"It's impossible, I watched him die!"

The words tasted familiar in Thors mouth as he faced Stephen Strange. The calm manner of the man borderline infuriated the Asgardian.

"You watched me die, and yet here I am." He replied with raised eyebrows.

"You were different, he didn't die like a lot of you." Thor said, lowering his voice.

"Tell me, Thor, you're brother was native of Jotunheim, am I correct?"

Thor furrowed his brow, "Yes," He said slowly. "What does that have to do-?"

Strange cut him off.

"Yet he looked normal after the incident?"

Thor nodded, swallowing a lump in his throat.

"If your brother had died, the magic that made him look Asgardian would've lifted, but it didn't."

"Are you saying he faked his death…. again?" Thor asked. A look of bewilderment came across the sorcerer's face. He shook his head as if deciding not to ask.

"It's possible, but I'm fairly skeptical he would be in a dungeon if he had left on his own free will."

"A dungeon? Why on Asgard would he be in a dungeon?"

"The Rinkos. An peculiar horde, they travel to and fro realms under complete discretion and kidnap and enslave anyone they can find. They like to refer to themselves as 'population control'."

Thor stood in silence, registering what was said to him. His brother was alive. He should feel happy about the ordeal, yet a sliver of bitterness lingered under the surface. Again he would have to track down his estranged brother.

"Do you know his whereabouts?" He asked, looking up.

"Under the Baikal Mountains in Siberia."

He materialized a small object, no bigger than the palm of his hand. It was a bronze color, and wore a red dial.

"Here. This should channel you into their precise location without being ambushed." He said, handing him the device.

"Can you not transport him here using your magic?"

"Their technology blocks out any outside magic, my powers are useless, and chances are so are his."

He continued. "Be warned, they have guards located in every sector of the forest surrounding the base. Pretty decent sized golems," He patted Thor on the shoulder, "But I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle."

"You are not coming with me?" Thor questioned.

"I am afraid not, I must go out and prepare an estate way out of town for a few guests. They'll be arriving in-" He checked his pocket watch, "An hour give or take. I can send you as close as possible but that's it."

"Thank you for all your help, again, Stephen." He said. "I hope I can repay your kindness."

"Don't burden yourself," He said. "If you need any assistance press this knob here" He pointed to a small button on the top of the object.

"I will keep that in mi-" He was cut short by the opening of a portal beneath him. The portal that would lead him to Loki.