Prologue: To Be Different

Things were peaceful in the forest of Tokyo, Japan where the land was untouched by man and their machines. All creatures of the night were roaming while those of day were fast asleep. It was quiet until the sound of crying could be heard from the forest. It had caused many of the animals to stir in their nests and burrows.

The crying belonged to a 2 day old baby with a small mop of dark green hair and symmetrical freckles lying in a woven basket while the basket was drenched in a bit of blood. His mother was nowhere in sight and the corpse of man was lying on the green with a similar color of hair to the child.

The infant continued to cry into the night, begging for someone to hold him and comfort him or his mother's touch. The forest remained still until the winds slowly began to blow wildly becoming more intense as the infant cried even louder. Suddenly a rip began to form within the scenery showing a tint of green which spread across before becoming a full blown rip filled with vibrant rippling green energy.

Suddenly a large beast of some sort tumbled out of the vortex and fallen on the ground. The beast was female and around at least 20 ft size with brown furred face, yellow eyes with white pupils, long ears, orange wild mane like fur on her arms, head and tail, red and gray skin, a small pair of horns, tusks on the side of her cheeks, sharp claws, and 4 fingered hands wearing a dress made out of big green leaves and a wooden necklace with the symbol of a green tree on it.

The strange beast slowly got up although a bit stunned from the fall and the new scents that invaded her nose. "Where am I?" The beast asked curiously before she picked up the crying. She turned to see the young baby in the basket but also the corpse of the man who no doubt was the child's father. "Oh no." She spoke as she approached the crying child.

She carefully wrapped her hand around the blanket that was holding the child and picked him up before beginning to cradle him in her arm rocking him gently. The baby slowly stopped crying and opened his eyes to the beast revealing a beautiful pair of emerald eyes that looked like someone had painted his eyes with the forest itself. "Sh. It's okay young one. Headstrong Wanderer is here." Headstrong Wanderer spoke softly as the baby giggled playfully.

She looked at the the blanket to see the name Izuku was written on it but the last name was torn to shreds. "Your name is Izuku? A strange but sweet name for a young one like yourself. You poor thing must have been alone for so long and left to be food for a predator. No doubt your father must have fallen to protect you. May Almighty Colossus bless his soul." Headstrong Wanderer spoke as Izuku held onto her.

'What should I do with him? I don't know if his mother is alive or anywhere near here. And I don't want to leave the poor boy here to become prey for a creature. I don't even recognize this place. Could I?' Headstrong Wanderer thought before she came to a conclusion. "I think I shall raise you as my own. You will no doubt become strong in the Quillspike Tribe, Izuku the Wonder." Headstrong Wanderer said as Izuku cooed liking the name.

"You and Bare Bottom will no doubt become the greatest of friends and siblings. Now let's take you back to meet the family." Headstrong Wanderer stated as she went through the portal as it vanished with them inside. Things were never going to be the same for both worlds ever again. Then forth Izuku was raised in the Nature Civilization by the Quillspike Tribe.

The Nature Civilization was home to many creatures or Kaiju whose power reflect the very likeliness of nature itself. From living plants, beasts of different shapes or sizes, spiritualistic totems and even insects to sprites. It was survival of the fittest in this kingdom comprised of grasslands and wilderness.

As time went by young Izuku began to grow up with his brethren and foster mother in the Nature Civilization located within the Veil. The young boy had easily gotten along with his new siblings mainly his brother Tatsurion. Izuku understood how it felt to be different from everyone else since he wasn't even a creature while Tatsurion was a hybrid with Armored Dragon blood from his father and Quillspike DNA from his mother. One half of the Fire Civilization and the other half of the Nature Civilization.

Although he felt a bit of pity for Tatsurion whenever his siblings would call him by the name of Bare Bottom since he could barely grow any quills unlike other Quillspike. Of course it didn't excuse them from calling Izuku by the name Freckle Moss since his hair did remind them of moss and he had freckles. Though it made Tatsurion feel better since he wasn't the only one being harassed by his siblings.

Izuku also made a variety of friends from different Civilizations while living in the Veil. He had befriended an albino Scaradorable his age which he named Shade who was from the Darkness Civilization, a Storm Seeker of the Light Civilization who went by the name Hirro, a Scrapheap Hunter from the Fire Civilization named Pyros, a Horned Chameleon of the Nature Civilization which he named Sneaker, and Cyberlord Wakiki of the Water Civilization. The group had become great friends with each other through the years.

He was very interested with the culture of his tribe and the Nature Civilization that he decided he wanted to become a shaman for his tribe. His mother had agreed with him and even suggested a few friends from other tribes to help him in the form of a Water/Nature Hybrid known as Kivu the Ingenious Shaman and carrot martial artist Karate Carrot.

Kivu had taught Izuku how to use Mana which was the life force and energy of the Veil and every creature in existence. Apparently the amount of Mana the young boy had was massive almost half as much as one of the creature Monarchs since Kivu had asked a friend from the Water Civilization known as Reef Prince Glu Urrgle who Izuku called Gargle for short to measure it.

Karate Carrot had taught Izuku his variety of martial art skills which Izuku adapted to very well. His strength also grew where he was able to lift a large monster horn around 200 pounds with little strain. He also had a thirst for knowledge which he even asked Gargle and Wakiki to teach him about a variety of subjects from cultures, mathematics, engineering and basically anything else they knew.

They soon began to discover how special the boy was when his 10th birthday had come. In the middle of the field of Rumbling Terrasaurs who were busy grazing, you could see a dirt cloud approaching them from behind. The one making the smoke cloud was a red skin teen Quillspike around a good 25 ft in size with no orange quill like hair, red leathery yet scaly skin, a long dragon like tail with a spiky tip, dragon like hands, two tusks on his cheeks with a horn on his nose and a 3 large tri pronged horns on his head wearing gray armored clothing equipped with chains and hidden surprises who was running with a passenger on his back.

The passenger was a 10 year old Izuku who stood around 5'6 in height, a lot of muscle to his build, long hair that reached to his back, long nails, a few fangs and wore what seemed to be clothes made out of leaves and a hide of some sort along with a wooden necklace that had the Nature Emblem on it. The energy from the Veil had an effect on Izuku as he grew much more faster and stronger due to its influence. Izuku was carrying a sack which was filled with a variety of fruit and veggies from different parts of the Nature Civilization along with a few small animals he managed to find outside the Veil.

Apparently at the age of 5, he discovered he had the ability to open portals to another world through the Veil. When his mother discovered his ability, she told him to never cross it unless she was there or he was older and stronger. However that didn't stop the boy from using the Veil to draw in some animals from the other side and hunting them. The many strange creatures and plants he caught or found easily intrigued him the more he did it. He even started a garden of any strange plant he found.

Of course when he went with his mother, they didn't stray too far from the portal since she didn't know what lurked on the other side. One of the things he never forgotten on one of his trips was the strange toy he had found while he was scavenging. It was a plastic figure of a very buff man with blonde hair that two locks stuck up like bunny ears, he had light tan skin, a slightly shadowed face with a bright smile on it and wore a strange red, white and yellow outfit with a cape.

It excited him as he realized he might not be the only one of his kind and even hoped to meet the man in his life one day if he was real. He had taken it home and kept it in mint condition though his brothers Prickleback and Razorhide had a bad habit of sneaking off with it. Back to the present, their mother had sent the two off to gather ingredients for Izuku's favorite dish since Izuku showed her how to cook.

Apparently cooking had become a big thing in their tribe since then even Tatsurion learned how to cook from Izuku despite him preferring his food raw and saying cooking was for weaklings. "Another beautiful day in the Nature Civilization! I never get tired of mornings like this. Don't you?" Izuku asked curiously looking at his brother. "It's still peaceful though I do enjoy some action once in a while. Are we almost done gathering the ingredients because I'm getting hungry." Tatsurion answered as Izuku chuckled.

"Don't worry Tatsu, we just need one more ingredient and we can head back. If I remember correctly, it's some Arburian Pisces that live in the river. Spearing them will be perfectly easy with some quills." Izuku explained as Tatsurion nodded not bothering with the nickname.

The name Tatsu was usually used when Izuku didn't feel like calling his brother by his full name or Title which was Tatsurion the Unchained. Izuku and Tatsurion easily got along more than any of their siblings since they balanced each other out. Tatsurion was the brawns and Izuku was the brains.

A gigantic stone giant had walked past them which Izuku knew was the Earthstomp Giant. The colossus was a friend of the Quillspike Tribe would help them sometimes when they were facing some attacks against creatures way bigger than them. The creature was always friendly with Izuku since he usually come to the giant's territory to help it out whenever he could. "Hey Earthstomp! Have a good day!" Izuku shouted as the giant smiled and nodded before leaving to his business.

"You never cease to amaze me little brother. You can make friends with anyone even those who are in different civilizations like it's nothing. You are not even disturbed by how different you are from every other creature." Tatsurion said. "Well. Even if we are from different species, civilizations or cultures I don't find myself different from everyone else.

We don't judge a person from their looks or origin but we judge them from their actions. If they are wicked and mean harm then I'll fight them but if they kind or maybe even confused then I just want to help them. We are all living, thinking and breathing creatures. That's why I want to prove that every civilization can get along with each other by becoming a shaman.

I know the Monarchs want to avoid an all out world war with each other because they know that each Civilization balances each other out. Nature brings growth and land, Fire brings destruction but chance to forge or renew, Light brings day and balance, Darkness brings night and subtlety and Water brings knowledge and nourishment. We can't survive without each other being in existence. Our friendship is proof of that." Izuku explained as he gave Tatsurion a warm smile.

"Yes you are right. That's why I'll help you as much as I can. After all you did defended me during my trial even so far as talking back to Infernus the Immolator's face and even challenging for my right to live." Tatsurion explained as Izuku sheepishly chuckled.

He had nearly given his mother a heart attack when she heard that he defied a creature Monarch who were the biggest and most powerful creatures in existence. "It worked didn't it? You are now free and not an outlaw to the Fire Civilization plus Moorna got punished." Izuku answered as they had arrived to the river where the fish they were looking for lived.

However Izuku felt something different about the area mainly it's scent. He smelled something that didn't belong and something metal in the air. "Do you smell that Tatsu?" Izuku asked as his eyes slowly turned into slits. "Yes Izuku, it smells like blood but doesn't belong to any creature I know of. The scent seems to be coming from up ahead. We need to investigate." Tatsurion warned as Izuku nodded and the two went upstream.

They made it to find a bit of a surprising scene. The area was basically destroyed with multiple craters, shattered trees, and almost complete desolation and what was lying on the ground was a man who was no doubt Izuku's species with messy blond hair, light peach skin and muscular wearing a strange uniform which was similar to Izuku's figurine currently in a pool of his own blood severely injured. Without hesitation the duo ran towards the man as Izuku got off Tatsurion and checked the man's pulse and condition.

"How is he brother?" Tatsurion asked curious and a bit worried. "He's alive but barely hanging on. His stomach is completely destroyed, almost all of his ribs are broken, his lungs are 3/4th's destroyed, he has a concussion and a lot of bruising without a doubt from an extremely tense battle. If he doesn't get treatment then he'll most likely die from blood lost or succumbing to his injuries." Izuku diagnosed using his Mana to get the man's current condition as he looked at Tatsurion.

"What do you want me to do?" Tatsurion asked. "Activate my Emergency Stone so the others can get our location then go find some herbs and Mystic Berries while I try to keep him alive. We can't move him or his condition will get worse and he will die." Izuku spoke as he began channeling his Mana into the injured man trying to heal him as much as he can while Tatsurion did what he was told before leaving to gather the requested items.

The young shaman to be could only do his best to keep the man alive but he was slowly beginning to lose his patient as he could feel the man's stamina beginning to die out. "I know you are in there. Hold on and keeping fight for your life. I'm doing everything I can to keep you alive while my brother and my friends come to help you." Izuku spoke as the strange man muttered two words that somehow broke Izuku.

"Izuku...Midoriya…" The man muttered looking at Izuku with a beautiful set of blue eyes. 'This man… he knows about my past?' Izuku thought as time had simply stopped for him in his mind. The name Midoriya was extremely familiar to Izuku almost like it felt completely right. He remembered his mother telling him on how she had found in the forest next to a dead corpse which was mostly likely his biological father.

On how his name was written on the cloth he kept but the last one was indecipherable. He remembered every detail and he knew that something happened that night before he was adopted by Headstrong Wanderer and this man was the key to those memories. He couldn't let the man die! He knew the answer to the questions Izuku always had. Where was he really from? What was he? Was his birth mother still alive?

Words begin to enter Izuku's head as green energy or mana radiated from him causing flowers to grow and bloom around him. 'Do not struggle. Learn.' A voice spoke as his eyes glowed a mystifying green. "Essence of earth, draw forth Swift Regeneration!" Izuku shouted as the mana radiating from him was sending itself out in the form of a large wave of green light. The light was so bright it had attracted every creature closeby including the boy's friends and family.

"What's going on?" Headstrong Wanderer asked as Tatsurion was clearly clueless along with the others until they noticed what the energy wave was doing. The damage to the environment and the man were healing and being restored. The scars, broken horns or any injury of plant or creature nearby was being healed like it never occurred. Kivu had instantly recognized what it is. " the Nature Spell of Absolute: Swift Regeneration!" The water totem had spoken surprising everyone around them.

"You mean the Ultimate Spell of our Civilization! That only the Mystic of Nature would only grant someone! No creature has seen the mystic in 500 years!" Prickleback exclaimed in complete shock. "Could Freckle Moss have met the mystic?" Headstrong Wanderer mumbled as the spell had finally stopped. The man was fully healed along with everyone else who were affected. "I did it…" Izuku said weakly as he collapsed to the ground unconscious.

Izuku soon woke up to a gentle yet rapid fire light slapping to his face as his vision was blurry. When it cleared it reveal that man he saved was standing above him with all of his friends and family looking at him with worry and relief. "Glad to see you are alright young man! You had us worried with that stunt you've pulled!" The man spoke with a kindness and cheer in his voice which was evident by the smile on his face.

"My little Freckle Moss, you are okay!" Headstrong Wanderer spoke as she picked up and hugged Izuku who was blushing in embarrassment. "I thought you weren't going to use that name around strangers mom!" Izuku cried out in embarrassment as the man had let out a hearty laugh. "Did I pass out from using that strange spell?" Izuku asked.

"You did Izuku. Swift Regeneration had taken a good amount of your mana when you couldn't properly control it. You are lucky you had a large amount of mana within you or else you could have killed yourself." Karate Carrot spoke as Izuku sheepishly grinned.

"By the way, we didn't get your name and what happened to you." Tatsurion spoke as the man laughed with understanding. "My name is Toshinori Yagi but I go under the hero name All Might. I was in a battle with a deadly adversary known as All for One, a notorious villain that ruled over my home Japan on Earth. I was able to defeat him but the resulting clash of our powers suddenly sent me here in my injured state. I thought I was dead until young Izuku Midoriya healed me completely! I didn't think the boy had an extremely powerful healing quirk!" All Might stated as a few words puzzled him.

"Quirk? Midoriya? Are you talking about Izuku?" Razorhide asked confused. "Yes. Quirks are supernatural powers that manifest in a human being around the age of 5. Practically 80% of people on Earth have Quirks. Midoriya is Izuku's real last name. His birth mother is Inko Midoriya who possesses a gravitational quirk that lets her control small objects. Izuku was reported missing since the body of his father Hisashi Izuku was discovered in the woods 10 years ago.

Your mother was extremely depressed and miserable since you were gone. She desperately wanted you back in her arms. Some thought we would never find you but who would've of thought my battle lead me to finding you alive and well. She'll most likely be pleased to know that her son is alive and well although a bit more grown." Toshinori explained as everyone was shocked mostly Izuku.

"Does that mean… little bro is leaving us?" Prickleback asked sadly. For once, Izuku didn't know what to do. He wanted to stay with his tribe but he also wanted to see his birth mother. He wanted to become a Shaman and watch over his tribe but how could he do that if he left. Would he even be able to come back? Sure he can summon everyone but he'll still miss the home he was raised in.

"Toshinori, may I talk to you for a moment?" Headstrong Wanderer asked as she took All Might with her leaving everyone but Karate Carrot and Kivu confused. What was that all about? It had been a moment before the two had came back. "We have come to an agreement. Izuku, how do you feel like becoming a hero?" Toshinori spoke as Izuku listened.

"A hero? What do you mean?" Izuku asked curiously. "Where we live, people with incredible abilities have a chance to become a hero as a profession. Heroes are always there to protect the lives of others and helping everyone. With abilities like yours, then you can become an incredible hero the world has never seen before! Plus by becoming a hero, you'll have more experience as shaman for your family.

You'll be able to become an ambassador for both our worlds and be able to build a bridge of unity and peace. And you'll be able to keep in touch with your birth mother from our side and your family on this side. I can even provide you large private area to live where your family here can come and visit you without causing any panic. Of course, I'll make sure you are officially a shaman before you leave. So what do you say young Izuku?" Toshinori asked as Izuku looked down for a moment before looking at the man.

"I accept your proposal. I will become a hero."