Hey everybody! Sorry for the disappearance, writer's block is pure murder. Today's story involves something from my childhood and is the most iconic event in anime that is still around to this day. A tale involving one of the most legendary card of all Yugioh, Exodia. Enjoy a Guardian's Redemption.

Exodia, the Forbidden One. The most powerful monster in the history of the card game Duel Monsters. A powerful Dark Spellcaster split into five different pieces, the head, arms and legs. When all pieces are assembled in a player's hand, Exodia is summoned and defeats the opponent in an automatic victory.

Only one person has fairly summoned Exodia, Yugi Moto aka Yami Yugi, in the first duel against Kaiba. A duelist the monster wished to serve again only for the disgusting actions of a wicked duelist cast him out to sea. Despite a piece of him being recovered by his master's treasured friend, Exodia could never serve his Pharaoh.Something that ate the spirit of the card from the inside.

How Exodia found himself in this state was a very tragic tale. Before he became a Duel Monster, he was the master guard for his lord Osiris. A duty he had never failed until one day, his master was slayed by his own brother. An action that dragged him to his master's fate.Yet, his lord Osiris was merciful and granted him a chance to redeem himself. To be split into five pieces and grant his aid to his new owner, Yugi's grandfather Solomon Moto, when his pieces were ever reunited. But now… he couldn't do anything…

He was now worthless by the hands of a disgusting human.Until his Pharaoh came to him in the dead of night. The human his master was inhabiting fast asleep. "Exodia, I can feel it. Your sorrow, remorse and grief. It has been growing ever since the incident at Duelist Kingdom hasn't it?" Yami questioned. A question answered with a mere twinge of strength he had at the moment.

"I see. I know about the legend and the spell you are bound to. I greatly apologize for being unable to stop Weevil from tossing you over ship." He flared his power at his master's words. It wasn't his fault so he shouldn't blame himself. "You are still the kind monster that has been with me long before Yugi reassembled my soul trapped in pieces of the puzzle." Yami's violet eyes looked at him."

You wish to be of service once more and find redemption from events of the past. Something that was wrongfully robbed from you. The truth is I've been hearing a soul cry out to me. A spirit just like Yugi before he ever made a friend." A soul like his little master?

"This soul is reaching out for help. I can feel fear, sadness, pain and loneliness so intense that it nearly choked me upon experience. You may not be able to help me but I believe you can help this spirit, Exodia." He could only greet his Pharaoh's request with silence. Exodia didn't know what to say about this kindness.He flared his power a bit. His actions caused a smile to grow on his master's face.

"Thank you. Dark Magician, Mystical Elf and Magician of Black Chaos lent me some of their strength to perform this spell. Your power and spirit will be housed in a new vessel, one that won't easily be tossed away. The spirit you must protect should easily find you."

This will be the last time he sees his Pharoah. Exodia flared his power once more, a final goodbye to the one he served faithfully. "Farewell Exodia. I wish you safe travel and good luck. May our souls meet again in another life, dear friend." The last words he heard from his pharoah before the guardian's body was bathed in soothing darkness.

Quirks, a phenomenon that started in Qing Ping China. Superpowers that varied between each individual. A baby born glowing brightly like the sun. It wasn't long before this phenomenon began to spread across the human population over the years. Steadily growing that until today, nearly 80% of the human population have a Quirk of sorts. Even few animals in the animal kingdom were slowly developing their individuality.

With change...also came consequences to it. The appearance of villains and heroes. Villains, those who abuse their power for their selfish needs. And heroes, those who protect the innocent and combat their opposite. An age of Heroes similar to that of a superhero comic book. One whose morals were flipped on their head.

Not all villains were evil for villainy wasn't their choice. Prejudice against someone's quirk made it hard for people to get jobs as employers become too biased on who they hired. Those who had 'villainous' quirks were more likely to be broke and homeless from being rejected to work at various establishments.

Bullying and both forms of abuse were common too. Strangers, kids at school and even a person's parents can become their worst nightmare. Beatings, neglect, torture and even suicide baiting was normal in this age. On the opposite of this spectrum were Pro-heroes.

Heroism was transformed into a paid job as hero schools spread all across the world. It was a glorified version of creating child soldiers, high school age were they old enough where the government couldn't get sued. Not all Pro-Heroes were good people either.

Most were merely in it for wealth and fame. All aiming to be the Number One Hero but few took despicable measures to try and reach. These days, they focused on tackling big flashy villains than those who lurk in the dark. Muggers, murderers, rapists, gangs and any other monster that was ignored. Quite a few cities were overrun by crime, some were so bad that even the police abandoned the people to their tormentors.

However, the darkest part of this age were powerful quirks. Those with powerful quirks targets for not just villains but heroes too. A power struggle was a nightmare for both sides and individuals with these abilities can change the game in an instant. The power to create earthquakes, stop time and even erase others from existence were just a few quirks that would put a target on their back.

The sad thing is that these particular individuals merely wanted to live normal lives. However it was impossible for a single reason: Quirk Registration. Every person in the world who manifests a Quirk must register it to the government and is added to a collection of files. Access to these files could be easily exploited and it wasn't long until one of these two factions were at your doorstep.

There had been rumors of hero schools and even the hero association forcing powerful quirk users into their institutes. A twisted way to either keep them in check or collar them to their will. It was a sad reality hidden with gold painted lies. However, there will be a time where they would make the wrong move and go after the wrong person.

A person that should never be messed with. For patience was a virtue, and for Karma, it can be downright deadly once given time. This was the truth when an idiot pushed the Doomsday button of a particular greenette.

Gashadokuro, the 'graveyard' district of Japan. This place earned its name for the highest crime rate of the entire country, achieved in less than a decade. Crime Rate translated to how many people died because Pro-heroes ignored the cries of the innocent trapped in hell but also the cops who ran or died in duty trying to keep the peace. Over 50,000 people were killed, giving the district its name, after the infamous Yokai Gashadokuro, a monster that was an accumulated mass of bones belonging to the dead.

That was until 5 years ago, a savior came. A stranger who began a crusade to clean the streets of this fading city. This single person could easily be described as a guardian deity. Every criminal that dared harm the innocent were defeated in an instant by this crusader. None could harm him either as no weapon or Quirk could get past the protector's extraordinary quirk.

A guardian spirit that ended every fight in a single blast. To the people of this district, they called the stranger Horus, after the Egyptian God of Protection. Horus' presence began to heal the deep wounds that marred the city for so long. Businesses began to flourish, families reunited and lives being finally rebuilt.

Horus stood in the shadows, only appearing when trouble was afoot. Other times, he was helping other neighborhoods who had issues just as bad as Gashadokuro did. However, the graveyard district was always this guardian's home. And is targeted by both heroes alongside their opposites.

Many pros went after Horus for the fame they would achieve from apprehending this 'undefeated' legend. None had ever found Horus, or were aware of what they were truly up against. To one Toshinori Yagi, aka All Might, he was the first to witness... Exodia.

A skin covered skeleton standing around 7 ft in height looked in surprise at the streets of Gashadokuro. His blonde hair, shaggy in a slightly matted fashion, eyes so sunken that the iris were merely blue dim lights in eternal darkness, and in an almost grimace that always showed teeth when he spoke. Very bagging white shirt, green cargo pants held by a belt and large shoes was the only thing keeping him covered, despite the risk of sliding off his skinny form.

For a place known as a graveyard, the streets were strangely peaceful, clean and vibrant. Kids strolled about playing, adults going about their life, streets, houses and businesses pristine but also flourishing. The oddest thing was the lack of cops, heroes or any crime. Walking up to one of the store owner, Toshinori decided to have a chat.

"Hello good sir. I'm new to this district and I'm hoping you can answer some of my curiosity." He spoke, voice calm but playfully positive. The owner in question, was a grizzly old fellow with spiky scarlet hair and scar wounds across his rugged face. Oddest detail was the black visor that covered his eyes and half of his facial features despite clashing with the bright red uniform he wore.

"Sure. What do you like to know?" The redhead inquired looking over at Toshinori with a hidden look of caution. "I was wondering how this place changed so fast. A friend of mine said this place looked like complete hell the last time he been here. From all the criminal activity I mean." The hero in hiding asked, being careful with his words.

His caution stemming from the looks some adults and even children were giving him. Like they perceived him as a danger or threat. "...It used to be that way when those cowardly and greedy 'heroes' decided to ignore our pleas in favor of lining their pockets. I ended up having to bury my wife and my daughter crippled because of their negligence." Toshinori gulped at the hate that grew with each word the owner said.

"The good cops dying in a desperate attempt to protect the peace while the chicken shit ran with tails between their legs to save their hides. My whole family alongside everyone else would've been dead if it wasn't for our district's protector, Horus. This town now runs without the government or goddamn Hero Association and we prefer it to stay that way." The store owner then got into the blonde's face.

"Here's some friendly advice. If you are a cop or god forbid, one of those 'Pro-HEROES', then I suggest you get out of this town now. Unless, you want us to chase you out with your tail between your legs or Horus finds you instead. And unlike us, the city's protector won't give a damn if he cripples you himself." With that threat hanging, the worker left to go into his establishment.

In his life, Yagi had never experienced such hostility from civilians before. For as long as he's been the Symbol of Peace, the people of Japan at the presence and good deeds done by pros alike. There was the occasional boo for some but not never extreme threats of bodily harm. Villains and Vigilantes were one thing but never an innocent bystander.

'I do know one thing now. No hero or officer is safe here. Question is… Does their behavior have something to do with Horus' quirk? He could merely be a villain disguised as a savior by the usage of his quirk. Whatever the case, I won't get any answers unless I find them myself.' Thought Toshinori before walking deeper into the district.

The hatred for Pro Heroes was even higher than he thought upon what he saw throughout Gashadokuro. Graffiti sprayed on the walls "No More Heroes! Pro-heroics are Pro-villainy!" and a disturbing one having a picture of himself as All Might being crucified with the caption 'Symbol of Lies must die!' in blood red paint.

Merch displaying those anti-pro hero ideas ranging from banners to even toys but the biggest impact was one single wall at the center of the town. This wall perfectly depicted what Toshinori would easily call a monster. On this mass of flat stone, was the image of a giant orangish brown humanoid creature.

Muscular than his bulk up form and menacing, broken cuff chains on the wrists and ankles, an traditional Egyptian Death Mask baring a nasty snarl amplified by the glaring cobra, goatee like chin cap and the giant's piercing yellow eyes, a necklace bearing a large ankh with that vertical section pure clear crystal crossed by two gold Egyptian canes across the chest and wore a gold armored skilt bearing an topaz at the front.

The noticeable feature was the headstone in front with text carved into its marble surface. "The Guardian who smites all evil and protects the innocent 'Keepers' of its 'graveyard' made paradise. Warning to all who dare threaten his 'gravekeepers'. Be prepared for obliteration by Exodia, The Forbidden One." Toshinori gulped after reading the tablet. He needed photo evidence immediately.

To Naomasa Tsukauchi, police detective to the police force, he had never seen any photo evidence that was this horrifying in his life. His black eyes shrinking in terror as his hand rubbing the thin raven locks on his head, an attempt to cope with any anxiety. "All of this came from Gashadokuro?!" Naomasa looked ready to have a heart attack.

"Yes. Apparently us pro-heroes had failed to save this town from the villainy that consumed it. No townsfolk wants any heroes or police stepping foot in Gashadokuro, they believe this Horus is the only thing capable of protecting them." Toshinori frowned, eyes glowing from the feeling of failure and guilt.

"Their faith is clearly strong from what I got of Horus' quirk by that mural. 'Exodia, the Forbidden One', it must be an insanely powerful quirk if just Horus himself had cleared up all the crime alone. Until we can organize a proper team and get more information on Horus, no one should go anywhere near Gashadokuro District. The backlash of such a careless act would be devastating." Naomasa's words sending uncomfortable silence throughout the office.

Day was quick to change into night for all who lived in Japan. Too quickly for some, almost a warning of approaching disaster. A young man around 5'8 in height walking the darkened streets of Gashadokuro on his own amongst the other folk awake at these late hours. His hair black, curly and outlined in green tied neatly in a braid using a gold band clip.

Eyes a bright forest verdant with specks of violet meshed in, freckles adorning the cheeks of his nicely tanned skin and slightly childish looking face. His clothes were a simple white shirt, black jeans and red sneakers but paired with two particular accessories. A pendant holding a large pyramid shaped puzzle covered in gold with an Egyptian eye hieroglyph at the center and golden arm braces around his wrists with hieroglyphs etched into them.

"Another peaceful night it seems. I say we should enjoy it with some tea and Hawashi that you like, dear friend." The youth said softly, his eyes looking at the gold braces on his wrist. A reflection of an ominous yellow eye looking back from the item at him filled with mirth in its gaze. The calm atmosphere however was destroyed by a loud commotion.

It was coming from the mural of Exodia at the center of the district. The greenette breathing out a soft sigh before clutching the puzzle around his neck. "Looks like it will have to wait for we must prepare for battle." His eyes now a bright shade of acid purple looking at the event happening from afar.

At the mural of Exodia, a large crowd was gathered. The citizens of the district glaring at what was a hero and three of their sidekicks. This hero was a busty woman dressed in a white skin tight suit covered in purple mountainous patterns and accents, a purple mask across her face that highlighted her long platinum blond locks and the violet horns paired with her gear.

This was the newest hero Mount Lady and she clearly didn't look pleased. "Get out of here! You aren't welcomed in our town!" Multiple civilians cried out in rage and aggravation. The sidekicks were shivering from the sudden hostility while their boss merely glared back at the townsfolk.

"We came here to apprehend the villainous vigilante Horus from this district! All of you are interfering with my investigation!" Mount Lady yelled, holding no restraint in the threat laced within her words: 'We'll arrest you if you don't comply.' "We ain't giving you anything, scum! Get out of our town and don't come back! Leave you fucking whore and take your cows with ya before we chase you off ourselves!"

The heroine was pissed at the very last sentence. "You trash dare to call me a whore?! Since none of you will disperse and even threaten to use your quirks, all of you must be working for the vigilante! And if that's the case we're placing all of you under arrest!" With those words, the heroine activated her quirk.

Gigantification, this Quirk allows Mount Lady to grow up to 20 meters in size, greatly boosting her strength as a result. Chaos erupted as the new hero had activated her Quirk. Parents with non-combative Quirks quickly grabbed their children before running to avoid the fight ready to start while their spouses prepared themselves to drive Mount Lady and her lackies out of Gashadokuro with force.

The monument of Exodia was smashed to pieces as a result of the hero growing into their towering form and began to swat the civilians. Quirks went flying back and forth as the area was transformed into a warzone. Fireballs, metal, blasts of telekinetic energy and any other quirk powered attack hit bodies, ground and structures around them.

Fallen civilians were pulled to safety by their friends while the stronger folk continued their defensive assault. The problem for the people of Gashadokuro was Mount Lady. None of them were strong enough to fight something like a 20 meter giant and her attacks were devastating from how many of their comrades were knocked out or the damage the square was taking.

The sight of this battle was horrific and disgusting for it showed just how corrupt the hero system could really be. A father with a dragon quirk was one of the few who was keeping the gigantic pro at bay but even he was losing steam from his opponent that was double their size. "Papa! Leave my papa alone!" Cried a child who had escaped their mother's grasp.

The little boy running to the Dragon Quirk User with little claws ready to swipe at Mount Lady. "Your next, you overgrown reptile!" The giant hero called lifting her leg up to stomp the draconic male to the ground. Uncaring if the child running into range of her attack as Mount Lady was prepared to bring her foot down.

She would if Fate didn't have other plans. "STOP." A single voice spoke. It was male, smooth and strong indicating dominance as the entire fight halted at that very moment. Standing atop a lone telephone was a single figure. It was a young male with long black hair accented by golden lightning bolt banes and highlighted with greenish violet, three of the banes covering his right eye as the violet left was exposed.

He wore a black shirt paired with a long coattail open blue gakuran jacket, skintight black leather pants with chains by the pockets and black silver studded belt, black Italian leather shoes capable of nasty looking kicks, red fingerless gloves with gold spike knuckles and on his head was a golden circlet with an Egyptian eye piece at the center.

The stranger was glaring at Mount Lady and her sidekicks with pure hatred and disgust. For the people of Gashadokuro, they saw their hope. "Horus is here! The Guardian of Gashadokuro has come! Help us get these pro-heroes out of our home!" Their pleas fill the silence of the square with energy and hope. Mount Lady looked at the vigilante with a mix of interest and lust.

"So you're Horus? Aren't you a handsome fellow. Tell me why someone like you hasn't gone pro hotstuff? From what I heard about your Quirk, you are incredibly powerful. You could've gotten high in the hero industry with it than stay here in the boonies. I could use your ASSistance." She said posing in a way to show off her curvaceous form.

No one was blind to her trying to seduce the vigilante. None could prepare the pro or her allies the suffocating pressure to hit them full force. Horus now glaring at the heroine as he let loose pure, raw and unchained killing intent wave after wave. His teeth bared into a large fang showing snarl.

"HOW DARE YOU? You attack the innocent, wreak damage across the town, almost kill an innocent child and now YOU DARE TRY TO SEDUCE ME?! YOU AREN'T HERO BUT A VILE CREATURE OF LUST AND GREED!!!" Violet eyes glaring as his rage grew with every word spoken. He was truly livid as his eyes were suns in the darkness.

"Mount Lady, you and your comrades were given multiple chances to leave in peace but you merely stomped on it as if it were an anthill." A gold aura began emanating from Horus' body. "Unlike them, you won't get any mercy from me." He declared pointing his finger at the woman as if it were a signal of war.

The heroine frowned for a second before her face curled into a malicious smile. "What are you going to do about it? I can easily swat you just like the ant you are." His answer was a chuckle that drew confusion from the Giant Hero. "You want to know something cool about puzzles? The effort to find the pieces and where they belong." Horus then looked at her with a large closed eye grin.

"For once you put the pieces together, what you get is something extraordinary. My dear partner is just like a puzzle himself...and you put the final pieces together. To complete his wrath." From behind the vigilante were 5 glowing orbs of yellow light. These orbs were in a particular formation as streams of light began to connect between them. Each stream filling in a spot until a large pentagram were in their place.

The next seconds were ingrained in the minds of all who witnessed. Within the confines of this pentagram, something emerged from it. A large hand distorting the place of the symbol as a body began to materialize after the hand. Mount Lady and her sidekicks' faces immediately contorted into pure horror as a shadow towered over them.

For standing guard behind Horus, was Exodia the Forbidden One. The creature was gigantic standing around 30 meters in size while it floated gently off the ground almost if it was a phantom. The monster was glaring daggers at the intruders as he cupped his hands close. "Your time is up. My dear friend…" Violet looking back into crimson as the giant nodded.

A steadily growing sphere of yellow energy manifested between the palms. "Wait! We can work something out!" Mount Lady pleaded, desperately trying to stop the devastating attack that was coming her way. "You had failed society. I declare you and your comrades guilty!" With a deep breath, Horus let out a shout that echoed across the entirety of Japan. A declaration of god about to smite.


And with those words, the giant gilded guardian pulled back the orb before throwing it forward in the shape of a massive laser. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" The heroine screamed as they engulfed in a mass of burning yellow. This blast of mystical energy lit up the sky phasing harmlessly through those who aren't the targets of Exodia but the devastating power could be felt. And it was terrifying to those unaware of the source.

It didn't take long for the attack to dissipate as all looked at the hero group. Every single one of them was unconscious, bodies covered in bruises and second degree burns, costumes torn and trashed, eyes white from rolling back in immense horror. Cheering immediately erupted from the people of Gashadokuro but Horus didn't join in.

For his focus was on the figure standing on the rooftop far in the front. It was a muscular blonde hair draped in a red, blue and white accented suit, two bangs pointed up in a V like formation, face with a perpetual smile; a smile hiding the pure fear behind it and a crimson cape floating behind him.

The citizens of the Graveyard District were quick to spot the hero. Their faces contorting into pure fury at the individual for this hero was the Number One himself, All Might. "So you decided to check on your little troops huh, All Might?" Horus questioned looking at the hero with contempt in his eyes.

"None of them were supposed to be here. Mount Lady and her sidekicks had gotten ahold of private information before starting this unapproved siege, Horus." The man answered while eyeing the giant beast warily. He had witnessed the power Exodia exhibited and knew it would be foolish to attack him. At least, without someone capable of shutting down Horus' quirk.

"Is that so? You did however confirm that you are after me, 'hero'. The entire goddamn Hero Association hounding me constantly already gives me a headache. I also saw you snooping across the district earlier, a pillar ready to collapse. But now?" All Might had to push down the urge to flinch when Horus was glaring at him with a large malicious smile.

"You pissed me off. I suggest you take your trash and leave now. For as of now… I'm declaring war on the entire Hero Society of Japan for these transgressions against the very people I protect! Enjoy the last bit of peace you have because I won't stop until Exodia and I destroy every piece of your empire." The eyes of the Egyptian theme duo burning bright upon Horus' Declaration.

All the Number One could do was take the injured heroes and leave Gashadokuro in a hurry. War was now upon them and he could easily dread what the newcomer heroine had just unleashed on the entirety of Japan. And it was worse when the vigilante himself, reminded of a Quirkless Boy who died years ago.

See ya next time folks!

A boy who had his dreams shattered by him. A child who killed himself the next day for his careless mistake. A boy named Izuku Midoriya, who shared the same pain he once held, that haunts him to this day. For All Might had finished the puzzle of Horus and the Forbidden One.