AmbertheCat: Thank you for the support. I am doing fine now

Alex B. Goode: I am feeling fine now

Tori, Dustin, and I were watching one of Dustin's motocross tapes. "You look really good out there." I commented. "Now, all I gotta do is to get some Factory dudes to see the tape." Dustin said as he paused it. "Hi, there. I'm looking for Kelly Holloway." a man that came up to had said. "Uh, she's not here at the moment. Can I help you?" Dustin said, and that's when his eyes light up with realization.

Dustin was stuttering over his words. "Dude, y-you're…" he was stuttering. "Roger Hannah. Nice to meet you." he said as he shook Dustin's hand. Okay, who is Roger Hannah?

"Who's Roger Hannah?" Tori whispered to Dustin, wondering the same thing that I'm wondering. "Five-time Moto champ. More wins than anyone on the planet." Dustin explained to us. "That might be a stretch." Roger said. "You're the team manager for Factory Blue." Dustin said, and with that, he is now scrambling to get the tape over to him.

"Watch this tape, I've been busting some super fast lap times." Dustin said, handing the tape to Roger. "Maybe another time. I'm looking for a couple of guys that I hear are at the local track several times." Roger said. "Don't tell me, one big guy and one not-so big guy, both insanely fast?" Dustin asked.

From that, I knew that Roger was talking about Blake and Hunter.

"Do you know them?" he asked. "Blake and Hunter? I guess you can say we know them." I told him. "Then you can tell me where to find them." he said. I looked over at Tori, seeing that I don't know how to phrase that because the last time we saw Blake and Hunter, they tried to kill Sensei and almost killed me.

"We really wish we could." Tori said. "Yeah, they do, dude. Trust me, they have this thing…" Dustin was about to say, causing me to side-eye him. "Don't go there." she said.

"Well, here's my card. If you run into them, call me." Roger said. "Yeah, okay. Sure thing." Dustin said. "I should head back to rehearsal, anyways. I think the break is almost up." I said as I walked away from Dustin and Tori. As soon as I got to the counter, I could tell that Dean is hiding behind it. For some reason, he has this distaste for Factory Blue. I think I heard him mention it several times.

"All clear." I said, causing him to pop up from behind the counter. "Thanks, Pixie." he said. "Whatever, Goliath." I replied as I left Storm Chargers.

As soon as I got back to the dance studio, I was warming up for the next routine that we would be going over, and then I swore I saw a flash of crimson, but as soon as looked through the window that overlooks the town area of Blue Bay Harbor, the flash of crimson disappeared.

(Video will be on Quotev and Wattpad. Imagine Luna is the girl with the MTV shirt. Play the video from 0:13 - 1:37)

After everyone on the team is done going over the routine, the coach spoke up. "Okay, guys. We're done for the day. Good work." she said. I gathered my stuff and head out of the dance studio. When I made one turn to the left, I was suddenly pulled into an alley. A hand went up to my mouth and I could hear someone shushing me. I saw the crimson sleeve on the shirt, and one person instantly came to mind.

"Hunter?" I asked as I turned to see the blonde. "Sorry for freaking you out. I figure it's better than out in the open where your brother could see." he said. "That just made things a little more creepier, but okay." I said.

"Listen to me very carefully. I know you don't trust me…" he was about to say, then I cut him off. "You're right about that one. I trust you one day, and then the next day, you and Blake led me to my deathbed." I said.

"I'm so sorry for that. I know beyond those trust issues, you do still care." he said. "I would be a hypocrite if I said I didn't." I told him with honesty. "What if I tell you that I know a way to get to Lothor's ship?" he asked.

Tori, who just ran into Blake in the woods, and I just told Shane, Dustin, Cam, and Sensei about what Hunter and Blake told us. Shane immediately has the reaction that I had when Hunter told me.

"I don't buy it. Why would Choobo all of a sudden decide to turn good?" Shane asked. "I must agree with Shane. It sounds far too convenient. "Hunter and Blake said they're going to check it out. Even if they're in the ship, they won't let us in until they call us for back up." I explained to them.

"Good, then that gives us time." Dustin said. "Time for what?" Tori asked. "For you to fix my bike, Miss Freestyle-No-Hand-Landing." Dustin said, causing Shane and Cam to chuckle. "It wasn't that bad. I took a little spill." Tori said, sheepishly. "The fender's facing backwards." Dustin said. "Alright." Tori said, defensively.

"How did it go?" Dean asked me. "With Hunter? I maintained myself out there. You don't need to hurt him." I told him. "You said you don't trust him, yet." Dean said. "That's trust only. I'd be a hypocrite if I said I didn't care." I told him.

The following day, Tori and Shane were sparring, while Dean and I were sparring. Shane and Tori were sparring near the entrance to the quarry, while Dean and I were sparring within the Ninja Ops. All of a sudden, we see Dustin storm in, visibly upset, with Tori and Shane following, very confused.

"I just saw them in the shop, and they just totally blew me off." Dustin said. "Blake and Hunter?" Dean asked, and Dustin nods in confirmation. "I don't know. It's like deja vu all over again." Dustin adds in. "Technically, that's impossible, Dustin." Cam states.

"Whatever, man, I'm telling you. These guys are suffering from a major brain fade. It's like our adventure into the Cavern of Lost Souls never happened." Dustin was explaining. "That is one adventure that I would like to forget." I chimed in. "Besides, I thought we were all cool with each other." I add in. "Yeah, like those guys are ever reliable." Shane said, sarcastically.

"Speaking of reliable, I think someone got up from the wrong side of the bed." Cam said as he went towards the computer monitor, and we all went by him to see a snail-like monster. "Where does Lothor get these losers?" Shane asked. "Don't bother asking." Dean said. "You wanna say it, or should I?" Tori asked, as all of us got into formation.

"Ready?" Shane asked. "Ready." we all replied.

"Ninja Storm, Ranger Form! HA!"

"Monochrome Storm, Ranger Form! HA!"


"Power of Water!" "Air!" "Earth!"

"Power of Darkness!" "Light!"

We all ninja streaked to the construction site. "I don't see anything." Shane said. "I hate to bring it up, but it's always how it starts." Tori said. I notice some smoke coming through. "Guys." I said, getting their attention.

We were all blinded by smog that the monster had attacked all five of us. "I rest my case." Tori groaned out. "Well, if it isn't the world famous Power Rangers. You know, you look taller on TV." the snail monster said as he stepped out into the light.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that you look uglier in person?" Dustin asked as we are all stumbling to get up. "What is this, Attack of the Giant Snail?" Tori asked. "Not a problem." Shane said as we all got into defensive positions. All of the sudden, navy and crimson thunder strikes had struck us, causing us to be weakened.

"I know those thunder strikes from anywhere." Dean grunted out. "Hey! Remember us!" Blake exclaimed. "You guys?" Dustin asked. "What're you doing?" Tori asked in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?" I muttered.

They jumped down from the building that they are now charging at us. That just leaves Shane and I to fight Blake and Dean, Dustin, and Tori to fight Hunter. In a short summary of what happened, the Thunder Rangers were pretty much kicking our asses. They were advancing towards us after we regrouped.

Hunter blasted the Crimson Blaster and after we hit, we all hyper jumped to a nearby building. "Wait, come back. I'm just getting gassed up." the snail monster said as it was now disintegrating into smog. We all ran into the building where we couldn't get affected.

"Where are we going?" Dustin asked as we are running towards no destination. "Anywhere that the smell isn't." Dean grunted out as we were still running. "You can't run away from my furious fumes, Rangers." the monster said as it laughed and the fumes caught up to us, causing us to get attacked again, and go over the ledge and onto the concrete.

"This gas is on full blast." the monster said. "This monster's been stinking up my day." Shane said. "I think he needs to be smog checked." Tori said. We tried to goad the monster into a battle, but that just ended up in us getting that smoke blasted into us. We had done the Spin Cycle and the smog had cleared up.

"Ninja Swords, powered up."

"Ninja Katanas, full power."

We all struck at the monster and he fell off the ledge, and we followed in pursuit.

"Storm Striker!"

Shane fired the Storm Striker and the monster was destroyed. Moments later, it came back giant. "Of course. What else were we suspecting?" I said. "Cam, your thoughts?" Shane asked. "I'm thinking MegaZord." Cam replied as he released the zords. We all go into our respective Zords as the MegaZord is now constructed.

The monster used its shell to make the first strikes. We go into Lightning Mode, and evade the attack, and got it off its feet. Then, I sensed the Thunder Zords coming towards us. "Uh, guys. The bugs returned." Dean said. They stopped for a moment, and we used that to get a power sphere out. We manage to destroy the snail monster.

All that's left for us to fend off against is the Thunder MegaZord.

We were fighting against the Thunder Rangers, that we didn't expect the next thing to happen. All of the sudden, I was feeling weak until everything faded to black.