(Okay... so this is an AU that takes place after Spider-Man: Homecoming, but before Infinity War. Something's happened that's put Peter in prison... and the rest will unfold as the story progresses.)

He hears nothing. He hears everything. There's darkness, then a flash of light. He doesn't know where he is. He doesn't know much of anything anymore.

There's a name at the back of his thoughts. A name he hasn't heard in months. He can't quite place where he's heard it from, or even who the person is, but for some reason he thinks of it as someone flings open his cell door.

Yes. Cell door. He's still in his cell. Nothing has changed. Nothing at all.

"Get up," a gruff voice demands, yanking him up from the cold concrete floor. "Today's your lucky day, Spider-Boy. You're getting moved from solitary."

Ah, yes. He would get to move out to the main compound. He would be thrown into the metaphorical lion's den with the other prisoners. He would see the light of day—albeit, from behind steel bars—for the first time in six months.

"Keep moving," the guard says, pushing him down the long corridor in the solitary wing of the prison. "I ain't got all day."

Peter snorts despite himself. These guards were virtually useless. Any one of these inmates could overpower them, if they really wanted to. These guys were only human, and no match for the prisoners inside these concrete walls.

The teen stays quiet as the guard leads him from solitary to the combined cells. He feels acutely aware of danger lurking somewhere around him, but he's been feeling that for quite some time now.

He looks different than he used to, he thinks idly, as he marches down the corridor. His auburn hair was getting to long, so they cropped it as short as possible. He didn't get fed much at this place, and, with his enhanced metabolism, he usually spent most of his day feeling sick or dizzy.

Sometimes he thinks they do it on purpose, just to make him suffer.

He's also got a scar now. It runs from his left elbow to his wrist. He doesn't like to think about how he got it.

"Here we are," the guard announces, jolting Peter out of his thoughts. "Have fun," he adds with a cruel smirk.

The teenager is practically shoved into the new cell. Peter almost loses his balance, but his fall is caught by someone. A rough-looking girl with raven-black hair and cold gray eyes.

She shoves him back and studies him closely with her steely gaze. He feels unnerved by her intense stare.

"Newbie?" She guesses, her voice low and raspy.

He shakes his head, trying for indifference. "Solitary," he corrects.

She nods slowly, a smirk forming on her full lips. "Ah, you're one of those, then."

He briefly wonders what she means by this, but then another person walks up to him. A boy about his age with lots of face piercings.

"Aren't you Spider-Boy?" The teenager asks, sounding mildly curious.

"Spider-Man," Peter corrects sharply.

The girl looks between the two, confused. "You know him?" She asks the guy.

"Who doesn't?" The boy responds, giving Peter a smirk. "He's like, famous around here."

The girl nods, her gaze flicking back to Peter. "What'd you do, then? How'd you end up in here?"

Wouldn't she like to know?

"I thought prisoners weren't supposed to talk to each other," Peter says instead. "I really don't want to go back to solitary so soon."

Although that was a lie.

The girl narrows her eyes at him. "Watch your back," She says, looking a little irritated. "Or you might start wishing you were back in solitary."