Ethan had never been so glad to get out of a damn cell in his life. He had also never been so damn glad to see his father in his life. He had thanked the man before taking off down the hall in a full on sprint.

He had only one destination in mind.


And no one was going to get in his way.

He stopped when he got to her room, his eyes scanning the small space slowly. The room was empty. The lights still off and the curtains still drawn close.

He wondered if she was still asleep.

"Rox?" He whispered her name, but he got no response.

He took a few steps into the room, his eyes settling on her still body.

"Rox?" She didn't respond. Instead he noticed the steady rise and fall of her chest.

She was asleep. He was both thankful and regretful. He wanted to hold her. To kiss her and tell her he loved her. But he was glad that she was sleeping through the worst of the storm that was raging outside.

He heard his father's voice booming down the hallway. Ordering the guard away from the door and the nurses to stop being nosy. He turned just in time to see the older man pull the door shut behind him.

He let out a sigh.

Alone with her at last.

He moved himself closer to the bed and reached out for her hand.

"I'm here Rox." He whispered, squeezing her hand softly. "I'm here."

No response. Instead the room remained silent.

He stood there for a few minutes, holding her hand tightly in his, his eyes scanning her features to make sure she was okay.

Then he heard it. A loud clap of thunder followed by another. And she let out a whimper in her sleep that broke his heart in two.

"Roxy, it's okay." He whispered, moving himself directly next to her.

She let out another whimper and he wanted to punch that idiot General in the face for taking him away from her.

Rules and regulations be damned. His girl needed him and he wasn't about to let her suffer anymore.

So he did the only thing he could think of. He toed off his boots and crawled in next to her.

He didn't care who saw them like this. He didn't care if he got written every citation in the damn book.

Rox let out another whimper and he pulled her closer, sliding his left arm under her shoulders gently. He pulled the cover over himself with his free hand, tucking it around their bodies softly. She seemed to relax some then, as his hand moved to her face.

He cupped her cheek gently as he let his thumb rub over her soft skin. He had dreamed of being able to touch her like this for so long. It almost felt like a dream still.

"Ethan." He heard his name leave her lips and he almost lost control of himself. He needed her to wake up and talk to him.

But he realized that she was still asleep and he dropped his head to rest against hers on the pillow, his fingers tangling gently in her hair as he sighed.

"Shhh baby." He tried to soothe her restless soul as best he could. "I'm here."

He felt her body relax under his touch, her head tilting softly toward his in her sleep. She let out another soft whimper when another crash of thunder shook the room, and he just tugged her closer.

"I got you sweetheart." He whispered. He pressed his lips against her ear softly. Leaving a trail of kisses along her hairline. He felt his body finally starting to relax as well and he settled himself into the mattress as he ran his fingers down her neck softly, his eyes closing as he laid his forehead against her temple. "I got you and I'm never letting you go."

*Don't forget to comment guys! I wanna write a sequel but I don't know if anyone is even reading this so I don't know if I should continue! Let me know what you guys think!