During the previous night, Hanamaru had recently acquired the knowledge of the mysterious, but effective, 'pickup lines'. She had clicked upon the website's link only to read the world's, and quote, 'best pickup lines'. Hanamaru, being Hanamaru, had found the subject fascinating and rushed to learn the ways of the 'pickup lines'.

And now, with a list of these 'pickup lines' in hand, she wondered who exactly she should try them out on. The very helpful website said that she was to use them on her crush? Did she even have one? No, of course not. Wait... what does it mean to have a 'crush'?

Aaaaand now she's wondering what the meaning of love is.

Hanamaru! Focus, zura!

She shook her head to think in a more logical and professional way. It was just a pickup line. Nothing special (apparently the opposite, according to the website). Who would be the most fun to tease?

Her lips took on a sinister smile as she thought of the perfect target. A certain fallen angel.

Hanamaru almost slid to the classroom door, having picked out the most suitable pickup line, she wanted to 'pick up' Yoshiko right away. She could already imagine the surprised, yet embarrassed squeak the girl would give and of course the amounts of red her face would become once she drops this particular 'pick up line' on her.

Upon seeing Yoshiko in her seat, she paced herself, after running to get there, and walked a steady rhythm to the fallen angel's desk. She signalled her appearance with a cough and took a seat in front of the unsuspecting girl. Yoshiko was alert as always and watching her movements, noting how it wasn't Hanamaru's seat and lifting a confused brow.

"Z-Zuramaru. How nice to see-" Before she could even greet her properly, Hanamaru cut her off, too excited to wait on the 'pick up' for another second. Although she was excited, she played it off coolly.

"Hey." Her voice went noticeably deeper, Yoshiko noticed. Maybe she was just tired? Or was she trying out a new thing?

Before she could answer, Hanamaru intervened yet again with, "Did it hurt?"

The question surprised Yoshiko. She had no noticeable injuries she knew of so... what else could Zuramaru be referencing? Nonetheless, she decided to reply much quicker this time, "Did what hurt?"

Hanamaru gave an indescribable grin that sent shivers down Yoshiko's spine as she replied, "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

There! She did it! She had finally managed to test out the 'pickup line'! Basking in her own triumphant victory, she didn't quite notice the way Yoshiko's face softened from her tense look she had since the beginning of their conversation. She failed to notice how Yoshiko's lips began to morph into that of a genuine smile, unlike Hanamaru's at that moment, and, of course, she failed to notice the other girl's eyes sparkling with happiness as she swam in her own victory.

However her victory was cut short after hearing Yoshiko say the next words, "Of course it did. It was a long fall after all, but fear not, little demon because Yohane was able to handle it! Ku ku ku!"

Hanamaru's face fell.

Where was the surprised, yet embarrassed squeak? Where was the reddest blush that anyone had ever blushed? Where was her embarrassed shy look?

It seemed that her plan had backfired on her and Yoshiko took it as an actual question about her alter ego rather than a 'flirtatious line to get in her pants', as the website put it.

Upon listening to more and more of Yoshiko's lesson guiding her on 'falling from heaven', Hanamaru made a mental note to get a hold of more angel/demon pickup lines. Maybe some more... obvious one would be nice. If all else fails, she could always just say, 'Hey, Yoshiko, did you fall from heaven because have sex with me.'

She shook her head of the thought as she tried to keep up with Yoshiko's description about just how painful it was to get her wings torn off and later finding out that they grew back. If she didn't get the hint soon, not that she liked her or anything, then she'll have to go to extreme measures. How dense could this girl be anyway? Challenge accepted.


Hello! This idea randomly popped into my head and i just HAD to write it! I actually have more pickup lines and ideas the only question is... should i write more chaptere? Do you want more chapters?