Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I posted and everything I had on this account from before has been deleted, but I'm back with a new story. I'm trying to write more chapters before uploading them so I'll have a steady flow of updates, but bear with. I'm atrocious at uploading. This upload is sort of a tester, to see if people are actually wanting more so don't forget to like and review, to let me know what you want. Anywho, I hope you enjoy!


A/N: After talking with Kawaii-Anya, she brought to my attention that I'd gotten myself mixed up on the Survey Corps and the Cadet Corps and that messed up the time-line of the story, [and made it so the story itself didn't quite make sense]. I've gone back and edited all of the chapters so they're hopefully more correct and make more sense. Something I did want to touch on though is, I know that the Cadet Corps is a completely different section to the Survey Corps, [and on different locations], but for the sake of this story and the plot I wrote, I'm having the Cadet Corps on the Survey Corps compound, so I can have Erwin, Levi and characters like that close to Salem. I know I'm messing with the story and time-line, but hopefully this makes things a little more clear and by all means, if you get confused or think that part of the story doesn't make sense, message me and I'll do my best to explain and correct as best as I can.

I never thought I'd be enlisted in the Scouts. I wasn't cut out for following rules and orders, yet here I was. I'd been woken up by a less than amused guard and had been forced into restraints, then lead out to the courtyard, where the rest of my prison mates were waiting. They'd lined us up like cattle going in for slaughter and marched us onto multiple wagons, which had taken us to another courtyard. My new home; the Survey Corps compound. Granted, I had to graduate from the Cadet Corps first, but to me that was an even more depressing thought.

It hadn't been my choice to enlist in the Cadet Corps . The oh so wise Commander had decided that forcing sentenced non-violent prisoners to enlist in the Cadet Corps, train and graduate as part of a dispensable squad, was a good idea. As much as I hated it, I couldn't deny that it wasn't a smart and tactical idea. Why waste the lives of "good" soldiers, when they had prisons filled with people who didn't matter? Part of me failed to understand how Eyebrows was going to make this work. No way was he going to let us roam free, so how was he going to contain us? And another thing that didn't make sense to me was that I was being transported with them. I wasn't a non-violent offender, in fact, everything I was sentenced for was based on violence and yet Eyebrows had requested my presence. A member of the military police had said that I was a special request. That Commander was a basket-case for sure.

They called me the Reaper. A nickname concocted by terrified village dwellers, who'd seen the aftermath of my work. It was pathetic really and though I tried to shake the name, it followed me wherever I went. Eventually, I ended up adopting the name, enjoying the fear it instilled in people when they heard it.

It consumed me; it became my worth. Everything that I stood for. I hadn't been anyone until I put on the mask. Nobody cared until I made a name for myself and I promised myself I'd make them pay for that. I wanted people to fear me. I got off on it, but now I'm stuck in this shithole. My entire identity washed down the drain. They stripped me of my mask, but I was no less feared. You see, the thing is, when a villain has mask, it's easy to forget that they are human. When that mask is removed, and everyone sees the person underneath, you start to realize that humans are monsters and they too, can do unforgivable things.

I eyed the Scouts who were lined up around us, gawking like we were animals in a zoo. How pathetic they'd become. Quiet whispers erupted throughout the compound. Apparently, they don't see criminals that often, I thought bitterly. Among the whispers I heard my name. Here we go again.

Isn't that the Reaper…

I heard they finally caught the Reaper, but I didn't believe it until now…

I thought the Reaper would be more intimidating…

If they thought I was harmless, why had they insisted on having me chained to two guards, with four more flanking my sides, and had muzzled me? These soldiers were supposed to be protecting humanity, yet they were afraid of little old me. We're all doomed.

I surveyed the room, noting all the exits and the three figures standing on a small podium. Erwin, or Eyebrows as I had named him, was standing in the middle with a midget of a man standing on his left and an overly excited woman on his right. The man looked less than amused about being here; you and me both. In Erwin's shadow, the man looked tiny. No wonder he looked like someone shit in his breakfast. His gaze swept over the room and connected with mine, so we were both glaring at each other angrily. I winked vindictively then moved on down the line.

I moved my eyes over to the woman who was shifting around like a child who needed a piss. What the hell was her problem? She had large circular glasses obscuring, what seemed like half of her face and messy hair someone would have, if they hadn't slept in days. What the hell was I being forced into? They were watching the line of offenders, assessing what they were working with and who was going into the Cadet Corps. When are they going to realize this was a bad idea?

One of my personal guards put his hand on my shoulder, shoving me forwards violently so I stumbled onto my knees. Son of a bitch. I pushed myself to my feet, getting a steady footing and kicked the guard angrily in the nuts; following it up with a swift knee to the nose when he hit the ground. His howls filled the almost silent room, making everyone turn to look at the commotion, but all I could focus on was the sound of my blood rushing in my ears. I'd make him beg me to stop. I tensed, going to stamp on his leg again, but a hand caught my leg and threw me backwards onto my ass. I landed unceremoniously with a loud thud on the ground, a dull pain exploding up my back. I was going to kill whoever had just fucking touched me.

A blind rage had taken over my body and I saw a deep, anger-filled red. I threw myself to my feet but was pushed back to the ground again, a hard kick landing itself in my gut. The air was pushed from my lungs, but I still pushed myself onto my feet again. Unchain me and see if it's a fair fight then.

Fuck off. It was that midget on the podium.

How the hell had he gotten here so fast? And why the hell was he getting involved in shit that didn't concern him? He didn't look angry anymore; he looked bored. What the hell was his problem? If I could have made understandable noises under this mask, I would have told him to fuck off, but it seemed the Military police had been longing for my silence, for a while. I readied myself for a fight, but he moved quickly, landing another blow in my side. I keeled over, pushing my hands against the ground to push myself back up, but a hand wrapped itself around my throat.

"I'd stay down if I was you" he threatened, bending down low so he could whisper it in my ear. I met his gaze and glared angrily but stayed down. I couldn't do much in chains but just wait until I'm free, I thought. "Disgusting little shit," he continued, the annoyance clear on his face. He looked like touching me caused him physical harm. "Now get up and get back in line or I'll drag you there myself."

My glare never left his gaze as I got back to my feet, shaking his grip angrily. I can walk on my own, I thought. It was then I noticed that though he was midgety, he still stood a few inches taller than me. He seemed happy enough that I wasn't going to kick someone else and marched back to his podium, a bored look on his face. Maybe I wasn't the only psychotic one here.

The guards moved the line onward, further into the compound, but Eyebrows had other ideas for me apparently.

"Over here" he called, motioning the guards over with a wave of his arm. The guards changed direction with a tug of my chains and we left the line, heading towards him instead. I wonder what he wants this time?

I'd met Eyebrows once before and that was when I was first imprisoned, two years ago. I'd just been processed and led into a holding room where Eyebrows was already waiting for me. Him and his stupid file filled with everything he knew about me. I was stuck in the same damn room as his him for four hours, barely answering his questions and insulting him every chance I got. And now he wanted my presence again. Aren't I popular today?

"Take her to my office" he said when we reached him, motioning to a side door into a building. Oh joy. I had to spend even more time with Commander Eyebrows. Could my day get any better? I eyed the midget man as I passed, smirking under the mask at his scowl. His stature stirred something in my mind. I'm supposed to know him, I thought. But why though? Don't think he likes me much either.

They forced me through the door and down corridor after corridor, until we reached what I could only assume was Eyebrows office. The guards forced me into the room and onto one of the chairs, removing the chains from their wrists and onto the arms of the chair. I winked at one of the guards, who tightened the chains painfully. Douchebag.

What I didn't expect was the guards to exit the room, leaving me alone and unattended. Apparently, the Scouts lacked common sense. I managed to get out of the chains in less than fifty seconds, almost breaking my record of thirty-eight seconds and I began wandering around his office. I'd expected more… grandeur, with Eyebrows being Commander and all. But it was simple and humble. Of course, it was. I shuffled over to his bookcase, examining its contents, picking the books up and flicking through the pages. My reading had never been great. Sebastian had started teaching me, but we ran out of time. I was half way down the page when the doorknob rattled, turning to reveal Eyebrows and two guards. Well shit.

"It seems more guard-presence is needed" Eyebrows noted, his eyes twinkling mischievously while motioning to his guards. I sighed annoyingly behind the mask, moving back to the chair while holding my arms out to be cuffed. The guards chained me back to the chair and our meeting began.

"Good morning, Salem" Eyebrows said, taking a seat behind his desk. He pulled a file from one of the draws, opened it and skimmed through its contents in silence. That stupid fucking file. Why does he always have that stupid file? "Could you remove her facial restraints?"

The guard looked skeptical but followed his orders. He yanked my face side-wards and undid the mask, freeing my face. Fucking finally. I cracked my jaw in a feeble attempt to relieve the built-up tension. Stupid muzzle. "Didn't think you were in to bondage, Erwin?"

"Positive as ever" he fired back, no hint of amusement in his voice. He still hadn't taken his eyes off the file and the silence was starting to irritate me. I started yanking on the chains repeatedly, the loud jangling and clanging echoing in the silent room. I did this repeatedly until his nose crinkled and he rubbed his eyes wearily. So, he did have a breaking point? He composed himself and motioned for the guards to leave. I wonder what I've done now. At least we finally get some alone time now. Once the guards were gone and had closed the door, I kicked my legs up onto his desk and folded my arms behind my head.

"How's it hanging, Smith?" He raised his eyes from the file, a disapproving look on his face, so I sighed dramatically and put my legs back on the floor. "Yeah, yeah I know. I'm supposed to be on my best behavior. I remember what you said. I slip up sometimes; I'm only human."

A small smile played at the corner of his lips. I saw that Eyebrows. It's something he told me on his last visit. Be on your best behavior, he said. I'm not sure why. I was being sent to prison for a list of crimes as long as my arm and he was telling me to be on my best behavior? It was pretty comical.

"How have you been?"

I grinned and leant forwards, showing him a long scar on my neck. He eyed it carefully, waiting for an explanation once I'd tied my shirt up again. "Got this one in a fight with a one-legged thief. He tried stealing my rations and I wasn't having that. I may have gotten this, but he now has three less fingers."

Eyebrows listened in thoughtful silence while I rattled on, waiting until I'd finished, to continue, "It's healing nicely," he commented, finally closing that damn file. "Now for the reason I called you in. I thought we should discuss the terms of your enrollment in the Cadet Corps."

My enrollment in the Cadet Corps? As if I was a willing participant in his latest scheme? I let his comment slide, it's not worth it, I told myself. I let him continue his speech. He definitely loves his own voice.

"I assume you want to know why you were requested as part of this program, "he said, watching my closely. "Especially since you're not a non-violent offender."

At least he's going to tell me, I thought. "I've been curious."

"I've been in close contact with your warden," he said, and I sat back in my chair, listening silently for once. "And to my surprise, he commented on how you've been keeping to yourself lately and you haven't been getting into as many fights." Wait, he's been keeping tabs on what I've been doing? And what's me not getting into as many fights got to do with being dragged from my cell and forced into the Scouts? "I took that as an example that you are ready to improve your behavior and re-enter society, and after presenting my case to Nile Dok, he agreed to suspend your sentence and allow you to join the Cadet Corps."

What the shit fuck? Erwin fucking Smith fought my case and got my sentence suspended, just so I can join the fucking Corps? What the hell is wrong with this man? "Why are you protecting me?"

Why would he willingly request my presence as a Scout? He knows what I've done and that I was sentenced to death… so why did he save me?

"I don't think you're as guilty as the world thinks you are" he said, all cryptic and shit. The hell does that mean? "And as for your safety, I have made all files on your personal details, history, crimes and sentencing private, so that only you and I can access them."

What the hell? I don't understand why he's protecting me. I didn't have a chance to question his decision because the midgety man strode through the door, the bored expression still plastered on his face. Oh joy.

"I didn't think animals were allowed to join the Cadet Corps."

"And I thought you had to be at least five feet to join the Survey Corps, so I guess we're both wrong." That pissed shorty off, but he held his tongue. Eyebrow trained him well.

Well isn't this a hoot? Now I was stuck in a room with an arrogant asshole and a loony. Aren't I a lucky gal? They better get a move on, I have better things to do… I think?

"I did what you asked" Shorty said, moving the chair next to me, away so he could sit down. Childish twat. "Now why am I here? What's so important that you couldn't wait?"

"I'd like you to meet Salem" Eyebrows said, watching us both carefully. Okay, now I was getting anxious. Why was it so important that I met Shorty, over there? "I'm putting here under your command for the time being. She'll train with the other Cadets, but she'll answer to you" Fuck off. I was being forced with Shorty? I think I'd rather go back to my cell in prison.

"I don't want to deal with her shit," Short spat, eyeing me with disgust. How arrogant can one person be? "I only deal with the best of the Scouts. She is not the best."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "You're assuming I want to join you the Cadet Corps or the Survey Corps. I'm just as opposed to this as you."

He made a clicking noise with his tongue, one I attempted and failed to replicate. He threw his arms in the air and groaned out loud. "Just look at her" he cried in frustration, while I still tried to replicate the noise. This brought me out of me bubble, but I just winked and laid back in the chair. If I could've folded my arms I would have, but those stupid chains were the bane of my existence. "She doesn't even look she has two brain-cells rubbing around in her head." Oh, is he still talking?

I turned my gaze to Eyebrows, an eyebrow raised but he kept his face passive. I assume Shorty's rants didn't happen often.

I was still mulling over the fact the Commander of the Scouts, had personally vouched for my character, and had suspended my sentence, just because he didn't think I was as guilty as everyone else did. Eyebrows was wrong there, I thought. I'm guiltier than the list of crimes I was sentenced for, but he didn't need to know that. So long as my empire was untouched and working as well as it had been before I was snatched, I could rest easy.

"That's enough, Levi." Eyebrows had finally intervened with Shorty's ranting. Thank the gods for that. My ears were starting to hurt. So, Shorty's name was Levi? Wasn't expecting that. I was expecting a Sheldon or at least something that fit his shitty personality. But it made sense now. I know why I was supposed to know him. He was Levi Ackerman; humanities strongest. I was expecting... more. Shorty and Eyebrows had known each other a while, to address each other so informally. "I'm putting her under you command and that's final. You'll oversee her progress and ensure she follows our rules. Understood?"

"Understood" Shorty replied, gritting his teeth in annoyance. You and me both, buddy. You and me both.

Erwin then tuned to me, a small frown on his face. Papa Scout wasn't happy, I thought. I wonder what I've done? "As for you, Salem. For the time being, restraints will be a necessary precaution until we can assure the safety of the other Cadets and Scouts. A special room has been set aside for you where you will be able to have the solitude I know you're so fond of. I trust that you will behave yourself to the best of your ability and I will be keeping a close eye on you. Is that understood?"

Shorty scoffed in the corner, but I ignored him. He was sulking like a child. "Best behavior," I said, grinning madly.

A small smile graced Eyebrows lips. "Then it's settled. Take her to the room. Get her up to speed on everything she needs to know." Shorty reached for the door, not bothering to hold it open for me. What a swell guy? "Oh, and Salem." I stopped, turning to look at Eyebrows again. "I expect great things from you. Just have a little faith and trust in the people around you." I raised a questioning eyebrow, but he didn't elaborate so I closed the door, even more confused than before. I scanned the corridor for Shorty, but he was nowhere in sight. I did however, notice the same woman with the shitty glasses from before, bouncing on her feet as if waiting for something.

Oh god. Two, in one day. The moment I closed the door, she came bounding over with a giant grin on her face. Is she the Scouts personal pet or something? Nobody has ever been this excited to see me. Like ever?

"Hi, my name is Hange" she said, holding out an outstretched hand, which I shook hesitantly. "Levi asked me to show you around the place, get you up to speed and whatnot. What's your name?"

Jesus Christ, she talks fast. It took me a moment to realize she'd stopped talking and had started walking. I wasn't surprised Levi had cut and run. I think he'd developed a burning hatred for me already, one which I could reciprocate, so he'd probably gone to relive his childish anger somewhere. It's not like I wanted to join the Cadet Corps or have him oversee my training. Hell, I didn't even want to be here, but it was my last option. "My name's Salem."

I had no need to make friends in this shithole. I especially didn't need to make friends with 'I-can't-sit-still-over-there'. Talking wasn't my best quality. The only time I opened my mouth these days, was to insult someone. Why I don't have friends is beyond me.

"That's a pretty name" she continued, almost as if I hadn't even spoken. "Erwin has set up a separate wing of one of our blocks for the offender rookies, where there will be a guard presence at all times." Smart man. I wonder if it will be like the prison? Guards 24/7, locked doors and isolation. Part of me craved the same atmosphere as the prison had. I missed it. "You'll be in that block, but Erwin has set up a separate space for you. You must be special to get that sort of treatment."

I was starting to think the same thing. What Commander went to this much effort to get a criminal into his squads, while giving them a separate space just as they preferred and constantly kept vouching that you weren't as bad as the books said? Did he know something I didn't?

"Anyway," she said, turning left and opening a door for me. "Though there are locks on your door, so long as you give your guards a heads up, you have free roam of the compound; just like the other rookies. Everyday you'll have training in hand-to-hand combat and 3DMG gear training with Officer Shadis, the head of the 104th training Corps and various chores to complete by the end of the day. Meal times are at 6am and 4pm and you'll be escorted to the dinner hall for that. Have I forgotten anything else?"

I really hope not, I thought. She could talk for half of the soldiers here. We'd finally reached what looked to be the prisoner block. There weren't as many guards as I thought there would be, but the moment we entered, we were flanked by two guards who were eyeing my suspiciously.

"Hello Merche; Shobha," Glasses greeted, completely oblivious to the distrust they'd already placed on me. We carried on down the hall until we reached a metal door that was away from the rest of the rooms. Both guards stationed themselves by the door, weapons ready to fire and Glasses stood in front of me. "And this is your room" Glasses said, opening the door to reveal a simple dorm room. There was a wooden cot with an old thin blanket and pillow, an old wooden desk and chair and a single window. Isn't this the picture of luxury? I scoffed and moved into the room, deciding that the window was just big enough that I would be able to wiggle through. That'll come in handy later, I thought. "I know it isn't much- "
"-It'll do," I said, interrupting her quickly. I'd never been one for complicated things. I didn't need a luxurious room because I didn't plan on staying long. Making ties and connections to things only lead to pain. It wasn't worth it. "I'm not one for personal things."

I wasn't facing her, but I knew she was still standing there. Man, she was persistent. I moved to the bed and laid down, folding my arms under my head and watched her expectantly. "Anything else I can help you with?"
"Oh," she scrambled, realizing she'd been staring into space. "For today you'll be exempt from chores and training, but tomorrow your day starts at 5:30 sharp. Oh, and try not to get into too much trouble".

I saluted mockingly and watched her disappear down the corridor. She was batshit insane, I thought, closing my eyes wearily. I'd done too much socializing today. It didn't take me long to fall asleep. I could sleep anywhere.

I was woken by a loud banging and opened my eyes to see a guard standing by the door; I think this one was Merche. Son of a bitch. It took me a moment to remember where I was, but when I did, I groaned and flopped back down on the bed. I hate this shithole already. "Fuck off".

I heard the guard walk away from the door and I thanked my lucky stars, deciding that more sleep couldn't hurt and was just drifting off when I was flipped from my bed, landing unceremoniously on the ground with a thump. "What the hell?"

I rounded on none other than Captain Shorty, who was smirking down at me with hatred in his eyes. Of course, Corporal Asshat had to come and ruin my day, I got to my feet, breathing angrily as anger filled my body and I stepped forwards, so our faces were inches apart. "Problem, Cadet?"

Oh, I was going to smack his stupid little face. The sarcasm and enjoyment was evident in his voice, that son of a bitch is enjoying this. I grit my teeth, clenching and un-clenching my fists in an attempt to calm down. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of having my anger. He's not worth it, I told myself. He's not worth your anger. "Not at all. So, you're the Levi Ackerman?" I said, staring at him with an eyebrow raised. I thought he'd be taller. How can he kill anything when you're that short?

"And you're the Reaper?"

I scoffed at his childish response. I didn't think I'd find someone who was more childish than me, but apparently here he was, standing right in front of me. The scowl never left my face. I didn't really appreciate being thrown from my bed unceremoniously. Fucking asshat. I moved past him, running a hand through my now messy hair and pulled it up into a messy bun. I didn't care much for appearances either apparently. "Can I help you, Shorty?"

Now that was a mistake.

He turned, faster than I expected and grabbed the collar of my shirt, forcing me up against the wall. His breathing was ragged and angry. Boy I'd pissed Shorty off this time. Just wait till you have to spend more than five minutes with me, then you'll understand how annoying I can be. "You are to refer to me as Captain or Sir" he said, malice clear in his voice. Here we go; the I'm important, I demand you respect me speech. I was a firm believer that respect should only be given when earned and so far, Shorty had earned negative amounts of my respect. "Erwin might have been lenient on you, but I am certainly not interested in dealing with your shit, brat. So, learn fast, because the moment you step out of line, I'm done with you. Why Erwin chose me to oversee your training is beyond me, but I'm not going to deal with your shit. Not now. Not ever."

"Are you always this emotional?" I questioned, smirking up at him. Yeah, I know. Pissing him off even more probably wasn't going to work in my favor, but god it was fun watching him get angry. It was always funny watching people get angry. "I mean don't you have a reputation of being an emotionless ass? All I see is a raging ball of emotions and a side of psycho."
What I wasn't expecting was him to smack me, my head being thrown to the side violently. Cunt! I grit my teeth angrily, my entire body shaking. I could beat him to the floor; turn his stupid little face into a pile of bloody minced meat, but I'm a good girl.

I'll do what I'm told… for now.

"Step out of line again" he hissed, smoothing his shirt angrily; as if the wrinkles his slap caused was my fault. "And I'll feed you to the titans myself. Got it?"

"Ay Ay, Sir."

Okay. Yes, I know I wasn't doing myself any favors, but he kept offering my opportunities to piss him off. I had to make my time here fun somehow, and he just made it so easy. My cheek was still stinging from his hit and I knew I'd bruise, but I kept my mouth shut, my teeth clenched in anger. If this is the game he wants to play, I'll make sure I win.

"Now get your ass down to the mess hall" he hissed, moving out of the way of the door. "Before I drag you by your hair. Got it, brat?"

Jesus. Alright. Alright. I'm fucking going. I moved to the door and the same guard from before was waiting for me, wrist restraints held out ready for me. I glanced at Levi, who was smirking happily and rolled my eyes. Of course, he'd enjoy this. He probably gets off on it.

Once the restraints were securely in place, I was lead down corridor after corridor, watching all of the other prisoners as we past them; they still kept their distance. It's good that they remember the harsh lesson they learnt back when I was first sentenced. The guards, Merche and Shobha I recall their names being lead me to the mess hall, the room I'd been in earlier, but it was now lined with tables. The room was already pretty full when I arrived, and filled with idle chatter, but when they noticed me walk in, the chatter died instantly. In fact, the entire room fell silent. Oh joy; an audience. Pay no attention to them, I told myself as I got my food and sat down at an empty table. The guards ate with me, which was surprising, but we ate in silence. The noise had picked up again, but every so often I heard my name being thrown around. Don't they have anything better to talk about?

The food was complete shit, but I kind of expected it. We were running out of rations throughout all the walls. People were starving to death everyday and the only people who ate properly were the royals. Those fucking royals. Neither Eyebrows, Shorty or Glasses had shown their faces while I was in the mess hall, but I figured they were having top secret meetings somewhere. I requested to go back to my room straight after I finished eating and a similar silence fell over the room as I left. Are we going to do this every time? Don't they have better things to do than act like terrified children around me? It's not like I'm going to jump every single one of them at this exact moment. Fuck me.

Once I was back in my room and the restraints had been removed, I flopped on the bed and kicked my boots off. They'd locked me in my room. I think they thought I couldn't hear the lock sliding into place, but I did. It didn't bother me that much, I still had the window. I wasn't going to attempt an escape just yet. I needed to scout, (ha get it, scout), the compound out first and then I'll decide when my next course of action is.

Despite being able to fall asleep easily before, sleep didn't come to me this time. Insomnia's a bitch, especially when you never know when it's gonna fuck up your sleeping schedule. I rolled around on the cot well into the night, until I decided that I'd had enough and forced myself out of my bed. I pulled my boots on and my jacket and pulled the window open, surprised that they hadn't locked it or at least added bars to the outside. I stuck my head out and decided that up was the way to go. Most of the Scouting compound was made out of old-timey bricks, which was good for me because that meant good climbing surface. I scaled the building, reaching the roof of the building and found a comfortable position, where I could look over the rest of the compound. I won't lie, its beautiful.

I pulled my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them tightly and sighed deeply. Hell of a first day, Salem. Eyebrows wants to protect you, Shorty wants to kill you and Hange is… well Hange. What the hell am I doing? Why the hell did I agree with Erwin's request? If I'm going to be gawked at like an animal in a fucking zoo, we're going to have problems. I miss my home. I miss Sebastian. I don't want to be here.

I lent my head on my knees and watched the bustling below me. Even at night, the compound was filled with life. Did the Survey Corps ever sleep? I bet Eyebrows is up somewhere, writing letters and devising new formations. I wonder what Shorty is doing? Probably beating the crap out of something or someone. I wonder what his problem is? How did he go from the King of Thieves to Eyebrows lapdog? I was familiar with his work as the King of Thieves in the Underground and he was infamous for not taking orders from anyone, but now, he was just another authorities bitch. Oh how the mighty fall.

I spent another three hours sitting on the roof before I decided I should finally try and get some sleep. I got to my feet and went for the edge of the roof, sliding over the edge and lowering myself onto the nearest stones. Once I had a steady footing, I started lowering myself until I reached my window and slid inside, straight into my bed. I pulled my boots off and disappeared under my blanket, finally managing to get at least an hour of good sleep.

2nd A/N: I went back and changed key parts of Erwin and Salem's conversation during their meeting because I realized I forgot to change the conversation after personally changing the plot. I also corrected myself on what section of the Corps she's joining. She's been forced to join the Cadet Corps and will be working towards graduating and joining the Survey Corps. Hope that clears things up!
