alright everyone! i'm here! everyone say HEEEEYY!


huh? why there's no one around? i'm not that late ri-oh god. oh god! OOOH MY GOD! I'M LATE

hello everyone! sorry for the late! don't be mad! i've a reason! you not gonna believe me. you see, i accidently slip my phone until the touch screen broke and make it hard to tap. need a month to saving the money. and a week for my order to arrive.

when i thought i can resume to start the chapter, few day later my grandma died. it really beat me that make my spirit down.

need a few day to bring back my sense. and with my 'go-beyond-plus-ultra-instinct', i try my best to continue. then life give me so many test at school. and this week i need to finish this semester test.

i thought i'm gonna make it before halloween ended. as a halloween candy for you guys. but it's late in the end. maybe this even gonna be christmas gift for you all.

first thing is i want to say special thank you! for our friend named 'LolCat47' for helping me to make this chapter by giving me an idea. and the one who give name for ship between Izuku and Ruby called 'lightning speed'. i was kind of hard to find a good name since 'green rose' gonna be similar to 'white rose'. i like your style. say thank you everyone!

and before i start, i need to say something. Some OCs that have nothing to do with me will join this story for a reason.

remember i don't own both RWBY or Boku No Hero Academia. they belong to their respected 'creator'.

now... read this!

"alright i'm gonna start it!" Ruby said in excitement to push the play button and see what happened next.

but before she played the next episode, suddenly the light caught everyone attention. they covering their eyes to block the shining. a few second later the light died down making they little by little uncover their eyes to see what happen. and after the light down for sure, what they see making their jaw drop.

right now in front of them, there's two guy that have a similar face like X. but different way is one of them is stoic and wearing black shirt with black coat. black pants and silver belt with a chain hanging from the side. and also black boots.

the other seem more cheerful. wearing yellow hawaii shirt and sunglasses. short blue pants and green sandal.

"THERE'S ANOTHER X!" everyone screaming in shock.

"it's not, you guys! it's just few of my cloning. unlike me, they just reader and watcher phase. introducing to you, the stoic guy over there is Devillain. call him Devil." X said and replies 'hey' from him. "and the hawaii guy over there's Mr. Funtastic. call him Fun." X said and replies 'hello' from the other.

"clone? what clone is this? is not like mine." Blake said in confuse. X clone not like her clone. it's like they have their own personality and thought. but different than X.

"there's something that from other world you can't do. then again it's still different from other. do you remember i told you i've other personality?" seeing they nodded, he continue. "so to make my self still sane, i need to put it to other body with my DNA, and there them go." X said to make them understand.

"oh i see. sci-fi." Weiss said and nodded.

"you still with name X, huh?" Devil said in somewhat seem glad.

"what's wrong with his name?" Ruby ask and raise her brow.

X sighed knowing this gonna be come. "you see, i've an other name than X and it's called 'Godeux'. it's from my other phase." X said.

"other phase?" now Peach is the one who confused as well.

"there's some ester egg of phase in our race that can make us interfere with one of dimension. it's called 'the gamer'" Fun explain it.

"'the gamer' can join one of the world to live in there and feel the adventure of excitement in there." Devil said.

"wow~ you can do that!?" Nora ask with star in her eyes.

"oh it's so unfair! now i really wish to be same race like you!" Yang said and pout. seriously if she can join one of the world outside just thinking the adventure she can get.

"believe me when i said it's kinda dark." Devil said darkly making them nerveous. "it's also called a forbidden phase for a reason. once you interfere with one world, like brain washing you gonna enjoying that much until you starting to forget everything than that world. family, friend, everything. and then you gonna sold your soul for staying at that world. you're nothing but empty shell. just exist with 'no life'." Devil said making the guest look sad.

when he mentioning it, it's like really wrong. to sold their live and exist with 'no life' just for enjoying one of world is like sell your soul to devil (not this oc Devil).

"then why they here?" Port ask and trying change the mood.

"there's something i need to do. so i call them here to replace me for a moment." X told them.

"wait. we're here together and we not seeing you contact anyone before." Jaune said and everyone agree with him.

"oh! that because i call them by telepathy. you know, reader and watcher can hear other people thought by it. but also with their thinking." X said. he and the watcher found that their face paled for some reason.

"w-wait! so that mean, you can hear and know what we thinking without we know it?" Ruby said nerveously and get even more when X nodded.

X and his clone narrowing their eyes, feeling a little off from them. then sneaky using their telephaty to know what they thinking.

'oh no! this is really happening! my worst scenario that i never saw it coming!'

'don't think! don't think anything!'

'i can't let they know about my secret!'

'do they know about what we thinking now!? it's teribble!'

'think about something else! think about something else!'

'did they know i read 'that''

'clear you mind! do it! don't think about anything! don't let they know that i feel horny when i thinking Ruby and Weiss doing 'that"

and they stop using their telepathy and look at Yang who yelped and realize what she doing.

"ALRIGHT! YOU GOT ME! Bare me and peek at my dirty soul with your ability to read mind! You're satisfied now?!" Yang screaming.

the writter with his clone just look at her awkwardly. "not even a single bit." they say in same time slowly.

"alright forget about it! even if i can do that, it's still a pain to using it in all time. so i don't really know what you guys thought before." X said with final making the guest sighed in relief knowing that their secret still save. except the clone who know that...

'it was a lie.' they thought in unison and sweatdrop. of course they know that X can know all they think all the time.

"so why you guys here anyway?" Pyrrha said coriously why they here. and want to change the subject.

"there's something i want to check in outside of dimension. so i need someone else who know about BNHA world to watch over you guys. oh! before i go..." X close his eyes and suddenly the room become bigger and few thing like bathroom missing. "you need more space. behind that door i put the bathroom on the left corridor. along with kitchen since they still 'reader and watcher', they still don't have power to creating something. now if you mind me, i've a job to do." X said while creating the portal in front of him.

"what is it?" Weiss said coriously since it's really interesting to see someone can do a dimension travel.

without looking back, X just simply say..."ask the two of them." then jump at the portal before it disappear.

after watching the writter go, they stare at the watcher. "so what is it?" Weiss ask again.

"we don't know? he never said anything in telepathy." Fun said and shrugged making the guest fall comically.

"what!? you must be kidding me!" Weiss said after get up from her falling.

"look like we just got a prank." Ozpin said and chuckling.

"enough already! you want to watch the next episode or not!?"Devil yell at them who flinch then nodded. "then sit at where you before while i'll prepare the next episode." Devil said and went to the tv to preparing it.

"geez hot already?" Yang said and raise her brow.

"sorry about him. he may temperament, but he's a good guy. it's just that he got stressed for a few week. and our grandma died few day ago. it still hit him." Fun said making them understand and feel sorry for Devil.

"i see. i'm sorry i don't know." Yang said in guilty since she know what it feel.

"nah~ don't sweat it. 'nobody know truth and future'. ever heard that before?" Fun said.

"wow! i never thought you can thought about that." Ren said impressive the watcher that look like Yang can think something like that.

"well even if our personality is different, we still one in mindset. people say we really have a high sense of philosophy." Fun said and shrugged.

"alright it's done." Devil said and the TV starting to turn on. he sat on one of empty seat and waiting for it to start.

the guest look at the TV with intence and excite for wondering what gonna happening in this episode and can't wait it.

The scene opens up on All Might in the distance standing in a hero pose.

Narrating midoriya: The number one hero, All Might.

The camera zooms in on All Might.

Narrating Midoriya: Age unknown, Quirk Unidentified.

"i wonder how old is he?" Peach ask as she look at the man and remembering his other form. neither of them is showing any feature of how old is he.

"don't ask us. even we don't know how old is he." Fun said

"but i thought you are watcher?" Ren said and raise his brow

"we are! but not mean we can look everything. remember watcher and reader is the lower phase?" Devil said to them

"then at least please tell us what his quirk is!" Blake said as she getting annoyed. she really curious with the hero quirk. it's really confusing what it's name.

"agree. i've a few name of possibility. like 'muscles' or 'strength'. but still not sure about it. it's like he has multiple quirk." Ruby said as she scratching her cheek. naming move and weapon, she can do that. but guessing the name is other thing

"you gonna know in this episode. so be patient." Devil said and the rest want it or not need to waiting.

An image of All Might pops up with different merch items, a paper with the headline All Might's Super Popular! Gum with All Might Gum written on it and a book titled All Might's Adventure

Narrating Midoriya: He dashed onto the scene of the hero world and received unwavering popularity based on his ability.

The items change to show an action figure, pencil case, and a magazine. They then change again to show two food items one reading All Might Curry, and one reading All Might Chips. There is also a movie poster reading Movie in the works!

"woah look at that! that was awesome if he really that famous!" nora said as she watch at how All Might name been sponsored by many people. that guy can be rich but she doubt about it. remember the hero again, he's not seem like selfish guy.

"if it just me, or it seem kinda weird for using someone for food product?" jaune ask. honestly he just gonna buy food that he like and the image in the box just gonna be second thought. it not gonna change anything right?

"tell me about it." Pyrrha muttering to herself and look away so no one can hear or look at her face. she really know how that feel for your image in cereal box and let's just say it's kinda weird and embrassing.

"'Movie at the works'? what so great about that movie anyway?" Weiss said as questioning their taste of film.

"you know? slice of life, sci-fi, action, drama, and some what romance and humor." Fun said and shrugged

"please don't explain it!"

The image changes to show a cloudy day brightening up as the clouds part and rays of sun can get through.

Narrating Midoriya: Ever since he appeared,

A graph appears showing an amazing decrease in crime.

Narrating Midoriya: The once critically high rate of crimes committed by villains decreased year after year, and his existence itself became a deterrent.

A little boy is shown looking up at a statue of All Might in awe.

Narrating Midoriya: He became the Symbol of Peace in both name and reality.

everyone in the room whistled. impressed by the hero. not many people can do that and have a title like that. but this man can. no wonder he become Symbol of Peace.

"i must say, that was impressive for that world." Ozpin say as the rest nodded agree with him. 'maybe we need our own Symbol of Peace for the hope of Remnant.' Ozpin thought as he just thinking about it. 'the question is, what is our Symbol? and who can do that?' he wonder to himself. someone like All Might is hard to find nowday. with that heroic charisma from him, make he wonder if he can found one like him in Remnant. and here he saw one of it, in the television.

The screen suddenly brightens

Narrating Midoriya: And that man said to me—

The golden image of Midoriya kneeling before All Might from last episode is shown and All Might's voice comes in.

All Might: You can become a hero.

the guest smiling as they remember about that scene. it was beautiful and touched moment in their life. even few tears still come out when they remember it.

"i never thought i'm gonna crying for a show. this was the most touched moment that i ever see." Yang said as wipe a few tears from her eyes. all this time she just interested with action and adventure genre, or even supranatural. to be honest when the first time she heard the name of this anime, she thought it's gonna awesome to see hero animation. but then she watching this, she finally understand why X want them to watching this. because now she need to admit, her other genre is drama and slice of life.

Crying Midoriya is shown as he remembers things said to him in the past.

-: Huh? Midoriya? No way!

-: You're Quirkless!

Bakugou: How can you even stand in the same ring as me?

-: You should probably give it up.

Midoriya Mom: I'm sorry, Izuku!

Midoriya clenches at his chest.

Narrating Midoriya: I wanted someone to tell me that.

All Might in his true form is shown standing in front of Midoriya.

Narrating Midoriya: And then, the person I most admired said those words to me. Can anything be more shocking than this? More than this…?

Jaune laughing. "yeah like he has a secret that his power can be gived to other. there's no way a power like that exist, right?" he said

"yeah! if it's even true, then we are a dumb." Nora said as the other student nodded. but the professor still silent because they know something similar to it and don't want to jinx it.

All Might puts both his hands out in front of him.

All Might: You are worthy to inherit my power.

Midoriya stops in his tears and looks up at All Might tears and snot on his face. He tilts his head.

Midoriya: Eeh?


"the fuck?"

"what are?"

that was what everyone in the room say with confused. inherit his power? is that even possible?

*Opening plays*


"why you do this opening? why you do this!? even though i like your song, but you cruel!" Ruby said depressed and punch the tv sometime.

"no need to scratching tv, Ruby. it's almost happening to all climax part of episode. but fortunately, it's just opening. so you gonna see in next minutes." Devil said to the young Rose to calm her down. the girl sighed and back to her seat.

"Soooo we are dumb?" yang said and get cut by Weiss voice. "please don't compared me with you guys." Weiss said with irritating and eyes twitching. but Yang ignore it and continue. "can someone tell us what's going on?" she said and everyone look at the two watcher.

"no spoiler. but that's true. there's one way for Midoriya to become a hero. someone with no talent can get some talent from someone else, right?" Fun said to them and giving nod from them. it's kinda logic if thinking about it. but how?

There is a close up of Midoriya's face, he is no longer crying and has different body fluids all over his face from crying, is eyes look raw.

Midoriya: Inherit your power?

The camera zooms out to show All Might laughing. Midoriya is still kneeling on the ground with a shocked expression on his face.

All Might: What's with that face? It's just a suggestion. The real show starts after this.

"anyone face gonna be like that if they confused by what you talking about." pyrrha said.

All Might walks closer to him before pointing up in the air and quickly pointing it to him as he yells blood spraying out of his mouth.

All Might: Listen, young man. You need to decide whether or not you will accept my power!

"can you stop spraying blood from your mouth!? it's still creepy!" Ruby shout comically

"it's really messing with my head just by your line and it getting worst!" and her partner shout with her.

Midoriya still just looks shocked.

Midoriya: Wh-What is All Might saying…?

"beats me. all this talk is cyrcling and not thinkingable." Peach said as she massage her forehead.

All Might wipes the blood away from his mouth.

All Might: I'm talking about my power, young man.

An image of a newspaper is shown.

All Might: The tabloids called it "superhuman strength" and a "boost,"

The image shifts to show All Might at a talk show being interviewed.

"that actually sound logic." obleck said. all they can see so far is the quirk name is named by how the Quirk is work. remembering what All Might can before, it's kinda logic.

"don't just go into that statement, old friend. anything can just suddenly change from impossible to possible." port said to his fellow teacher. as much as he agree with him, but he can't just go and make conclusion. this anime so far just keep giving suprise and miracle. so anything can happen.

All might: And I constantly dodged the question during interviews with a funny joke.

All Might is shown again.

All Might: Because the Symbol of Peace, All Might, had to be a natural-born hero.

"wait. he not born with that quirk before?" pyrrha said as she blinking

'wait. this great power... and he not natural-born hero. could it be that...' Ozpin thought before watching it again.

Midoriya continues to stare at All Might in shock.

All Might: But young man, I will tell you the truth.

All Might raises his hands before throwing them out, an image of him in his hero form appears above him.

All Might: My Quirk was passed on to me like a sacred torch.

"his Quirk is WHAT!?" Glynda shout as she and the rest suprised. their eyes wided and jawdrop. passed on to him!? how can that be!?

"so i was right." Ozpin mutter to himself. look like this power can passed down like maiden power. it's just showing how important this Quirk that can be passed to other.

Midoriya looks floored.

Midoriya: It was passed on to you…?

A breeze blows by gently lifting All Might's shirt so his wound can be seen.

All Might: That's right. And next, it is your turn.

"oh i see! so it's how what his future self say that he become greatest hero!" Jaune said as he finally realize the other puzzle.

"the power like All Might!? now that i call it awesome!" Nora said excited and grinning. she saw just how powerful All Might back there. and if Midoriya really gonna inherit it, then he really gonna powerful.

"i know right!? just you wait asshole! the true hero will appear soon!" Yang said as she grinning. if that really happening, then she can't wait to see Bakugou face later.

not knowing she also gonna put that face too.

Ruby smilling. she glad that he can have a chance to be hero. so far, she really admire him like a hero in the story her mom tell her. about how the hero never give up and save people even if they know the risk. that why she can't help but feel want to support him even more.

"but something just clicking my mind." that voice come from Ren and the rest look at him. "what is it Renny?" Nora ask to her childhood friend. "if All Might can give his power to Midoriya, that mean the power can be to anyone. what if the power is been hold by villain?" he said that and everyone eyes wided and their face paled. that gonna chaos! but lucky, Fun answer that.

"don't worry about it." Fun voice caugh their attention and look at the guy who eating peanut. "i know it's not the time to tell you this but the power All Might hold can be transfered if the user want to give it. then again villain can't using it for some reason." Fun said to them and they sighed in relief.

"villain can't using it. why?" pyrrha ask what everyone had in mind.

"we can't take a risk to tell you. you gonna find out after this." Devil said symply.

Midoriya sits up on his knees and starts to wave his hands around.

Midoriya: W-Wait! Wait a minute!

A forum pops up titled. Summary of what's known about All Might's Quirk

Midoriya: It's true that your Quirk is something hotly debated as one of the world's greatest mysteries.

"wow seriously? even his power is one of the world greatest mysteries?" Jaune said as he disbelief that

"well you see Jaune. if you become the number one, many of people want to find out what your secret to do that. the more you famous, the more people want to know. this is the number one hero we talking about. the one who been called symbol of peace. if he hide this kind of thing. that mean it's really the mystery that the world really want to know." Pyrrha said telling to her leader. she know that perfectly because she learn from experience. each time she win some championship, people keep asking her for this and that. so few of them she not tell it not because she want to hide it. but because she tired to answer it.

Midoriya: So much so that not a day goes by when I don't see someone talking about it online.

Midoriya is shown with his finger on his head the background behind him now a bunch of swirls, the word mutter keeps coming out of his mouth as he talks.

Midoriya: But, well, I don't really understand what you mean by inheriting or passing on a Quirk… I've never heard of anything like that before, and it's never even been conjectured in the debate.

everyone blank face as they watch Midoriya muttering really fast.

"is he... muttering?" Blake ask to anyone that can answer her.

"i think so too." Peach say to her student while she also just confuse as the rest. 'the speed and accuracy in each word is amazing!' Peach thought as she watched with amazement that Midoriya not bite his tongue accidently.

"it's even more hard to understand even for me." Ruby said to Midoriya muttering. she (and few of them) can understand each word he spoke, but it's hard to keep the balance.

"someone, please stop him." Yang whimpered and her eyes twirling. Ruby talking fast, she can handle it. but Midoriya muttering is one thing.

The screen keeps zooming out as he talks, filled with the word mutter.

Midoriya: Why is that? Is it because since the dawn of history,

All Might is shown starring at Midoriya the words passing right over his face.

Midoriya: A Quirk like that was never confirmed?

The camera zooms out to finally show Midoriya and All Might incased in swirls and the word mutter.

"hmmm i can understand your disbelief too mr midoriya. even myself is confused as well." Obleck said and nodded, agree with the green haired boy as he caught perfectly what he say.

Glynda roll her eyes. "of course he can. it's just as fast as you talk when you talking or teaching, Obleck." Glynda said with sweatdrop.

"and here we goes, another him." Ozpin said and causing them snickering.

"hey! it's not everyday to find some intelegent young people with heroic heart and almost same habit as mine! it's completly special and rare! *sniff* now i can retire with happy." Obleck said as he wipe the tears of joy from his eyes and that make everyone in the room sweatdrop.

Midoriya: In the first place, it's…

All Might finally breaks the muttering.

All Might: You always start with denial, huh?

The camera shows them back where they were previously.

All Might/Weiss: NONSENSE!

"W-weiss?" Ruby said slowly as she and the rest suprised and look at her weirdly when she suddenly outburst. it's rare to see her shouting like that. yelling? maybe. shouting, rare. even for her teammates

"if you deny it just because it's sound impossible, then you wrong! i see so many impossible make an idiot people disbelieve it thanks to my crazy leader!" she shouting and got protest from the young Rose.

"hey! who you call-" but before she said more word, it cut by Weiss as she continue "and that was good." that line making everyone blinking.

"first time with Ruby, i can't work with her and deny the fact that she's the leader. but then i can learn so many thing that make me realize something. deny the fact without knowing just showing how idiot they are. and my team show it to me." what she said making her friend smiling knowing what she mean.

"awww~ thank you Weiss~." Ruby said and embrace the white haired girl into her hug.

"wai-no! Ruby! don't!" Weiss said trying to get away from the young Rose.

"wow ice queen! i never thought you can be warmed to other!" Yang teasing the white haired girl.

"hey! i can be friendly if i want too! you think i'm gonna be strict as always!?" Weiss yell to them who look away so they not gonna meet her eyes. it's kinda true actually they think about it, making the heiress growled.

"why you little- ah forget it! i'm just saying what i'm thinking." Weiss said then crossing her arms and look away. they may think she's mad, but actually she just thinking about something.

Midoriya: you looked like you were asking for help…

Narrating Midoriya: dreams can become reality.

'he just jump to something impossible, and change the imposibility, making me looked like an idiot.' Weiss thought before put her palm to her mouth. "idiot." she whispering so no one gonna hear it. but it's no use for Blake cat ear.

Midoriya looks up surprised out of him muttering.

Midoriya: Wh…?!

All Might throws his hands out.

All Might: I may hide a lot of things, but I don't lie!

Port nodded agree with the hero. "that's right! people may hide something, but moral people not gonna lying." he said

"uhhh is that even in same meaning?" Blake ask as she sweatdrop

"well it's totally different. lying is throw the truth and replace it with a reason that someone made. so hide the truth is just dodge the question, but not deny it if someone find it. how can someone be a hero if the person is a liar when people having a trust on them? so student, it's okay to hide something, but never defy the truth with lie." Ozpin told his student as they nodded with understanding. especially blake who know really good what he mean since she always hide her identity as faunus

Glynda whispering to Ozpin ear. "it's gonna be a same if they find out our secret that we hide the maiden all this time." Glynda said and Ozpin nodded.

"i know that. and if they find out by themselves i'm not gonna deny it. it's my pride as their headmaster to answer their doubt and as it i'm not gonna lying to my student." Ozpin whisper back. true if he hide so many thing. but that not mean he gonna lying.

All Might puts his hand out in front of him.

All Might: The power to transfer power… That is the Quirk I inherited!

All Might's hand seems to glow.

All Might: I was crowned with "One For All"!

Midoriya stares

Midoriya: "One For All"…

"One For All?" the student repeat the word again to taste it

"the name sound like a motto of the musketeer from old kingdom." Obleck as a history teacher know about a musketeer

Ozpin also know about that. but unlike Obleck, he thinking to any else. the slogan is say "One for all". but also "All For One". is there gonna be Quirk name like that? he have a bad feeling about this. he gonna ask it later.

The camera suddenly zooms into All Might's eyes and beam after beam of different colored lights are shown traveling to each other in a brilliant show.

All Might: That's right. One person cultivates the power and passed it on to another person, who cultivates it and passes it on.

The lights finally stop to show All Might his hand seaming to glow with power.

All Might: It is the crystallization of power that spins together the voices of those who need help.

The glowing finally stops as All Might makes a fist and holds it out in front of him.

All Might: With a courageous heart.

"woah!" that what they can say as they watch how All Might explain the power.

"that's really cool! it's really sound like the power of hero!" Ruby said as her eyes shining with star.

"agree. that really just perfect with All Might." Pyrrha said and nodded.

"so that's the reason why they said that power can't be using by villain." Ozpin said loud and getting everyone attention.

"you know something professor?" ask Ren

"Glynda, can you explain it for me?" ask the headmaster and the woman give a nod.

"from what he said, it's mean that each time it passed on to someone, the power getting stronger. and the power is can be used if the user use it for helping people. so that mean only someone with high sense of moral and justice can use it." she end her explaination and the student nodded mean they understand.

"then that mean..." Ren muttering before Blake resume it.

"...Midoriya can be more powerful than All Might..." Blake said before Jaune resume it.

"with that power and what his narrating self said, could it be that he gonna-"

"NEW SYMBOL OF PEACE!" Ruby shout as she cheered and her friend following her.

the teacher just can shake their head by watching their student act. but they can't deny it if they seem interested by how this 'soon-gonna-be-hero' gonna lead.

The camera turns to Midoriya.

Midoriya: Why are you… Why are you giving me something so great?

All Might lowers his hand.

All Might: I have been looking for a successor. And then, I thought it would be all right for you to inherit it.

"no suprisingly. with his condition right now, he need someone that suitable to continue his legacy." Ozpin said and his fellow professor nodded. now that he think about it. he getting old and his time as headmaster can't be forever. 'maybe i need to find my own successor too. i better looking for a candidate'. he thought and look at Ruby and Jaune. 'starting with thoose two'.

There is a flashback to Midoriya running out to try to save Bakugou.

All Might: You are just a Quirkless hero fanboy, but you were more heroic than anyone else back there!

they nodded agree with what that man said. from what they saw so far, Quirk has different shape depend from what character the person is (like bakugou and explosion if you know what i mean). so the Quirk All Might have is just sound perfect for Midoriya.

Midoriya gasps and his eyes glisten with tears, he is very close to crying again.

All Might pulls his hand back quickly and rubs his neck.

All Might: Never mind! Well, it's up to you, though. What'll you do?

Midoriya makes a tight fist.

Narrating Midoriya: He said so much to encourage me, and even told me his secret…

Midoriya shakes his head and quickly wipes away the tears before they get a chance to spill over.

Narrating Midoriya: Is there…? Of course there isn't… There's no reason for me to turn him down!

Midoriya stands, the camera zooms in on his face. He looks very determined.

Midoriya: I'll do it!

"a quick answer mean he really determinated to do it." Peach who know what the meaning of it said and grinning

"and the first step gonna be start." Obleck said and sip his coffee.

All Might smiles with one hand on his head.

All Might: An immediate reply. That's what I thought you'd say!

The camera zooms out to show the suburb they are in.

Narrating Midoriya: But it was no easy task to receive his power.

The title screen pops up showing the words Episode 3: Roaring Muscles

"Roaring Muscles? are we gonna see how Midoriya trained?" Blake ask and raise her brow to the watcher who nodded

"oh! this gonna be awesome!" Yang said excited. she like to see someone to train themselves and see the different of them before and after. and see if she can take some advice to train herself so this gonna be good for her.

"each episode has their unique title to start the episode." Jaune comment as he remember all the episode title back there.

"say to the guy who naming their teammates move 'flower power'." Devil said sarcastic to the leader of JNPR.

"hey! flower power is a cool name! right guys?" the blonde said to his teammates who looking around and whistling innoncently.


The screen opens up of a rock reading Dagoba Municipal Beach Park, seagulls can be heard.

The sound of Midoriya struggling can be heard as the camera slowly pans out but stops before the beach is shown. The words Two days later- Early morning, are shown on screen.

"what he doing?" Weiss ask

"what else genius? he training." Devil simply said with sarcastic

"training? what kind of training is that? it's not... like what i expected." Pyrrha said. she know many method of training to keep her sharp but this not like any training she saw.

"the useful one. and the way you need to make example." Fun said as he grinning.

Midoriya is shown straining to pull a fridge that All Might is sitting on with a rope.

All Might: Hey, hey, hey! This is such a comfy fridge to sit on!

Midoriya suddenly slips and collapses to the ground.

All Might: If you could move it even a little, it would be a little easier.

Midoriya sits up and turns to All Might.

Midoriya: Well yeah, I mean, you weigh 274 kilograms, right?

All Might: No, I lost weight, so I'm only 255 kilograms now, in this form.

"that's not change anything!" everyone shout comically

"wow that's great, All Might. really helping." Glynda said sarcastic and sweatdrop.

Midoriya sighs before looking around. The camera finally zooms out to show mounds and mounds of trash.

Midoriya: Anyway, why am I dragging trash at the beach park?

"what the heck!? there's so much trash!" Weiss shouted as she shock with how much trash on the beach.

"some people have no moral to throw away their trash in the public place without care about nature." Peach said with frown. she really care about nature. she really enjoy it when she still a little girl, even now. so to see this kind of thing really piss her off.

All Might laughs and begins taking pictures of Midoriya with his phone.

All Might: It's 'cause, you know, you're not a proper vessel.

Midoriya looks up in shock tears spraying from his eyes.

Midoriya: What you're saying now is the opposite of what you said before!

"that's not what he said earlier." Ruby said with frown.

"you can't just expecting All Might just gonna give Midoriya his Quirk. there's must be a reason behind it." Blake telling to the young Rose logically.

'why do i feel like forgeting something to tell them?' Fun thought as he scratching his head trying to remember something.

Midoriya puts his face to the ground and yells. All Might walks toward him still taking pictures.

All Might: I'm talking about your body.

Midoriya looks up at All Might who had stopped in front of him.

All Might: My Quirk, One For All, is the fullest physical ability of many people gathered into one. An unprepared body cannot inherit it fully.

A darkened image of Midoriya's arms, legs, and head exploding is shown.

All Might: The limbs will come off and the body will explode.

Midoriya: My limbs will what!

"HIS LIMBS WILL WHAT!?" the student from Beacon shout in unison as they shock with how dangerous the consequences from using that Quirk.

"oh i forgot to say that!" Fun voice caught their attention. "from what we know, each Quirk had a draw back of them. but it's depend on the Quirk since each person is different." Fun said told to them.

'of course. a big power have a big responsibility. with seeing how powerful that Quirk is not confusing to know that the consequences will also risking.' Ozpin thought as he sighed knowing it's not gonna be easy for the young Midoriya.

"oh no! Midoriya!" Ruby shout with panic as she really worried for Midoriya safety. seeing this, Devil trying to calm her down.

"don't worry Ruby. he just gonna be fine. with this training, he can using that Quirk so he can become a hero. aren't that good?" Devil said to her.

Ruby want to protest but be silence when she thought about it. this is a change for Midoriya to be hero, someone that he want. of course she gonna support him for that. but still, she worried.

Midoriya shakes his head and rubs his arms he looks around at all the garbage.

Midoriya: Then… I'm picking up trash in order to train my body…?

"that's the point in this training?" Blake said and the watcher nodded.

"that, and cleaning public place." Fun said.

All Might gives him a thumbs up.

All Might: YES! But that's not all.

All Might begins walking back to the fridge.

All Might: After some research on the internet yesterday, I discovered that part of this beach park's coast has been like this for many years.

All Might "gently" knocks against the fridge putting a huge dent in it.

"he so strong." one of them mutter as they suprise how All Might knock the fridge like it's nothing.

Midoriya stands.

Midoriya: Yeah…

The camera pans over the mounds and mounds of trash.

Midoriya: For some reason, because of the currents, objects drift here a lot, and people take advantage of that to hide their illegal dumping… The local residents don't come near here, either.

All Might walks around to the back of the fridge.

All Might: Heroes these days are all after the showy stuff.

He puts a hand on top of the fridge and slowly begins crushing it down.

All Might: Originally, being a hero meant doing volunteer service. Even if people called that boring or whatever.

The fridge get crushed down even further.

All Might: You can't waver from those roots.

"that's actually a good way to start his training and his path to be hero." Glynda said and the rest nodded.

"it give me an idea. how about we take our student to do community service? we can teach them to learn a same root as Midoriya. to learn humanity and care for nature." Ozpin said and his fellow professor nodded agree with him as they thought it's gonna be a good idea for teaching next generation.

"how about that guys!? want to do community service for training?" Ruby said to her friend.

"oh yeah! i'm with you sis!" Yang said with excited. she really don't mind picking trash or whatever. just her sister suggestion or train her body is enough for her. but now she has both.

"i'm not really care." Blake simply said. honestly she not really care with community service. just as long she can hang out with her friend.

"as long as it's not useless thing." Weiss said. what? she may a heiress for SDC but that's not mean she don't care for healty life.

"picking trash isn't useless right guys?" Jaune said to his teammates. seriously there's nothing wrong for community service.

"even i know how important it is." Pyrrha said.

"just as your command, leader!" Nora said and salute him like a marine

"and i need to make sure Nora not destroy any truck." Ren said and sighed knowing if he not watching over Nora, something will she break.

Finally All Might crushes the fridge so it is flat and the sun on the horizon over the water can be seen.

All Might: You will restore the horizon for this whole section! That is your first step to becoming a hero!

Midoriya looks shocked as he looks around at all the trash around him, some piles many times taller than him.

Midoriya: My first step…? Clean… this…

The camera zooms out to show the whole beach covered in trash.

Midoriya: All of it…?!

"even myself found it doubtful. still possible, but doubtful." Port said. he can't say it's impossible right now. they live in the world where monster attacking, there's human with animal trait, super power, and people carrying deadly weapon like casual.

"in which part?" Obleck ask to his old friend.

"he can make it in time." Port replied.


All Might: Young Midoriya, you want to go to U.A., right?

Midoriya turns back to All Might.

Midoriya: Yes…Yes! Because it's where you went!

Midoriya puts a hand to his chest. He has a smile on his face and his eyes sparkle, he is blushing.

Midoriya: So if I'm going to go… I thought… it would definitely have to be U.A….

"you go now, Midoriya!" Ruby cheered and the rest following her.

"yeah! and beyond!" Nora cheer

All Might: You're a go-getter fanboy!

Midoriya looks down smile still on his face, his blush getting brighter. All Might puts his hands on his hips and turns away from him.

All Might: But I've told you this before. It's not something you can do without a Quirk. It's sad, but that is what the reality is. And U.A.'s is the hardest hero course to get into. In other words…

Midoriya runs up to him.

Midoriya: In the ten months until U.A.'s entrance exam, I have to complete my vessel!

The camera turns to All Might who is holding a stack of papers he taps it with his other hand.

All Might: That's where this comes in! I came up with this: "Aim to Pass: American Dream Plan"!

"American Dream Plan?" Nora said as she confused by the name of the plan.

"don't ask us. we don't even from American." Fun said.

"it remind me, where you or maybe where X come from?" Ren ask to the watcher.

"almost same like Midoriya world. but a few thing is different. some place called indonesia. X will tell you later." Devil said and mentioning X to tell them because he don't want to be bothering to answer it because the time is almost done.

"oh it remind me! i always dreaming for this! to train our next generation with my ideal 'Beacon Dream Plan'!" Port said.

"Port we don't even agree to this 'Dream Plan' of your. we need to think this clearly or this gonna be your other 'Dream Plan' that many student protest about it." Ozpin said to his fellow teacher.

"who care about that!? this is the future generation we talking about! train them until night with blood covering their body and sweat everywhere until you can even drink from it. don't you feel so alive!" Port said still stubborn.


There is a close up of the papers.

All Might: It's a training plan to help you finish up the beach. I'll have you follow this in every aspect of your life!

Midoriya is shown flipping through the plan.

Midoriya: Even sleep time is included…

"wow that hard!? no wonder it called dream plan." Yang said suprise by how strict the schedule.

"it's not suprising. with the draw back from the Quirk and look at how weak Midoriya body right now, he need to catch up what he miss. and that's gonna be hard." Peach said.

All Might pops up behind him a whispers.

All Might: Frankly, this is a super hard schedule. Can you follow it?

Midoriya gets a determined glint in his eyes even though he looks a bit intimidated.

Midoriya: Of course… I have to work many times harder than anyone else, or else I can't do it!

All Might smiles and nods.

Epic training music begins to play.

Narrating Midoriya: And so began my ten months of hell.

"he said it hell, must be really hard." Jaune said and gulped

"you've no idea." Devil said.

Midoriya is shown pulling on a set of lockers, and actually doing it in slow bursts. All Might is shown on the sidelines cheering him on.

All Might: Carry that to the park entrance! Put it in the truck!

"hard stuff already? did they not start it with easy stuff?" Peach said with worried for the back of young man

"it just showing the point of training. they probably just finish with warming up and strecthing." Devil said.

Midoriya is shown running while carrying a tire on his shoulder.

Midoriya: Depending on size and shape, the muscles I have to use are completely different! I see… This is…

All Might is shown cheering him on as he runs past.

All Might: Run! Run! Ten months will be over before you know it! Let's become athletic!

Midoriya suddenly trips and falls on his face. He is quick to get up and start running again.

Aldera Junior High is shown, the teacher can be heard talking.

-: Let's see… With the appearance of superpowers, the building Standards Act was revised,

Midoriya: This is tough… Ten months of this, huh?

Midoriya is seen to been completely out of it as he listens to the lecture.

"Midoriya, i know you want to improved, but study still important." Weiss said with frown

"don't worry. he's a smart guy. he must be still know how important study is." Blake said telling her white haired teammates. "then again can you say that if the teacher is just someone like professor port?" Blake whispering to Weiss ear so the teacher not gonna hear it.

"well i guess there's a few exception." Weiss said.

-: And the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transpor…

Midoriya looks down at his notebook, which holds nothing about what is currently being taught, it says Proposed Independent Training Menu

Midoriya: It'll be hard if I don't finish by a week before the exam…

Midoriya begins writing in his notebook

Midoriya: Which means, there are 294 days left… Taking into consideration a sufficient recovery period if I rest two days in between, that gives me…

"wait. is he gonna change his plan that All Might give by cut his rest day?" Peach said and her eyes wided when realize it.


"dude! i know you want to be stronger, but keep your balance you hear me!" Yang said shouting. she can understand because she know a spirit to getting stronger, but even she know her own limit.

There is a closeup of Midoriya's mouth. He has his bandaged fingers wrapped around it, but it is revealed he is no longer just thinking but speaking out loud.

Midoriya: …about 98 days of real training even if I'm efficient…

The world around Midoriya turns into swirls and the word mutter begins to stream around him.

Midoriya: I can get in about five hours of training morning and night, so that's 490 hours…

"see? he's the smart one." Blake said pointing out.

"agree. that was really quick for him to count the time." Glynda said as she impressed by how quick Midoriya thinking.

The other students and the teacher are shown starring at him as he mutters seeming to also be stuck in his world of swirls.

Midoriya: Also, that beach cleanup doesn't work out any specific parts of the body. If I don't work out my whole body equally, then there's no way I'll make it. Bodybuilding to create a body able to adapt to any situation… Literally intensive training to become a hero… All Might can't stay and watch me the whole time… If I don't do as much efficient independent training as I can,

The teachers hand suddenly starts moving towards Midoriya.

Midoriya: There's no way I can catch up the way I am now… Anyway, I'll have to cut-

-: Midoriya, hey!

The teacher suddenly Karate Chops Midoriya on the head. Midoriya looks up quickly with his hands covering his mouth.

Weiss crossing her arm and nodded, while Ruby shake her head with frown.

"he deserve it." Weiss said. "he's not." Ruby said and glaring at her partner.

"he muttering in the class. and that can disturbing other." Weiss said and raising her voice

"he just planning for his own future!" Ruby said not wanting to lose.

before the argument become more serious, Devil using his power to pull them back to sit back at sofa. the girl crossing their hand and look away with puffing their cheek.

The teacher pulls his hand back, others in the class can be heard laughing.

-: Did your encounter with the villain make you go crazy? It's presumptuous to think of getting into U.A. like that.

Midoriya: Plus, I have to study for the entrance exam.

A girls with horns is shown talking as the camera zooms in on Bakugou the only one not laughing.

-: A nervous breakdown already?

-: That's scary.

"no mocking this time, asshole!?" Yang said sarcastic.

"something in his mind. that i can tell." Blake shrugged.

Midoriya is shown running to meet All Might at the beach again.

The scene then changes to show Midoriya trying to push some tires rather then roll them. and All Might look at him and seem telling him something by claping his own back.

"use your back into it, young man. use your back." Glynda said as she knowing if he do that, he can move the tires a little.

"i don't get it. why he don't just rolling it? it's gonna be more easy right?" Nora said as she don't get it why he do it smartly.

"there's no short cut if you want to be stronger. he picking trash not just to clean the beach, but also training." Obleck said to his student before he sip his coffee

Midoriya is shown running and All Might is pointing in the background blood spraying out of his mouth.

He is then shown showing his mother his grades. Midoriya is then shown eating a very, very large meal.

Port nodded. "that's right! a growing boy who want to be big, strong hero need so many nutrition! eat it all my boy!" Port said cheer the green haired boy and the other sweatdrop watching it. 'really Port?' thought of his fellow teacher.

"but wait, hold up! is it just me or his mom become more... chubby than the last time we she her?" Ren said coriously and trying to find the right word for the manner.

"well, you can't promise thing gonna stay same after 10 year, right? people can be change especially in their physically." Fun said and the rest nodded agree with him.

"but what a shame. she kinda hot back in day." Yang said commently. she felt like she can be cool mom in her view.

The scene changes once again to show Midoriya sitting in front of his computer in the dark studying.

He is then shown pushing another large set of lockers, this time with no breaks.

"he still studying and training at the same time!?" Weiss screaming as she and the rest can't believe it.

"do you really think hero just about strength? no, he will become hero with his knowledge too." Devil said to the heiress. now that is something she agree. she saw many hunter that just want to shining with their power not brain. it's really rare to see someone that can balance it. to see the green haired boy still studying and training to catch his dream, it's making her respect become more.

"look like Midoriya become more stronger. i mean, he can push that without stopping." Blake said.

"you right! guess that training showing some result after all." Pyrrha said and nodded.

'he really working hard for his dream.' Jaune thought as he find another thing that different about him and Midoriya. he just want to be hero because his great great grand father is a hero and a great hunter. but he failed in many ways. he thought by attend Beacon, he'll learn a thing to become a great hunter. but it's really different that what he had in mind, that he'll learn to be hunter automatically. it's really different with Midoriya. he working hard for his dream. even if people call it 'impossible' or 'he can't'. now when someone he inspire help him, he working more harder. and that open the young arc eyes.

"but man! you heard that music? that's totally epic! it fire me up! i need to have this!" Yang said and her friend nodded then look at the watcher who gesturing 'later' to them.

There is an image of All Might pointing to Midoriya's grades, then another one of Midoriya doing weight lifting with some very heavy looking weights.

The image then changes to show Midoriya struggling to keep doing push ups, sweat dripping off of him.

The scene changes to Midoriya sitting at his desk in school, he is taking notes, but seems to be in a sleep like trance with drool dripping down his chin and a snot bubble.

"he definitely not really have enough sleep." Weiss said with frown in her face.

"with training on the day, and studying at night, i doubt he got enough sleep." Ozpin said and sipping his coffee. 'young Midoriya, you really a motivated one, aren't you?' Ozpin thought as he suprisingly impressed by the young boy hard work. something that rare to see a young man like that.

"he really not following All Might plan. by cut his time to rest." Ruby said to herself. Midoriya push himself too hard. it's really make her worried to watching him like this. she just hope he not pushing himself to that far.

The scene once again changes to Midoriya eating his food really quickly, Mrs. Midoriya starring at him in question, when he asks for more.

Midoriya is then shown running late at night, there are very big bags under his eyes. The camera then transitions to the bright of the day, Midoriya is shown leaning against a barrel, tears in his eyes, before he leans over and throws up.

Midoriya is then seen in the rain trying to push a truck out of beach but only slipping back himself. All Might just shrugs as he watches him.

"some people even throw their old truck into Beach." Peach said and her eyes twitched with frustrated by people who not realize their illegal doing.

"look at the bright side. it can become a training for someone else." Obleck said trying to positive thinking even though he also mad.

"and how many people you see that?" Peach said back to Obleck.

"one. just... one. yeah just one. and the one i watching right now." Obleck said weakly and lean to the sofa while sipping his coffee.

"i wonder how can Midoriya move that thing?" Ruby said as watching how hard to move that truck.

"with the power of love!" Fun said out loud and everyone give him dull look. "just kidding. even i don't know how. maybe creative way?" Fun said again and chuckling awkwardly.

Midoriya is once again shown, this time during the day, he is out swimming in the ocean while All Might watches.

Suddenly four girls pop up excited at seeing All Might. All Might smiles and greets them.

"really All Might?" Ren said dull as he and the rest sweatdrop.

"you can't blame him. he can't just ignore his fans. then again, it's also a distraction. it's gonna be a problem if someone find out he know Midoriya." Devil said.

"why?" Jaune ask if he not find wrong from this. "i mean, if people find out, then it gonna be cool, right?"

"because it's also dangerous, you dunce! if people know, then if they want to interview with All Might, they just need to follow Midoriya. and people can find out about One for All and his weak condition in no time. do you got it!?" Weiss yell at the young arc. and the blonde guy just nodded nervously.

Ruby on the other hand, seem excited. she thought if she can become a great huntress like All Might, she can be popular and have so many fans. she know to be a hero is cool, that's why she determined to work more harder this time. but something crossing her thought. 'if Midoriya future self said that he gonna be 'the greatest hero', then he gonna be surrounded by so many girl!?' Ruby thought in somewhat panic.

The scene then shifts to Midoriya doing curl ups with very heavy looking dumb bells. And then once again to him loading stuff up in All Might's truck.

Midoriya is then shown once again in class, this time fully awake and taking notes, but with his other hand under the desk he is using a grip strengthener.

"even in class, he has another way to train himself." Blake said with dull voice as she and the other sweatdrop. except Glynda who seem impressed by how Midoriya want to balance his mind and body.

'so he's not just want to be hero with power, but also with knowledge? my, he can be my top student in my class.' Glynda thought and smiling.

Midoriya is then shown walking as the sun goes down with All Might in his hero form on his back.

When the training montage finally stops the music does as well. The camera shows trees with yellow and orange leaves beginning to fall off the trees.

All Might is shown riding on a scooter while Midoriya is running next to him carrying a microwave. Midoriya keeps grunting as he runs. The camera zooms in on him with an ominous noise and the image gets blurry and fuzzy.

Suddenly there is a loud crash and All Might stops and turns around.

"Midoriya!" the student shout loud.

"he push himself too much." Obleck said with low voice and shake his head.

All Might: Hey, hey, what's wrong?

Midoriya is shown laying on the ground.

All Might: There are only three months left! You won't make it!

Midoriya is shown breathing heavily on the floor.

All Might: Wanna give up? Wanna take it easy and rest today?

"i know it's a bitter pill to swallow, but that's for the best." Yang said and nodded. she know the wanting to just train and train, and that make her sick a week. since then, her dad say to watch her limit or the consequence will be opposite than what she want. and she can understand it.

Midoriya struggles to move even the littlest bit, but trys to get up anyway. All Might frowns.

All Might: Overwork…? The "Aim to Pass: American Dream Plan" was adjusted with your body in mind to make sure you'd make it in time for the entrance exam…

All Might's eyes widens before narrowing.

All Might: You haven't been sticking to the plan, have you? Overdoing it will have the opposite effect!

Weiss nodded. "that was what we say." she saidand the rest nodded.

All Might: Don't you want to get in?

Midoriya clutches his fists.

Midoriya: I do… But I can't just get in…

All Might looks surprised at Midoriya both at his words and that he tries to get up again even though its clear he can't.

Midoriya: I have to work a lot harder than other people… or I won't be able to catch up…

Midoriya manages to get up on his knees and All Might stares at him surprised.

Midoriya: I want to be like you. I want to become the greatest hero, like you!

Midoriya is about ready to cry and he has snot running from his nose. All Might has a flash back to Midoriya on the roof.

Midoriya: Saving people with a fearless smile. Like you…!

everyone in the room stunned by his statement. knowing and figuring what he mean, they totally suprise by hearing his word. even if he shaking, he still not give up and determinate.

"so he want to become hero not just by strength, but his view of them to save people that make everyone feel save." Blake said now admiring the young boy.

"i know, right?" Yang said and for the first time she not grinning, but actually smiling heartfully. now she really like this guy. sure she like strong guy. sure Midoriya not the badass guy that she ever saw. but now she understand that he working hard and grow up to become a hero. and in her eyes, he's really strong than every guy she saw.

'Young Midoriya, you really have the soul of hero. you look more into future to make it real, honestly it's really shame you not in Remnant so i can retired.' Ozpin thought and smiling. he can see it now why he deserved to be main character. his story can be example for everyone.

"Midoriya..." Ruby mutter and smiling warmly. he want to work hard, to catching his dream. and be the hero that saving people with fearless smile.

he really like... a hero she want.

The scene shifts back and the camera zooms out to show both Midoriya and All Might.

All Might: He's looking far into the future, huh?

All Might suddenly goes into hero form and picks up Midoriya by the back of his shirt, Midoriya hangs there limp, barely able to move.

All Might: You go-getter fanboy!

The camera zooms in on their faces, All Might is smiling, but Midoriya looks dead.

All Might: I like that! But if that's the case, then you really can't rush things now. But I understand your feelings. Leave it to this old guy to adjust your plan!

Midoriya: You're not old… All Might…

but All Might just laughs loudly.

"ahh seeing something like this make me feel old already. don't you agree, Port?" Obleck said.

"agree old friend. i just remember our old day, and finally remember that we not young anymore." Port said.

"sometimes people not realize the time they passed. they keep growing up and keep remembering memory. but that's also a good way of life."Ozpin said.

"heh! still with a quote, eh? 'Wizard'." Port said grinning and laughing with Obleck.

"oh come on. you know me that deep." Ozpin said and join them laughing.

Peach and Glynda watching their fellow Professor, just can shake their head with smile on their face.

"that friend of ours. still idiot just like they used to be." Glynda said with smile still can be see.

"in a good way, and i'm glad. it's not everyday we can talking like this." Peach said and they chuckling.

the student look each other, totally confused by unusually thing that their professor doing everyday.

when Fun just about to eat his noodles again, he find his bowl already empty. then he raise from the sofa and walk to the kitchen.

"i want make another noodles. not gonna be long. don't wait me." he simply said while still walking. the rest look at Devil who sipping soup.

"just let him. he may not seem look like one, but he is someone that not wanting other to be bothered by him." he said. the guest want to protest that they not gonna be bothered to waiting him. but the watcher already gone, and they can't do anything than just continue to watching.

Suddenly the trees shift from covered in orange and yellow leaves to having no leaves at all. The sky is dark as the sun is beginning to rise.

A car door can be heard opening. All Might is shown leaving his car, the words February 26 written across the screen.

Narrating Midoriya: And then, it was 6 a.m. on the day of the entrance exam.

All Might is walking when suddenly he hears Midoriya screaming.

"Midoriya?" Jaune said confused.

"why he screaming?" Ren ask, confused as well like his team leader.

"did something happen?" Pyrrha said with worried.

He looks up to see Midoriya standing on top of a very tall pile of trash, he isn't wearing a shirt and has his head tilted back as he screams.

A close up is shown of Midoriya, there is a ton of sweat dripping off of him and his nose is running. All Might runs up to the edge of the board walk and stares out in shock.

All Might: Hey, hey, hey…

The camera suddenly shifts to show a full scan of the beach, there is not a single bit of trash is sight.

All Might: He even cleaned outside of where I told him to! Seriously? There's not even a speck of dust left! Seriously?!

Everyone's jaw dropped.

"he clean intire beach perfectly!"

"he clean everything just in ten months!?"

"that's crazy!"

"is this illusion?!"

"is he really human!?"

"what's with that reaction?" Devil said with sweatdrop by the last statement.

All Might is shown shaking in excitement.

All Might: He finished at the last minute! More than perfectly! Oh my… Oh my…

then suddenly shifts into his hero form.

All Might: GOODNESS!

few of them chuckling while the rest laughing. even someone that always flat like Weiss, Blake, Ren and Glynda can't hide the fact that it's amusing.

"always got me in there." Devil said still chuckling.

Midoriya is shown teetering on the mound of trash before suddenly falling. All Might runs and catches him before he can hit the ground.

they sigh in relief. "that was close one." Pyrrha said and her friend nodded.

All Might holds him in his arms and smiles.

All Might: Good work.

Midoriya smiles at him tiredly.

Midoriya: All Might… I did it… I did it!

All Might: Yeah, you surprised me, you entertainer! Teenagers are amazing!

"of course they are! they have an unending spirit to do something more! oh i really proud! he grow up so fast! it's like i watching him just a hour ago." Port said and wipe his tear of joy.

the other watching him sweatdrop, especially the other professor. 'again. really Port?' his fellow teacher thought.

All Might sets Midoriya down and then put his phone in his face. Midoriya looks up to see the picture of himself on his first day.

Midoriya: This is…

All Might: It's you, ten months ago.

The camera slowly does a full pan of Midoriya's body. He is sweaty and ripped.

the guy whistled as they impressed by how drastic Midoriya body change from weak to muscular.

the woman and girl face turn into red as they look at Midoriya body.

Yang who blushing watching closely and remembering the shape of Midoriya body. and you can see, she lick her mouth like she just saw her favorite food.

Blake just like her partner, blushing too. her bow is twitching madly and without she knowing, she drooling.

Weiss seem trying to hide her tomato face and really want to close her eyes to block the view in front of her. but her body betray her as she peak a little from her hand.

Glynda and Peach try to look away and look down. they can't showing that they blushing from the young man body. that's totally sexual harassement! they don't want to be called pedophiles!

Nora and Pyrrha shake their head quickly. and each their mind, they say 'i have Ren! i have Ren!' or 'i have Jaune! i have Jaune!' repeatedly to remind them.

as for Ruby...

you can say that her face is the most red among them. her eyes twirling and her cheek is heated. even steam come out from her ear and the heat from her face spread to her body making it hot and began to her fantasy.

"hmm~ mama like what she see~." Yang purred.

"do you have no shame Yang?" Weiss said to the blonde girl.

"say that to a girl who peak between her finger." Blake said pointing out as she notice what Weiss doing. she blushing? sure. but she not deny it.

"oh shut up! it's like you not having fun too." Yang said making the girl blushing more.

"hey Ruby! you okay? you seem... space out for a moment." Jaune said making the rest look at the girl snapped from her daydream.

"what? umm... oh me!? ehheehe... well yea- i mean uhg ju.. um ye." Ruby said and each second become mumble. that make the rest raising their brow.

"huh!? what you mumbling about?" Yang said curious whats wrong with her little sister.

Ruby get up from her seat and slowly walking back of to the exit door. "oh hey! you know what? i think... i eat so much cookies. oh yeah! oh~ my tummy! can i use your bathroom?" before the watcher could replied, Ruby using her Semblance to run toward exit door. "THANKYOUBYEBYE!" Ruby shout leaving the room in awkward silence.

"what was that?"

(time skip)

it's already 10 minutes and neither Fun or Ruby come back. the room only male that talking because the female leaving in the awkward situation where the anime is paused in the scene of Midoriya body. they thought when Ruby said to using the bathroom, it's gonna take a long time. Devil said the video can be pause but can't be rewatch. not wanting the girl to miss something, they decide to wait by pause the anime. but this still awkward!

"where those two going!? gulag!?" Devil said frustrated. the rest raise their brow for not knowing his mean. but before anyone can speak, the door suddenly open and they saw snickering Fun come in with a bowl of noodles in his hand.

"hello guys! sorry late. i forgot where's the carrot, so it need a little time." Fun said with cheerful.

"there you are! now just wait other. do you know where Ruby? we can't continue to watching the anime if everyone not here." Devil said and pointing to the screen which is paused.

Fun look at the direction then hummed and nodded. "now everything makes sense! by the way, you not gonna believe what i just see!" when Fun want to say more, it's got interrupted by the door that been open by Ruby who now dressed differently from before (i can't describe it. just think her outfit from season 4).

"hey guys! sorry for the wait!" Ruby said now cheerfully.

"there you are Rubes! where you all this time?" Yang said as her instinct as sister kick in.

"well uhh." Ruby said awkwardly like she trying to hide something that really embrassing. the point is her blushing face. but thankfully, her partner rescue her.

"forget that. where you get that outfit?" Weiss said as she pointing Ruby new look.

"oh this? well there's a room that have sign 'outfit for Remnant'. so i think it's for us." Ruby said explain it.

"oh right! X mention that before. because you gonna be here for a long period, he preparing everything like dorm and change clothest." Devil said.

"enough with talk! let's just watching this anime again! all of that can be wait!" Nora said as she really can't hold back to watching.

All Might: You did good. You really did!

All Might has his fists up at his sides trying to reign in his excitement.

All Might: The mirage of it is finally just barely visible,

All Might holds out his hands, the sun shinning down on them and the pile of trash now just waiting to be taken to the dump.

All Might: But you have certainly become a suitable vessel!

Midoriya smiles shakily and stares at his hand, his whole body is trembling.

Midoriya: I feel like I'm cheating…

All Might pauses, looking at Midoriya in surprise.

Midoriya: You did all this for me…

Tears begin to stream down Midoriya's face.

Midoriya: I'm so blessed…

"he still don't get it, didn't he?" Ozpin said loud. "it's not All Might who did this to him, All Might just help him with provided an opportunity. all of this is from young Midoriya himself." Ozpin continue.

"but i'm not gonna blame him. with how down he is and now he had a chance to be something that he really want, it's not suprising that he feel grateful." Glynda said.

All Might laughs slightly.

All Might: What're you saying after all this time… It was your own hard work.

everyone nodded agree with the hero.

All Might pats Midoriya on the back.

All Might: We'll have to fix those leaky eyes of yours. Now, it's time for the award ceremony, Izuku Midoriya!

Midoriya sniffles reigning in his tears.

Midoriya: Yes, Sir!

"here it go! the moment we waiting for!" Nora shout in excitement.

"he give Midoriya a power like some sort of king." Weiss comment as she hear the backsound and the scene. she need to admit. since kid she really want to see the king give his trust to the prince.

a fantasy little girl.

it may be different, but still close to it so she kinda excited for it. but she confused when she watch the way All Might do next.

All Might pulls a hair from his head.

All Might: This is something I was once told: "Something that you receive because you're lucky and something that you are given because you are recognized are different in essence."

"good word you have there, All Might." Pyrrha said and the rest nodded.

"Midoriya case is not because lucky. All Might give it to him because he recognized what Midoriya can do." Ren said.

"and he worthy for it." Blake said with smile.

Midoriya looks up blushing.

All Might: Take that to heart. This is power that you earned because of your own effort.

The camera pans over Midoriya's body, quicker this time to finally pause on his face which is looking at All Might with tears in his eyes and an awed expression, before it quickly morphs into determination.

Narrating Midoriya: I took the reality that would be surprising even in the comics

Midoriya tightens his hands into fists. All Might is shown moving the hair to Midoriya.

Narrating Midoriya: In my hand…

All Might holds out the hair to Midoriya.

All Might: Eat this.

Midoriya stares at All Might in shock.

Midoriya: Huh?

"huuuuuh?" the guest from Remnant pause as they processing what All Might just said.

"did i hear that right?" Yang said loud to ask whoever that can answer her.

The camera pans away from the two as the talk.

All Might: It doesn't really matter what it is as long as you take in my DNA.

"i really hear that right! oh god!" Yang screaming as her and the rest face turn into green by disgust.




Midoriya: It's too different from what I imagined!

"agree! give me back my seriousness!" Weiss yelled. all that dreaming scene. when she thought she gonna see a prince gonna get a blessing. her fantasy since kid now fade away!

"and when the moment is become good. that change quickly." Port comment.

"it's really awkward with the music before." Blake said.

The camera slowly zooms in on Midoriya's back pack and shoes.

All Might: Now, there's no time! You will be late for the exam. Come, come, come!

Midoriya yells as the camera is zoomed all the way in on his shoes which are very scuffed from all the wear and tare they went through.

"oh god! that's gonna leave me a nightmares this night." Yang said. if there's something she feel disgusted, it's a hair other strange thing that been eat. "i never, and i said never ever want to eat or see someone eat a hair. even if you give me money." Yang said final.

"oh come on. it's not the disgusting part. i even see someone who eat burger with toenail and nose hair." Devil telling them. (what i mean is one of spongebob episode. forgot with the title.)

"please tell me it's not true!" Yang said to the watcher who just shrugged.

"meh. sadly." his simply said is enough for her to understand and make her and the other face turn into green.

The two intermission cards pop up before the episode quickly starts again.

The U.A. gate is shown, the words 8:40 a.m. The same day is written across the screen.

The camera pans down to show many students walking to the building, there is a sign reading U.A. High School Entrance Exam Location next to it.

The camera shifts to show Midoriya running up to the gate before stopping in front of it.

Midoriya: I made it…

Midoriya begins walking to the building again, he looks really nervous.

Midoriya: In the end, I didn't have time to test out the power I received from All Might.

"he didn't test it? now how we gonna know it worked?" Nora said with dissapoint.

"Nora, he don't have much time to test it out. even he gonna be late if just try it. and that's why he choose the short part by swallowing the hair." Ren said to his childhood friend.

"Renny, please! don't remind me! each time i remember it, i loss my appetite." Nora said.

There is a flash back to All Might giving Midoriya the hair.

All Might: Eat this.

Midoriya pauses holding a hand to his mouth.

Midoriya: I swallowed the hair, but did I really receive his power…?

rest of them shivered just by thinking about that.

"my oum he really eat that." Glynda said with deadpanned.

"that was the most ridiculous way to giving the power that i ever see." Ozpin said. sure he see so many thing that like impossible or myth, like Maiden and Silver Eyes. and know how... unique the power can be transfer. but this time, it's new even for him.

Bakugou: Outta my way Deku…

Midoriya looks up surprised at Bakugou's voice and turns around to show Bakugou walking towards him.

Midoriya: Kacchan!

"this getting old already, just the fuck you want!?." Yang said with growled.

"can't you stop calling him Deku!? he's not useless!" Weiss said with glare.

"i don't know guys, but i think i like to call him Deku." everyone suprise by what the young Rose said and look at her questioning.

"you like to call him useless?" Blake said and raise her brow confused.

"it's not that! but Deku more sound to me like it say 'you can do it'!" Ruby said with smile and swing her arm making the other sweatdrop.

"that's 'dekiru'. the opposite of 'deku'." Devil said correcting her.

"i thought it's other thing. we need to check your taste of naming Ruby. no matter what, it's still an insult name." Weiss said sighed and shake her head.

"there's no problem with my naming taste! then again it's just my thought because i like it." Ruby said defend herself.

"well i thought a same like Ruby." Jaune said making the rest now look at him.

"you too, Jaune?" Ren asking his team leader.

"is this some kind of thing that only leader can understand!" Nora screaming crazy.

"hear me out first! i just thinking, his narrating self saying that he gonna be the greatest hero. if he naming his hero name 'Deku', that mean it's gonna show the world that even useless people can be something what they want. aren't that cool?" Jaune said to the rest.

a brief silence in the room becaise the guest stunned with suprise by realized writted in their face.

"that... was actually work i think." Ozpin said with agree. 'in the end we just a simple beings.'

The camera zooms in on Bakugou's face.

Bakugou: Don't stand in front of me. I'll kill you.

Bakugou walks past Midoriya, while Midoriya is really nervous waving his arms around.

Midoriya: M-Morning. L-Let's both do our best…

When Bakugou is all the way past him Midoriya freezes and turns back to look at him. People are shown looking at Bakugou as he walks.

-: Hey, isn't that Bakugou? The one with the sludge villain?

-: Oh, he's the real thing!

Midoriya watches Bakugou as he walks.

Midoriya: Ever since that day, Kacchan didn't do anything to me.

"ahh~ i see what you did~" Yang said and grinning.

"so he embrassed that everyone remember that time Bakugou got captured by villain? at least he had a man pride in him." Port said and stroke his bear.

Midoriya sighs heavily.

Midoriya: I was just scared of him out of habit!

professor Peach sighed. "Phycological damage. can be caused by fear in a long time." she explain it.

"and we know why that happen." Obleck said with frown.

Midoriya shakes his head before standing up determined.

Midoriya: I'm different from before!

He turns to look at the U.A. gate.

Midoriya: Remember these past ten months!

The camera zooms in on Midoriya's feet, he is shaking.

Midoriya: Take the first step…

Midoriya takes a step forward a smile on his face.

Midoriya: …to being a hero!

"here it comes! his first step to be hero!" Ruby shout as she and her fellow student cheered with her.

Midoriya trips himself over his own feet and begins to fall to the floor, making no attempt to stop his fall.

Midoriya: This is it!

and the moment died in instant.

"you must be kidding me!" Ruby shout disbelieve.

"don't fall! don't make a bad first impression!" Blake said knowing that it's gonna running his image to other.

Midoriya's fall is suddenly cut short. He looks down to see he is floating, some brown-haired-girl is standing in front of him with her arm out stretched to him.

"wait. who's that?" Yang said and pointing at the screen.

"even just from the back, i know it must be someone from the opening." Ren said remembering the opening.

Uraraka: Are you all right?

Midoriya begins panicking and running in place. He then turns his head and freezes eyes wide, when he sees the girl. The girl grabs Midoriya and sets him down on the ground.

The camera angle finally shifts to show Urakara. She smiles and puts her hands together canceling out her quirk.

"oh yeah! i remember her from opening!" Jaune said and snapping his finger when he finally realize the girl.

"is that her Quirk?" Glynda ask when she watching how Midoriya not falling.

Devil nodded. "correct. her name is Ochako Uraraka. and her Quirk is zero gravity. making everything she touch to have zero weight." Devil said making them to understand.

"that was useful Quirk." Pyrrha said and nodded. with that Quirk, she can make the enemy float in the sky if she touch them. it sound like need a close distance type. with her skill it can be useful.

"but i need to admit. she's so pretty." Blake said envy.

"the heck with her boobs!" Yang scream as she shocked that a girl in Midoriya age can have that big 'item'.

"you focus on other thing." Weiss said sweatdrop. but she admit it, the girl really have a big boobs for an age like Midoriya. comparing to her who 3 year older than them... now this sound more like a mockering.

"yeah. she is." Ruby said with jealous and watching the conversation between those two with envy. when she eyeing the girl, she need to admit her face is pretty. her voice is cute and she seem very nice. AND HER CHEST IS SO BIG! compared to her... AHHH SHE SO ENVY!

Uraraka: It's my quirk. Sorry for using it without asking first. But it'd be bad luck if you fell, right?

Midoriya doesn't say anything and just stares with a blush on his cheeks.

Uraraka: Aren't you nervous?

Midoriya finally unfreezes only to panic and have no idea what to say.

Midoriya: Uh…

this make everyone laughing hard.

"my boy. you can handle a hell training, but you can't handle a small talk with girl?" Obleck said and laughing again.

"agree. he really that shy, huh?" Glynda said and giggling. she not easy to laugh, but something like this is rare to see. most of boy gonna showing themselves by how cool they are. but this boy, really a shy one to see.

Urakara doesn't seem to notice Midoriya's struggle.

Uraraka: Let's do our best. See ya!

Urakara, turns and makes her way to the building. Midoriya remains frozen, before the camera suddenly zooms in on his face. He is making some sort of strange happy face, with a smile, wide eyes, and a blush on his cheeks.

Midoriya: I talked to a girl!

The words Didn't actually talk flash on the screen.

this make them laughing even more louder.

"oh my god dude! are you for real!?" Yang said and laughing again.

when everyone laughing by how funny it is, Ruby's the only one who not laughing. in fact, she pout and puff her cheek while grumbling something.

"what's wrong Ruby? you seem pissed." Devil ask as he notice the young Rose act.

"nothing." she replied in low voice still seem mad.

The scene shifts to a sign reading U.A. High School Hero Course Exam Orientation. The camera then shifts to a row of lights as one by one they turn on. The camera then shifts to a large screen currently displaying the U.A. logo. Rock music begins to play and Present Mic can be heard talking.

Present Mic: For all you examinee listeners tuning in,

The camera zooms in on Present Mic, he looks really excited.

Present Mic: Welcome to my show today!

"a hero?" Ren ask and Fun nodded.

"correct my buddy! his name is Present Mic. i don't need to explain it since you must be know what his Quirk just in the first glance." Fun said.

"if that speaker on his neck can explain it, i guess we do." Obleck said.

"man! only 5 second and i already like this guy! we really have something same in common." Yang said and grinning.

He throws his arms into the air.

Present Mic: Everybody say "hey"!

The camera angle shifts to show a darkened audience in front of him. He puts and ear to the crowd, but no one makes a noise. The word Silence! Flashes on the screen.

"really like you Yang. a blonde-bad-pun-maker that really loud." Blake said with deadpanned and ignoring the protest from her partner.

"hey! i need to tell you my pun is great! you can ask anyone here! right guys?!" Yang said and look at her friend hoping to support her. but she found they look at her with deadpanned too.

"i don't know Yang. even myself think all your puns is not funny." Ruby said flatly and that making her sister gaps with hurt expression.

"Ruby, how could you-ugh!" Yang said with clutching her chest. the rest just ignoring her and just continue to watching the anime.

Getting no response Present Mic shrugs.

Present Mic: What a refined response.

Present Mic quickly moves putting up a finger.

Present Mic: Then I'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam!

"already to the point?" Peach said raise her brow.

"well this hero course almost like Beacon. they gonna test you with both written and practical exam. to see how far acceptable you to get entered. they not gonna stay at ballroom. and they also have their own way for the exam." Fun said.

"a thing that a bit different indeed." Obleck said.

"'their own way'?" Ruby said confusing by what the watcher mean.

"you gonna see." Fun said.

Present Mic shouts.Present Mic: Are you ready? Yeah!

The camera zooms out, the entire room stays silent. Silence! Flashes on screen again.

"i'm gonna be embrassed if i be in that place." Blake said and shake her head.

"tell me about it. it's more better than seeing Yang joking around in stand up." Weiss said making her team (except Yang) and team JNPR groaning.

last week they want to celebrate their success mission with team JNPR. so Weiss brought her team and invite team JNPR to the new cafe in town. in the cafe, there's a stage that for a group band. but Yang use it for stand up comedy.

to make it sort, the customer not pleasant. the owner get mad and kick them out. and after that, they never can go back to that place. and the worst is their face is add in the newspaper as 'the shameless brat'.

The camera focuses in on Midoriya who is in full fanboy mode, the world around him is pink and sparkly. He has his hands over his mouth with a deep blush on his cheeks and wide eyes.

Midoriya: It's the Voice Hero, Present Mic! Wow…!

The camera zooms out to show only Midoriya is engulfed in pink, sparkles, and bubbles. Bakugou sits next to him ignoring him.

Midoriya: I listen to him every week on the radio. I'm so moved! All the teachers at U.A. are pro heroes!

"you can hear that everyday?" Peach said and raise her brow. this boy is tough.

"so the teacher in there is pro hero? not suprising. the best school need to have an best thing to teach new generation." Ozpin said and nodded because he knowing that for being a headmaster.

Bakugou can be heard.

Bakugou: Shut up.

"you shut up! it's not a crime to idolize someone!" Nora yell to the tv

"even if it stalker?" Pyrrha ask since she know the feeling that your fans interupting your personal space.

"i can understand that. even myself feel that too." Weiss said making the rest look at her with doubt. "what!? it's true!" she said raising her voice.

"really?" Fun said raise his brow.

"hey! i need to tell you, back in Atlas i'm the most famous singer in my channel and got a million follower and like." Weiss said with pride.

there's a brief silence for a second, until it broke by Fun...

"and you still single?" Fun said.


"ooooohhhhh!" the student shout as they hear the savage line from Fun. and the watcher throw himself to the student who caught him.

The camera shifts back to Present Mic.

Present Mic: As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this!

The screen behind Present Mic shifts to show a box labeled you are here before it zooms out to connect with other boxes all labeled with letters.

Present Mic: You can bring whatever you want with you. After the presentation, you'll head to the specified battle center, okay?

Silence! Flashes on screen.

another snicker come from the guest mouth.

Both Bakugou and Midoriya look at their cards. Bakugou sneaks a glance at Midoriya's card.

Bakugou: In other words, they won't let you work with your friends, huh?

"so they not gonna pick a team for you?" Glynda ask.

"usually, they only worked by themselves. this hero course is basically teaching you to handle any pressure and situation to be like a real hero." Fun said.

"then what if something big happened?"Peach ask.

"they still can help each other. but most of them have a side kick to help them. can be hero or a company." Devil said

The camera angle shifts to a close up of Midoriya's card. On it there is a picture of Midoriya, as well as the words Exam Ticket, Examinee No: 2234, and Test Location: Battle Center B.

Midoriya: Y-You're right. Even thought our examinee numbers are consecutive,

The camera shifts over to Bakugou's card which also has a picture of him and reads Exam Ticket, Examinee No:2233, and Test Location: Battle Center A.

Midoriya: We're assigned to different battle centers.

The camera zooms out to show Midoriya looking at Bakugou's card.

Bakugou: Don't look. I'll kill you.

Midoriya flinches back and Bakugou scoffs.

Bakugou: Damn, now I can't crush you.

"ow damn! i can't crush your ass!" Yang said with glare.

"calm down Yang. it's for the best for everyone." Blake said trying to make her partner calm.

"like what?"

"he can't hurt Midoriya if they separate." Blake pointing out.

"oh. you right." Yang said and now calm down.

The camera switches back to Present Mic, on the screen behind him a city block appears along with silhouettes of villain's marks with a point value.

Present Mic: Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center. You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty.

A pixilated version on Present Mic going around and fighting villains is shown, each time he beats one he gets points on the side.

Present Mic: Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains.

"they using a city-like battleground!" Jaune yelled

"and a battle robot to fight with! it's so cool!" Ruby squealed.

"that was awesome exam that i ever see!" Yang said excited and grinning.

"i know right!? so many thing to break! why do we not have this!" Nora said excited too.

meanwhile in teacher side..

"i told you Ozpin! we 150 year late for technology but you still using a same old method!" Glynda telling her boss who sipping his coffee enough to make her eyes twitch.

"you know what they say? there's a few tradition that it's hard to change." Ozpin said calmly.

"this not even a tradition! stop making excuse!" Glynda yelled with mad and tick on her head.

"i need to agree with her Ozpin. it's actually can be good choice. we can still using emerald forest as battleground and grimm as faux villain. people always think that our method is a little... fateful." Port said and thinking a right word in the end.

Ozpin sighed and put his mug on the table. "i admit. it's a good idea. Beacon can't using a same method each year. maybe we really need to change a few thing." Ozpin said.

"how about we see this anime for a research?" Obleck suggesting. "i mean, this hero course for a reason. so maybe we can get inspired by how they work." He said.

"i need to agree with him. those pro must be know how to selecting their student for a reason." Peach said.

Ozpin seem in thought before he sighed and grab his mug again. "alright then. let's see what we can get." he said.

Present Mic points to the crowd.

Present Mic: Of course, attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited!

Ozpin nodded in agree. "a school to train a warrior for justice must to have a moral so people can feel save. it's also a basic of heroic." Ozpin said.

"do you know that cardin always bullying Velvet and Jaune?" Pyrrha ask to the headmaster who be silent for a moment then nodded. "then why not any of you deal with it!?" Pyrrha said with raising her voice.

"if we help her in the moment, people just gonna assume we only protect a faunus. it's also happening to mr Arc. to any of you. as teacher we can't help you to handle a problem. it's yourself to fix it so you can understand to growing up. what we can and need to do is support you from the shadow. because choice in life, it's you to choose." Ozpin said make the student stunned. they don't even realize that their teacher sometime help them. and now they feel like being a teacher is really a hard job that they feel respect.

"i see. sorry for yelling professor." Pyrrha said and bow a little.

"you can stop bowing now ms Nikos. it's alright. it's also our job to help and answering our student who have a doubt in their mind." Ozpin said and lean to the sofa. ''then again, who said i'm not deal with it?"

Pyrrha look up to the headmaster with confusion face by what he said. the man pointing at Glynda who have a whip in her hand and wink at her.

Present Mic shakes his hand when a person standing in the audience with his hand raised can suddenly be seen.

???: May I ask a question?

Present Mic points to him and a spot light is put on him.

Present Mic: Okay!

The camera zooms in on the kid who turns out to be Iida.

"hey! that also from the opening!" Jaune said.

"again, you right. his name's Lida Tenya." Devil said.

"can i ask what his Quirk?" Blake said but the watcher shake his head.

"you need to find out later. i telling you Uraraka Quirk because she showing it in this episode." Devil said.

"why do i feel like this guy is really strict?" Nora said and scratching her neck.

He points to the hand out which shows four types of villains instead of three.

Lida: On the printout, there are four types of villains. If that is a misprint, then U.A., the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake.

"oh my god! this guy is really strict!" Nora said.

"it's can be called, discipline." Weiss correcting the orange haired girl.

"remind me to just like you in the first day at Beacon." Blake said.

"hey! Beacon is a honorable school in the world. it's not suprise for us, the next generation of hunter in training that stayed in there to respect all the law that they write." Weiss said trying to defend herself which is failed as everyone roll their eyes.

'yup. just like her.'

Iida lowers the paper and puts a hand to his chest.

Lida: We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes.

Iida suddenly points to Midoriya.

Lida: In addition, you over there with the curly hair—

Midoriya nervously points a finger to himself.

Lida: You've been muttering this whole time. It's distracting! If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately!

"hey! you don't know anything about him! so don't just get mad by his muttering!" Ruby shout to the tv.

"it's no use to shouting at tv Ruby. and i told you right? his muttering can disturbing other. and now you look one of them that agree." Weiss said.

when Ruby open her mouth to say something, she paused for a second before she close it. then lean back to the sofa, crossing her hand and puff her cheek. 'just this time, i lose to you, vote.' Ruby grumbled in her mind.

Midoriya cups his hands over his mouth.

Midoriya: I'm sorry…

Others can be heard laughing. Present Mic waves his hands.

Present Mic: Okay, okay, Examinee Number 7111.

Present Mic gives him a thumbs up.

Present Mic: Thanks for the great message.

Another villain appears on the screen, this time with 0P written above it's head.

Present Mic: The fourth type of villain is worth zero points. That guy's an obstacle, so to speak.

The pixilated version of Present Mic is shown again, except when he sees the zero pointer he immediately runs away.

Present Mic: There's one in every battle center—An obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it, either.

He begins waving his hands around again.

Present Mic: I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it.

"then why you make that robot in the first place!?" Yang yelled.

"hmm maybe i know." Jaune said making the rest look at him. "basically they are still in training to be hero. so that zero point is been made 0P to make them understand to do something risk is no use. if they avoid it, it can help the hero that more pro than them to handle a powerful villain." Jaune end his explaining.

"yup! that's our leader for ya!"

"that so smart Jaune."

"i guess you can be smart sometime."

the boy blushing and cover his face with his hand. "it's nothing. really guys." Jaune said still embrassed making his partner giggling.

Iida bows before sitting down, the spot light turning off.

Lida: Thank you very much! Please excuse the interruption!

A random student is shown talking.

-: I see… It's like the obstacles you avoid in the video games, huh?

The person he is speaking with talks.

-: The whole thing is like a video game.

"probably because most of kid these day really interested in video game. so they make it like one so everyone can understand the rule easly." Glynda said knowing well the kid of this era thinking.

"yeah. it's make everything he said making sense. it's really easy to understand." Pyrrha comment.

"maybe this another thing to change for next examinate in the future." Ozpin said to himself.

"the future is now old man." Fun said making everyone laughing including Ozpin himself.

"i guess you right. okay, i'll search a good editor in Atlas that maybe can help." Ozpin said after he laughing himself.

"wait, why Atlas? i thought there's also many of them in Vale." Weiss asked confused.

"huh! there's one time, i asked them to edit my picture as a poster to promote Beacon academy last year. they said themselves a pro. but the editing is really horrible." Ozpin said with twitching eyes.

"oh? errr... then you asking Atlas editor to make it, you know?" Weiss said to change the topic.

"yes. since Atlas is been famous by technology. and i heard from James that they have a new model of projection. maybe if we combine it with the editing video, we can make something new for the next year." Ozpin said and Weiss nodded understand since she also heard about the new model. and it's gonna be perfect time to try it.

'we live on 2018 but they live on 2118.' the watcher thought bitterly with jealous.

Present Mic puts his hands out.

Present Mic: That's all from me! Finally, I'll give you listeners a present—our school motto!

The camera pans over Bakugou and Midoriya.

Present Mic: The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said:

The camera glides over Iida and Urakara.

Present Mic: "A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes." Go beyond.

The camera zooms out as Present Mic throws his head back. Plus Ultra! Appears on the screen behind him.

Present Mic: Plus Ultra!

"wow. deja vu." Ruby and Nora said and blinked as the word remind them to the word they say a moment ago.

"Plus Ultra? i like it." Weiss said admiting she like that motto.

"agree. even myself feel like have a spirit when i said it." Blake said with smile since it's trie she feel her spirit burning up for a moment.

"maybe we can using it to give us a spirit each time we training?" Jaune suggenting his friend.

"i'm in! i'm gonna said it everyday! Plus Ultra!" Yang said with grinning and ended by shouting.

'a motto huh? i need to admit it feel like i can do anything when i said it. maybe it's okay to using it for our school to make our student spirited." Ozpin note in his mind.

Midoriya grips his paper taking a deep breath. He looks both nervous and determined.

Present Mic: Now, everyone, good luck suffering!

"way to go to start the exam." Peach said sweatdrop.

The scene suddenly shifts to a huge fake city. The words U.A. High School Hero Course, Entrance Exam, and Battle Center B show up on the screen.

Kids are seen getting off a bus and go to stand in front of the giant gate to the place.

Midoriya is at the back of the crowd.

Midoriya: I-It's time to do it.

"alright! let's do it!" Yang said with fire up.

*The Ending Plays*

"IT'S OVER ALREADY!" everyone shouted disbelieve.

"oh come on! when it's getting good!"

"i want to see some legs to be broken!"

"damn it! and when we can see something good."

"i want to see Midoriya to shining!"

"what happen next!? what happen!?"

and the room full of roar by mad and disappoint with the end of the episode.

"sooo... how the episode?"Fun said trying to change the mood since it's a perfect time because now they seem calm down a bit.

"it's so awesome! the training! the music! the drama! i feel like i'm gonna shouting while crying!" Nora said and when she said it, she really doing it. fortunately, her partner in her side with a tissue on his hand.

"well, i guess he's a worthy to be a main character. other than all the main character that dumb at first, i'm more respect Midoriya hard work." Weiss said in her tsundere mode then look away to hide her red cheek.

"i'll be honest. i never thought i'm gonna enjoying anything else than reading. and each episode i watch, i learn so many thing." Blake said with smile.

"what about you Jaune?" Pyrrha ask her team leader who been silent for a moment.

"guys! i just thinking, can i make a request?" Jaune said to his friend and they look at him confuse. "when i see Midoriya determination when he's training, it's make me realize that you can't just hope something great come to you by incident. but by your own hard work. i was wrong all this time. i was an idiot. but i want to repay it. so please..." Jaune bowing down so deep that his face is unsee by them. "can you all train me after we get out from here!?" Jaune said making them stunned by each word he spoke.

'Jaune...' Pyrrha thought as she watch her leader like this. a smile on her face can't be hide. and small of relief come out frim her heart as she know that Jaune right now is change to someone better. Jaune that not gonna be weak anymore but a strong one. and that make her happy.

"don't you afraid!" Yang suddenly shouted making few of them jumped by suprise. "alright blonde! i accept it! but don't you dare for asking to rest, do you get it!" Yang telling him.

"you also blonde Yang." Weiss said sweatdrop then sighed and shrugged. "oh well. it can't be helped. you lucky i know you. but you must know that it's not gonna be easy."

"i have a few trick and move that maybe can suit you with your weapon. i'll tell you about it later." Blake said.

"then we gonna training more harder than before Jaune. so be ready." Pyrrha said.

"prepare yourself my fearless leader! i'm gonna train you until your bone is broken!" Nora said in her usual enthusiastic.

"i hope Nora not really do that. but i know about a few medicine that maybe can help you." Ren said.

instead they thought Jaune gonna be afraid and change his mind. what suprise them is when Jaune look up and see everyone with determination in his eyes and his mouth is grinning widely.

"yes. please!" He said conviction and that make his friend grinning too.

the teacher smiling when they saw this. it's look like Midoriya action reach their heart to change their live.

Ruby smiling by her friend behavior. happy that her friend can get motivated after watching this anime. it's like Midoriya essence of hero can change other to be better. now she really admire him.

"by the way, you see his muscle back there? it's like thinking about it while in the bathroom." what Yang said success to make the girl in the room blushing again as they remember that moment.

"Yang! you dirty! how can you say that so casually?!" Weiss said with mad at her blonde teammates but her blushing face still can be see.

"oh yeah!? then be honest, are you just thought something naughty in your head!?" Yang challenge Weiss.

there's about 10 second between them to pause until it broke.

"wait, do yo really-"

"of course i'm not! what do you think i am!? the heiress of SDC must to keep her mind pure and innoncent from any dirty mind like you!" Weiss said before she stomp to the sofa again.

"heh! pure? innoncent? please, like you some kind of one. if you really do that, then just admit it. look at my sister. that's the real pure and innoncent. right, sis?" Yang said to her little sister. but unnotice by them, her face paled and cold sweat streaming from her forehead.

"yeah! i - eeeh never have that thought." Ruby said hoping they gonna buy it. but one not.

"you have!" the voice come from Fun and that enough to get their attention. "you have that thought. in the bathroom~ if you remember." Fun teasing and began to laugh.

"OH NO!" Ruby screaming and her face blushing madly as she rememner what happening back there.


Fun right now walking to the kitchen to make a noodles

Fun: when i went to the kitchen back there, i crossing the path that also a direction to bathroom.

Fun then hear Ruby squealed. then he place his ear to the door and hear she mumbling about something but can't be hear because the water from tap is really loud.

Fun: after hearing her squealing, i go to check if she's okay. but i can't just enter a bathroom that there's a girl in it. i can't hear what she said because the tap is really loud. when i want to calling her out, the doors open...

when Fun want to shouting to calling her out and ask if she okay, the door suddenly been opened. and reveal the girl that suprise by Fun suddenly in front of her.

Fun: ...and her skirt is wet!

Fun also suprise that the door suddenly open. but then notice something to look down and see her skirt is wet. he look up to face her with questioning look.

Fun: then...

Ruby trying to hide her skirt by crossing her hand in front of it. then using her Semblance to run toward another room, next door from the bathroom.

flashback end

"hahaha! man! she must be do something lewd!" Fun said still laughing.

the girl face really red by embrassed and smack her forehead then cover her face with her palm.

the other suprise by this and few of them blushing lightly since the idea pop in their head. and they can't believe the innoncent girl they know can doing 'that'.

"R-Ruby..." Yang voice shaken by disbelieve and her face showing shocking and her jaw drop. "don't tell me you just doing something that only 'a lonely single teen' doing!" she said still shock.

"no!" Ruby screaming want to deny it. then she feel someone touch her shoulder and see Blake is behind her and her hand on Ruby shoulder while her other hand showing her thumb.

"welcome to the dark side of the world, Ruby." Blake said and pat Ruby shoulder.

"NO!" Ruby shouted and smack Blake hand away from her. "you get it all wrong! i'll tell you the truth!"


Ruby: real thing is, that's true i'm squealing in the bathroom. but it's because i got excited by remembering some 'hero' that i admire.

Ruby look at her reflection and see herself still blushing. then look down by remembering something and began to squealing. but she smack her cheek to snap herself and shake her head, saying to herself to control her mental.

Ruby: when i want to wash my face, i notice that the tap just don't have any button or anything.

Devil: oh remember that! our sink is have a sensor on it.

Ruby: exactly! i don't know about it, so i check it to find the button. When I approached it, the tap suddenly spilled on me and accidentally watered my skirt.

flashback end

"and that's happening." Ruby said and she glad to explain it. and it getting more by her friend nodded in understanding.

"hey! you want to hear another thing?" what Fun said causing everyone to look at him again. "when she find 'some' body pillow?" he said making them grew more curious.

"okay that's it!" Ruby grab a silver plate that Fun use. "my crescent rose may be keep by X, but this silver plate still hurt!" Ruby yell and glare at Fun who shivering in fear.

"w-wait, Ruby! we can talk about it, okay?" Fun said nerveously as Ruby get more closer. but Ruby seem don't want any negotiation as she charge at him.

the watcher screaming like a girl then run for his life while ruby charge after him.

the other dumbfounded by this as they processing what just happen.

"what was that?"

with Fun

the watcher now hiding in some room trembled.

then he feel something touch his shoulder and by reflect, he screaming and run away as fast as he can. but he feel he not feel the ground anymore until he heard someone.

"why are you running? why are you running!?" that voice come from X who carrying a paper bag. knowing who it was, Fun sigh in relief as X put him down.

"it's you." Fun said now calm

"what happening since i'm not around?" X ask to his clone.

"well you see..." Fun began to explain.

time skip.

"i see. so you notice it too." X said and nodded after knowing about the situation right now.

"wait, you know?" Fun ask.

"of course i know. but that's not important right now. we need to find her to clear this up. it's you fault after all. X said making Fun sighed.

"you right. maybe i'm really crossing the line. but where we gonna find her?" Fun ask but suddenly...

"THERE YOU ARE!" "OH MY GOD! SHE FIND ME!" when Ruby rushing toward Fun, ready to smack him with all she can go. but suddenly her body can't move.

"whoa there! no need to be bloody here. if you calm, i'm convince you that he not gonna say anymore about it. promise from the writter himself, okay?" after a few second pause the girp seem calm down and X release her.

"you really been beserk because you want to hide that you fall in love with Midoriya." what X said making Ruby blushing again.

"f-f-fall i-in love? what are you talking about!?" Ruby said

"so either you hide it or still not realize it. but from what i see is like that." X said and Ruby look away.

"i still don't know why, but my feeling getting strange lately." Ruby said making both of the boy look at her curiously.

"it's just... it's really warm my heart when he not give up. each time he smiling, even in tough spot it make my face heated. when he in danger, i really worried about him. even though i worried like my worried when my friend in danger, but it feel different. it feel more painful." Ruby said telling her feeling.

"that mean you really like him." Fun pointing out.

"WHAT!" Ruby yell. by watching this, X just can sighed.

"well if that's not true, then my work at the other reality is gonna be waste." X said with disappoint.

"other reality? what's that?" Ruby ask what X mean.

"aside than your world, there's also alternate of your world where also have similar like you. with different fate, story, and few thing." X said making Ruby nodded.

"but, what so different with my world if it also similar?" Ruby ask why he need to go to her alternate world.

"because in that world, Midoriya and you already in there." what X said making Ruby eyes grew bigger by suprise and grab his collar.

"what happening in there!? what happening!?" Ruby ask and shaking him a little.

"in the future, you gonna meet him." X simply said and that's enough to make Ruby feel like flying.

"i'm gonna meet him." she said in her dream land and let X go.

"there! you happy? now you can go back with other or find some cookies before we start, ok? there is a cookies jar on the top shelf near the fridge next to the kitchen door." X said to Ruby who still in her dream land nodded. then she began to walking away leaving both of boy.

"did she really gonna meet him? i never watch or read anything about it." Fun ask as he walk toward X.

"at least." X simply said making Fun look at him. "i looked forward in time, i travel 108,650 dimension and saw 1,950,673,095 future." X telling him

"can i ask, how many possibilities Ruby and Midoriya can be together?" Fun ask to X who look down then answer it.

"just 1."

"yikes. i know that it's gonna hard to make 2 world stay balance." Fun said.

"i know that. and i can't just ignore this." X said remember one of the reality.

(flashback one of reality.)

team RWBY and JNPR now hiding behind building and watching that two lover bird on their date.

"that's good my friend. just a little time and this date success!" Jaune mumbling silently cheering him.

"watching them to be together is really nostalgic for our first date, right Jaune?" Pyrrha said to her boyfriend with smile who smiling back at her and holding her hand.

"aww~! aren't they cute to be together~!" Nora squealed at how cute the scene in front of them.

"Nora, if you not keep that voice, they gonna find us." Ren said and sighed. honestly he just want to make sure his good friend first date to be in good. that, and make sure Nora to not gonna do something risky that uncover. it's just gonna make this whole spying to be waste.

"alright that's it! now can we go home now?" Weiss said. honestly she don't want to interrupting their date. and she don't want to interfere someone personal space.

"i don't know Weiss. it's kinda good enough to see."Blake said not really mind to watching this. every single time is just like one of novel that she read. and this is perfect time to she her fantasy to be reality

"are you kidding!? it's still not ever! not until they kiss! and our job is done. and that's gonna be last picture for our album this year and celebrate they to be together, right Rubes?" Yang said to her sister who been silence since the moment they start this spying thing.

right now, Ruby had a frown on her face. her eyes showing sadnest. she biting her lower mouth. and her right hand clutch her chest for the sensation inside it while her other hand grip tightly.

" Rub... Ruby!" Ruby snapped from her thought as her sister calling her. she look at her and see everyone was staring at her. "what's wrong? you seem space-out for a moment we spying them." Yang said with brow raised.

"oh!?" Ruby quickly force her mouth to smiling. "nothing! it's just that... watching those two together is really cute! it's really embrassing me that make my chest pounding fast... until it hurt. Hahahaha!" she whispering to her last line and laughing like a nerveous person who really embrassed.

the other who know that Ruby is the most innoncent person among them, believe it and laughing with her as they agree for what she say. except Weiss and Ren who shake their head with sweatdrop as they saw their friend act.

but unnotice by them, Ruby voice become more and more weak each second. "hehe... hehehe... he..." for her, it's really hard to keep smiling and she grip her palm even more. she clutch her chest even more too as the sensation of hurt become more painful. so much that bring a drop tear from her eyes. "he... hehe... he..."

(flashback end)

X sighed and massage his forehead. "i know that interupting fate is forbidden, but it's also my job to make the best ending i can make." X said and began to walk away. Fun nodded with him and following him to go back with other. but then he notice something that X carried.

"by the way, what you gonna do with that panel judges?"

meanwhile with Ruby

right now Ruby already in the kitchen to grab some cookies. her mood feel like a rainbow as she humming happy while she trying to reach cookies jar. but then remember what Fun said and now she thinking about it.

"am i really in love with Midoriya?" Ruby ask to herself. she too thinking deep and incidently knocking a book when she pull the jar.

the book falling and touch the ground with a loud 'thud' that snapping the young Rose from her thought. Ruby look at where the sound come from and see a book on the ground with one of it page opened

she put the cookies jar on the table before pick the book. she examine the book and figuring it as recipe book.

when she's about to put the book back at where it is, one of the picture of recipe on the page caught her interest.


and cut!

woah what a tired! need 4 month to finish it. what is this, more than 22k word!? oh my... oh my... goodness! that was the most long story that i make!

yes you just read one of many future where this fanfic gonna lead. which fate gonna be choose? good or bad ending?and yes there's few old jokes but just for fun. you know what they say? 'refuse to forget'.

and wow! look at this! i never thought many people like this! it's even just prototype! you know? actually before i make this fanfic, i've a few ideas. i've troubled which animation i need to choose for the crossover. at first i interest with 'highschool dxd watching boku no hero academia'. but then i thought it's not match any bit. and i think people more looking for RWBY reaction.

i'm glad that you can feel it when you read it. i make this with all of my heart and glad it can make you happy. like you all, i hope i still can continue to keep this fanfic.

before i answer the review let me say this first. when you ask, can i make other reaction of RWBY? forgive me to say this, but i think i can't do that. i find it's hard to find the right reaction. so maybe no. but for one punch man? maybe i need a thought about it.

shiroryuu012: don't worry buddy, we all too. it showing we still have a heart. i'll try my best to make it to season 3 as i can. and thanks to support me!

Ridward441: hehehe really? well i was thought like that too and thinking is not gonna be posibble. then remembering the show and i say to myself to make something imposibble to posibble. ohh you make me blush really. i hope so too because i already planning into the future even until the end of season 3. everything already in my head.

Shadow Joestar: yep! and it's just starting.

Silverstein Ravenfang: nice! i know i'm not alone! i still can't believe why people not think about it but i'll make it. i'll try my best with my 1.000.000% power! oraaah! plus ultra!

Arionix 64: 1) well i trying my best to keep all character still on their place, but actually i've my own plan in the future just in case.

2) i also check twice for it. how about now?

TrialWriter246: yeah i got a brainstorm to think the fine conflict. by searching and find an idea from the problem from news i need some data. and in a week, there it goes.

The Richmaster: see? you get my point. about how power/talent is important. most people thought about it without realize the other around them. that was what i thought when i watching the episode. that's why i said it was a 'fateful meeting' in the episode.

Guest1: not sure dude, not sure. but i already planning for other MHA X RWBY and will tell you later.

OneYuTriSlayers: yeah this stuff even make me think for regret the choice i made, but i not gonna doing it if i don't have a plan. that's why i make one of the ending first, the bad one. next gonna be (kinda) happy ending (maybe in my opinion). actually there is, so many actually. but i need to choose one for example.

Guest2: maybe i need to say something. the grammar posibbly because when i starting to making the story, my touch screen kinda funny and sometime it tap on the wrong side from what i want. but i still keep looking the error to minimalizing the grammar as posibble. i can't using dub since it usually not making my spirit pumped up. then again i suck at listening so need translate. as i said before my main language not english. i can understand english but to speak and listen for other people speak is still learning.

Guest3: alreasy explain it to other comment, why don't you check it yourself?

Guest4: well i just want a one direction chat. that mean i'll answering a comment by the first thing in my mind after i read it (maybe starting for now i need to think first before answer it). already said that my touch screen kinda funny and i download wrong apps. it doesn't have auto capitalizing for each sentence but i used to it for 2 year. who say i'm not proud about it? i'm proud about my creation! i just suck at humor cause i was kind of lonely introvert. opposite from my brother who extrovert. i don't need a second chance when i have infinite chance. it's not stupid if this work, ever heard about that? but well~ since it's kinda good advice, i'll take that to a try.

Sai Kunai Blade: hahaha! oh please you flattered me. thanks friend! i appreciate it.

NapThing: Izuku come there for a little?... to be honest it was a good idea! maybe i'm gonna do that in next chapter that's why i make the end chapter like that. or maybe next one or next until i found perfect moment. but i confuse is it by watching the anime together or just passing by. i need that for line story.

Shogun lord poke burst: sorry i can't put another RWBY character. like i said in the first chapter about that and no one answer it. i want to make everyone reaction and no skip. if you want them to be meet other BNHA character, at least they need to watch more episode until the introducing.

WhenItCOUNTS: like i said to NapThing, probably yes. and now i know to bring Midoriya from which timeline. and 10 years flashback ago mean a flashback for little izuku. i mean, that time he's a 4 year old boy, right?

xpegasox: ... bro i'm not sure about that i mean i like your idea and i can make it if it still not more than few chapter ahead. i choose the pairing because when i searching a crossover picture about it and i find them paired (back to back like a partner). but i never thought about it. it so simple! so simple that i never thought about it! but there's many people who like the pairing. even if it's a harem, Ruby gonna be the OTP. but i also want to make it fair. should i make a vote? each comment gonna be one voice.

EmperorRevan: yeah well people gonna criticize you even you tried but aren't that mean they pointing some point unnotice by you? any comment gonna by welcome whatever it is.

blackheart0009: i'm gonna try it. and thanks! they gonna keep watching until they don't want to go back to Remnant because curious how each season gonna be. and that gonna be good for us too.

Guest5: ah~ i see what you did in there~ looking for the similar character i see~

guest: hahaha you right! i've one in mind. they gonna see him and think he really a dead itself even from the screen because they can feel his killing intent.

The Lazy Dragon: don't worry friend i'm here. crying like you too when watching the episode. glad you feel it since i make this with all of my heart.

Baycon: it's just come to my mind. should i make a spoiler how they reacted to some interesting part at season 2 and 3? just in case if one day i can't continue this fanfic.

shirou6655: what? like 'Highschool DXD watching Boku no Hero Academia' or fanfic crossover? like i said that first one i thought not many people gonna read it. not because it lame, but many people not gonna find it. RWBY watching stories more popular that someone even made the playlist. so i choose RWBY instead. but make the fanfic maybe i can. or the usual crossover i've one in mind.

Guest6: meh many people do that so i think i need to do same. you don't get it, don't you? what people seek from reaction fanfic is the reaction. their wonderful reaction! make the world colourful with drama and humor! so i'm not gonna promise it's gonna stay on character. yeah i keep been telling that for a while okay i get it! hahaha i've a funny story for that. want to hear it? maybe another time when the time is come. i want to be writter, but i still new for it that's why i try fanfiction. and no, i'm actually 17 year old. and i prefer this to be called recycle or reuse.

okay that's all for now folk! and i'm gonna said it again, should i make a spoiler reaction from important scene of episode? just in case if i don't make it or you to curious for it. and should i make it harem? and i'll said it again, sorry for the grammar. as you can see i want to be writter, but don't have a talent to do that. that's why i try fanfiction. i'm not gonna give up so easy like oir main character here.

and before i go, i want to tell you i've other new idea for new story. so please comment and vote about it so i can decide which one i need to make first when i feel like i already good enough.

RWBY X Boku no Hero Academia

(the popular Hero like in comic book)

My Hero Academia is the Most popular anime in Remnant. after It release, It Caught People interest. the moral of Hero incresing highly to People. Making them inspirated to not Give Up to Life Just Like the main character. but What Happen if the main character of that anime showing Up in Remnant? Prepare Yourself Remnant! because he's Here. and He Gonna be the Hero, the symbol of Peace in Remnant. it's not Just ultra, It's Plus Ultra!

Ever after High X Boku no Hero Academia

(the Tales of Greatest Hero)

izuku Midoriya. the Hero in training and the successor of All Might, the number One Hero. Without He knowing It He summoned to Ever after High, the School where the Next Generation of Fairy Tales Gonna follow their Destiny from their parent. when He Need to figuring Out the Way to Go Back to his World, He need to fix the problem between royal and rebel and this world. the narrator not Gonna Read This Story, but It's Gonna be Tell by Midoriya himself from Future. because It's His Story, About How He bacome the Greatest Hero.

Boku no Hero Academia X Doki Doki Literature Club

(change the reality! Doki Doki! Hero Academia!)

4 new transfered student, 4 girl with different story. now attend U.A as a student for 1-A class for a reason, to watch over the successor of All Might for their own reason. what Midoriya gonna do after one by one the truth revealed? can he change that? hope the girl not gonna bring despair more than trouble.

Boku no Hero Academia X Highschool DXD

(Hero among devil)

Izuku Midoriya don't know why, but found himself after being sucked by some kind of cracked portal in the world almost like his own but with no Quirk. need a few month to figuring that not only human in this world but also another creature like angel and devil. will he can come back to his world? but right now he need to help other people from their problem first. this world need hope and he gonna be one.

and by the way i'm a kamen rider fans. so if any of you like me, then i'll show you my other ideas.

Kamen Rider ZI-O X Ever After High

(Twilight Chronicle: the Future King of Book End)

according to This Book, average young man who have dream to be king, want a second life. and now he suddenly transport to Book End which next generation of fairy tales gonna continue their legacy. he Gonna join them by Walking both Side between Royal and Rebel. he's the One Who Gonna Change So many Fate. the heirs of the Rider and be the king who-Oops! i'm talking too much. Why Don't You Read It Yourself?

Kamen Rider ZI-O X Familiar of Zero

(Rejoice! for the Birth of New King! forever!)

the Young Man from Earth, after finish his job and Want to Try his DX zikku driver and All of his ridewatch Who He ordered online, Suddenly Got Sucked by a Magic Circle and Now He Stuck with the Pink Haired Girl Who Always Angry for Every Second. not Just that, but One by One Another Rider appear and attacking People. and the Worst is the unfair between Two status of society. He Gonna Fix It while Finding the Way to Go Back to his World. because since the moment He Born, He was destined to be king.

Kamen Rider OOO X Familiar of Zero

(The New multi King)some Young Man, after He finish from Kamen Rider conference and Buy the Complete Selection of OOO driver, Suddenly He being summoned and become familiar to some Pink Haired Girl. He don't Know whether He Need to Getting Along with the Girl or find a Way to back Home, since monster called yummy starting to Come Out from nowhere. Maybe He Gonna wait until He finish the problem in This World. and one problem is there's few girl who claim to be his loyal generation of alchemist... wait what!?

Kamen Rider Zi-O X Highschool DXD

(tales of the most reviled demon king of all time)

'no body know truth and future', that's what old song tell us. the truth , in this mysterious world, not just human who walk on it. a young man who dreamed to be king one day one by one meet them for the sign that the 'future' has come. what gonna happen to supernatural world (especially underworld and demon) if this average young man gonna be the most reviled demon king of all time? even if it not revealed yet, but it's 'truth' and 'future'.

and we're done! now if you mind me, i've 2 week for vacation so see ya next time everyone.