When Bella and I returned to the house, our Denali cousins had also returned. When I noticed the new scents I the air, I looked at Bella. Her shield was up. "How are you feeling?" I asked. She was almost out of her newborn year, but she had never met any vampires other than the family. Instinctively I knew she would be on edge. Using her shield seemed to be an indication she felt threatened.

Bella gave a small smile. "I'm okay," she replied, squeezing my hand. "Do you think they'll like me?"

"Who wouldn't like you? You're amazing."

She rolled her eyes, but her posture relaxed.

Everyone was gathered in the main living area, and I assumed Alice alerted everyone about our arrival since they appeared to be waiting for us. Tanya, Irina, Kate, Eleazar and Carman were buzzing with excitement, anxious to meet the newest addition to the family. Esme was the first to greet us.

"Bella! Jasper! Welcome home!" Esme rushed forward to give us a hug. Carlisle mirrored her actions. Both of them were sincerely happy to see us and a little relieved, too. I glanced at Edward, who sat reading a book, acting disinterested in our arrival on the surface, but emanating curiosity.

"Bella, I'd like to introduce you to our extended family," Carlisle greeted, as he ushered us over to join the others. "Tanya, Irnia, Kate, Eleazar and Carman...this is my daughter Bella."

It was endearing that Carlisle introduced Bella as his daughter. He said it with pride and sincerity.

Bella spoke first. "I've heard so much about you. It's nice to finally meet you. Thank you so much for allowing me to stay in your house during my newborn year."

"You're beautiful, Bella...let us have a better look at you!" Irnia took Bella's hand and spun her around.

"Ты такая красивая" Tanya breathed.

When Bella began to look awkward at their examination, Eleazar stepped forward with his hand extended.

"Nice to meet you, Bella," he greeted. Irnia let go of Bella and she shook his hand. He smiled and raised his eyebrows and glanced at me. Eleazar was impressed.

"You have a gift," he remarked. "A very powerful one."

Carlisle, along with everyone else, was surprised, even Bella. She looked at me.

"Jasper told me about your gift, but I didn't think you'd be able to recognize it right away." She shrugged. "I don't think it's powerful, though."

"Beeellla!" Alice shrieked with excitement. "Why didn't you tell us? What is it?"

"Um...I think it's a shield of some sort? I don't really know."

Carlisle was deep in thought and more intrigued than even Eleazar. "A shield would explain how Edward isn't able to read your thoughts, even when you were human."

At the mention of Edward's name, Bella snuggled closer to me and I put my arm around her. As far as I knew, she hadn't looked in his direction and he was still acted disinterested in the conversation.

"Your gift manifested itself when you were human? Very powerful, indeed," Eleazar remarked. "You must allow us to test your gift. Kate can help."

"NO!" both Edward and I responded at the same time. Kate's gift was creating a mental electric current on her skin which shocks anyone who comes into contact with her. Bella was not to be hurt.

Awkwardness hung in the air for a moment, at the declaration of both Edward and I demanding Bella's safety. Edward glared at Kate and I glared at Edward. Kate rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt Bella," she insisted. "But it seems that she also has a mental gift and I can help her learn how to use it. Relax." She was a bit offended that we thought she would hurt Bella, but brushed it off quickly.

"What do you think, Bella?" Carlisle asked. "Eleazar and Kate could be very helpful in discovering your gift."

Bella glanced at me and I nodded in encouragement. She turned to Carlisle.

"Yes, I would like help. Thank you."

Eleazar clapped his hands. "Marvelous. Let's go to my study, shall we?"

I gave Bella a kiss on the cheek and watched as she left with Eleazar, Carmen, Carlisle, Esme, and Kate. She would be in good hands. I trusted Carlisle and I knew Esme would not allow Bella to be hurt, even for scientific purposes.

For a few moments I caught up with Irnia and Tanya, who I knew were dying to ask me questions about me and Bella, but refrained due to Edward's presence. I sent a few waves of relaxation, trying to satisfy their curiosity.

"We will talk later," Tanya remarked with a smile, letting me know I wasn't getting off that easy.

I glanced at Edward, who was still acting oblivious to his surroundings, but exooding curiosity. Edward and I needed to talk now.

He looked up at me and briefly nodded, standing up and walking out of the house. I followed.

Edward was feeling impatient and annoyed.

"Are you going to make this difficult?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Maybe."

Immature little brat.

Edward sighed. "This is hard for me, Jasper. You can't expect me to hand Bella over to you so easily."

"You left her, remember? You didn't want her anymore."

"You know that was a lie. I was trying to protect her."

"If you loved her, you wouldn't have stayed away for so long."

"I know."

His honesty shocked me and I was speechless.

"It's not easy for me to admit this, but when I saw the two of you together I knew that I never loved Bella the way you do. And believe it or not, I do want what's best for her. You can have her. She's yours. But, don't expect me to be happy about it."

Yes, Bella was mine, but she also wasn't an object to be traded. Edward was trying to be gracious, but he was being incredibly childish.

"Then why did you beg her to leave with you?" I asked suspiciously.

"Jealousy. I wanted to see if she still loved me the way she did when she was human. She quickly put me in my place."

Was Edward actually being honest about all this?

He rolled his eyes at my thoughts. "I did care for her, but I knew my bloodlust would eventually win if I didn't leave. I wallowed in self pity and surprised myself in being able to stay away from her so long.

But, when I finally checked my voicemail and heard that she was changed, I was curious. I thought maybe we could be together again now that I wasn't a danger to her."

Yes, that was what we all thought would happen. But, we didn't think it would take a year for Edward to return.

"When I saw the two of you together, I saw Bella respond to you in a way she never did with me. And you obviously worship her...but I still felt jealous. My pride was hurt. I expected Bella to be waiting patiently for me, but her affections had turned to another. I had to try...I asked her to leave with me. She was so devoted to me as a human, I thought some feeling remained. But, it didn't. She flat out rejected me and I actually listened to her. I don't think I ever truly listened to her when she was human. As she explained all the reasons she wouldn't leave with me, it all made sense. I had been so focused on my bloodlust and control, that I never examined the reasons I was so enamored with her.

Bella fascinated me. She was my singer and the only person I'd ever met whose thoughts I couldn't read. Instinctually, I felt protective of her. Her humanity awakened my own and I felt infatuated with her. But, it wasn't love."

As Edward spoke I almost felt sorry for him. He radiated typical seventeen year old boy emotions – confusion, infatuation, possessiveness. I understood the complexity and guilt he felt. In a way, it was similar to Bella's feelings. Both he and Bella recognized what they shared wasn't eternal love and commitment...but it was something.

"As I said before, it's not easy for me to admit Bella and I aren't meant to be together. But, we're not. I wanted to be honest with you about that."

"And as I said before, are you going to make this difficult? Will we be able to coexist peacefully in this family together?"

Edward shrugged. "It's a fair question. I don't know. I can't imagine I'll ever think of Bella as a sister."

I wanted to growl, knowing that Edward had also shared intimate moments with Bella, even though they weren't as deep and meaningful as the ones we shared. He didn't respond to my thoughts and his face remained neutral.

"Are you implying we should leave?" I asked.

Edward was surprised. "No, not at all."

"We can't live in a family, a coven, that isn't united. I need to be able to trust you. If there is a conflict or battle, I can't worry that you'll try to take Bella away from me. And, at the very basic level, I want Bella to feel comfortable around you when we're at home together. You know me, Edward. I don't want to live with tension."

He was thoughtful for a moment. "It's going to take time," Edward admitted, "before things aren't so awkward between the three of us. And even though my pride as a man is a little bruised, I will recover."

Edward smiled. "I do care for you and Bella. I want both of you to be happy. You can trust me."

His emotions were contrite and humble. He was being sincere. I held out my hand.

"Peace," I offered.

"Peace," Edward responded, shaking my hand.


The family moved to Ithaca, then Vancouver, Portland, Chicago, Boston, with extended vacations in Europe and South America. Bella and I learned to live peacefully with Edward and when he met Alexandra, eighty years later, the awkwardness completely disappeared.

"Why do you love me so much?" Bella asked one day, as we walked hand in hand along a deserted beach in Maine. Carlisle had taken a job at a small hospital in Eastport and the rest of the family was setting up house as Bella and I stole some alone time for ourselves.

"Because you're worth it," I immediately responded, bringing her hand to my lips for a kiss.

It was our 100th anniversary year of being together and every day was just as fresh and exciting as the first. Our love never faded, but it only grew and intensified.

"Thank you for taking a risk and making me yours," Bella smiled softly.

"Forever," I replied. It was a vow we often spoke to one another.

"Forever," she repeated, almost worshipfully.

The future was no longer in Edward's hands. It was in ours. And we would be together forever.