Overwatch: You are a Hero
The memories are very common for people as they help you remember wonderful and important moments for each person ... clear if you are a boy who goes with his younger brother to a museum of an elite organization and then one of his former agents goes there to stop two mercenaries from a terrorist organization in search of a dangerous and destructive weapon for their leader this would be a reminder that this young man would never forget.
Four months have passed since the events in the Overwatch Museum, the police had arrived at what had happened and had asked the remaining people about what had happened, some saw that something had fallen in the museum but they could not identify what it was while the Majorities of people did not see exactly what happened, so they went to see the security cameras.
The remaining policemen had talked with the last people: a young man who, at his height, must have been around 15 years old and his brother who, due to his enthusiasm, must have been 6 or 8 years old and they asked him what happened. Before answering the younger brother, the police who came to see the recordings told him that these children were in the attack between the former agents of Overwatch against the terrorist agents Talon.
What was more surprised is that the older boy grabbed the Gauntlet of the mercenary Doomfist and punched the blue-skinned assassin who tried to take him with her and also saw the older boy give the Gauntlet to the British Overwatch and then with a few blinks left the place leaving the 2 children alone, now these events for the older boy had stayed in the museum and assumed that events like that would not have them... or would it?
Brian was in town waiting for his transport from a temporary job hired by a well-known company that had consulted him at his school.
?: "Well boy I told you this temporary work could help you and your family, just stay in the right place and ready" - He said inside his cell.
At that time, he had ended his call with Brian leaving him in the wait that, for the young man was very stressful since he was standing there for an hour and a half.
Brian: "Well, I'm here" - he said sarcastically - "I hope you do not take too long the guy" - said a little annoyed.
In his school, the company had gone there because he was looking for a young man for one of his jobs because with that he rejuvenated the company as well and would earn a good amount of money to help the school and also give a tip for the chosen worker. Brian was chosen for being "Trained", the news was announced by his parents and surprisingly accepted as long as he took care of himself and did not approach any gang member, they had to wait for vacations, the wait had arrived and Brian along with a green backpack waited your DESTINY.
A light blue car with some black parts was right where Brian was, he thought it was the person they asked for.
?: Go up ... - the voice was robotic and a bit creepy that made Brian tremble a bit.
When he climbed into the car he noticed that the driver's part was covered as if he were in a limousine and the bottom part was a kind of loudspeaker stuck there, suddenly strange noises were beginning to sound but that was what his boss was communicating their job.
?: "Hi boy, I'm sorry for not being there but I'm in the country where your work started and it's in ... MEXICO - that last one had shouted it with enthusiasm and was screaming like a mariachi - so relax, sleep if It is necessary since I need workers with a lot of energy. Bye! - He said.
Brian was not sure that because they chose him, of course he was not the most popular or important boy in the school but according to what he had heard some teachers and students chose him for a reason: THE MUSEUM. It must have been because of that, because of the "Heroic" thing he did there but during his memories there was a phrase that was spreading in his head ...
"The world could always use more heroes."
"Hero" that word had stuck in his head since the incident in the museum, could he be a hero? A hero did not depend on the musculature or age, but with an adrenaline heart and courage in the struggle of evil, he thought about that idea, could be it or continue being a common adolescent.
Brian: Only time will tell - he said as he looked through the window at the landscape for the last time ... for a while.
The characters belong to Blizzard Entertainment.
This is an English version of my Fanfic in Spanish.
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