If the clattering of the pans didn't wake him, who knows how long he would've slept. Loki rubbed his eyes, looking up at the ceiling. He had no idea of the time, but judging by the amount of sunlight that slipped through the curtains, it was well past morning. He sat up and looked around. His memory of last night was vague; like a dream, yet he still recalled what had happened. His eyes landed on the other side of the bed, which was empty but obviously slept in. He smiled a bit, realizing Thor's snoring hadn't even woke him. Another clank came from outside the room, this one resembled a falling plate. He threw his legs over the side of the bed, wondering what was going on. There were no voices, so a visitor was unlikely. He went to stand when the door opened, and Loki saw something he would have never been able to make up. Thor in an apron. He couldn't help but cackle.

"Lovely garment," He laughed. "Looks like something out mother would wear."

"Perhaps that is because she had fantastic style," He replied, striking a pose.

"May I ask what it is for?"

"I've taken up a part-time job as a maid," Thor said sarcastically, but with a smile. "What do you think? I've made us breakfast!"

Loki raised his eyebrows, his mouth dropping slightly.



"Like, cooked food?"

"Yes, Loki, it is cooked food."

"Nothing's on fire?"

"Not anymore."

Loki rolled his eyes.

"I suppose that's better than currently on fire."

"I even learned how to use the Midgardian cooking device called a stove! It took me almost 5 hours, but I did it-"

"What? Five hours-? Thor, what time is it?"

"Well, I would imagine around one now. Technically lunch, but that's alright. You were sleeping so peacefully I decided not to wake you," He said.

Loki looked out the window again, he knew it was past sunrise, but not that far past. He very seldom slept in.

"Do not dwell on it, the food may get cold," Thor said, grabbing Loki's arm. Loki yelped, quickly pulling his arm away without thinking.

Thor stepped back, looking confused. Loki cleared his throat and put his hands behind his back.

"Yes, I am a bit hungry," He said, hoping Thor would dismiss his action. To his disappointment, Thor didn't move.

"Loki, what was that about?" He questioned, his smile faded now.

"Nothing, I just did not expect you to pull me up," He said slowly. Thor's gaze remained.

"Let me see your arm." He said, holding out his hand.

"That really isn't necessary-"

"Loki let me see your arm," He repeated sternly.

Loki raced for something else to say.

"Brother stop this foolishness, I do not see why you insist I-"

He didn't have time to move away when Thor grabbed his arm, pulling up the sleeve of his shirt. He tried pulling away, but knew it was no use against his physically superior sibling. He could hear Thor's soft exhale, but he looked away.

"Loki…" He said quietly. "How badly did those dig into you?"

Loki looked up, confused.


"Your shackles. The marks are still fresh, almost. Why have they not healed?"

"Um, I do not know," He said. "Perhaps they need more time."

"Do they still hurt?"

"A bit sore, yes. Nothing serious, they will be gone eventually."

Thor let go of his arm, nodding. Loki slowly put down his arm, sliding his sleeve back down.

"Now how about that breakfast, yeah?" Loki said. Thor grinned.

"You can tell me if I did an acceptable job," he chuckled. Loki patted his brother on the back.

"I'm sure you did well."


Loki had to hand it to his brother, he did not expect such a good meal. It was a simple meal, eggs, bacon, and toasted bread with butter, but it tasted great. Sure, pots and pans were everywhere, and the place looked nearly destroyed, but Loki would clean it up for him. It was a simple gesture, but a kind one. Still, he couldn't help but let what happened earlier run a course through his head. It was not the shackle marks he feared his brother seeing, but older, more personal marks. They were nothing large, just thin, horizontal lines reaching from a little bit above his palm to the inside of his elbow. They were old thankfully, very old, but for some reason did not fade like a lot of his others.

He had only heard of the practice from a group of drunkards in his youth, who insisted it was something some Midgardians did. He went on to talk about how they had no real problems and were foolish, but he left before he heard anything more. At first, he was curious what it would feel like to purposefully maim oneself. Then, with time, it became a habit.

Until one day his mother didn't knock.

He would never forget the look on her face when she saw the dagger, the way she ran over and embraced him while he cried. He promised her that day he would never do it again, and he never did. Like any addiction, he had his close moments, but he never broke his promise. In return, she swore to never say a word to anyone, including Thor. She would constantly try fading them for him, but they never seemed to want to go away. Breaking away from his musings he looked up, Thor was facing away, sipping a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper. Loki wondered, did he see them? He couldn't ask, because if he didn't then he would know. If he didn't ask, he would never know.

"I made you tea, by the way," Thor said, still facing away. "I know you don't like coffee, so I hope that's alright."

Loki looked over from the table and saw a kettle on the stove.

"Yes, that's fine. Thank you." He said.

Thor set down his paper and got him a cup. Loki couldn't help but notice the air had grown tense. Was it because of what happened? Thor set down the teacup gently and flashed Loki a quick smile. A smile that seemed forced. He eyed Thor, taking a sip from the cup. It wasn't the best tea he ever had, but not that bad either.

Beep! Beep!

From across the room, a device went off, then without further warning projected an image of a man. Thor gasped, dropping his cup.

"Malicious blue man, what business do you have here?!" He yelled, pointing a pen at him. Wherever the pen came from.

"Calm down-"

"It speaks!"

Loki realized it was the Stark man being projected.

"Hey Shakespeare it's just me, Tony," He said. "Listen, where are you at right now?"

"Ah, Man of Iron you have frightened me," Thor said, setting down the pen. "What do you need?"

"Are you aware you are wanted?" He said plainly. "Is Loki there with you?" He asked.

Loki resisted the urge to hide under the table, though he did nothing wrong. For once.

"Yes, I just picked him up last night. Why?"

"Someone has placed a reward for both of your captures. Who did, we're still trying to figure out, but it's a pretty hefty reward. Two Million we're talking."

Thor looked at Loki with narrowed eyes.

"Does it refer to any crime in particular?"

"The murder of some diplomat or something? It was very vague, but nothing you did, I'm sure. Loki on the other hand.."

"My brother would not have done such a thing. He has been locked away this entire time." Thor defended. Loki could notice there was a twinge of doubt in his voice.

"You are quick to accuse, Stark," Loki spoke up. "But I am afraid this crime was none of my doing."

"I wish I could believe you." He said. "But I can't. Strange told me about the situation-"

Stark was interrupted by someone jumping into the feed.

"Who are you talking to, Mr. Stark? ᵒʰ ᵐʸ ᴳᵒᵈ ᶦˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵀʰᵒʳ? ᴹʳ. ᴸᵒᵏᶦ ʰᶦ! ᴵ'ᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵈᵉᵃᵈ! ᵀʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ᶜᵒᵒˡ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉⁿ'ᵗ ᵗᵒᵒ!"

Loki was impressed by how high the kid's voice had gotten in such little time. If he wasn't being accused of the murder he might've laughed.

"The hell? Peter, get off the feed!" Stark said, shoving the boy away. "Anyways, we're trying to sort out the whole situation, but we need more answers. I was going to ask you in person, but that seems to be out of the question so Thor, I'll let you sort this one out. Loki, I hope you come clean to save your brother some trouble. It's not that we don't trust you-"

"ᴵ ᵗʳᵘˢᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᴹʳ. ᴸᵒᵏᶦ!" A small voice piped from somewhere in the hologram.

"It's just that we don't trust you." He finished. Loki bit his tongue, deciding now wasn't the time for a snarky comeback. Instead, he glared.

"Just hit the button on here to contact me when you have more information. Until then, see what you can do."

The image flickered, then receded. There was a moment of silence, Loki knew what was about to come.

"I trusted you!" Thor growled, turning to Loki.

"Thor you cannot possibly deny me so quickly," He said calmly, hoping his demeanor would rub off on his fuming brother.

"Really? Then explain to me why we are both wanted for murder!"

"I don't know," Loki said.

"I haven't had you back for a day and you've already crossed me!" He yelled. He didn't notice it, but Loki flinched the smallest bit at it.

"I did nothing!"

"I bet this is all a ploy! Another trick of yours to get what you want! I chose to forgive you faking your death again, but this?"

Loki shook his head. "What do you mean I faked my death again? I did not!"

"Like HELL!" Thor spat, walking over to Loki. Loki stood up and backed away.

"Why can't you believe just this one time? I've nothing wrong, Thor!"

The words, though true, sounded fake. Thor kept advancing, backing Loki into the far wall.


"I'm not a liar!" Loki yelled back, his eyes brimming with tears. The last person on earth to have faith in him doesn't even believe him now.

Thor grabbed Loki's wrists, pinning them to the wall. Loki barely registered it, all he saw was the electricity spilling from his brothers one good eye.

"Thor, what are you doing?" He said. Thor ignored his question. He knew Thor's temper had gotten the best of him.

"Tell me the truth, Loki!" He yelled, squeezing his arms tighter.

"Thor, you're hurting me," Loki said, trying to remain calm.


A surge of electricity shot from Thor's hand right into Loki. He cried out from the unexpected pain that spread from his arms to the rest of his body.

"You're mad! Stop this!" He yelled.

"I stop when you tell me the truth!"

It was like a hallucination; the way the horrible memories flooded back in. The men, beating him, screaming for him to tell them information about the Avengers. What they were, how they could be brought down. They had tried everything to get the information, he never spilled, in the end, he was on their side. They never took no for an answer. Anything he tried telling them they knew wasn't the truth. The memory came in slow at first, then everything surged in like a mudslide, trapping him under it. He screamed the loudest scream he had emitted in months as the electricity crept into the corners. His vision was spotty. It didn't matter, he didn't see his brother anyways. He saw the armored men now. He screamed again, pushing against the restraints. He needed to get away. To make the pain stop.

Then it did.

He crumbled to the ground and curled up into a ball. What he usually did to help with the pain. He held his wrists to his chest. He barely realized he was speaking. More sobbing actually.

"I'm not a liar, I'm not a liar, I'm not a liar-"

He kept repeating the words like a sacred chant be couldn't control. His trance was broken by a touch. The static cleared a bit, and he could hear a voice.

"No no no! Loki! Please, please look at me!"

Who was speaking? Thor? How was he here?

He then realized, he wasn't in the cell anymore. He was with Thor. He willed himself to pry open his eyes. He looked at his arms, red branched out, spreading from his palms up his arms. Two arms reached down, pulling him up from the ground. He looked up and saw Thor. His eye no longer electrified but full of tears.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I can't believe I did this, Loki please speak to me-"

His words were fast and jumbled, but calming in a way.

"Thor," He breathed.

"Brother," He said, pulling Loki in close to him. Usually, Loki hated affection, but now it felt different. Safe, like everything, was okay now. He wrapped his arms around Thor and buried his head in his chest.

"Loki I cannot express how sorry I am, I didn't mean to hurt you.." Thor said. His voice was shaky.

"It's okay," Loki said, his voice muffled.

"I believe you Loki, I'm sorry I doubted you. We'll find who set us up," He said.

"Just don't grill them, Brother," Loki chuckled. He pulled out of his brothers embrace and smiled. Thor smiled back, but a sadness lingered.

"I will do my best to keep my temper in check," He promised. "I guess it is safe to say you really were there for a long time… weren't you?"

"Yes," Loki said. "But it's over now."

Thor put a hand on the side of Loki's neck, a common show of brotherly affection.

"We'll get this sorted out, do not worry. In the meantime, your drink is getting cold."

Loki looked over to his cup, still on the table. He laughed, a bit shakily, but a laugh.

"Perhaps I can teach you how to work a microwave," He said.

"A what?"

Loki laughed again.


They both chuckled again, making their way back from what occurred. Loki glanced down at his arm again and slipped down his sleeve.