Epilogue: A New Mission

30 years have passed since Alucard was declared MIA, Britain has repopulated, fresh-faced recruits of the Imperial Guard have been sent to die in it's defense, and enemy raids have only grown more frequent.

Fortunately, ambushes from the planet's night side have diminished significantly on account of the ever spawning feral orks that descended from the Flying Gitz, with Ceras taking the form of Pip Burnagrot to ensure that they are kept from attacking Britain by knocking down the latest boss every time she senses them getting too big for their brains through Pip's connection to Waaagh! energy.

And it also seems that Integra has found new allies within the inquisition, Inquisitor Penwood's own son has come of age and taken up his father's mantle, and is currently learning swordsmanship from the Governess herself.

The clash of blades and ring of steel echoes throughout the Governess's mansion as Integra presses the attack in a merciless manner that the young Inquisitor must one day master, but he is far from doing so at this point, it doesn't take long for the governess to disarm him.

A mock applause brings Integra's attention to Inquisitor Penwood's superior and replacement for Inquisitor Maxwell, Inquisitor Mathias. (Picked the name out of a hat)

"It would seem that young Penwood has more skill than his father ever did, wouldn't you agree Governess?" Mathias asked Integra who glared hatefully at him.

"Inquisitor Penwood may not have skilled in battle, but I assure you he was a master of war, AND a dutiful servant of The Emperor." Integra declared, defending the honor of her old friend.

"I was not insulting the man, merely stating that his successor will do more than simply fill his shoes, now then, if you will excuse me, we have business to attend to, come along Penwood." The aforementioned Inquisitor joined Inquisitor Mathias, an unnamed Inquisitor that accompanied them... and Canoness Hienkle who spent the entire visit glaring at Ceras on account of her bearing the same power armor yet desecrated with the colors and insignia of the World Eaters.

The minute the Inquisitors were out of ear shot, the unnamed Inquisitor made sure that Penwood was lagging far enough behind as he questioned Mathias. "My Lord, why do you persist in letting these heretics live?"

"Because, my dear friend, this worthless rock serves as a distraction for those who would otherwise besiege more meaningful worlds." Mathias answered. "Besides we do not have the means of executing the heretics at this time."

"What do you mean my Lord, surely that harlot who masquerades as a holy Canoness can't hope to stand against Lady Hienkle." The Inquisitor argued.

"If she fought alone, you would be right." Hienkle said through her telepathic vox communicator, as she did, Inquisitor Mathias placed a purity seal upon the wall.

Inquisitor Penwood and the nameless Inquisitor jumped when a wave of warp energy dispersed from the wall.


"W-What in the Emperor's name was THAT!?" Inquisitor Penwood shouted, voicing the other Inquisitor's thoughts.

"That, my friends, is a daemonic servant of the traitor Ceras Victoria, it has been watching us since we arrived in the hopes that we would give it reason to strike us down, but worry not my friends, these heathens will pay for their blasphemy, plans to bring them to justice are already in motion." Not another word was said until they departed.


Ceras was making her rounds when she realized that Integra was not in her room. Not again, this truly isn't healthy for her. She thought as she went to where she knew the Governess had gone.

Ceras departed the mansion and found Integra in the backyard, she had the mansion constructed here, for it was the place where Alucard vanished.

"...Ma'am, you should be resting, it's too late in the night for you to be out here." Ceras stated.

"Hmph, you will not lecture me like a child guardswoman, I rule this Hive World and I will come and go as I please, when I please." Integra stated, causing Ceras to bristle as she hasn't been called 'guardswoman' since Alucard's death.

"Ma'am, I miss him too, but catching your death from a cold isn't going to bring him back." Ceras stated.

Integra didn't answer, not for a while, but then she turned and began to walk back inside, Ceras following her, when suddenly, a massive burst of energy erupted behind them.

The two women turned and stared into a tear in the warp, Ceras prepared for a fight, but froze at the sight of the being who emerged.

The tear disappeared leaving behind a large cloud of red smoke, before which, stood Alucard.

"MASTER!!" Ceras shouted with joy.

"So...after all these years, you've finally returned." Integra stated.

"Yes, I apologize for the delay, but it takes time to kill one's own self, and I had a lot of self to kill." Alucard stated.

" I found himself in the void between real space and the warp, besieged on all sides by those I consumed, the frightened citizens of Britain, the Emperor's Children, and Maxwell's corrupt army, it would've taken me an eternity to kill them all... if I were alone." As Alucard said this, the red smoke dissapated, revealing Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos and the entire Blood Ravens Chapter, along with a handful of Biel-Tan Eldar.

While Ceras just gaped in amazement, Integra walked up to the Chapter Master and bowed to him. "It is an honor to see you again Gabriel Angelos, know that you are welcome here on Britain."

"I thank you Governess, but I'm afraid that is not going to be necessary." Replied the Chapter Master.

"You do understand that the imperium sees you as traitor legion, you cannot serve the Emperor as you once did." Explained Integra.

"I understand Governess, but as my other self fought the Ultramarine, Alexander Anderson, we were contacted by the Emperor himself...and the Blood God Khorne." Angelos showed disgust at the name, and Integra showed shock.

"The Emperor and the Blood God, how could those encounter each other without coming to blows, let alone share a servant-no offense." Integra asked.

"Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, the Emperor promised Khorne that my service to him would see an ocean of blood drown out entire worlds." Angelos explained.

"And what sort of service would that be?" Asked Integra, a little worried about just how much blood would be promised for Khorne to deal with the Emperor, when the only being he inarguably hates more is Slaneesh.

"The Emperor has seen the state of the current Imperium, and how the Inquisition rules in his name while going against everything he taught humanity, and so he has chosen the Blood Ravens to right this wrong by dethroning the Inquisition." Angelos explained.

Integra felt her blood run cold at the thought of such a thing, the inquisition would resist, and any planet who sided with the Blood Ravens would be sentenced to Exterminatus, the Imperium would be thrown into civil war, trillions would die, but it would end the stagnation of the modern Imperium, such a thing would truly benefit the Emperor and Khorne alike.

"And so we shall do the Emperor's will as servants of the ruinous powers, we shall commit heresy in the name of faith, evil in the name of good, we will spill blood for the Blood God, AND WE SHALL DO SO-" Angelos was answered by the Blood Ravens behind him, bringing either a melee weapon or their primary fist into the air as they cried out in one voice.


Integra smiled at the turn of events. "Tear the galaxy asunder as you wish, Britain will endure as it always has."

As the Blood Ravens prepared to serve the Emperor's will, and Integra and her servants prepared to whether the coming storm, and the Biel-Tan Eldar sought to reunite with their kinsmen, somewhere far beyond the Hive World Britain, beyond the materium and immaterium, beyond even the Dark Gods, a god-like being held the universe in his hand, smiling at the story that he, at long last, concluded, and yes, the rest of this chapter is an Author's Note told from the perspective of my Avatar from "An Author's Rampage"

I place the blood red universe in it's spot alongside my other completed stories, Heretics of Gork, Dragon Ball 40k, Her Final Fate, Kouta's Horrible Masterpiece, Elfen Lied: Ultimate Tenkaichi, and finally, my first completed project, An Author's Rampage.

I take the latter universe in my hand and examine it, it was simple one-shot of my Avatar rewriting my least favorite scene in Elfen Lied: The Death of Aiko Takeda.

At the end of the fic, I sent Aiko and Kaede (Lucy) to another world and asked readers to choose which world they were sent to, no one answered for the longest time, and then, a month after I started Hellsing 40,000 someone requested RWBY.

And so it is decided, once I return to writing after my holiday vacation, my next fic shall be RWBYxElfen Lied, but that is then and this is now.

Yes, I eventually learned that I mispelled Slaanesh as Slaneesh and Seras as Ceras, in the future, I may correct this.

Other than that, I'm rather pleased with how this turned out, easily my best fic to date, out of 11, this is the seventh that I completed, and definitely my longest.

But, there is always room for improvement, I reread the fic myself and noticed several spelling errors that I plan to correct later, if there is anything else that I could've done better, please list it below, as I am practicing for the day that I attempt an original story.

But until then, I'll see you all in January.