And now, it's time for the finale of 'Shrink'! It's been quite a while, but I'll be glad to put this story to rest! Anyway, enjoy!
Deep underground, in the middle of a coliseum, Nani and Candace were staring face to face with a giant ant as it started to move its pincers around, just a little bit.
"If I only I was drenched in ant pheromones right about now..." Candace muttered to herself. It was at that moment she noticed Nani raising an eyebrow towards the girl. Candace sighed. "Again, long story."
The ant literally gave a roar to their faces, which was pretty amazing in and of itself, as ants don't usually roar. Okay, maybe it didn't roar, but it did something with its pincers that gave it that notion.
"I don't suppose you have any idea how to fight a giant ant?" Nani asked.
"No, do you?" Candace asked.
"...we're sunk." Nani groaned as she looked up. "Oh, Stitch would probably know EXACTLY what to do..."
Nani shut her eyes as she clung onto Candace, the ginger haired girl holding on to the older Hawaiian girl in anticipation as the giant ant drew closer to them... but then, all of a sudden, they heard a shout coming from a distance.
All of a sudden, laser shots came from the side as it shot the giant ant, causing the ant to scream as Stitch, still in his disguise, shot a few more shots towards the ant in question as Nani and Candace looked surprised.
Nani then smiled as she ran over to Stitch and ensnared the space experiment in a hug. "Stitch! Wow, am I glad to see you!"
"Lilo and meega came to save you!" Stitch said as he readied the pistols, causing the ants to scurry around in a panic.
"...just in time too." Nani sighed. "I was afraid I'd be somebody's lunch... but how did you know where to find us?"
"Ih, we had a little help." Stitch shrugged as he pointed over to the upper left. Nani and Candace turned to see Phineas, Ferb and Lilo were helping the scared adults out of the anthill and fast as Stitch still kept shooting, making the ants panic.
Nani looked surprised, but then smiled. "Oh, Lilo… always looking out for others..."
"Hey, that's my brothers!" Candace gasped. "PHINEAS! FERB!"
That caught the two boys's attention as they looked down, Phineas smiling. "Oh, hi Candace! Hard to believe you went through the ant thing twice now."
"Yeah, ha ha, I couldn't help but notice that." Candace called back. "Listen, when or if we get out of here, I'm busting you so hard!"
"Okay, Candace, we're going to help the others. Stitch will lead you to safety!" Phineas said as he started to walk off with Ferb.
Candace shook her head as she muttered, "Just how he remains oblivious to the fact that he is in possible trouble, I may never figure out..."
It was right at that moment when she noticed Nani glaring at Candace. Candace blinked. "What? I'm the older sibling, I'm kind of obliged to do it at this point."
"Candace, they're trying to save our lives. Why would you even want to bust them? They're not in trouble for 'SAVING' our lives!" Nani pointed out.
Candace groaned as she looked down. "I know that, but even still, I can't help myself. I just have an urge to tell my Mom what my brothers are doing, but she never believes me because the minute I take her to where the proof is supposed to be, it's like it's not there to begin with! It's just frustrating, you know? Have you ever had that urge to try to tattle on your- uh-"
It was at that moment Nani looked at Candace with a glare that could easily kill her. "Oh... yeah... sorry. Didn't mean to bring up bad memories."
Nani just stared at Candace as Stitch kept shooting at the giant ant, causing it to back off. Nani then gave a chuckle as she said, "You know, when you get older, you'll learn to appreciate your brother's talents a whole lot more."
"I do... I just wish our PARENTS could see what Phineas and Ferb can do." Candace sighed. "Call it me being unreasonable, call it me being a concerned sibling, heck, call it me wanting a normal life, but every day with my brothers is sort of like an adventure. I just wish Mom could actually see that... adventure, you know."
"Well..." Nani paused as Stitch finished up the giant ant and motioned the two to follow him. Nani nodded as she grabbed Candace by the hand and started to go off. "I know it's hard for people to see incredible things that... they don't understand. And I know you wish for your mom to at least see what your brothers are up to..."
"Yeah, yeah, I always get told that each time." Candace sighed. "You don't need to repeat the whole 'Appreciate your brothers for their talents' or 'Good things come to those who wait' speeches, I know about those speeches. I get them plenty of times, and yet, I still feel empty inside."
"Well, let me ask this another way. Do you want to bust your brothers because you want to feel justified, or do you do it... because you're amazed, and you know they're get in trouble if your mom sees it, but you do it anyway?" Nani asked.
Candace did not quite have a response to that as she thought about it. As soon as Candace and Nani got out of the ant hill (though, somewhere, they could have sworn they heard someone flying by the ant hill yelling out something inaudible somewhere, but they couldn't make out what it was, due to the fact that they were small), they looked up to see Lilo motioning to Shrink to unshrink everyone caught. The alien proceeded to do so as each and every human was grown back to their original size, one by one, including Nani and Candace themselves, Candace sighing a breath of relief.
But Shrink didn't stop there. He went around the town that had shrunk down and started to bring the buildings back to their original size. The other humans looked a little confused, but shrugged as they went back to their normal lives, but not before thanking the kids before going on their way.
Pretty soon, the only people standing as a floating Shrink, Lilo, Stitch, Phineas, Ferb, Nani, Candace, and Gantu, who looked a little angry. Lilo first turned to Gantu and coughed.
Gantu looked over and groaned. "Ugh, fine. The experiment is yours, I'll give a call to you know who saying that I failed, again!"
"And..." Lilo raised an eyebrow.
Gantu curled his lip, but sighed. "Fine. I'll keep my word. No getting experiments for a month."
"And if we see you breaking your word?" Lilo asked as Stitch pulled out one of his blasters, giving a sinister smirk.
"Believe me, you won't." Gantu sighed as he started to march off, grumbling to himself. "Unbelievable. A captain of the guard reduced to this..."
The others just watched before Phineas looked down and gave a grin. "Oh, there you are, Perry!"
Everyone turned to see a teal platypus just standing there, making a weird sound as Phineas picked up the platypus and carried him. "You know, we really should be keeping a tracking collar on you..."
Stitch could have sworn he saw the platypus sweat a little bit... before Phineas smiled, "Then again, you seem to know where you're going. Whatever you must do, I'm sure it's more relaxing than what we do... by the way, Candace, I believe you dropped your phone."
Upon Ferb pulling out a phone, Candace immediately grabbed it and turned it on... just in time as the phone began to ring. Candace grinned as she picked it up. "Hello!"
"Candace, there you are. We've been trying to call you for the past half-hour! What happened?" Linda Flynn-Fletcher asked.
"Oh, Mom! Uh, sorry about that, I... had my phone turned off. Because..." Candace paused as she looked over at Nani, who crossed her arms with a raised eyebrow. Candace gave a sigh as she said, "Let's just say I was watching ants."
Nani gave a shrug as Linda continued, "Okay, well, we're on our way back to the pier. Can you get Phineas and Ferb and wait for us?"
"Oh sure, no trouble at all." Candace grinned. "We'll meet you right there!"
Candace calmly hung up the phone as she turned to Phineas and Ferb in a panic. "Okay, you two, let's get back to the pier and fast! Mom and Dad will be picking us up any minute now!"
"Oh, wonderful! I can't wait to tell her about the day we just had!" Phineas gave a smile as she turned to Lilo and Stitch. "Hey, you two want to come? We'd love to introduce you to Mom and Dad."
"Er… no thanks. We still got a loose end to wrap up ourselves. You guys go on ahead. But maybe we'll meet each other again?" Lilo raised an eyebrow as Stitch nodded.
"Oh, sure!" Phineas smiled. "I'm sure someday we'll meet again, when push comes to shove."
Phineas quickly wrote down his address and telephone number and gave it to Lilo as she pocketed it. After giving a thumbs-up each, Candace, Phineas and Ferb started to head back to the pier as Lilo and Stitch immediately turned to Nani, who was sitting down, recovering a little bit. Lilo went up as she said, "Are you okay, Nani?"
Nani looked over at her little sister and the alien, before giving a smile as she ensnared the two in a hug. "I'm okay now. Thank you for saving me."
"Hey. You know Stitch and I always handle the weird science fiction stuff, right?" Lilo gave a grin as Nani let go of the two, before handing her cell phone to Nani. "David's looking for you. You better give him a call!"
"Oh, right!" Nani gave a smile before grabbing her cell phone and calling, waiting for her boyfriend to pick up. It was at that moment she smiled, "Hello, David? I have to apologize, I didn't show up. I did, sort of, but I was... small, and you were big and... yes, one of Stitch's cousins was involved in this scenario... I'm sorry about our delayed date. Is there a way I can make it up to- dinner over at the Tiki Hut? Well, of course, I'll be right over. I'll meet you over there."
She then hung up the phone as Lilo and Stitch gave big grins, Stitch raising an eyebrow. "Well?"
"Looks like our date is still on!" Nani smiled as she started to depart. "Will you guys be okay on your own until I meet you back in the pier?"
"Sure thing!" Lilo smiled. "May as well anyway. We need to find a new home for Shrink here."
"Wonderful. See you at six." Nani said as she started to depart back into town, Lilo and Stitch waving as the confused Shrink looked over towards the two.
Lilo gave a smile as she examined Shrink. "Hmmm... so your power is shrinking and growing things to sizes, huh?"
The Hawaiian girl took this moment to think... before snapping her fingers. "I know the perfect job for you!"
"There you guys are!" Linda and Laurence smiled as the three kids and pet platypus stepped in the vehicle as Linda smiled. "So, how was your day?"
"Oh, it was great! We were on a flying teacup and we made a couple new friends, there were aliens and we had a bit of a shrinking adventure!" Phineas smiled. "Isn't that right, Ferb?"
Ferb could only give a thumbs-up as Phineas said, "We had to save Candace from giant ants, isn't that fun!"
"Giant ants again, huh?" Linda laughed as she rolled her eyes before turning to Candace. "So, how was your day, Candace?"
Candace had half a mind to confirm Phineas's story and expose everything, but... then she started to think about it. After all, why ruin a good moment. With a smile, she said, "Eh, like I told you on the phone, watched some ants, looked around the sights... I will say, Hawaii vacations are like... the greatest time, you just have to know when to... kick back, you know?"
Linda raised an eyebrow as she turned to Candace. "Nothing else unusual happened?"
"Oh, there was an unusual thing here or there... but I think it's best if I just let it lie. After all... we're on vacation..." Candace shrugged.
Linda looked in surprise, but gave a warm smile. "Well, I'm just glad you had a great day. Nothing too adventurous, I assume..."
"You have no idea..." Candace shook her head, smiling about the new friend she made in Nani today.
Meanwhile, over at a fruit stall in the pier, Lilo and Stitch had just finished explaining to the owner of the fruit stall how Shrink was an expert food grower and shrinker as Shrink demonstrated his powers on some pineapples, shrinking them down to bite size pieces. The owner took the bite size pieces and took the rinds out before popping the entire thing in his mouth, chewing it... before smiling. "Hmmm... you're right, kid. This does taste better bite-sized! Sure, your friend here can work in the fruit department!"
"Great!" Lilo smiled as she and Stitch took a few more bite sized pineapples and took a little taste, before both gave a smile. "I'm sure Shrink here will fit in just fine."
"Thank you again, little girl!" The fruit owner grinned, waving towards the girl and her 'brother' as they started to depart.
As they did so, Lilo paused as she looked over at the spot where the tea cup ride used to be. "Say, what happened to the tea cup ride that was supposed to be here?"
Someone, who happened to be walking by, overheard Lilo and said, "It was the strangest thing yet. A platypus in a fedora and a pharmacist were in the middle of the ride, somehow activating it and sending the entire thing off into the ocean!"
Lilo blinked as she turned to the guy. "Did that really happen?"
"...that's the thing I heard anyway. Shame, really. It looked like a fun ride..." The man said as he started to leave, as Lilo and Stitch looked disappointed. Lilo then shrugged.
"Oh well. At least we can say we rode in a flying teacup." Lilo gave a grin as Stitch nodded. "So, what do you say? Shall we explore the rest of the pier?"
"Ih!" Stitch grinned as he and Lilo started to go off, ready to have fun together...
As for Gantu himself, he was walking back in the crashed ship next to the waterfall, looking disappointed as he looked around. Immediately, he noticed a lot of sandwiches being settled in every part of the ship. Gantu rolled his eyes, knowing who was responsible for this... and sure enough, Experiment 625 was walking out, eating a sandwich as he noted Gantu's grumpy face. "Hey, grumpy. Failed again, huh?"
"Unfortunately." Gantu grumbled to himself. "I see you've been having a little party while I was away."
"I wouldn't call it a party... it's more of a sandwich get-together, if you get what I'm saying." 625 grinned as he took another sandwich and ate it in one bite. "All right, so what happened? Little girl again?"
"Yes, and I've been forced into a stalemate." Gantu growled as he went over to the control panel and opened it up. "Not only was I forced to hand the experiment to her, I was forced into an agreement to not chase any more experiments for a month!"
"Oooo… hit him right where it hurts!" 625 winced. "What's Hamsterviel going to say when you tell him?"
"Oh, I'm not telling him squat." Gantu said as he was pulling a cord out of the control panel. "And if you would be so kind as to help me find the cord that powers the communicator screens, I want it to stay that way."
"Oh, gee, you know, I'd love to help you, Gantu, but I still have a lot of sandwiches to eat." 625 said as he started to take another sandwich. "I made them all, might as well eat them while I do."
"Don't you EVER get full from those sandwiches?" Gantu groaned. "I swear, you're going to be NAMED after a sandwich one day."
"Really?" 625's eyes twinkled a little bit as he started to think about it. "Hmmm... what would be a good sandwich name for me anyway...?"
Gantu could only watch the yellow space koala eat and think to himself as he shook his head, before resuming to his work to find the right cable to turn off the communicator screens.
Meanwhile, over near the Tiki Hut, David was patiently waiting, hoping to see the girl he loved coming over. It was at the sound of her angelic voice that he perked up.
"David, I'm so sorry! I've ran into a lot of problems today!"
David turned as he saw the panting Nani approaching, still as beautiful as she was. She looked a bit sweaty, but she was still as beautiful as ever. David calmed her down slightly by putting her hand on his as she looked up at the man. David gave a smile as he said, "I figured you would never leave unless it was for a good reason. Maybe you'd like to tell me about your day... over dinner?"
Nani looked over at the smiling face of David, before relaxing a little as she gave a grin. "We may as well order something that'll take a while, because I have quite the story to tell..."
David could only nod as he and Nani went inside, and as both of them sat down, Nani couldn't help but smile a little, happy to be involved in a little alien adventure, even if it was a little much for her taste. In fact, she couldn't help but wonder if she'll meet Candace again...
Then again, only time will tell...
Orange Ratchet Story
"That's All, Folks!"
An Orange-Ratchet Fanfiction
And that is it, the story is done! How did you guys like it? As for my final thoughts, this was a request for DisneyBrony2012, who wanted to see this crossover happened. I figured I'd style it in the style of the crossover episodes the Lilo and Stitch show did, and I think I did well on it, more or less. The main people I wanted to focus on was Nani and Candace, both of them being the big sisters of young siblings that can do anything... though Nani is more patient with Lilo, Candace shows she has no patience, and that made for a good contrast. That said, I'm sorry I didn't include the Perry/Doofensmirtz subplot most Phineas and Ferb stories are known for, but at the end of the day, I hope this was good enough.
That said, I'm ready to go to Tokyo Mew Mew month now, so let's get ready! Anyway, thank you all for reading, and have a very wonderful day!