This fan fiction was inspired by Tiphany Adams and the show "Push Girls". While watching the show, Tiphany really reminded me of Arizona, with her perkiness, badassery, and humor. I decided to write this story and based Arizona's injury on Tiphany's life. I have done a lot of interesting research on surgeons like Chris McCulloh and Ted Rummel, who are both paralyzed.

*Pretty much none of this story is canon except for the characters, setting and relationships. While the title is a reference to season 6 episode 8, this story does not follow any event that takes place in that episode.*

I hope you enjoy it, even if it is a little out of the box. Please leave reviews and feedback comments for me to read so that I can improve the story!

xoxo Arizona Robbins MD

Chapter 1

Callie Torres hated change.

Especially move-across-the-country-to-work-at-a-new-hospital-where-you-only-know-one-person change.

As she looked in the mirror at her outfit for the hundredth time that morning, she finally felt that the black dress and boots she was wearing would make the correct first impression for her first day. Untouched cardboard boxes were scattered across the floor of her new apartment, forming a maze from the kitchen to the bedroom.

Callie made her way to the kitchen, weaving her way in and out of the boxes that contained what remained of her life from Miami. The decision to move to rainy Seattle after living in sunny Miami was not an easy one. Callie was born and raised there before choosing to attend the University of Miami for undergrad. She did briefly make the move to Los Angeles for medical school, but soon returned to complete her residency back home. To say she is a hometown girl would be an understatement.

So that's why it was a complete shock to her family when she decided to move across the continental United States at the request of a charming-but-much-older-than-she plastic surgeon. Dr. Mark Sloan, whom she had previously worked with on a case as a resident, had called to inform her of an opening for an attending orthopedic surgeon that had opened up at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. Dr. Sloan was convinced she was perfect for the job and even put in a good word for her with the Chief. The job was hers if she wanted it, and boy did she want it. Things had been a bit tense between Callie and her family lately ever since she admitted her bisexuality to her very Catholic parents. Her family had tried their best to understand and act like nothing is different, but they were still awkward about it. Callie needed a change.

It wasn't until she was standing in the kitchen of her new apartment that she realized how much she really, really hated change.

She mindlessly sipped on her coffee as she waited for Mark to pick her up. She nervously thought about all the ways she could single-handedly ruin her first day. She could perform the wrong surgery on the wrong patient. She could drop a foreign object in the surgical field. Or worse, she could kill somebody. While she knew that these were extremely unlikely circumstances, that didn't prevent the butterflies dancing in her stomach from turning into a full-blown swarm. She glanced at the clock. Mark couldn't get here soon enough.

Just then, her phone rang.


"Torres! I'm out front. Let's go!" Mark said from the other end of the line.

"On my way down now," Callie told him as she grabbed her never-been-used raincoat and ran down the stairs into the apartment lobby and out the door to where Mark was waiting.

A moment later, she opened the door and slid into the passenger seat.



"Long time no see," Mark said as he admired the talented surgeon and her first day outfit.

"Just shut up and drive," Callie laughed.

"This is one of the on-call rooms. You will spend a lot of time in here… sleeping, getting lucky… y'know," Mark winked. Callie rolled her eyes.

He continued down the hall and entered the next room on the right that was located conveniently across from the nurses' station.

The room had a small kitchenette, couches and a bathroom. There were bagels and coffee set up on the table.

"And this is the attendings lounge. Here. Catch," Mark said as he threw her a pair of clean navy blue scrubs from the closet.

"Hey! Who's this?" a pretty dirty blonde haired doctor in matching navy blue scrubs asked Mark before redirecting her next question to Callie. "Has Sloan gotten to you too?!"

"Uhm…" Callie stammered, looking between Mark and the shorter doctor.

"Relax, Torres. Altman here's just messing with you," Mark assured her.

"Oh! You're a newbie! Teddy Altman. Cardio," the doctor said, sticking out her hand with a smile.

"Callie Torres," Callie said, shaking Teddy's hand.

"Torres here is the future of orthopedic surgery," Mark pointed out which made Callie blush. "And yes, to answer your earlier question, she has slept with me before."


"Don't worry about it. He's slept with the better half of this hospital," Teddy laughed.

"I slept with her," Mark said as he pointed at Teddy.

"True," she shrugged.

Callie's jaw dropped as she let out a giggle.

"Hurry up and get changed! You've got a long shift ahead," Mark advised her as he nodded his head in the direction of the bathroom.

It had been a long eight hours and Callie's shift wasn't even close to being over. She and Mark had decided earlier to meet for coffee during their break, so there she was, waiting at the second floor coffee cart admiring the view of Seattle Grace Mercy West's catwalk, waiting for Mark to meet her.

Ten minutes late, per usual, Mark finally came into view.

"Hey, what do you say we take this to go and go watch this peds trauma surgery from the gallery?" Mark asked her as Callie handed him his coffee.

"Sure, whatever gets me off my feet," Callie nodded, sipping her caramel coffee.

The two headed downstairs where the ORs were located. Callie followed Mark into two of the front row seats in the gallery. From what she could see, a girl, who looked about ten years old, was enduring what looked like a full sternotomy. Callie could tell that the young girl had been trached in the field.

"Suction! More lap pads. Where the hell is all this blood coming from?!" the lead surgeon felt around the small patient's abdomen looking for the source of the bleeding.

Callie squinted her eyes and leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

The lead surgeon, whose bleach blonde hair was braided beneath her pink floral scrub cap, was strapped into the most outrageous contraption Callie had ever seen in an operating room. Though it was mostly covered by a sterile gown, Callie could clearly make out the wheels and metal frame of whatever it was.

"Little Grey, I'm gonna need you to switch with me. I can't see anything from this side," the lead surgeon looked up from the patient to the resident across from her.

The resident nodded and, with both arms up to avoid breaking the sterile field, walked around the other side of the patient. The attending's motorized contraption slowly backed up, then rolled to the other side of the table.

The surgeon glanced up, noticing her audience in the gallery, before continuing with the procedure she was performing.

"Much better. I can see her mesenteric artery much better from this angle," she nodded.

Moments later, alarms began to blare in the OR. The familiar sound made Callie's heart race.

"Okay, she's losing a lot of blood. Little Grey, what do we do now?" Callie was amazed at the calmness displayed by the lead surgeon.

"Find the source of all of the bleeding," the resident confidently answered.

"Good," the doctor in the pink scrub cap praised her.

The alarms were still blaring as the two surgeons felt around the abdomen for the bleeder.

"I can't find anything!" the resident remarked, shaking her head. Callie could hear the panic arise in her voice.

"Suction," the attending ordered as her steady hands felt along the patient's mesenteric artery. "Aha! Clamp!"

The scrub nurse placed the surgical instrument in the surgeons hand. She made a swift maneuver and glanced up at the beeping monitor. Just like that, the monitor quieted down and the surgeon took a visible sigh of relief.

"Badass! Who is that?!" Callie asked turning to Mark.

"That," Mark sat back in his chair, "is Robbins."

"Lemme guess, you've slept with her too?"

"With Robbins?! God, no," Mark laughed and shook his head. "She is my best friend though. Extremely, extremely talented. Top of her class at Hopkins. Very bright. She's so great with the kids too. If I had a sick kid, I'd trust them in her hands in a heartbeat."

The pair sat in silence for the rest of the surgery and watched the surgeons' intricate work to save their patient.

I hope you all like it so far! Feel free to favorite, follow and write reviews! I would love to read what you all think. Chapter 2 coming soon!