Just a random thought.
What if a nation on earth got transported to strangereal?
Now before I start I just want to state that while strangereal world might seem like more advanced then then earth with the railguns, space elevator and shit.
But I just want to point out that in game I found that the missile they use is awfully short in rang when compared to earth counter port.
I just did a simple google search and found that modern earth missile has a range around 50km for "short" range while mid to long range is 100km to 200km!
Those ranges are totally way beyond anything ace combat has.
So I'll assume that earth has better missile and sensors technology.
Now I'm considering which nation to bring to strangereal.
My top picks is naturally the top 3 power house of earth (US, China, Russia). 3 other nations is also did make me consider hard (Australia, UK, Japan) these island nations are more or less the perfect target choice but due to various factors such as low population (Australia only 26M people), weak military (Japan with only a defence force) and political issues (I don't see UK going back to the good old British empire any time soon) these nations are eliminated.
So US, China and Russia.
Now the first out of the 3 to be eliminated is surprisingly the US.
Due to various territories that is not connected to the US mainland (Hawaii and Alaska), various military bases around the world (most of the current US forces are stationed abroad) and being the largest economic entity in the world (imports and exports that is critical to production) .
So this leaves China or Russia.
China with a huge industrial base and the one with the most population.
Russia has plenty of nukes and rich with natural resources. Also the nation with the most land.
After thinking a bit I naturally picked the the one with a huge stock pile of nukes.
So which game should I insert Russia in?
Also there isn't much lore in ace Combat series and it's not really known for its story.
First chapter next time.