Children of War

By Lord Capricorn Black

A/N: This is really a story I want to write based what if's in my own head and getting inspiration from other Fan Fictions. I understand that some of the story will not make sense at first, but everything will hopefully be explained in time.

Disclaimer: Anything resembles Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling

Chapter One: A Black History

London 1973

The Borough of Islington was to some a depressing place; it always seemed to have a constant gloom. Sirius Black rode his bike through the streets hating every second being in here, his family had disowned for many reasons and had not talked to him in a year. Which lead to him being surprised to get a letter from his father asking him to come back to discuss being welcomed back in the family. Sirius had no desire to rejoin the family but curiosity and the possibility of a good laugh brought him here. To the place he hated. Walking up to the door with swagger, Sirius tapped the door handle with an unceremonious THWACK of his wand. The door creaked open eerily and Sirius swaggered through the door, sure this final time stepping into Grimmauld Place No. 12.

As he walked through the hallway Kreacher appeared before him "Nasty traitor Sirius is the join Master and Mistress in the study with the other traitor, oh my poor mistress." Sirius sneered at the creature but walked toward the study wondering about this other traitor; the only person who came to mind was his favorite cousin Andy who he had helped run away with Ted Tonks adding to the growing list of things that lead to him being cast out of the family. Concerns flooded his mind and as he walked into the study then his heart dropped. There sitting on chairs like thrones sat Orion and Walburga Black, glowering like imperialists. Across from them were Druella and Cygnus Black, and right next to them a very frightened and very pregnant Andromeda.

Sirius noted there was only one chair empty, assuming it to be his, Sirius took his seat. Orion was the first to speak "Sirius thank you for joining us finally, it's not polite to be half an hour late." Sirius smiled "What can I say I got lost on the way Father." His father did not respond instead Walburga spook "That's why you should not use filthy muggle ways and travel like a true wizard…" Cutting off his wife Orion said, "The reason for this meeting is about family honor." Sirius was actually caught off guard but closed his mouth when Cygnus spook. "Sirius I will speak to the point my daughter has foolishly gotten herself pregnant by a dead muggle-born. So I can only think of two options the second my wife supports the first I support. Either you marry Andromeda and say the child is yours and be the next Lord Black, or you can refuse and be shunned from the family forever and I will have no choice but to kill her and the baby. The choice is your Sirius." Completely shocked Sirius look at his cousin and saw fear and hope in those blue eyes. Turing to his parents he asked "Are you two onboard with this?" not sure if he was hoping for a yes or no Orion said, "On the condition that you never see James Potter and that silly little order ever again." Sirius thought for a moment deciding his hatred for his parents and his love for his cousin. Deciding he could not condemn Andy and her baby to death for his own selfish reasons Sirius said: "I accept."

The Daily Prophet the next month announced the marriage of Sirius and Andromeda Black some consider this to be a crime but then again what could one expect from the Noble and Most ancient House Black. A few years later the parents of both died off some way or another allowing Sirius the to be Lord Black using the money he sold Grimond Place and bought a Manor on the outskirts of Bristol having to keep up the appearance of a noble pre the marriage contract and life binding spell on Andy. Sirius tried his best to keep Andy and little Dora happy. Supporting Dora in whatever he could, he celebrated when she got her Hogwarts letter and shared the news when she was sorted into Hufflepuff. He helped Andy reconnect with Narcissa who he hated but knew his wife missed dearly. Now almost a decade later the act had become normal, the couple visited Narcissa when Draco was born and even saw Bellatrix child Hermione when she came into the world.

November 2, 1981, Wiltshire, England

A figure clothed in black robes holding a small bundle in her arms turned right. Into a wide driveway that led off the lane. The high hedge curved with them, running off into the distance beyond the pair of impressive wrought-iron gates barring her way. The handsome manor house lights were glinting in the diamond-paned downstairs windows, as Bellatrix Black did not break her stride as she walks right through the gates. Barging in without knocking, Bellatrix heads straight to the manor's library to see Narcissa Malfoy sitting in a very comfortable chair reading the latest Med-Witch issue.

Hearing the clack of the high heeled boots marching towards her, Narcissa looked up to see Bellatrix headed towards her with a wild look on her face. "Trixie what a pleasant surprise." Narcissa said trying to gauge what would bring her sister here with her child no less, "There's no time Cissy the Dark Lord should have been back from the Longbottoms by now. I'm taking the Lestrange brothers and Crouch Jr with me." Bellatrix said in a very rushed way. "I would be happy to watch Hermione for days," Narcissa said as calmly as possible as Bellatrix pushed her child into her sister's arms than left without saying another word. Still a little off guard Narcissa looked down at the child in her arms and smiled sweetly "Let's get you to bed little one your Mommy will bring your Daddy home."

Unfortunately, Bellatrix did not come back to pick her daughter, in fact, it wouldn't be until a week later when the four Death Eaters arrest was announced in The Daily Prophet. Narcissa walks ever quiet to check on Hermione as she picked through the crack she saw Hermione playing with a toy snake and making hissing noises at it, Narcissa smiled sadly thinking Bella is going to miss watching her daughter grow up. Holding back tears Narcissa walk back to her potions lab determined to keep her mind off the loss of her sister "Maybe I should ask Andromeda if her and Sirius would like to come over for dinner little Nymphadora as makes me smile." Smiling at that Narcissa fixed a sleeping potion for her and told Dobby to wake her only if the children are in danger.

August 25, 1991

Diagon Alley was unusually quiet for it was in between the hustle of summer break and the start of term rush. This was exactly what the group walking down the street was hoping for, two adults and two children walked confidently like they owed the street. The man a tall and imposing figure, dressed all in black, walking with a cane that had a silver snake head the man would be considered good looking face with piercing blue eyes and white blond hair. The woman next to him wore a deep green expensive gown. The darkness of the attire highlighted the bright golden hair and sparkling blue eyes. The boy was the spitting image of his parents his hair was combed back in the same manner as his father's but lacking the length only coming down his neck instead of shoulders like his father. The girl, however, had curly black hair and violet eyes dressed in a silver embroidered black robe, giving her a dark look but a smile betrayed that motion.

Hermione Black was ecstatic this was going to be the best day! She was with her aunt and uncle and her favorite cousin on her way to get her first wand, walking down Diagon Alley Narcissa said "Draco, Hermione do you get your wands or pet first?" almost as one, they both said "Wands!" with the eagerness spread across their faces. Both adults smiled softy, they usually would punish the children for acting improper in public but decided today was alright. "Well then let's get moving shall we? Hate to run into any undesirables." Lucias said as he confidently struts towards Ollivander's wand shop with the others following in tow.

Walking into the shop a bell chimed noting the group's arrival, walking with a briskest that denounced his age Ollivander "Good morning Mister and Madame Malfoy how may I be of service today?" Narcissa nudges Hermione and Draco forward "We have come to buy my son and nieces first wand." Beaming down as she said it. "Now young Master Malfoy step up to the desk." Ollivander said grabbing a box off a shelf "Hmm let's try this one." Handing Draco a wand, As soon as it was in his hand a soft golden light circle Draco had never felt as right as he did now. "Very good! Very good!" said the wand maker "Now young Lady please step forward." Hermione did as instructed, "I admit to being unaware the Andromeda and Sirius had another child." Ollivander mentioned as he searches through the endless boxes of wands. Slightly smirking Lucias replied, "She didn't this is Bellatrix daughter Hermione Black." Now that surprised the old wizard but only for a second, Lucias felt a glare from his wife as the old wand maker was grabbing a box he brought over and said: "Try this holly wand." Hermione grabbed the wand but nothing happened. Visibly sighing the wand maker spoke "Apparently not, no matter, now let's see ah! Try this one for size 12-inch Walnut." Hermione gripped the wand and gave it a flick, the wand instantly cracked down its side. Dropping the wand Hermione look at the wandmaker accusingly making her eyes turned red, "Nope, nope defiantly not." Ollivander said looking again for a different. As he was doing that Hermione heard a whisper coming from a wand box, transfixed Hermione walk over and opened the lid reviling an Ebony wand with an Ivory handle. The moment the wand was in her hand Hermione felt the power surge through her. Narcissa had been watching with curiosity Hermione wand selection noticing after the walnut wand the girl walked towards a wand box. As Hermione picked up the wand Narcissa and Lucias saw a shadow grow around her feet with what seemed to be snakes coming out of it. But no sooner it had started it had ended "I take this one!" Hermione said with a girlish giggle, walking out of the shop Narcissa spoke: "We need to head to Gringotts before we pick up the rest of the school supplies."

Draco and Hermione were still riding the high of getting their wands that they were already at the bank before long. They had reached a snowy white building that towered over the other little shops. Draco's father had never taken to Gringotts but had told him that it is the place where British witches and wizards store their money and other valuables, in heavily-guarded vaults miles below ground.

As the group walked up white stairs leading up to a set of burnished bronze doors. Noting the doors a flanked by a pair of goblins in uniformed scarlet and gold as they walk to the entrance the group moved towards the high desk in the center of the hall. Lucias told Narcissa that he and Draco will wait out here, Leaving Narcissa and Hermione to walk up to the goblin sitting at the desk. "Miss Hermione Black would like to make a withdraw." Narcissa said in a dismissive tone causing the goblin's lip to curl slightly before saying "And does Miss Black have her key?" Not even answering the goblin Narcissa held up the key. "Griphook will take you to your vault, thank you for your business, Miss Black."Said the goblin in a tone that indicated the conversation was over. Unfazed or not noticing the goblins tone Narcissa lead Hermione the cart was Griphook was waiting for them.

Climbing into the seat the two ladies braced themselves as Griphook put the cart in motion; Hermione thought to see was going to be sick with all the different twist and turn. Glancing over to her aunt Hermione saw the woman was almost about to be sick but tracing her wand over her stomach a little green symbol showed for a second then Narcissa was fine. Finally, the cart stopped after what seemed hours but was really 20 minutes, stopping for second to steady themselves they trio walked to the Black Vault. After grabbing a bank bag full of gold the trio left the vault. Meeting Draco and Lucias the group bought the rest of the supplies without any trouble "Tonight we are dining with Lord and Lady Black at their manor, we must look our best, and come Hermione let us get ready."

After 4 hours and double the dresses, Hermione finally looks acceptable to Narcissa, Looking at herself in the five-panel mirror Hermione couldn't help but admire herself her usually bushy black hair was pulled up into a bun with a few hairs left the frame her face. Looking down at her dress the black silk dress ran all the way to her feet trimmed in green and silver. "Enough you will wear out the mirror darling." Following her aunt, Hermione meet up with the others looking nothing less than royalty they each stepped into the fireplace and said "Black Manor!"