Ruby was silent as she leaned her back against a tree in the Emerald Forest. Every now and again she could hear a Beowolf calling for its pack, or sense a Nevermore as it traversed the skies.

She sighed, letting her chin drop to her chest as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her father was coming to see her, most likely to scold her. Ruby's tail twitched as she tightened her grip on herself.

"Ruby," Tai sat down on her bed as Ruby cast off her cloak "You know Beacon is dangerous. I'm not sure about this." He admitted.

"I know, dad." Ruby replied. She twisted to scratch under one of her back spikes. "I want to go though, you know its my dream." She said.

"You have to understand though, that Beacon is nothing like what you've been through. This is a school full of young adults who are training to slaughter Grimm. What will you do if they find out?" He asked. Ruby was silent, studying the bone-like claws on her hands. "I don't want you getting hurt, Rubes."

"I want to do what mom did. I'm sure she'd be proud of me for it." Ruby said, conviction filling her heart. Tai rubbed an eye.

"Its up to you, but you're willing to know you have to kill Grimm?" He asked.

Ruby laid down on her stomach, side of her head resting on the pillow.

"I am. I want to make it better for my kind, dad. I'm going to make Remnant a better place." She told him. She sighed as she knew Tai was worried. Pushing herself up again, Ruby hugged him. "I love you, dad."

Tai hugged her back, rubbing the back of her head gently. "Rubes, can you promise not to give away what you are?" He asked. Ruby nodded without thinking. "Thank you. That helps me feel a little bit better."

"I need to say goodbye to my pack." Ruby broke from the hug. "Remember, they won't attack you unless they're a new Grimm or outside my pack. Don't kill them." She said and rubbed the side of her face against Tai's. "Love you, dad." She told him. Her dad put his hand on her cheek and dropped it when Ruby drew away.

"I love you too." She smiled.

Ruby got up when she felt her Scroll buzz against her hip. A text from Blake

Yang's looking for you, get back here as soon as possible.

She sighed and pulled up her hood again.

Coming back now. Thanks for the warning. She texted the faunus back before putting the device away.

":Brother Grimm I call for you!:" Ruby called out, casting her senses onto a young Ursa minor. Cinder had taught her how to single out a Grimm to call it to her side.

The minor padded to her side and Ruby climbed onto its back before guiding it at a gallop towards the edge of the forest where she dismounted. ":Thank you, brother Grimm.:" She pat the top of the Grimm's head before relinquishing her control over it. Ruby used her semblance to get from the cliffs to a team RWBY's dorm room.

Ok, I'm at the dorm. Ruby texted Blake.

Good. Blake responded. Ruby sat on her bed, and waited for Yang to return.

When the blonde burst in with Blake swiftly on her heels, Ruby put on a mask of calm as her lies were well prepare by that point. "Where were you?!" Yang demanded, stalking up to where Ruby's legs dangled over her bed.

"Went on a walk around school grounds." Ruby pulled off her gloved and set them in her lap before studying her claws.

"And where on the school grounds were you?" Yang questioned.

"Walked around the courtyard for a bit. Went to the library and read some books." Ruby said, not looking up.

Yang crossed her arms, and Ruby could scent her anger rolling off her in waves. Suddenly as lavender flashed red, the Grimm girl knew she messed up. "I didn't see you at the library. Weiss said she didn't either. Nor did JNPR." Yang growled. "Where were you really, Ruby?"

Red looked away from red, "Where—"

"Don't bullshit me. I know what you were about to say, and your location is my business." Yang snapped, and now Ruby felt heat coming off of her sister.

She slid down from her bunk to look Yang in the eye. "The Emerald Forest." She stated, tail curling between her legs. Blake noticed and put a hand on Yang's shoulder in a weak attempt to quell the blonde's rage.

"Yang," Blake began but Yang shrugged her hand off.

"Dad's coming over tomorrow. I'm texting him tonight about this. What if you were attacked by an older Grimm? You're not immune to their Authority." Yang growled, hands clenching into fists. "I'm disappointed in you, Ruby." She said.

Ruby looked at the ground, feeling tears prickle the back of her eyes. "I know..." she whispered.

The next morning, Ruby lay in her bed with overwhelming anxiety in her stomach. Today her dad would yell at her for screwing everything up. Oz knew, the teachers knew, the students knew. The goddamn Atlas Military knew!

"Ruby?" A whisper caught the girl's ears. It was Weiss. She slid down from her bunk to see her partner's ice blue eyes looking concerned. "You said your dad's coming over today. Is it because the school knows your a Grimm?" She asked.

Ruby nodded, "He's mad at me. Yang's also mad at me. They don't want me to embrace who I am, what I am." She murmured. "They want me to be a human, but I'm not." A hand curled into a fist.

"I know that feeling." Weiss said after a pause, and got out from her bed before walking towards the door. "Come on, let's go on a walk." She offered, but Ruby knew it was a command. So she followed.

"But Yang..." She spoke softly.

"I'll vouch for your whereabouts." Weiss spoke with soft determination, "Come on. Lets go somewhere private."

They walked down the halls to the outside of the school where Weiss began talking. "I know how it feels, Ruby. To know you're not what they want you to be. I didn't ask to be the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company," she let out a soft chuckle that ended in a defeated sigh "And Winter didn't either. So she joined the military. Now I'm here at Beacon of all places, partnered to the world's only half-Grimm." A smile tugged at her lips. "I know Yang's strict on you, but she does it out of love. I know enough to see it. Winter trained me hard whenever she was home, to see me be strong so I could look after myself."

Ruby raised a hand, "Weiss. That's not all of it. I've met your sister, but despite what your saying Yang does it out of fear. She wants to shield my existence from the world. And my dad? He says I remind him of Summer. But I bet if I wound up dead, they wouldn't miss a monster." She spoke, bitterness coating her words. "I'm ready to face my dad's anger. Its justified, I broke his rules." She let her defeat creep into her tone.

"We all mess up, Ruby." Weiss's hand moved as if she wanted to rest it on her shoulder, but didn't. "But I'll be here. I'm your partner, and that's what partner's are for." Ruby suddenly couldn't stop a sudden snort breaking free. Weiss gave a quizzical look, "What?"

"I never expected a Schnee being one to comfort me, and to think you were terrified of me when we first met." Ruby chuckled. Weiss gave her own chuckle.

"I guess that's true. Let's get back before Yang wakes up." She said.

Ruby nodded. "Yang should be up in a few minutes. We won't be back in time... unless." She reached a gloved hand out "I can, um, carry you back with my semblance." She coughed into her other fist awkwardly. "But you don't have to, of course." She added hurriedly.

Weiss's hand lifted up, seemingly as if she was going to take Ruby's hand. But her fear scent was filling the air, hesitance clear long before she lowered it. "Thanks for the offer Ruby, but I'm not ready for that." The heiress spoke softly. Ruby nodded.

"Alright. Let's get going back." She said and led the way back.

When they reached the dorm, Ruby realized in horror that there was a familiar scent in the air.

"Oh shit." She whispered to Weiss. "He's here." They exchanged a look as Ruby opened the door to reveal an angry blond man sitting at the room's desk.

"There you are." Ruby shrunk down.

"Hi... dad." Ruby said. He had none of it as he stood up and walked her way.

"Mind explain what the hell you've been doing these last few months?" He demanded.

A/N: Yep, a cliffhanger. Tai's here and he's pissed at Ruby. I've had a bit of an inspirational burst for the story recently, so that explains why I've been posting so much. Don't know how long this'll last, but we'll see I guess. Hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry for how short the chapters have been. What would you guys rather have: Shorter chapters that are pumped out faster, or longer chapters that take long time to make and plan out?