hey there. Sorry to post it like this and I'm not eve sure if this is acceptable, this is the only way I could think of getting it out there. I'm dropping this story as of right now, or at least, putting it on a hiatus. I stopped writing about halfway through my previous semester of college as I was having some problems that I won't get into here. To make a long story short, I had some mental problems and some not mental problems, and they ended up in me leaving college for mental health reasons. I'm really sorry to do this to anyone who liked this story, and I will promise this isn't the last you'll see of it. I fully intend on returning and rewriting this story as I liked the plotlines I had planned. But for now, I'm gonna put this off to the side and work on some other things, if those don't attract any attention then I'll return to this story and work it from the ground up. I only want to put out my very best, and I feel like this wasn't it. Once again, I apologize for this, but I promise, I'm not done.
Thanks for reading, and I hope to see y'all soon.