and I had to take the sunglasses off because they were covered in drops of water, making it impossible to see.
The laughing of some familiar voices had my heart pounding. Looking up, I saw none other than Nicoletta, Noemi, and Orabella, the Italian royal family.
"What are you three doing here?" I asked in confusion.
Nicoletta came over, hugging my soaked body. "We are here to see you, of course!"
I returned the hug, still stunned. The other ladies came over, giving me warm hugs as well. I gave in, feeling overwhelmed with their love.
Pulling back, they all smiled at me. "I supposed I look like a drowned rat right now," I commented.
They all laughed. "Our fault!" Noemi smiled. "But this gives us an excuse to go in the water, at least."
I realized that they had their swimsuits on. Their bronzed skin made it look like they'd been in the sun for days already. As Italians, they were naturally tan. They were also beautiful women, each having long, dark hair and large brown eyes. During the Selection, we became friends very quickly when they came for a visit. Out of the three, Nicoletta was someone I grew close with more. She even agreed to give money to the Northern rebels when I asked her to.
The Southern rebels were the ones responsible for killing Celeste, my friend in the Selection. Though she wasn't always. If she were alive today, however, I feel that we would have been great friends. We maybe would have even spent time together, perhaps she would be here in the Dominica too. But she was gone now.
"What do you say, America? Want to go for a dip?" Nicoletta asked, bringing my attention back to the present.
I smiled, something that now felt unnatural. "As good as that sounds, I didn't bring a bathing suit."
"No suit!" She gasped. "Well, what have you been doing these past two weeks?"
I shrugged, "Not swimming. Just laying on the beach and, well, eating of course."
I caught the look that they gave each other. Then they all looked at me, really looked at me. Starting to feel self conscious, I put on the smeared sunglasses again and crossed my arms.
"America," Nicoletta started. That look, the look of sympathy and sadness, crept on her face. I turned my attention to the water, not wanting to see it. That was the main reason I wanted to be left alone, I didn't want anyone feeling sorry for me. Seeing me weak. And now? All three of them had.
"Don't," I mumbled, biting my lip to stop it from quivering.
I was then pulled into another hug, this one stronger. Nicoletta's arms held me tight, and then the tears started coming again.
"It's okay, we're here now. Let it out," she rubbed my back in small circles.
I stepped away, using my hands to wipe the tears that had escaped.
"I'm happy you guys came," I told them, my voice sounding off. "I really am. I just, I think I need to be alone right now." They'd understand.
"You have been alone for two whole weeks," Orabella replied. "I think it is time you have some company. You need friends around, America."
"We know how much you loved him," Nicoletta added. "We know you must be hurting very deeply. We can see it."
I sniffed, was it really that obvious?
"Don't you think that having some friends around may help?" She asked, tilting my chin up so I could look at her.
The other girls came to my sides, placing their arms around me. "We are here to help you," Orabella said. "You are our friend and we don't want you to be alone anymore."
"Come on, let's go buy you a swimsuit! That Mr. Wess seemed so accommodating! I think he would love to help us!" Noemi smiled.
"Then we can cool down from this heat!" Nicoletta added, fanning herself dramatically.
I smiled again, shaking my head. Perhaps they were right. Maybe the time to be alone was over. Having their laughing, friendly faces around could be contagious, after all.
"Well, maybe he could help," I responded.
They all clapped. "Let's go then! We will get you a tiny bikini and get that skin as tanned as ours!"
Finally, I laughed. "I don't think that is possible!"
"We will see," Nicoletta winked at me. "Let's go and find something for you!"
Nicoletta walked beside me as the other two went ahead. She didn't say anything at first. Her silence wasn't something I was used to.
"Thank you," I said, breaking it. "Thank you for coming."
I truly meant it. Having them here had brightened my day. It wasn't that I was fully back to normal, but I felt more myself at that moment. It was nice.
"Of course we'd come! You're our friend, America." She paused for a second, then lowering her voice, speaking in a whisper, "We need to talk about the rebels too. When we are alone."
I slowly nodded, agreeing to speak with her later. I wondered what she meant. What she wanted to talk about. Perhaps she still had contact with the rebels, she did come to their aide after all. If she wanted advice or help, I was willing. I wanted to help her in anyway I could.
"We will speak," I told her in a lowered voice so the others didn't overhear. "Soon."