I know it's been forever! I have had a lot going on with life, but I'm back and hope to complete this story soon. As always please leave a review and once again I'm sorry for the long wait.

Robin and Zatanna were still doing research about Barbara and Belinda. Trying to set up the scene to get Dick and Barbara to kiss.

"Recognize Superboy B04" the computer spoke

Robin turned smiling "Hey Conner's Back from the fortress of solitude! "

Zatanna smiled "How long was he gone?"

"2 weeks, something to do with Krytonians and mind training" he explained

Just then Conner walked into the lab "What're you guys looking at Batgirl for?" He questioned

Tim shrugged "Cause we're suspicious that- "He was cut off by Zatanna holding up a hand

"Con- Tell me which one of these girls is Batgirl." She asked

Conner furrowed his eyebrows as he got closer to the computer "Umm the red head?"

Tim shook his head "No it's the brunette "

"Umm I was on this team when she joined, I think I'd know after 3 years what she looks like Robin. It's the red head" Conner pointed "I may not know her civilian name because of you Bats crazy secret identity thing. But unlike you and Nightwing she walks around without sunglasses. I know which one she is. It's the red head." He insisted

He took notice of Zatanna and Tim's exchanges glances "You're telling me this girl doesn't look familiar at all to you?" Zatanna pointed at Belinda

Conner shook his head "Should I? I've never seen that girl before in my life"

Tim looked at Zatanna to answer the question "And Tell me, are Nightwing and Batgirl dating"

Conner shrugged "I don't know if they are, they keep it quiet, but I'll tell you what, they dang sure are close and flirty. They're basically inseparable "he paused "But you all know this, I mean their closeness is part of why you two broke up" he pointed at Zatanna

"Love Spell!" Zatanna And Robin spoke in unison

Conner rose an eyebrow "Umm okay I'm going to my room, fortress kind of made me tired. You two have fun dealing with whatever this is" he motioned

When he was gone Robin looked at Zatanna "Kryptonians must be immune to the spell" she explained

Robin smiled "Cool." Then he paused "So, you're telling me that we are in an alternate reality and she is supposed to be Batgirl and Nightwing's love interest?" Tim pointed at Barbara

Zatanna nodded "Yup basically"

Tim nodded "Wow this is "

"Crazy?" Zatanna suggested

Tim shrugged nodding his head "Yeah that but also good news, I like Barbara she is so cool and easy to get along with - and honestly the way Conner described her and Nightwing's relationship it makes sense. Those two have a natural bond"

"Like soul mates?" Zatanna questioned

Tim shrugged "So breaking this spell?"

Zatanna nodded "According to my book if it is a Love Spell. I think it goes without saying that both of us think it is. Barbara and Dick need to kiss. Once they do everything will go back to normal."

Dick was out for a morning run clad in only grey sweatpants as he ran down the Gotham city street, he had stayed at the Manor for the night with patrol ending early. But opted to stay at the Manor rather than with Belinda. She didn't take it well, but he made up the excuse that he had to do work in the Batcave. Truth be told he didn't feel like being around her right now.

But then he saw her... I mean he thought he might see her cause he was passing her apartment, but he wasn't going that way hoping to see her. Okay maybe a part of him was hoping to see her. And maybe it was completely wrong of him to hope to see her over his girlfriend.

He couldn't help but admire her as she ran toward him, wearing a tie dye sports bra and matching leggings. It went well with her beautiful red hair. "Hey Dick" she smiled

He nodded "Hey"

"You stay at your dad's last night?" She asked panting lightly

Dick nodded "What brings you out this early?"

She smiled "Umm my unusual love for exercise" she put her hands on her hips

"Same" Dick smiled

She nodded "It's just something about it, that helps"

He nodded "It's the stress" he grinned "I like your outfit"

Barbara looked down at herself

Dick realized based on the minimal clothing that might sound perverted "I mean-I - I like tie dye and it looks good on you and the 70s were a cool time and all and it's cool that the 70s are coming back and"

"I know what you mean Dick" she giggled

Dick smiled he didn't know why but she brought out an awkward side in him

"You done exercising? Maybe we can grab some coffee?"

Barbara nodded "Yeah that's good, I could use a cool down"

They sat across from each other laughing "So let me get this straight, this guy who your dad arrested 3 times over the course of 3 years asked you out?" Dick asked

Barbara nodded still laughing

"So, did he know who you were?" He asked

Barbara shrugged "I would think so, but still it was awkward cause I knew who he was"

He smiled "Well I mean you can't blame a guy for trying"

Barbara looked at him questionably

"You know you're beautiful alright?" Dick said mater of factly

Barbara laughed nervously "I don't think of myself that way I've always seen myself as more of a ...nerd"

Dick shook his head "I doubt that"

She shook her head "No I'm serious, I skipped my prom to attend a Grand opening of a library. I regret nothing "

He smiled widely "That's pretty nerdy" he agreed

Barbara sent him a fake pout kicking him under the table in a teasing way

"But also, cute" he kicked her back playfully.

They both smiled at each other

"So, it's gonna be a doozy today, the weather is calling for record heat," she said keeping the conversation going

Dick nodded "Yeah, we're having a little get together at the Manor today you should come."

Barbara took a sip of her coffee "Oh yeah?"

He nodded "It's not too many people. Just me, Tim, Bruce, his friend Clark and his wife Lois, his friend Oliver and his wife Dinah. Tim's friend Stephanie, my friends Wally and Roy...Belinda."

Barbara bit her lip "Would it be okay?"

Dick shrugged "It's my party. Besides I want you to come" he smiled

Barbara looked at him his lips turned up, eyes shining bright. How could she say no to that? "Of course, I'll be there"

Dick looked happy "Great, it starts at 2, bring your bathing suit. It's a pool party Alfred is cooking"

"Then I'll definitely be there" she grinned

Dick chuckled "That's always the winner for anyone. Alfred is the best cook in the world"