After the disaster that was the party in DJ Khaled's hotel room, Beca decided she would just go back to her room and call it a night. They released a horde of bees, their night had peaked at this point and there was no need to let it go on any further. That was until Emily changed all that.

"Wait, hold that elevator!" The tall brunette yelled from a distance. Her arm reached out and presented itself in the elevator.

Beca reached to press the button as quick as she could. The doors to the elevator reopened and Emily stepped on with a big stride avoiding the minor gap there at the door.

"You made it," Beca said, a small smile crept on her face.

"Yea," Emily replied, her smile being the opposite wide and bright.

"How's your, um, arm, " Beca pointed.

Emily shimmied her arm, "Fine," her smile turning into laughter.

There was a moment of silence between the two. Beca looking all around the elevator. Emily tries to capture any glance of Beca she can. Their eyes meet and Emily immediately ducks her head and looks to the floor.

"You okay," Beca asked.

"I'm great," Emily finally regains the composure to look at Beca, " So you really didn't see any of that back there." Emily's face tries to give away how nervous she is.

"I wish I had,"

"No you don't"

"Yea, I don't know, I know we're against instruments and all," Beca laughs but Emily doesn't understand, " Wrong crowd, but yes even then I couldn't watch someone throw a guitar through a window. Who could do such a thing."

Emily looks down to the floor again.

"No. You didn't," Beca's smile becomes more prominent, "Emily."

"It was the closest thing around and the window wouldn't open."

"You should just own it."

"You think so?"

"Yea, Em. You're so awesome. I think a little confidence would be sexy on you. You have so much going for you, you're to understand and help people, you write songs, and you can sing your butt off." Beca pauses, they smile at each other, " I don't mean to get all sappy,"

"No, it's okay." Emily brushed her hair behind her ears.

"I must still be feeling those shots from earlier."

"It's okay, I'm pretty sure I'm all worked up and adrenaline filled, but I'm going to do something, and I want you to know you are in no way obligated to feel the same way." Emily stepped forward and leaned down towards Beca.

Beca leaned forward, her eyes closed. Their lips met, Beca was first to adjust her lips and allow their kiss to become even more intimate.

"Emily…" Beca touched her lip, letting her finger linger, "I,"

"It's okay. Honestly, I've always had a little crush on you and to hear you say those things about me," Emily threw hand up and began to fan herself, " Guess I am a little worked up," She laughed, her cheeks becoming a shade of red.

Beca doesn't respond, instead she continued to look into Emily eyes, eyes desperate for a response. Beca back into Emily and kisses her again. The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, " Your room or mine?"