Summary: The final four episodes of my ill-fated Star Wars series, Star Wars: The Shadow Wars. These episodes were the final completed episodes made prior to the series' cancellation in June of 2018.
A/N: I own very little save for a few OCs.
A Message from the author
Greetings reader.
Back in August of 2011, I uploaded the first chapters of my own spin on the Star Wars universe, a sequel to the old Expanded Universe that existed prior to the Disney buyout in 2012. This story was known as Star Wars: Eve of Shadows. This story proceeded to lay the groundwork for what I had hoped would become an episodic fanfiction series known as The Shadow Wars. Eve of Shadows was completed and posted by April, 2012.
In May of 2014, I uploaded the first few episodes of the Shadow Wars series. By this time, Disney had acquired Star Wars and I was cautiously optimistic of what would come from the sequel trilogy, with The Force Awakens scheduled for December of the following year. At the same time, I happily wrote my Shadow Wars series, occasionally borrowing some of the new tech and characters from the new trilogy that was forthcoming, with the first season of the Shadow Wars completed in early 2015.
Season 2 of the Shadow Wars began in late 2015 and was completed by the summer of 2017, partly owing to some personal life issues that delayed my writing.
It wasn't until Fall of 2017 that I started to notice something bad was happening within Star Wars, and around January of 2018 it was undeniable. The Star Wars I had grown up loving since childhood, was tainted. The once enjoyable space opera had become a propaganda outlet and had begun committing the business taboo of attacking its customers with no repercussions upon the bad actors within the company, seemingly, from Lucasfilm's new parent company, Disney.
As the controversy continued and grew, my desire to continue writing my Shadow Wars series dwindled, as it kept reminding me of what had become of the franchise I once admired.
Finally, on July 2nd, 2018, I made the difficult decision that I couldn't continue the series and announced the series' cancellation via my DeviantArt account. Walking away from a series I had loved, still full of stories to tell within the Star Wars universe, was difficult, but my principles would not allow me to, in good conscience, continue supporting the franchise that has become so tainted and run by people who unapologetically lash out at longtime fans who have legitimate grievances with the direction of the universe. I could not continue to support it, not with my money, not with my time, and certainly not with my writing.
By the time of the cancellation, I had completed four episodes for the intended third season. I decided I couldn't just leave these four episodes to rot on my computer. There were still readers and followers who wanted to continue the series. And so these final four episodes are for them.
To those who have followed my works, Star Wars and otherwise, thank you for your support and encouragement. I know I don't update as much as I'd like and I didn't enjoy cancelling this series.
The following episodes are likely to be my final entries into the Star Wars universe and are the final entries to the Shadow Wars universe itself. At the end of each episode, you will find a sort of epilogue that will tell the story of certain key characters and what would've become of them by the end of the Shadow Wars had I allowed it to continue and ultimately finish. Some of the epilogues lack details as some details were still being thought out by the time of the series cancelation, but they should be enough to give everyone a sense of closure.
The episodes are not posted in the order they would've premiered, and this is deliberate as it saves the first episode of season 3, the one that would've had the biggest plot twist, at the end, along with the epilogue that would summarize the ending of the story.
If you would still like to read Eve of Shadows and the first two seasons of the Shadow Wars, you can find them both on my page here on fanfiction dot net. I am purposefully leaving them up as a sort of memorial and a reminder of what was once a great franchise.
Moving forward, I hope that, even if my stories no longer explore the Star Wars universe, that at the very least you find some measure of enjoyment from my work. So in the spirit of those who wait the end of these Dark Times for the Star Wars universe…
May the Force be with you, always.
Formerly the Star Tours Traveler