8 months ago

"Married?" humphrey asked kate. "Your getting… married?"

"Yes!" she replied. "uh...Isn't it great? No more fighting during hunts, no more... scraps and bones at dinner time... were going to unite the packs!" she said. Before he could reply she was instantly surrounded by girls that he didn't recall ever seeing around her.

He sat there and watched as kate walked away, laughing with her 'friends'. He, humphrey, the man who had taken care of her, saved her, protected her, helped her get home, had been rejected as if he were never a part of her life.. He was quickly covered by his friends as a 'good job bringing her home' dogpile. He sat up and watched as kate walked away.

One of the last things he heard were "you and garth are going to, like, have the cutest puppys, ever!". humphrey 's heart skipped a beat. He found an old den to sit and think for a while that night, while at the same time listen to only himself cry.

The next morning as lily was walking inside, mad about something, humphrey walked up to kate. He gave her a flower for her wedding, and said goodbye. "Goodbye?"

She asked. He explained how he was leaving jasper and the pack, and how it would be a lone wolf… thing. Kate tried to sympathize. Nothing worked. Humphrey walked off, and then started running. Kate was having a quick thought to herself, and realized how much humphrey was to her then garth was (blah blah blah, i know. Im just copying that scene, and now alternating it. Heads up guys, but not a fan of writing super mushy love scenes in fictions and stories. So dont ask please.). Kate shook her head, looked up, and realized he was already nearing (sorry again, but no way in hell am i putting stinky, runt, claudette, and their friends in this.) the open shaft between the valley's canyon into the forest that led to sawtooth. She charged ahead. She stopped herself in front of him. "You can't leave here!"

"Why? What's stopping me?" he grunted quietly. He walked passed kate. She turned to look as he entered the forest. He turned around once more, and let tears stroll down his face. "If you loved me, you would have stopped me." he cried. Before kate could react, he bolted into the forest. Kate sat down, and started to cry.

It was even harder for kate about two months later when she was with her dad in a meeting. Apparently a couple of winston's wolf's were walking by a ravine, when they saw what appeared to be a dead omega that almost looked like humphrey, but they couldn't tell because the wolf was on its side, its back facing them, and it was sticking out of a bush. A week later there was a grave planted for humphrey, with a cross made of branches for respect. Kate never accepted the wedding, leaving garth to marry lily, and kate with no one. Little did she know though that the one she cared about was alive, and healthy. Kate never went with another mate, instead insisted on finding humphrey when ever she had the chance, with every hope in her body that he was alive.


Humphreys POV

8 months later...

Humphrey woke up to the sounds of something running outside. He got up grumbling. It had been eight whole months since he left the pack. He looked around his den for any possible intruders, sat up, and walked outside. He panicked for a quick moment when he saw two wolves scanning the area. He ducked down. For a quick second he remembered the time kate pulled him down when they were watching marcel and paddy. No, that's old news. He thought. He was about to walk back inside, when he saw a young pup, cowering from behind a bush. He waited until the wolves were gone to go talk to the pup. "Hello!" he bellowed. He was trying to sound like some sort of alpha, just incase the pup would try anything funny. The pup jumped. "Im sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to come here! I just need to hide!" the pup finished as he turned around to peak through the bushes. "Hide from what?" humphrey asked. The pup winced.

"Are you okay there, kid?" he chuckled. It felt good to call someone else a kid for once. "To avoid problems, i'm hiding from my parents." he remarked.

I looked up over the bushes to see the wolves were looking around for the pup. Humphrey recognized the two, but very faintly. "Well," humphrey shrugged.

"You can come with me for now, but just for awhile, ok?" the pup nodded "thank you! Thank you!" on the way to humphreys den humphrey started to worry about the pup. He noticed he had claw marks at the side of his back left leg and on the right of his stomach. He also looked dirty. but that can happen to anyone. Humphrey thought.

They entered the den. "What's that?" the pup asked. He was pointing at the caribou skin on the ground. "Oh, well, i killed a caribou about a month ago when it was winter and the ground was freezing, also hard, so i killed a caribou and decided to use its skin as a type of mat." i finished, taking a breath. The pup walked over to the skin, and laid down on top of it. Before the pup could drift off i wanted to ask him for his name.

"What's your name there, bud?" humphrey asked. "fitz ." he replied. "And my name is abused, just to let you know." he sniffed. "Why?" humphrey asked again. "Your an alpha, are you not?"

Fitz giggled. "No, i'm an omega. Just my parents think fitz is a name for an alpha, and they believe us omegas are worthless." he sighed. "I'm an omega too!" humphrey exclaimed. Fitz smiled weakly. "That's why i wanted to hide. All they do is harass me about alphas being the best and how im weak by abusing me." he started to cry.

Humphrey growled quietly. He hated the kind of wolfs that would look down on omegas like some crappy rotten rabbit. He walked over to fitz, and looked up as the sun started to set. He laid down next to fitz. "What's your name?" fitz asked looking up, his eyes watery still. He remembered when kate looked at him like that before he ran away. Humphrey looked at fitz, he almost wanted to cry. A month after he had left all he could think of was going back, and of kate. "Humphrey." he replied.

"But if we ever come across other wolfs, my name is jason. Understood?"

Fitz nodded, but then asked why. Humphrey winced. He wasn't sure if he wanted to tell him or not. But then he remembered that this pup was running away too, so he had no business with other wolfs. "You see fitz, i was from the western pack. An-" before he could finish, fitz's ears perked up. "Western pack? Omega?! HUMPHREY?!" fitz shrieked. Humphrey jumped. "You're the old omega leader!" fitz squealed. He jumped around in circles, then immediately flopped down on the ground. "Tell me one of your stories!" he looked at humphrey. "What do you mean, omega leader?" he asked. Fitz's mouth dropped. "Was winston lying then?" he asked.

"Wait, your from the western pack too?" humphrey gasped.

"Yeah, and our leader winston tells us every now and then about you! But, only when…"

"When what?" humphrey raised an eyebrow. "... only when kate told him to." fitz looked down. Humphrey jumped randomly when fitz mention kate's name. He fell over on his back and quickly pressed himself against the wall. "That name! Never say it again!" humphrey yelped. Fitz was horrified. "Are you saying that your scared of kate?!" fitz gasped. "No!" humphrey pouted. "What i am is sick of hearing it." he pouted again, but then sobbed. "Why? Aren't you the only wolf here?"

"Yes which means that i probably am going to talk to myself a lot!" humphrey barked. Fitz wasn't scared. He sat there and rolled his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" humphrey asked.

"That your a wimp." fitz chuckled.

Humphrey glared at him. "I am not!" he said.

"Well, you are too if you left kate for no reason!"

Fitz shot back. "I left for reason!" humphrey shouted. "I left cause she broke my heart!"

Humphrey quickley lost his anger. We walked over to the corner of the den and laid down. "She broke my heart." he sniffed. Filzfelt bad. He didn't know what humphrey had been through. "How?" fitz asked quietly.

Humphrey looked up. "Idaho." humphrey sighed.

He told fitz how they were relocated to idaho, and how they took a truck together, swang over a ravine together, played together, survived together, rode a train together, and howled together. "And now," humphrey sighed, he let a small tear run down his eye.

"She's married to garth, and the packs are happy, so i guess she's happy." he sobbed.

"What are you talking about?" fitz asked confused. "Kate and garth? Married?!" he giggled. "What?" humphrey asked. His eyes filled with tears.

"You spelt lily wrong." fitz chuckled. Humphrey sat up.

"Spit it out, fitz." he ordered. He was confused. He was blinded by his tears and his anger. He couldn't see what was happening.

"Kate and garth?" fitz laughed.

"More like lily and garth." humphrey just sat there and stared at fitz.

Fitz smacked his paw against his face.

"Your pretty dumb for an omega leader." he chuckled.

"What i'm saying is the wedding never happened, humphrey. Leader's winston and eve let lily and garth be together. And by the way, kate is one stubborn wolf to ask out if you get my drift."

It was that moment that about a half quarter of the population in the area ran out of the woods after hearing humphrey yell.

"ALL THIS TIME AND SHE NEVER MARRIED FROM BARF?!" humphrey yelled running around the cave. Fitz sat there waiting for the shocked omegas routine to end.

"Barf?" fitz asked. "Nickname for garth. Plus, it works better." humphrey chuckled.

"Do you have any other family members?" humphrey asked curiously.

"Are you just finding an excuse to get back to kate?" fitz asked slyly.

"No," humphrey replied. "So i can bring you back to a proper family."

"Oh." fitz asked. His snout drooped. Fitz's eyes bulged. "Wait a minute." he panicked.

"My parents weren't just here for me and the hunt, they were also here to scan the area!" he looked up at humphrey. His face was in full panic mode.

"Scan the area? Why?" humphrey asked.

"The pack." fitz groaned. "Their moving here."

wow. good thing Humphrey found a pup and not another girl... don't you guys just hate when he almost goes with someone else instead of Kate? man, i hate it. anyways, more bonding between fitz and Humphrey will happen, just you wait. see you all in the next chapter!