Yay! New chapter for the new arc! It's not super action packed I feel that everyone will enjoy it.

Anywa,y I don't want to talk too much so lets get onto the story!

*I do not own Boku no Hero Academia or any of its Characters*

Festival Arc #1


In the middle of an inconspicuous bar, completely devoid of any customers, a pair of black portals opened up to release their cargo. A man with blue hair and a man that was seemingly made of mist were pushed out, both sporting their own share of injuries.

"Ouch." The blue haired one muttered. "I was burned on my arms and legs, and my body feels like it was on fire. We lost completely. All the underlings were defeated easily and even Nomu was taken out."

While Shigaraki spoke, his partner in crime was using the mist of his body to bend his metal body back into place. The pain was excruciating, but it had to be done or he would be useless, and useless was not something Kurogiri strove to be.

He would need to be properly fixed up later on.

"And All Might. The Symbol of Peace was healthy." Shigaraki looked up at a TV screen on the counter with confusion and betrayal. "You were wrong Master!"

"No I wasn't" The screen, which displayed 'ONLY SOUND', spoke back in a deep voice. "We were just not prepared enough."

"Yes, we underestimated them." Another voice called out from the screen. "It's a good thing we did it under that cheap "League of Villians" name. By the way, what about Master and my joint creation, Nomu?"

"Was he not recovered?" The deeper voice asked, who was apparently the 'Master'.

The mist man, now wearing a dress shirt and vest to cover his damaged body, looked to the screen. "He was blown away."


"More precisely,without co-ordinance to his precise location, I could not find him, even with my warp." He walked towards the screen, makeshift hands balling in anger. "I did not have time for that."

"You couldn't try harder?! After all, we did make him as powerful as All Might!" The voice spat out.

"Well, I suppose it cannot be helped." The apparent Master cut in. "That's unfortunate."

"Power." Shigaraki said from the floor. "That's right, there was a kid who moved like All Might." Shigaraki looked at his bruised wrists, courtesy of the curly haired little brat. He only wished he could feel the boy decay under his fingers for what he did.

"Oh?" The Master asked in wonder.

"And another who could control fire with amazing power. They looked the same. I think they're brothers." Shigaraki thought back to the straight haired boy's declaration as he rode on a dragon of fire.

"Those damned brats... if they hadn't gotten in the way, I would have been able to kill All Might. That one with the flames, he almost killed Nomu." Shigaraki continued to yelled into the ground in frustration about the unfairness of it all.

Meanwhile, the 'Master' was listening in, thinking about both boys mentioned and the skills they possessed. One who possibly had One for All and another who had the firepower to nearly defeat one of his better creations.

He would need to look into this later, but not now...

"I know you're upset, but this exercise was not futile... Gather the Elite. Take all the time you need. We cannot move freely, which is why we need as symbol like you." The blue haired man child looked up at the screen, his eyes red from irritation.

"Shigaraki Tomura."



The students of UA, minus a few who were being treated, made it back to the classrooms and waited for a teacher to tell them what will happen next.

After all, it wasn't everyday that they had to fight villians who were threatening to kill their teachers. Some of them were still freaking out about the whole thing, not that anyone could blame them. Three heroes nearly died.

Izuku however, decided to go somewhere else. Walking to the nurse's office, with permission of course, he wanted to make sure his brother was okay.

To be honest, he'd never seen something like that from his brother.

"Eat this! Phoenix Flame!"

He could still feel the heat emanating off of the attack and how it cut through something that was meant to kill a pro hero.

Izuku tightened his hands. His brother was strong with his quirk. Much stronger than himself. He's had it for ten years more than Izuku ever did.

Which only meant one thing. He was going to be playing catch up for a while.

Then again, it wasn't something the younger Midoriya was ashamed of. Actually, it made him more driven to be the best he can be. 'For Itsuchan and Toshinori-san'. He thought to himself as he pushed open the nurse's office door.

"kisssssss." Izuku would never get used to seeing Recovery Girl's lips extend like that. "There, your hands are all fixed, along with your burns. Though I hope you will be more careful in the future." Itsuki nodded and gave a tired smile to the Recovery Hero.

"Thank you." She smiled and pulled out a lollipop, which he took gratefully. Izuku smiled at his brother.

"How are you Itsuchan?" The brother n question looked up in surprise at the person in the door.

"Izuchan! What are you doing here, shouldn't you be in class?" Izuku walked into the room.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." Itsuki smiled.

"Aww, I didn't know you cared so much." Izuku watched as Itsuki brought his hands up to rub the back of his head, only to reach out and grab them before his brother could pull them away.

"Your hands..." Izuku said in concern. Itsuki looked at his hands and a bitter smile formed on his lips.



Running along parts of his hands was darkened skin that showed where the point of impact came from in his attack. It made a strangely cool looking flame like spiral in his right hand and a series of burnt in brushstrokes in his other. All in all it didn't look terrible, but then again, it didn't mean either brother liked it.

"Apparently she could heal most of my burns." Itsuki started. "But the ones on my palms were so intense that they would be scarred." Itsuki gave his brother a smile.

"But it was worth it. I'm happy."

"How can you be happy about that?" Itsuki pulled his brother onto his bed and hugged him.

"Because I got to protect one of the most important people in my life. No matter what I look like, I'm happy that my sacrifice saved someone else, especially someone like my little brother." Izuku felt himself tear up and he hugged his brother back.

"You big idiot. You're going to be the death of me one day." Itsuki chuckled.

"Hey, whose's the one in the nurse's office here?" Recovery Girl watched the two boys laugh and a smile lifted onto her wrinkled face.

These two were strong, and together were even greater.

'All Might, you really did pick a good bunch of kids this year.'



It wasn't long after that they were given the okay to head back to their classroom. Luckily Itsuki still had his school uniform, otherwise he would be forced to wear a set of scrubs to class.

Opening the door to their classroom, they found themselves staring down the eyes of the other eighteen students.

Not two seconds passed before everyone swamped them for questions.

"Izuku, did you really knock that villain to the ground?"

"Midoriya, what was that attack you used on the monster?"

"How were you able to make your flame so powerful?"

"Did you really knock the mist guy out with you kick?"

Itsuki and Izuku shook their hands in front of themselves, trying to stop the questions from their curious classmates.

During this time, two students didn't move from their chairs. They only watched the two Midoriyas from a distance, each trying to figure out something.

'Who are you, Itsuki and Izuku Midoriya?'

'How did you get like this you shitheads?'



After that day, the school was closed down temporarily. Everyone was sent home while the teachers conversed with one another on the situation at USJ.

Walking back to their house, Izuku and Itsuki were stopped by a certain blond.

"Oi shitheads!" Itsuki and Izuku turned around to see Bakugou standing their, looking at them with fire in his eyes.

"You go ahead Izuku, I'll catch up." Izuku was reluctant, but knew better than to deal with Katsuki when he was angry.

Then again, he was always angry. If Bakugou was like that comic book character named 'Hulk' that Itsuki read about, he would be green 24/7.

Izuku nodded and walked away, though he had some questions when his brother got home.

Itsuki and Bakugou stared at each other, neither backing down. Itsuki eventually relented and sighed. "So, is there something you wanted to say to me." He smirked. "I'm waiting..." Bakugou grit his teeth and glared daggers at the straight haired Midoriya.

"Like I would ever admit to needing anyone's help, let alone yours!" Bakugou walked up to Itsuki, now face to face. "I came to tell you that just because you have a headstart doesn't mean you're going to win. I'll prove that I'm number one and I'll beat you and your shitty brother. You hear me!?" Itsuki looked right into his rival's eyes and pulled out a card from his pocket.

"This is for you." Bakugou looked at the offending paper before snatching it from the Midoriya's hand.

"What the hell is this?" He looked at the paper, which stated an address and a number.

"At this address you'll find someone who can help you with your quirk. My sensei went to school with this man and told me about his rather explosive attitude." He smirked at the blond before turning around. "I thought you two would get along swimmingly."

Katsuki growled at the Midoriya, who walked away peacefully. He looked at the paper once more before walking away, wondering why he even talked to the piece of shit Midoriya.

Itsuki on the other hand thought about Bakugou's words.

"Like I would ever admit to needing anyone's help, let alone yours!"

Itsuki sighed. It wasn't much, but that was probably the closest thing to a confession he was ever going to get out of the bomb user.

But he was kind of happy. At least Bakugou actually cared enough to listen to his words, let alone come back to talk to him.

He even kept the paper instead of blowing it up. It felt nice knowing that Bakugou cared about his words.

'Why do I even care though? I mean, I antagonized him all of last year about his terrible behavior. What's going on?' Itsuki shook his head. Why he was doing these things, he didn't know.

But one thing was certain, if he went to the location on the paper, Bakugou was going to meet someone more infuriating than himself.



Itsuki walked into his home to find his brother sitting on the couch with their mother. She looked worried and nervous, but still had a small smile on her face.

"Itsuki-kun, please sit down." The boy nodded and sat down next to his brother.

The Midoriya matriarch looked at her two boys and smiled. Despite everything they've gone through, they're still the same boys who stand by one another.

"I just wanted to talk to both of you about what happened today. I saw on the news what happened, and." She looked at them both with glassy eyes. "I also got a call about your involvement." She looked at her older son's hands. "As well as your injuries."

"Kaa-san." Itsuki started. "I did it to protect Izuchan. I couldn't let him get hurt in their. You have to understand-"

"I understand completely." She said with a smile, closing her eyes. "I've known that this kind of thing was going to be a common occurrence the day I signed you both up for martial arts. You're both going to become heroes... and I know you're going to be in plenty of dire or awful situations. That's not something I can or will stop." She opened her eyes back up, tears leaking down her plump cheeks.

"But that doesn't stop me from worrying about you. That won't make me unconcerned about whether you're eating enough or if you're hurt. No matter how strong or powerful you two become, you can always come to me if you need it. I'm right here for you." Itsuki and Izuku smiled. Their mother's slove was one of the strongest forms for support they had. Even if Hisashi was a piece of crap, she made up for it times ten.

The two went to their mother and enveloped her in a twin hug. She welcomed it and held them close, not wanting to let go for the time being.

"Don't worry about it Kaa-san." Izuku put in. "We'll never forget about how much you love us-."

"Because we feel the same way about you." Itsuki finished. Inko chuckled.

"You two still do that twin talking sometimes, huh?" The two nodded.

"Hai." The hug was released and the three of them sat down on the couches once more.

"Now." Inko began. " I didn't get the full story about what happened, so you're going to have to give your Kaa-san a full retelling of the story. And don't leave anything dangerous out." She pointed with a mock glare. The two chuckled and looked at one another.

"Well..." Izuku started. "It started with a friend of ours trying to direct everyone onto the bus in a organized fashion..."



After Dinner and The Talk

Itsuki sighed as he relaxed on his bed. Pulling out the new (not really) addition of the 'The Fantastic Four: The Human Torch', he began to read it with focus, looking at the attacks the flame user was doing and how he could incorporate them into his own fighting style.

'I wonder if I could light myself on fire?... Kaa-san would kill me if I did. How about flying? That's takes a ton of flames and is really strenuous. I'll just stick with my board or fireball travel.' Itsuki continued to bounce around thought in his head until his brother walked into the room.

"What's going on with you and Bakugou?" Itsuki looked up from his comic with owl eyes at his twin. While he would admit it was kind of an unexpected question, he knew it was bound to come.

Itsuki slid the comic away and sat up on the bed. There was no avoiding it. If he bluffed and told his brother a weird lie that he was tricking the blond, his brother would get mad at the deceit and at the untruthfulness.

"To be honest, I don't know myself." Itsuki started unknowingly. "I hate him for what he did, but I can't help but see him in a different light with all that's happened."

"You mean with the team fights?" Izuku asked. Itsuki had explained to the younger why he talk to Bakugou in the first place, and why he was giving his support to the bomb user.

Itsuki nodded. For some reason, seeing Katsuki so defeated made something in him stir. He loved taunting him and putting the 'mightier than thou' egomaniac in his place, but at the same time didn't enjoy the look of pure loss Bakugou had after the fight.

Frankly, he thought he should enjoy the memory of the blond's loss to his brother, and while he was happy with his brother's accomplishment, he was forced to gravitate his attention to the loser. "I want to hate him more, but at the same time I don't like that look he had in his eyes when he lost to you. I know it was good to beat him and all, but for some reason, I found myself reaching out to him because of it."

Itsuki sighed in frustration. "It sounds way more complicated than I meant it to be... Just, forget it's nothing." And with that, he dove back into his comic, trying to ignore the look he got from his sibling and the thoughts pilfering his mind.

Izuku just sat there, taking in the little debacle his brother explained and trying to put the pieces together. All in all, it didn't look good.

'Itsuchan is confused about his feeling for my childhood bully... While I should be more angry at Katsuki, I kind of feel disinterested in him. It's like he's not my concern anymore, with all this UA stuff, All Might, and villains taking up more attention lately. He's still a bully, but I don't really care to bother with him anymore. He's a classmate with an overgrown ego, that's it.'

'But it's different for Itsuchan. He hates Katsuki out of protection, not really anything directly targeted at him personally. Since I don't care to hate Katsuki, it seems Itsuchan is having trouble deciding if he should too.' Izuku mentally sighed. He couldn't really put himself in his brother's shoes, but it sounded like his flame brain of a brother had some internally battles to figure out.

Izuku walked out of the room to prep for his nightly run. Maybe a few miles would do him some good, and it would give his brother time to figure his thoughts out.

'Than again, with the way Itsuchan thinks, it might take him some time to figure it out, even if it's about himself.' And with that, Izuku ran off to continue his training. for the day.



Everyone sat down in their assigned seats, talking about the news and how the USJ incident was all over it. Some even mentioning the fight between All Might and the creature while some were muttering about Itsuki's attack.

While it was nice to be talked about, he didn't want that kind of stuff to be spread around. His attack not only failed, but also damaged him more than the monster in the process.

The talking continued merrily, as if they weren't attacked by terrorists a few days ago.

That was, until Iida came in for his daily dose of Class Rep "Everyone, Morning Homeroom is about to start. Stop talking and take your seats." He waved his hands in front of everyone at the front desk, everyone going quiet by his overzealous commitment to his job.

"Everyone's already in their seats." Kaminari put in.

"You're the only one not in your seat, Iida." Sero put in.

Iida sat in his seat with irritation, his hands shaking. "Shoot."

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Ochako said from behind him, trying to stop him from blowing a blood vessel.

Everyone wondered who the teacher was going to be. Aizawa was recovering and their other teachers had classes to teach at the moment.

The door opened up to reveal a man who looked more like a mummy than his usual caterpillar self. "Good Morning"

"Aizawa-sensei! You're back too soon!" Everyone shouted.

"You're too much of a pro!" Kaminari said in shock. (pun intended)

"Are you all right Aizawa-sensei?" iida asked loudly, his hand raised in the air proudly. "Can you call that 'alright?'" Ochako muttered

"My wellbeing doesn't matter." The homeroom teacher muttered out loud as he made it to the front of the class. "More importantly, the fight is not yet over." He said as he overlooked the classroom. Well, his eyes were partially covered but the feeling was the same.

Everyone leaned forward, wondering if there was another fight with villains or a new test.

"The UA sport festival is drawing near." He stated dully.

"That's a totally normal school event!" They shouted in happiness.



"Itsuchan, are you excited about the sport festival?" Itsuki gave his brother a confident smile. Walking down the hallways of UA, the Midoriya brothers along with Iida, Ochako, and Yaoyoruzu.

"Definitely. I can't wait to knock some socks off at the stadium. If I show what I'm made of then I can get a good sponsor that will definitely help me further my skills." Ochako pumped her hand into the air.

"Yeah, once everyone sees how you are able to make flames, they'll definitely want to sponsor you." Yaoyoruzu nodded to Ochako's statement.

"I agree." She began. "While I wasn't there to see the true extent of your attack, I could easily feel it's heat and see the light emanating from the point of impact." Iida pushed his glasses up. He wondered how powerful this attack was, as it seems to have as much gossip about it as the fight between All Might and the monster.

"I must ask. Several people have been talking about your display of power in the USJ. However, since I was gone at the time, I was not able to lay witness to it." Itsuki found Iida right in front of him, forcing him to back up a step.

"It is possible that you could show me this display at a later time. While I understand that it is your quirk and your privacy to your own skills, I was the only one not able to see it at the time. If you decline, I fully understand." Itsuki waved his hands in front of himself.

"Umm, maybe not for awhile. After all, it took a lot of firepower and I pushed my guantlets to the... My Gauntlets!" He looked at his bare forearms and sagged to the ground.

That's right. They were totally ruined by the heat of the blast. His custom gauntlets were gone. Even the paintjob he did on them!

"Your gauntlets were destroyed in the fight I assume?" Yaoyoruzu put in, getting a nod from the downed and depressed Midoriya.

"Well, if you have the blueprints, I might be able to remake them for you. Though it would take some time." Itsuki looked at Yaoyoruzu with stars in his eyes before jumping into the air and praising the creation user.

"I think I have a better solution." Izuku put in. Everyone turned to him.

"What do you mean Izuchan? Yaoyoruzu just offered to make them again." Izuku nodded.

"I understand that, but I was wondering if we should get you even stronger ones." Itsuki tilted his head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" The group watched the conversation between brothers, wondering if they should watch or get to their next class.

"I hear that the support class teacher is able to make equipment for heroes in training. He even helped make costumes for several pros."


"Yeah, maybe we can ask if he can help us with your situation. After all, he's probably the best person to go to when it comes to making equipment for battle. At least of the people at UA. No offense to you Yaoyoruzu-san. You're ability is amazing, but I think it would be better to find Itsuchan a more long term solution than to just make him the same thing as last time." The girl in question nodded to the intelligent deduction.

"I understand. Even if I was given the blueprints, it would have probably taken me some time to actually get into ingrained in my mind before I could even start it's construction." Yaoyoruzu stated. Izuku nodded and looked to his brother, who gave him a smile back.

"Well, I guess we're going to the support room later." The two high fived and rejoined their friends on their walk to class.

Izuku and Iida built up a conversation about the event while Yaoyoruzu, Ochako and Itsuki talked about their quirks and the usefulness of them in combat.

Itsuki's was very strong and versatile, but if he was short on fire it was more difficult for him to use his quirk. That, and he can't fight when it's raining.

Yoayoruzu was the same in terms of power when it came to her lipids. As long as she had plenty of fat cells, she could be a force to be reckoned with. But if she was low, then it push pressure on her to use her quirk.

Then their was Ochako. Her quirk allowed her to make items weightless, which meant that close quarter's combat could be useful to her.

Eventually, Izuku and Itsuki both began to talk to the girl about fighting styles and how certain grapples and hand based attacks could be used with her quirk. The girl soaked it up with vigor and was practically taking notes from them. After all, they scored very high on the quirk assessment tests and have shown that they can hold their own in a fight.

Izuku noticed and couldn't help but ask. "Uraraka-san, you seemed overly excited about the sports event earlier. Is there a reason?" The girl in question twiddled her index fingers together at the question.

"Well." She started nervously. "I...I just want to make sure I get a sponsor, that way I can be a hero as soon as possible." Itsuki looked in confusion.

"What's the rush? I understand that there are people to save, but we still have three years to become heroes." The gravity girl nodded.

"I know, it's just that I wanted to get my license as soon as possible. I... well..." Izuku looked in concern.

"What is it? Is it your reason for being a hero." Uraraka nodded.

"I need to start making money as soon as possible. It's why I became a hero." Everyone looked in surprise by that statement.

"You became a hero for profit?" Yaoyoruzu asked in shock.

"I-it's not like that." She shook her hands in front of herself. "It's my parents. They own a construction company and haven't gotten hired in a long time. We're flat broke." She looked up at her friends with conviction.

"I've wanted to help them for a long time but they want me to follow my dreams." Iida nodded and made a calculated assessment.

"With your quirk, you could easily help with the process of moving materials and destroy the need for heavy equipment." She nodded.

"Hai. I want to make money and give my parents the well deserved break they should have had a long time ago. It's the least I could do for them after everything they've done for me." Her eyes screamed conviction and determination. "And the first step is to get a sponsor at the sports festival." Izuku walked up to the usually carefree girl and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"And you'll have friends to help you get their too." Uraraka looked at the other three smiling classmates, all of which were showing their support in her dreams. Uraraka smiled and felt like tearing up.

While it wasn't selfless or glamorous, there was nothing wrong with wanting to be a hero for another's sake, especially family.



Izuku and Itsuki went their separate ways, each going off to do something to prepare for the upcoming sports event.

The older twin said he needed to work on his heat control and how much he can handle. He didn't want a new scar to accompany the ones on his hands, so he left for a training room to use up his free time.

Izuku however was on his way to UA's weight room, hoping to built up his physical prowess so he could handle more of the power that One for All has to offer..

That was until he was pulled into an office by the man himself on his way down the hall.

"Toshinori-san, what's going on?" The skinny form of All Might ignored the question, and instead walked to the window of the office overlooking the city.

"The UA Sports Festival is something pro heroes, no, the whole country is watching closely. It's a big event." He turned around and faced Izuku, his blue eyes glowing ominously. His hand shot up with his palm towards the air. "That's what I brought you here to talk about. The next All Might. The fledgling Symbol of Peace." Izuku was kind of scared by the feeling his sensei was giving off, but held firm. "Izuku Midoriya, I want you to tell the world:

'I Am Here!'"



Yay! Another start to a new arc! I hope you guys liked it, because there's more to come.

I don't know what will be going on in terms of pairings, but I'll be sure to figure it out later.

Until next time, see ya!