I haven't done a new story in a while, please leave a review letting me know what you think or if I should continue.
Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or DC
Barbara woke up to the feeling of sweet kisses lining their way up her neck to her jaw line.
She rested her hand on the back of the perpetrators head before rolling on her side to face him
"Good morning" she mumbled with a smile running her hands from his hair down to his bare shoulders and around his neck
Dick smiled back at her brightly "Good morning" he leaned forward pecking her lips
"You stayed here all night?" She rose an eyebrow
Dick nodded "I did" he whispered before leaning forward and pecking her lips again
Barbara pulled back smiling "I bet Bruce doesn't know you stayed the night"
Dick laughed "Sleeping with you is well worth facing the wrath of Batman. Besides I think his rule of not dating members within our 'Bat-family' is a little silly" he wrapped his arms around her pulling her close
Barbara bit her lip "Even if we did come back here after patrol and literally just sleep"
Dick chuckled "Isn't that the best way to spend time together?" He leaned forward to attempt to snuggle her neck when a knock on the door forced him to jump away
"Barbara, you awake?" Jim's voice rang through
Dick looked at Barbara with wide eyes "The wrath of your father, on the other hand, scares me" he whispered
Barbara laughed silently and brought a finger to Dick's lips signaling for him to be quiet
"Mph Dad?" She spoke in a mock groggy voice
Dick flashed her an amused smile
"Sorry, sweetie I thought I heard you talking" the doorknob jingled "Why is the door locked?" He asked
Dick looked back at Barbara to see how she'd respond "I must have forgotten to unlock it after I got dressed in my pajamas last night" she spoke still in a fake tired voice
A second later Jim's voice responded "Okay well I'll get your cup of coffee ready for you, I'd like to spend some time with you before I go to work"
They waited for a second to make sure Jim had walked away before speaking again.
Dick smiled at her "I lo- "
Barbara cut him off "Shh, you should go before my dad comes back"
Dick nodded "I wasn't exactly thinking this through last night. All I have is my suit which is stored with yours" his eyes flickered to the secret place Barbara hid her suit in her closet
Barbara nodded rolling out of bed and walking to her dresser, she pulled out a pair of sweat pants tossing them to him
Dick held them up "Pink?"
Barbara smiled "Those are my only ones big enough for you. It's either that or walk through the streets of Gotham in your boxers"
Dick smiled "Have I ever told you how much I like Victorias Secrets fashion" he jumped up slipping on the sweatpants and walking toward Barbara "I'll see you at the gala tonight?" He asked pressing their foreheads together
Barbara smiled "When have you not?"
Dick grinned leaning in to kiss her lips "See you there" he kissed her one more time before bidding a goodbye and slipping out the bedroom window
Belinda Marcie a petite girl with short brown hair and big brown eyes. She looked herself over in the mirror wearing a green dress that emphasized her tan skin.
"I just know Richard Grayson is going to love this dress don't you think?" She turned to look at her friend Lisa who was sitting on the bed
Lisa looked up "You look great Lind, but are you sure he's really going to notice you?"
Belinda furrowed her eyebrows "We made out before"
Lisa rolled her eyes "Once three years ago, and doesn't he have a new girl on his arm every other week?"
Belinda walked toward her "Well yeah, but I've been keeping up with the press on him- "
"Like you always do" Lisa added
"And he hasn't had a girlfriend in two months," Belinda said excitedly "Which means he is probably looking for the right person to become serious with and that right person is me"
Lisa looked at Belinda as if she were crazy "Or he has a girlfriend and is keeping it on the down low"
"Don't you think his 5 "11" frame would look so perfect next to my 5"2" one?" She sighed seemingly ignoring her friend's comment
Lisa shook her head "You're a stalker"
Belinda laughed "Not a stalker, just delectably interested" she watched as Belinda scrolled through tabloids pertaining toward Dick Grayson "See absolutely nothing about a girl with him in over 2 months"
"Does he ever actually talk to you at these things?" Lisa asked
Belinda shrugged "I only ever see him at the annual Gotham Police Ball, he hasn't been at the last two because he was away -some sort of boarding school I read" she shook her head "One before that he brought some dark-haired girl couldn't ever figure out her name but whoever it was she didn't last long because the press didn't have anything to say about it" she sighed "But then when we were 15 is when he made out with me" she rolled back on her bed "It was glorious, and this year is when he will realize I am the one he is to be with. It'll be even better now that we're 18"
Barbara Gordon stood in the far corner of the ballroom watching her Dad talk to Officer Marcie, he had a daughter the same age as her and Dick, but they didn't know her that well because she didn't go to Gotham Academy. In another area of the ballroom, she saw Dick, his brothers and Bruce greeting the guests at the door. She blushed thinking about how casual he had acted when she entered with her father even though she could feel his gaze on her as she walked away. She and Dick had, had this attraction going on between them for years now which they fought profusely. When he was away with the Titans for 2 years she thought maybe those feeling had gone away, but when he returned recently single might she add, they were even stronger than before. She tried to ignore them, not wanting to make things weird where he was persistent on wanting to date, but 2 months ago on his 18th birthday all walls were broken, and she couldn't be happier. Transitioning from best friends to lovers was a lot easier then she had expected, even if nobody knew about them yet.
Her phone vibrated from where it sat in her dress pocket, pulling it out she saw that it was a text from Dick that read Meet me in our spot
Our spot meant the closet in the hall, where they had shared their first kiss. She smiled and slipped her phone back into her pocket, glancing around to make sure nobody was looking at her before sneaking away into the hall.
She was standing in front of the closet when a pair of arms reached out from it pulling her inside, closing the door behind them. "Let me see you," Dick said turning on the light.
Barbara smiled standing about 2 feet in front of him and watched as his eyes inspected her navy-blue dress
"Do you like it?" She asked with a grin
A smirk formed on Dicks face "I do, and I love the lace" he stepped forward tugging lightly at the black laced edging that ran along her mid-thigh
Barbara smiled leaning forward "Good because I picked it out with you in mind"
She kissed his lips, Dick pushed her back lightly against the wall, as to not make too much noise. The kiss quickly heating up.
"Don't leave any identifying marks" she gasped as his mouth began making its trail to her neck. She felt Dick smirk against her neck before he placed a long gentle kiss on her lips and pulled back
"Do you have any clue how hard it's going to be to control myself around you tonight?" He grinned
Barbara smiled her arms still wrapped around his neck "You managed to do it for years without a problem"
Dick chuckled releasing his hands from around her waist "Don't remind me" he brought his hands up twirling a finger in a strand of red hair "I wish I could tell the world that you are mine" he kissed her forehead "You are literally the most perfect woman in the universe"
Barbara snickered "I could beg to differ about that"
Dick pulled back scrunching up his eyebrows "What do you mean by that?"
"You've been with-a lot of girls before we became an us"
Dick rolled his eyes playfully
"And some of them are more close to perfect than me, Zatanna and Rocket they are so smart"
"True but not nearly as smart as you, you're the smartest person I know and that's saying something because Tim is a 13-year-old genius"
Barbara laughed lightly "Okay but don't pull a Dick Grayson charmer and say I'm prettier, your last girlfriend was Kori and she is stunning and so nice!"
Dick smiled "Yeah I agree Starfire is a knockout"
He continued to look at her
"But?" Barbara asked considering his expression implied there was more to be said
"But that doesn't mean I think she was more pretty than you," he said softly "Babs you are so beautiful every inch of your body is stunning"
Barbara looked up smiling fighting a blush "Now I know you're lying"
Dick shook his head wrapping an arm around her waist pulling her close again "Barbara, you only see yourself in the mirror or in photos, you don't see yourself the way I see you, like when you knock out a bad guy, or when you are silently reading a book and get to really interesting part and bite your lip or when one of the younger team members accomplishes a new move you've been trying to teach them for weeks." He laughed lightly pressing their foreheads together "Or when you first wake up in the morning and your hairs a mess or when you get all grumpy cause you haven't had caffeine in a while or- "
He was cut off by Barbara's lips attacking his
"We should go back to the party" he gasped when they pulled back for air
Barbara nodded "Or we can make out for a few more minutes"
Dick weighed his options for a second "Yeah a few more minutes won't hurt anything" he grinned pulling her back in for a kiss
Belinda walked around the ballroom for the third time. "Where did he go?" She whispered to herself she saw him when he greeted her and her father at the door.
She had it all planned out perfectly she'd start with her father and act interested while he spoke with his boring boss Commissioner Gordon, then after she noticed Bruce Wayne and his boys were finished greeting everyone she would 'casually' bump into Dick Grayson before any other girls could get their grimy hands in him
But when her father and the commissioner were done talking she realized that Dick was missing from the doorway.
And from her multiple trips around the ballroom it seemed as if he wasn't in there either.
Which is why she concluded that she needed to expand her search deeper into the Manor even if she technically wasn't allowed to go outside of the ballroom.
"As long as that ancient butler of his doesn't catch me I'll be fine" Belinda spoke giving herself a pep talk as she snuck out of the ballroom and down an unfamiliar hallway.
As she did so she heard a door opening and quickly ducked into a corner
Peeking around the corner to see who it was.
Barbara Gordon the daughter of Jim Gordon, stepped out of the doorway.
She furrowed her eyebrows what was she doing in this part of the Manor? Guests were not premiered back here did she think she was special just because her father was the commissioner. Belinda rolled her eyes at the thought. She was getting ready to approach her when something stopped her from leaving her hiding spot-Dick Grayson came out of the door behind her
Not only that he wrapped his arms around her waist and began placing light kisses along her bare shoulder
Barbara let out a giggle and spun away from him "I'll go first, you come in 10 minutes?" She rose an eyebrow
Dick smirked at her nodding his head.
Belinda waited until Dick left before moving out of her hiding space
"Barbara Gordon, she probably talked him into dating her because her daddy is the police commissioner" she spoke out loud to herself
"This was supposed to be my chance to be with Dick Grayson. What does she even know about him? I know everything about him and we would be perfect together" She grumbled out loud as she made her way to the door. She needed to go for a walk, if her dad was looking for her he'd just have to deal with it.
She turned off the corner of the Manor grounds and made her way down the street
"Hi there darling" a voice spoke
Belinda turned to the voice, out of the shadows an old woman stepped out of the ally
"What do you want?" Belinda grumbled
The woman shook her head "Eye, I sense a broken heart"
Belinda looked at the woman "How do you know?"
The woman smiled "Sweetie I can read minds and sense souls. Come I shall mend it" she waved
Reluctantly Belinda followed the woman into the ally she motioned for her to sit down on a crate along with a makeshift table the woman sat across from her
"Tell me all about it darling"
Belinda nodded telling the woman everything and how much Dick Grayson belonged with her. The woman gave her a long stare
"I see, so you really want to be with this Grayson fellow?" She asked
Belinda nodded "More than anything"
The women grinned "What if I told yee I could make your desires come true. "
"You have my attention," Belinda said back
The woman turned to dig around in her sack pulling out a bowl, oils, leaves and some sort of powder. "Now before I begin let me just warn you it could change things, your parents could have different jobs, live in a different house, he could be different, you could be different, he may not know some of the people he knows now, and you may know some that you don't now"
She wasn't sure what exactly the woman meant but she nodded her head anyway "But Dick Grayson will still be dating me right?" She wanted to confirm
The woman sighed "Yes Dearie the boy will be all yours when you awaken in the morning"
Belinda smiled "Then yes I definitely want to do this"
The Which nodded pouring all the ingredients into the bowl and stirring them together. Then waving her hand over the bowl having Belinda place her hand over them and saying some undistinguishable words causing the potion to glow
"Now drink every last drop dear and do not have anything else to eat nor drink till tomorrow. Also, I should mention that the spell can be broken if- "
The woman was cut off by Belinda grabbing the bowl and quickly downing it.
"What was that?" Belinda looked up after finishing the potion to see that the Which was gone
"Great" she sighed setting the bowl down and standing up she felt her phone vibrate getting excited she thought perhaps it was a text from Dick but to her dismay, it was from her father Where are you? Did you leave the gala? It's over now tell me where you are, and I'll pick you up
Letting out a groan Belinda texted her father back where she was "Great now instead of locking lips with the hottie that is Dick Grayson I spent my night in an ally with some crazy woman drinking who knows what"