Hey readers! So some of you may be aware of a fic i started and i honestly don't know whats wrong with me, i had the concept all thought out but wall is high and i struggled to get words down for it. This is my most recent fic and i already have 8 short (between the 1400-1800 words mark) outlined.
These are only briefly read through as thanks to my lovely children who have way more energy than is necessary i lack time. Please excuse.
Reviews though not necessary are strongly encouraged as they do help the wheels turn!
(I do not own any of the OUAT characters but i have borrowed them!)
Emma Swan, once getting out of prison, had made some great life choices. But she found it very hard to find a job. In fact it was almost impossible in the city so she scratched up as much money as she could find, bought a small RV that leaked in the back and had a small hole in the radiator so she had to make sure she always had some water with her.
She made it to the next town with a hot engine and no water but she didn't over heat so that was a bonus. Pulling up at a gas station she got her drums out and filled with water while she filled her tank. She wasn't sure where she was going but she needed to find work soon, she was down to her last two hundred.
Not that she expected it but she realised pretty quickly she might be in luck when she saw a sign at the gas station. A wanted sign on the door with numbers to tear off the bottom. The job was for a live in Horse work/General farm hand and occasional baby sitter. It made sense why the number In her hand was the only one torn off. Anyone doing farm duties didn't want to watch a kid on top of that.
Luckily Emma wasn't that picky and she liked kids just fine. She had also done farm work in the last few years and had been around horses. It was the live in that was a slight issue but that was depending on the situation. Hopefully it was away from the main house. Only one way to find you.
Paying for her fuel and some food out of the hot box Emma made her way back to the RV and pulled out of the way of the gas pumps before stopping again, pulling her phone out of her pocket and dialling the supplied number.
"Hello, you've reached Robin Locksley, please leave a message and I'll get back to you ASAP." A mans voice came through followed by a tone.
"Hi, this is Emma Swan I was calling about the job for horse and farm work. Hope to hear from you soon." She offered leaving her number before sighing softly. She'd go find a trailer park for the next day or so closer to town.
The next morning was when Robin had seen the message on his phone. Frowning a little he gave it a listen before grinning. This was the first person who'd called about the job since he posted the adds a week ago. Yet thanks to the requirements of watching Henry no doubt they'd not gotten any hits.
He arrived home earlier that morning, he'd had an overnight hunting trip with Fry and the boys... A sort of send off since he had gotten a promotion and wouldn't be around nearly as much as he had been. He'd make sure to go and see Roland later that day. Instead he go to the house and pulled up outside, it was still early but he gave the number a try.
"Swan speaking." The woman answered, she sounded a little out of breath.
"Hello, it's Robin Locksley, I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time." The woodsman responded with a small grin.
"Oh! Mr Locksley! Yes hi, I'm Emma. You're calling about the job by chance?" She asked clearly sounding a bit anxious.
"Actually I am, I was hoping you might be available for an informal interview?" Robin asks curiously.
"Yes of course, where and when?" Emma asked feeling considerably more relieved.
"How about lunch time at Granny's Diner? It's right next to the Bed and breakfast... I assume you're not from around here." Robin took a stab at that one really. He kind of hoped she wasn't.
"Oh yeah for sure, I'll be there. 12:30?" She asked and Robin grinned.
"That would be perfect." Robin confirmed. A brief 'see you then' was exchanged and the man hung up.
Robin was a decent enough guy, he looked after his family, spent time with the lads and did all his work. He enjoyed the outdoors especially after a full week of doing office work. He enjoyed home cooked meals and would often bring home fresh game birds or venison on the weekends.
What he wasn't very good at was keeping to himself as far as women were concerned. Not that he was loose or anything, but he was a shocking flirt if a woman was attractive enough. He liked them slender with all the right curves, a feminine face and flattering style.
"Oh you're home already, Dear." Regina, Robins stunning wife, had come downstairs in a robe to make breakfast for herself and her son, and no doubt now for Robin too.
"Of course. How was You're weekend?" Robin asked smiling fondly and moving over to place a light kiss on his wife's lips.
"It was enjoyable. I finished my paperwork and got to work with Stella and Rocinante." Regina supplied with a small smile. She always smiled when she spoke about her horses.
"That's great, dear. Henry up yet?" He asks moving closer to his wife. She was beautiful, dark brown hair, chocolate eyes and full lips. A full feminine figure that she flaunted.
"No, he's still in bed." Regina confirmed what Robin had suspected.
"You... wanna go back upstairs and have a little fun?" Robin placed his hands on the woman's hips pressing close and kissing along her jaw as he let her feel his intention.
"Dear, i've Just showered." Her tone was apologetic but as well as being apologetic it was also stern. She wasn't interested.
Regina never was interested on the weekends. She may be able to be persuaded during the week but weekends especially. And it was his fault too. He was weak he knew it but he had such an issue and they'd gone through a bit of a rough patch. Twice. One was tougher than the other one but they both hurt Regina.
"Fair enough. Listen I'm going to lunch today, someone called about the job to help out around here since I got the promotion and all." Robin explained kissing Regina's cheek before moving away.
"Oh? You were serious? I told you I didn't need the help." Regina frowned a little.
"Of course but I got this promotion I'm going to be working more hours and gone some weekends. You'll have no time for your horses if we don't hire someone and we had the loft in the barn refurbished to a liveable space just for this reason." Robin explained to his lovely wife who just frowned but sighed. She knew there was no talking him out of it, she only hoped the man he hired was nice and good with Henry.
"I'll go wash up." Robin smiled victoriously when Regina simply made a face instead of responding. He ignored the relieved sigh as he walked away.