Lavender Seduction

By Spunky0ne


Yuuri is taken from Yutopia Katsuki and forced to dance for a mysterious man who carefully keeps his face covered. Left with no choice but to cooperate with Yuuri's captor, if he wants his husband to survive, Victor and a few close friends stage increasingly dangerous and difficult crimes. But, what will happen when one goes terribly wrong? Victor/Yuuri, Yurio/Otabek, Chrisophe/Masumi


Chapter 1: Negation

Still curled up and sleeping at well past the usual time, Victor groaned as he felt something warm and wet stroke his cheek, then his nose.

"Hey," he mumbled, pushing the hairy offender away, "stop that, Maccachin."

The old poodle whimpered impatiently and Victor gave him a sleepy smile.

"At least let me get myself together," he complained, "The drinks were strong last night."

The dog's head tilted and he panted softly, and Victor could almost hear his absent husband's scolding voice.

I told you not to drink that much. You always do that while I'm away.

Victor sat up and gave a shuddering sigh, absently petting the old poodle's head.

"Damn, even when you're not with me, you're with me, aren't you, Yuuri?" he whispered.

I hate it when he leaves. It's like some of the life just goes out of me when Yuuri's not here. I feel bad for Toshiya, of course. Yuuri's father is very ill and needs him there. I just…miss him.

God, I'm pathetic!

I need to get up and do something.

Instead, he nudged Maccachin aside and rolled over, wrapping himself around his absent husband's pillow. He sighed in mingled relief and agony as Yuuri's gentle scent filled his senses and instantly, he felt a little, lusty throb begin in his loins.

"Not fair."

Yuuri only left yesterday, and already I'm a mess. I stayed out late with friends, drinking so that I wouldn't miss him so much, but it really didn't help at all.

He flopped on Yuuri's pillow, sucking in his husband's scent shamelessly and groaning as the phone rang. He picked up his cell from the nightstand.

God, I hope it's Yuuri.

He made a discontented face as he recognized Yakov's number ringing in, and he held the phone away so that he didn't have to suffer the man's loudly shouted admonishment.

"Victor! You are a half hour late. Where are you, you lazy little fool! Get out of bed and drag your ass down here now, or I'll come and drag it down here for you!"

"Yakov, you're hurting my head. Be quieter when you yell at me," Victor chided him.

"GET YOUR LAZY ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" Yakov roared, making Victor wince and squint his eyes as he ended the call.

"Oh my god, I can barely stand to move," he complained, earning a sympathetic whimper from Maccachin, who thumped his tail on the bed and laid his head on his paws.

Victor staggered out of bed, stumbling over his clothes as he headed for the bathroom. He flinched and made a face at the smell of vomit, and he realized he hadn't quite made it to the toilet before throwing up the night before.

Yuuri would be really mad at me for something like that. Lucky, he's not here to see.

He held his breath as he began to clean up the mess, but couldn't hold it long enough. A whiff of the stuff hit his nostrils, and he barely made it to the toilet as he began heaving again.

That's it. I'm going to Japan. Yuuri convinced me to stay here so that I would get in lots of extra practice for the exhibition next week, but I can do that in Japan. All Yakov really does is yell at me, anyway.

Besides, Yutopia Katsuki has the hot bath and the pork cutlet bowls.

Yes, I am definitely running away to Japan.

He sighed and flushed the toilet, then cleaned up the last of the mess on the floor, before hurrying into the shower and rinsing away the clinging scent of sickness. He took his time in the shower, chuckling to himself as he heard his cell phone ringing again.

"I'm not answering, Yakov!" he called out cheerfully.

He finished bathing and dried off slowly, looking down longingly at his lovely, but neglected genitalia.

I don't even know when Yuuri will be coming back. It depends on when Toshiya starts to feel better. I wish I was there too. I don't know how I'd be of any help, but I don't like that they're all so worried and I'm not there worrying too.

He finished dressing and picked up his phone, rolling his eyes as the phone rang again. He punched the button, scowling.

"Yakov, I'm leaving right now…" he began.

"Vitya," said a man's deep, stern voice that instantly made the Russian skater stiffen, "we need to meet and talk. I want to have a word with you."

"I have nothing to say to you," Victor snapped, "I told you that a long time ago! Leave me alone! I don't want anything to do with you."

"That is what we need to talk about," the voice on the other end went on, "You should know that…"

"Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it!" Victor yelled, "I told you that I don't want any part of all of that. I don't care what that damned test said, I-am-not-your-son!"

"You can't change the blood that runs in your veins," the man on the phone went on, "and if you refuse to listen to what I have to say, it won't just be you who is paying for it. Now…"

"NO!" Victor shouted, ending the call with almost violent fingers.

The cell phone escaped his hand and clattered onto the tile floor.

"Damn it," he breathed, bending and picking it up, then pausing to examine it for a moment.

Satisfied that no damage was done, he slipped the phone into his pocket and left the house, headed for what he was sure would be a very bleak afternoon full of scolding.


I'm finally here, Yuuri sighed, descending the escalator that led down from the airport's arrival gates, I'm sure Minako will have half of Hasetsu waiting for me.

"Yuu-ri!" called his ballet instructor's voice, making a smile and a little blush rise on Yuuri's face.

"Minako-sensei, I kind of thought you'd be waiting for me here," Yuuri acknowledged, "How are things at home? Is my dad doing all right?"

Minako gave him an encouraging smile.

"He's hanging in, there," she reported, leading Yuuri out of the terminal, "The doctor said that his lungs are starting to clear, thanks to the medication and breathing treatments. But, he's still feverish and really tired, though."

Minako paused and frowned.

"So, where's Victor, anyway? He usually barely lets you out of his sight. You came all of the way here, without him?"

"Yeah," Yuuri sighed, "He actually wanted very much to come with me, but I convinced him to stay in Saint Petersburg."

"You what? Why? What's wrong? Is something going on with you two?"

"Eh, no, Victor and I are fine. But, he's got an exhibition skate next week, and it's important for him to train with his coach there."

"Huh, I guess that makes sense, although, at this point, there's not much that old guy does but yell at Victor to practice. He pretty much does it all, himself."

"Maybe, but there are some things you really need a coach to spot and fix for you."

"I guess."

"You just want him to come here because you think he's hot," Yuuri teased her.

"Doesn't everybody?" Minako sighed, rolling her eyes, "Why is it that all of the really hot guys are gay? Can you just tell me that?"

"Victor's really kind of pansexual," Yuuri corrected her.

"Not anymore, he's not," the older woman chortled, "I just don't get it. What do you have that all of the millions of us females in the world don't?"

"I dunno," Yuuri laughed, "a penis? Victor really likes that. He says it's better than katsudon."

"God, I'm just not used to you talking like that," Minako giggled, "Victor's really corrupted you, hasn't he? You better not say things like that in front of your folks. They'll pass out."

"Don't worry, I won't," Yuuri assured her, "I'm just talking that way because I'm comfortable with you."

"Yeah," Minako said, eyeing him affectionately, "You've grown up a lot since Victor came to Hasetsu, haven't you?"

"I guess. Victor can still make me blush, though."

"I guess so. The guy has no filter. He just lets it all loose and doesn't care if it's appropriate or not. But, I guess when you're that beautiful and that rich, you can pretty much do what you want, right?"

"I can't argue with that…although…"

Yuuri paused and looked down at the ring on his finger for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Minako asked, "Did Victor get into some kind of trouble?"

"Well, not exactly," Yuuri hedged, "but the Russian government didn't like the fact that our wedding drew so much attention. Gay marriage isn't legal in Russia or here, but in Russia, they are careful about their country's image. Victor and I got interviewed by the authorities when we got home, and they made it clear that we should let the furor die down and don't talk too much in interviews about our marriage. They also strongly suggested that we refer to each other as partner instead of husband. I don't really mind, I guess, but it was scary having strange people just show up like that to talk to us."

"That is scary," Minako agreed, "You two be really careful, okay? I know you love each other, and I don't think it was wrong for you to be married. Neither do your folks or your sister. But, the laws are pretty strict, even though we don't like them. Stay out of trouble. I mean, I know you will, but Victor can sometimes be careless, because he's used to having his way about things. That will only take you so far."

"I know," Yuuri assured her, "and Victor knows too. We're being careful. I promise."

The two quieted as they continued to walk the short distance from the airport to Yutopia Katsuki. They were greeted at the door by a tired looking Mari, who smiled wearily at her arriving brother.

"Yuuri, thank goodness you're here," she said, hugging him, "Mom and I are pretty run down, taking care of the business and Dad too."

"That's why I'm here," Yuuri said, hugging her back, "I'm ready to do whatever you and Mom need."

"Thanks. The hot springs area needs some cleaning and we need to prepare rooms for a couple of incoming guests, but go and see Mom and Dad first. They'll be really glad you're here."

"Okay, I will."

Yuuri walked to the back of the house with Minako on his heels.

"I've tried to help out when I can," Minako explained, "but ever since you hit the podium in the Grand Prix Finals last year and won at Four Continents and Worlds, I've got a lot more ballet students, and the ice rink is usually packed. Everyone's going to freak out when they see you. You're as popular as Victor here in Japan, now."

"It feels kind of strange, being noticed like that all of the time," Yuuri acknowledged, "Victor's used to it, but it still gives me a funny, scared feeling inside to have everyone looking at me and calling out to me."

"Well, your Eros really talks to people," Minako laughed.

"Yeah? Well, it had better be quiet while I'm visiting here, because I need to focus on Dad."


The two paused as they reached the master bedroom door. Yuuri bowed at the entrance, speaking a greeting to his parents.

"Yuuri!" Toshiya exclaimed softly, his voice shaking slightly as he smiled up at his son, You've come all this way to see me? I thought you would be busy training for the next season with Victor."

"We were," Yuuri confirmed, "but Victor is doing extra training for an exhibition next week, so it wasn't any trouble for me to come. I am glad to help out here."

"We're glad to have you," Hiroko said cheerfully.

"I should be up and around in a few days," Toshiya assured him, "It's really all right, if you can't stay for long."

"I'll be staying for a week at least," Yuuri said, smiling, "Victor sends his regards, and he sent you this gift."

Toshiya grinned, accepting the package and carefully unwrapping the delicate paper.

"It's the Russian cookbook that he mentioned when I was telling him about my wish to learn a few dishes to make him feel at home while he visits here!" the elder Katsuki exclaimed.

"Try not to get so excited, dear," Hiroko warned him.

"Sorry, I just love so much to try cooking new things. As soon as I'm well enough…"

"You won't get well very soon if you get so overexcited, Dad," Yuuri said, smiling affectionately.

"Ugh, what a time to be sick. There's so much to be doing, and as soon as everyone knows you're here, the hot springs will be busier than ever!"

"I'm trying to keep it quiet, so that I can focus on helping to take care of you," Yuuri complained, "If you make a big deal out of me coming home, then we'll get overwhelmed, even with me here!"

"Why don't you go and settle in, dear?" Hiroko suggested, "We've had to use your old room for some storage, because of all of the business, but Victor's room is all ready for you."

"Thanks," Yuuri sighed, "I'll go put my things away and take a quick bath to clean up, then I'll help as much as you like."

"Who are you kidding?" Mari objected, "You've just been on a really long flight. You should soak and eat, then just go to bed for the night. We've got things until you're rested."

"All right. If you're sure you don't need me sooner."

"Naw, we've got it," Mari chuckled, "Go on. Get outta here."

"All right," Yuuri said, rising, then bowing as he left the room.

He went first to the hot spring, where he sank down into the hot water, closing his eyes and sighing wearily.

Mari-nee-chan is right. It was a long trip here. I'm so tired. I already miss Victor too.

He rested quietly, keeping hi eyes closed and visualizing his attractive husband, sitting in the spring, near him.

"Victor," he breathed in a whisper.

He could almost feel the silken brushing of his husband's lips and he could imagine their mouths opening, and their hot tongues entwining. Just the thought caused a reaction in his submerged loins, and Yuuri groaned at the thought of how long it would be before he felt Victor's kisses and caresses again. The realization left him hungry for his husband's touch, and he could have cried at the fact that Victor's scent was still in the bed from the last time he'd slept there.

"I want you so much, Victor," he whispered, sliding a hand down to sooth his hungry privates, "I miss you. I need you to kiss me. I need you touch me…Victor!"

It didn't take much of smelling Victor's warm, delicious scent and stimulating himself to bring himself to orgasm, but he felt a guilty twinge at doing something like that alone, while Victor was without him. He imagined Victor practicing on the ice at home and it made him blush and laugh to think of his husband stopping to look down at his neglected nether region as even Yuuri's secret indulgence brought a strong reaction.

"Victor!" he gasped, loosing himself into a small hand towel.

He panted for a few moments, then released a shuddering sigh, turning and hugging the pillows that smelled like Victor. As tired as he was, it was harder to fall asleep, not having his husband's warmth to sooth him.

I'm sure Dad will get better soon. As soon as he is well, I'll be able to go home again. Victor will probably want to do it a lot to make up for the days we missed. He's like that. Victor is always starving for my love.

Victor is insatiable.

I should call him.

He picked up his phone and dialed the number, then waited as the phone rang.

"Yuuri!" Victor's happy voice greeted him.

He could hear Yakov yelling at his husband in the background.

"Sorry to interrupt your training," Yuuri apologized.

"Don't worry about it," Victor laughed, "Yakov's only happy when he's yelling at me. How are you doing? How is Toshiya?"

"He's hanging in there," Yuuri answered, "I think I'll be able to come home in a week."

"A week!" Victor complained, "Why not just shoot me in the heart? That's a long time to be without you. I'm going to run away to Japan. I'll leave tonight."

"Don't you dare," Yuuri said sternly, "You know you need to practice. We've been over all of this. You need to be with your coach. I'll be home soon, I promise."

"Hmm," Victor huffed.

He went quiet for a moment.

"Yuuri, it's late for you. Are you in bed right now?"

"Mmhmm," Yuuri sighed sleepily.

"Ah, I thought I heard it in your voice. You've been masturbating, haven't you?"

"Victor!" Yuuri yelped, "I have not!"

"Are you sleeping in your room or mine?"

"I had to sleep in your room. There have been extra guests, so they needed more storage space, and they were using my room for that."

"So, are you wrapped around my pillows and thinking about me while you touch yourself?" Victor asked playfully.


"Yuuri," Victor said, slipping into a deeper, more seductive tone, "I want you to do something while I'm talking to you."

"Ah…eh…I don't…"

"Put your fingers in your mouth, Yuuri, and I want you to suck on them. And while you are sucking on them, pretend you're looking at me with those eyes you make when we're naked together."

"Um, Victor, are you still at the ice rink?" Yuuri asked anxiously, "Should you really be phone sexing me when you're in public?"

"I went into the bathroom, so we can be alone," Victor purred, "Go on, now. Suck on your fingers, little piggy. They taste good when I do it. Are you sucking them, Yuuri?"

"Uh huh," Yuuri answered, closing his eyes as he obeyed.

"Good. Now, slide them down and be sure to drag them over your nipples as you move them down…and down…over your soft belly…and into your belly button.

"That tickles too much!" Yuuri laughed, "Victor, are you touching yourself too? Thinking about me?"

"Of course," Victor sighed, closing his eyes and reaching into his pants to caress himself, "go down between your thighs now. Tease yourself to get hard, then…"

Victor's voice broke off as a large crash sounded.

"Victor!" Yuuri gasped sitting up in the bed, "Victor are you okay?"

"Stop playing with yourself and phone sexing the pork cutlet bowl!" Yuuri heard Yurio shout, "Yakov says to get the hell out there and practice more."

"Damn it," Victor sighed.

"Sounds like you have to go," Yuuri said, smiling slyly, "I guess you'll just have to think about what I'm doing in your bed, here in Hasetsu while you're busy practicing."

"That's not nice, Yuuri," Victor complained, pouting.

"I love you, Victor."

"I love you to, Yuuri. Be good, now, and come home to me soon."

"I will."