I'm back. Boy oh boy it's been a while. Guys I got no excuse for this, I will be honest with y'all. I'm lazy asf, like getting out of bed is like soooo hard for me. The hateful reviews I got didn't really help. I asked for criticism not hate, people should learn the difference. Sorry for the late update. Anyways NNT is going so great I'm hyped to see what the sinner's capable of. Also I don't like how Boruto's turning out, honestly it's gonna be a Dragon ball GT 2.0, Boruto is a horrible MC let's be honest. Konohamaru has held waay too many L's for a jonnin who's supposedly Naruto's successor. My boi just getting beat so the new gen can shine, it really sucks and I'm upset. Hopen the show gets cancelled before it stains the Naruto franchise's name even further. Let's be real a jonnin Naruto taking a team and training to become hokage would've been worlds better than the crap we got that's called bOrUto. I'm not gonna go on a rant tho, at least not yet...


This chapter contains strong language and nude scenes. There are no lemon scenes but sex is going to be a reoccurring topic in this chapter. If you don't like sex– I mean if you're offended by any of this do not read passed the disclaimer. Also y'all might hate Sasuke for his actions in this chapter.


Cat: This boi still asleep? Opti wake yo ass up!.

Opm: Hey Cat gm, xup?.

Cat: Why are you talking in text format?."

Opm: Whoops I forgot this is the real world.

Cat: Yeah you forget a lot of things. I hope you didn't forget that you don't own the seven deadly sins.

Opm: Of course not.

Cat: And you don't own Naruto either.

Opm: I know... Is breakfast ready?

Cat: Yeah. Oh and Opti.

Opm: Yeah?.

Cat: You don't own Naruto or the seven deadly sins and any of the characters. You're just writing a fanfiction based on the two official animations that are in no way your property.

Opm: ...

Chapter 8

That smile.


Sasuke sat on one of the branches of a giant tree Naruto created. If the Uchiha looked to his left, he would see Guila not too far from him. Recalling why Naruto had made the giant tree, he had to snort in amusement. He waved his hand and shook his head at Guila, when she asked what the matter was.

Naruto wasn't too pleased with the arrangement of things. infact he'd go as far as saying Sasuke set him up. He was skeptical about the whole cult thing, but he just decided to agree to it since it mattered so much to Sasuke. Just like that time he attended that book club meeting on Hinata's request. In all honesty, he hated reading, and would prefer to be at least five meters away from any book. But since Hinata asked, he had to grant her wishes. Sasuke wanted to start a club so it was fine by him.

Naruto however didn't bargain for a red haired hyperactive kid though. And he was supposed to train him?. The kid hardly listened to anything, Naruto told him to stop attacking him multiple times, but he wouldn't listen. The only thing he seemed to acknowledge were fight related comments. Naruto had to restrain him with a few basic binding seals, that he picked up while studying fuinjutsu.

Despite his complaints, Naruto had to acknowledge the kid had potential, his taijutsu was sloppy and had little to no rhythm, but he had durability on a level far beyond any normal child's. Naruto out of anger, when Nero attacked him for the hundredth time, struck him seriously. It is common knowledge that Naruto is physically stronger when using power boosts, but he knew without any power ups, a serious punch from him should be able to send Gamamatsu flying. This kid took a hit that hard, and although he was thrown away by the blow... He stood up seconds later without, so much as a scratch on him. Sasuke checked for internal bleedings with his sharingan, and to both thier surprise, he had none. That hit would easily break Sasuke's or anybody's bones, yet... He was fine. When Naruto asked him how he wasn't injured by that, he shrugged and asked whether he should've been. It was a somewhat cocky response, and Naruto was tempted to put his durability to the test, with a rasengan.

Naruto stopped complaining due to curiosity, and told Nero to follow him outside. The Uzumaki started with pointing out the flaws in his forms, how slow he was and how weak he was. Safe to say Nero wasn't pleased to now just how inferior the blonde saw him to be, so he threw curses about Naruto being too weak to even scratch him. Naruto seemed angry at first, but instead he laughed, he told Nero to watch closely, he asked Sasuke to borrow him his sword and when the Uchiha did, he stabbed himself... At least that's what he meant to do. Kusanagi couldn't pierce him. Naruto smirked, and told the boy that he wasn't the only one who had hard skin, he explained that kusanagi was diamond hard and that he was using one of his powers to make himself durable, just how he suspected Nero was. Naruto tossed the sword back to Sasuke and it grazed Nero's right arm slightly, drawing blood from the small slice it made on the boy's hand. Nero was left mortified by the sight of his own blood, and Naruto had to whack him and tell him to stop being a little girl about it. The Uzumaki said durability could be increased and it was possible he could be able to take a hit that Naruto could, in the future.

Naruto smiled as Nero thanked him and called him sensei. The Uzumaki decided to begin his training, so as to see what exactly he was getting himself into. He started by creating a tree, and sighed as Nero asked him to teach him how to do it. He asked Sasuke and Guila to get up the lowest branch of the tree and sit there.

Naruto told Nero that his objective was to get to the top of the branch of the tree without climbing it. The first branch was about six metres high, so it was no surprise that Nero had felt this was close to impossible.

Naruto though was having none of it, he demanded that Nero followed his instructions or find a new teacher. Nero reluctantly agreed.

Approximately five hours later.

Naruto sat in a meditative position behind the tree he had created, a few inches away from him was the lying form of Nero the tyrant dragon whisperer. The boy had collapsed from exhaustion just few minutes ago, though Naruto couldn't see him, he was well aware of his presence and he wasn't surprised as well. Nero had been jumping for five hours straight, so it was understandable that he was out of energy.


Naruto's face twisted into a frown at the sound of a very familiar voice. It was strange... The change of situations could be scary sometimes, just a two days ago, he was willing to trust and accept everything Nature said, but now... He wasn't sure if he could even converse with her without wearing the frown he currently had on his face. The Uzumaki calmed himself and recalled what Sasuke had told him. If he reacted harshly, they might never learn all they want to from her.

"Nature... It's been a while, where have you been?."

Naruto mentally nodded at how he sounded. He didn't sound as angry as he was, or too calm to be believable.

"I was away with my family..."

That was the last thing he was planning on hearing, family?... She claimed she was and convinced him she was nature, how could she just tell him she was with family?. The connection of her words to the truth was just too obvious, it made Naruto doubt this was a slip up.

"Family?... I thought-"

"Naruto I haven't been completely honest with you... I have a family, and I am not who you think I am... My name is Mezura and I'm not nature, I am the goddess of space and time.

Naruto struggled to keep his shock from being visible. She had told him the truth, and she was a goddess?.

"What I'm about to tell you is the truth about myself. please forgive me... I was born about four thousand years ago, into a clan of goddesses and gods or angels as humans called us. I was born with a unique ability, even as an infant I was able to do what was even impossible for gods, I was able to turn the wheels of time. Even a world of supernatural entities that could control the waves of seas and make volcanos erupt at will, I was different. Unlike the other children I couldn't get injured no matter what I did, it a side effect of my power, the pain that comes when one is injured automatically made my young brain reject it, as such my time was reversed and my injuries disappeared even before they were visible to me. Because of this the other children distanced me and never played with me. Like every other angel I was born by the supreme deity, and as such, she did not have any time for me. So I was alone for the majority childhood. As I child, I saw that other children listened and did exactly what the grownups told them to. Desperate to make friends, I sought to be like an adult, so I could make other children play with me... And that's exactly what I got, I accelerated my time and became an adult, with an adult way of seeing things. Scared and reluctant to revert back to my original time, I chose not to, even though I knew it would mean losing my entire childhood. As an adult things got better, people respected me more and they didn't run away from me on sight, though there was still a wariness in them, since I had gone from child to adult overnight. I tried to mix with my brothers and sisters but it was impossible... They either respected me too much, or feared me too much. I knew then, that my destiny wasn't with my people so I decided to leave and travel to different worlds, with the power to control space, this was possible. I've spent over three thousand years traveling from world to world... That's how I met you Naruto. My first encounter with you was just after your parents died, I moved by thier sacrifice and so decided watch over you. Even now, I haven't perfected my power and I cannot use it in battle, so I was helpless when those foul villagers harmed you, all I could do was reverse the damage, since the power of the fox was sealed shut at that time, so it couldn't heal you. I watched you rise everyday Naruto... I watched you smile, play, I watched you find your first precious people, I watched you become a ninja, I watched you form your nindo, and I watched you defend it... I watched you slowly grow into the outstanding man that you are now... And over the course of it, I fell in love with you... I still love you now, Naruto..."

Naruto found himself in the lush fields he and the woman he thought was nature had spent most of thier time together. He wondered how she was able to make a place so beautiful when she wasn't nature. Time manipulation wasn't a beautiful power. Infact, it scared him. Having control over the future and past of everything in existence was outright scary...

Naruto felt soft trembling fingers touch his cheeks. The Uzumaki looked up and was greeted to a both beautiful and sad image.

It was the woman he once knew as nature, but now as Mezura and she was crying.

Why does it hurt so much to see her cry?

"I'm the one who brought you and Sasuke here... I am sorry... It was a selfish thing to do, I-I just wanted to save my people... I was scared of what the letter V would do to my people... I wanted to save them, I wanted to be a hero like you!. I'm so so sorry Naruto, I will return y-hmmmph!"

Mezura's words were cut short by Naruto pressing his lips against her's. She felt her heart skip two beats as Naruto pulled her closer and hugged her to his chest while they kissed.

She didn't understand why or what made her love kiss her, but she welcomed it. She relaxed and began responding to the kiss. It was her first time, so she just followed Naruto's lead. Despite their age difference, he was more experienced in that regard.

Naruto on the other hand had no idea why this was happening. He hadn't meant to kiss her, he wasn't even sure what he meant to do... But right now, he was happy that he did. Feeling her relax in his arms and respond to his lips made him feel happy, for a reason he did not know. It was strange since he was supposed to be angry at the words he heard... All that she confessed to should've made her an enemy in his eyes. Yet... Here he was, kissing her.

Was it because of what she told him?, was it because like him, she grew up alone?. Did he find her loneliness similar to his?, he wasn't sure, but... When he saw her tears, his heart felt like it was going to burst. It was like when he fought Pain and saw Hinata...

She'd been watching him ever since he was born?... All those times he survived the harsh beatings of the angry villagers, and thought it was kami that saved him, it was actually her. She didn't have to bother about him, but she took it upon herself to make sure he didn't die prematurely...

'So from the very start, I had someone who cared about me?.'

Naruto and Mezura finally broke their kiss so they could breathe. The blonde sanin stared into the blue teary eyes of the goddess of space and time.

"Shut up. I'm not going to leave your people to face Argos alone, when he returns. I'm not going to leave you, Mezura-chan."

Mezura stared at the blonde man she had come to have deep feelings for with loving eyes. Somehow she felt more in love with him. Hearing him say those words, knowing he still accepted her despite all she had done just showed how perfect he was. To think her, the goddess of space and time would see a human as perfect... In her short time with her family, she wasn't able to find any man or woman as perfect as the jinchuriki holding her right now.

Mezura nuzzled into Naruto's chest, and savoured the feeling of bliss it gave her. Eventually he'd have to unwrap his arms from her and let her go, and she dreaded it, even more than the coming of the letter V. She feared it was all a dream and she would come to realize that Naruto actually hated her, not the opposite.

"Mezura-chan... That time I met my kaa-san... Was that your doing?."

"I don't understand Naruto..."

"My powers and abilities are strongly tied to nature. You're not nature, so... How was I able to do all the things I did?."

"It is true I am not nature, but it doesn't mean I am not connected to the earth. Even though I rule the future and past, I still have a strong connection with the present and all the things in the present. But the truth is I just supplied you with my power... The white sage mode is your ability, I just enhanced it. You truly had become one with your surroundings, I just took the opportunity to get in on the bond you made with nature. Kurama's chakra would have been too potent to use this new power, so I gave you mine."

"And my kaa-san?."

"I didn't have anything to do with her, neither do I know how she was able to materialize in this world..."

"I see... What of all the information I just got all of a sudden?, like when I knew about Elaine."

"Oh... That was me. I just transferred memories to you, it's not really hard since telekinesis is needed to control space."

"Could you stop doing that?, cuz I feel like I'm sticking my nose into everyone's privacy."

"Done. Naruto... I know it's not in my place to ask, but... Can you please help me find a book?."

"A book?."

"Yes... It is a journal, written by the letter V's father Argos. It may hold the answer to how he we can kill his body."


"Naruto I understand your preferences but, he has to be stopped."

"I know that, but... When he was about to disappear... I saw something in his eyes, Mezura-chan, those eyes weren't the ones of a killer."

"I would like to believe that, really I would, but... Naruto that wasn't the letter V, or at least that wasn't the complete letter V."

"I don't understand."

"What we faced was a mere fraction of his power and his demonic energy. To ressurect the letter V, three things have to be done... One. His tomb where his indestructible body lies has to be located. Two. His soul has to be restored. Three. His power must be unsealed. Putting this things together will birth the letter V once again, but also his army..."


"They called themselves la purga."

"I don't like the sound of this... How many were they?, thousands?."



"No... Just three."


"Don't be fooled by thier numbers. The Three other members of la purga were once more powerful than the letter V. The legends say that they are his relations... The letter A, the letter B and the letter Z."

"Why do they call themselves letters?."

"I and my people are not sure. Maybe it stands for something. We know V stands for vulture, but I am not sure what A and B stands for."

"Mezura-chan... How powerful will Argos be if he's revived?."

"More powerful than anything you can imagine... Even if I master my power and try to erase him from the past, we'd still fail."

"How is that-"

"From birth the letter V has always been immortal and now he's eaten fate itself, he cannot be erased or killed. He's immune to time."

"...Woah... I guess we can't let him come back then."

"That's why we need the journal..."

"Where can we find it."

"...Unfortunately the letter V picked the perfect place to hide it, a place that my people have no access to. The journal is in purgatory."

Hawk lowered his head with tears streaming down it's eyes. The pig sobbed loudly and lamented about it's uselessness, since Elizabeth was kidnapped right in front of him, and he was supposed to protect her.

"I'M SUCH AN INCOMPETENT FOOL!, ELIZABETH... ELIZABETH WAS... I have no right to live another day!, turn me into roast pig or skewered pork!" Hawk said in between sobs.

King sighed at the pigs over dramatic behavior. He understood it felt bad for no being able to fulfill the task it was given, but asking them to kill him was taking it a little too far.

"Calm down Mr. Pig, we don't know what happened to Elizabeth yet... Where did they take her?." King asked in a calm voice. Someone had to keep a level head here, might as well be him.

And as King expected, his soothing voice worked like a charm, Hawk stopped sobbing and took a thinking pose. After a few seconds the pig spoke. "I think they said 'Ceramic tear inn' or something." Hawk answered, and was feeling a little better since he could at least help save Elizabeth.

King noticed the pig's hopeful eyes and nodded to himself, at least they had taken care of the panicking problem. King wondered what they should do now, he didn't know where the place Hawk spoke of was, but they could just ask around for directions. The problem was that it was holy knights that had taken Elizabeth, so running in to save her without a plan was not a good idea. No matter how much he hated to say it, it was better if they went back and informed Ban of the situation, so at least they'd have backup, just in case. Including Daine in their rescue mission would be the wrong move, the holy knights that took the princess would know they were coming even before they were half way to wherever it is the holy knights were hiding. Putting all that into consideration, King decided to give his opinion to his captain.

"Captain, for now let's go back and plan our..." The remainder of the sentence died in King's mouth, all of a sudden the atmosphere had gone from sour to a dreadful and dangerous one. King and Hawk's eyes widened at Meliodas who was the cause of the dreadful feeling.

"We're going now." Melodias said with authority and finality. He didn't wait for the others to respond and began searching for the inn on his own.

Elizabeth sat on her heels, across her sister in one of the rooms of the inn she and Griamor had taken her to.

Unsure of what to say, Elizabeth bit her lip nervously and rubbed her palms together Repeatedly. The blank expression her sister was giving her left her uncertain of what to say or be feeling at this point. Normally she'd be happy to see her sister, but in this case she should be sad, since the reason Veronica sought her out was obvious. Elizabeth's eyes roamed around the adequately furnished room, it was nothing to compare to the room she had in the castle and it was a little more spacious than the one she had in the Boar's hat, where she spent some nights with Meliodas and one time Sasuke had slept there with her. She couldn't help but wonder what her sister would say if she found out that she, princess Elizabeth had slept in the same bed with two different men... She was sure Veronica would look at her with disgust and probably think she's a whore. Elizabeth knew her nee-chan would never understand how things were for her. Sometimes she would feel terribly lonely and Meliodas-sama was kind enough to offer to stay with her, although she knew he had another reason for doing it, she couldn't help but appreciate his kindness. And the last night she'd stayed in the boar's hat before she was taken by her sister was with Sasuke-sama. She had a nightmare about her sister Margaret and couldn't sleep, Meliodas-sama spent the night elsewhere, so he could recover from the beating Naruto-sama gave him while he was possessed. She left her room feeling scared and alone and to her surprise Sasuke-sama was still awake, he asked why she was awake and though she was reluctant to tell him, he was able to tell she had a nightmare from her shaking form and teary eyes. He didn't say anything more, and much to her surprise and appreciation, he hugged her and carried her back to her room and coaxed her like an infant until she slept. In the morning He was still there and she had wondered if he slept at all, since she found him wide awake when she woke up, he assured her that he did and explained that he once had nightmares and his mother used to do that to soothe him. Elizabeth was grateful for the Uchiha's care and was also amazed that he had done that for her. She knew Sasuke-sama was kind but he didn't like to show compassion so openly, but this time he did and she was happy he did. It was strange that she felt like she was a prisoner now, even though her sister was the one who she was with, being away from the people she had grown attached to made her feel like she was a prisoner.

"You look well Ellie..." Veronica said, finally breaking the long silence. "Well you're a responsible girl, so I figured you'd be fine."

Elizabeth looked up at her sister with hopeful eyes. Maybe she was wrong and Veronica understood why she had to leave the castle. "Veronica..." Elizabeth said.

"DID YOOOUUU THINK I'D SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT STUPID ELLIE?!" Veronica said with a monster head. "You left home, daddy, Margret and I were so worried!. And where did you go?, you were traveling around with criminals!. How could you do something so stupid Ellie?!." Veronica said.

Elizabeth felt her heart sink and the warm sensation in her chest that was hope that her sister would understand disappear. Her bones felt stiff, especially her jaw. She couldn't talk or even look her sister in the eyes, all she could do was try not to let her sadness turn to tears.

#Forgive me :'( #

Naruto cleaned the sweat from his face and sighed contentedly after drinking a jug full of water. He had finished what he'd like to see as training with Nero and he finally got a break. For a gaki, the red haired dragon whisperer had stamina that would make any elite jonnin jealous. He reminded a lot of his old self.

Naruto found that Sasuke had not still returned with Guila from wherever it was that they went to. The Uzumaki suspected that the black haired holy knight had a crush on his onyx haired friend. In fact he was almost completely certain that that was the case. I mean one would have to have their eyes in their butt cracks not to see the way she looked at Sasuke.

It made Naruto both sad and happy. Happy that Sasuke had an admirer and possibly a potential girlfriend but sad that Sasuke might turn her down if he truly loved Elizabeth.

Elizabeth-chan... For some reason Naruto felt uneasy when he said her name. Did something bad happen?. Naruto knew he needn't worry since Meliodas was always around the white haired princess and ensured her safety at all times. But he couldn't just shake it off... Something felt off.

Naruto sighed. A day ago he'd have said it was the earth trying to tell him something. But after finding out Mezura's true identity, he didn't know what to call it anymore...

"I guess I should just go see for myself."

Naruto jumped to his feet and put on his jacket (that he took off whilst he was training) and didn't bother zipping it before he made a series of hand seals and in a flash he'd disappeared to where princess Elizabeth was.

Sasuke and Guila sat near a lake not too far from the hideout Sasuke had created. Anybody that saw them right now would be a hundred percent convinced that they were crazy. Aside from the two black haired humans, about twenty five tyrant dragons lay sleeping around the lake.

Tyrant dragons were by no means human friendly. The were notorious for killing everything and anything they came across, but it didn't matter to these two since they had Nero controlling the dragons not to far away from the lake.

If Sasuke were to be honest with himself, he would admit that he didn't even know what he was doing with Guila, all he knew was that it felt good. Just sitting down quietly doing nothing was a Naruto thing, he was the one who was so obsessed with nature and meditation. Now Sasuke had given it a try he was somewhat convinced that all that meditating and sitting had a good influence on Naruto. He wondered if it would make him more like the blonde. Would he become more caring?, or more emotionally stable?. He doubted it, Naruto spent most times meditating without the company of anyone. He was here with Guila for some reason. And strange enough, he was the one who told her to follow him here. He had no reason or excuse for saying that, one moment he just stared at her and the next he was asking her to follow him to watch the sun set by a beautiful lake.

It felt almost... Romantic.

Sasuke blushed at his thoughts a bit.

'Of course not!. What am I thinking, I can't be having romantic thoughts about a woman I don't even trust yet. She might still end up being my enemy– Enemy... The holy knights. How could I forget something so vital?.'

Sasuke almost cursed himself audibly. He'd been busy thinking with his little head, while there were questions he should be asking Guila to answer.

Sasuke wondered what approach he should take. Since it was Guila it made it more difficult to decide. When questioning friends Sasuke just asked, knowing they would give and expecting the correct answer. But for foes he tended to be more stabby and slicy than necessary. He interrogated them 'thoroughly'

Sasuke had yet to convince himself which Guila was. Friend or foe?.

The last living Uchiha knew he had to come up with a compromise. Truthfully he already had, but the nature of the compromise made him a little hesitant to execute his plan. Sasuke took a few minutes to think and he still found himself coming back to a single answer.

He considered his position and his view of Guila.

He considered the way she looked at him.

He considered how the questions might. affect her and his plans for her.

He considered the fact that she seemed more comfortable working with him than working for him.

He considered that that could all be a ruse.

If he demanded answers, she might not give them or worse she would lie.

If he tried to ask her as a comrade she might take advantage of that and try to build a false relationship with him. That way he wouldn't expect her betrayal if she was indeed a foe.

Guila wasn't stupid so he couldn't just make conversation and try to steer it to the holy knight's secrets without her noticing what he was trying to do.

He could use his dojutsu to read her mind but not without her notice. Whatever trust had been formed between them would be broken, if she was a friend.

If he decided to trust her in hopes that she would spill the beans on her own free will, but... What if she wasn't a friend?. She would either lie or say nothing at all. Sasuke didn't have time to waste so he couldn't settle for this option.

'No choice... I have to seduce her.'

Sasuke thought. It was his best option. This way if she was still against him he could turn her into a trustworthy partner and if she was actually on their side then their relationship would only strengthen their trust. Nobody could be more trustworthy and reliable than either a sibling or a lover.

'I just hope I haven't lost my touch.'

Sasuke turned to Guila and took a deep breath before slowly making his move. He boldly and unashamedly placed his head on her lap and pretended that he was tired.

Guila was initially shocked by Sasuke's action but after a few seconds it was embarrassment that overcame her surprise. She was about to ask why he had done what he did, but the Uchiha moved faster than she could have expected. Sasuke turned his head and lay on her lap again but this time he wasn't lying on his side or his back. He was... Face flat... And his nose was... Poking... Her...


'Yep I still got it.'

Naruto appeared next to Elizabeth who was sleeping in the room her elder sister Veronica prepared for her. Naruto noticed two things when he looked at the princess.

One. Her cheeks were pink and looking crusty. Naruto assumed she had been crying for a while and he wondered why.

Second was that she wasn't wearing her top anymore and was currently wearing only a bra on her upper body.

'Well damn... Sasuke really went for the full package. Shit Eli... Who knew your tits would look so greattebayo!' Naruto thought with a perverted giggle that reminded him of his sensei. Pushing the perverted thoughts out of his head Naruto concluded that the princess had been abducted. He couldn't feel any of the sins presence close by and the fact that she was crying made him all the more certain that she was taken against her will.

Naruto made a short promise to himself that he'd put whoever made the innocent cute princess cry through hell.

But first they had to escape. Naruto swiftly and quietly moved to Elizabeth's side and tapped her shoulder.

"Princess wake up."

Elizabeth jumped up and was about to scream but Naruto quickly covered her mouth with his hand. He put a finger of his free hand in front of his lips, telling her not to scream. The white haired woman nodded and Naruto slowly released her lips.

"Naruto-sama how did you get here?."

Naruto motioned at her exposed bras. Elizabeth couldn't stop herself from squealing. She quickly covered herself with a blanket and blushed deeply when Naruto chuckled at her.

"Where's your shirt?."

"The guard took my clothes and replaced them with these ones. None of the shirts fitted and I was feeling hot so I decided to just go... Without..."

"Heh. Nice decision princess. It benefitted the both of us."


"Calm down princess. We have much more important things to deal with currently. I'm gonna bust you outta here."

Naruto pulled out a kunai and held it in just in front of the princess' covered arms.

"I could teleport us back or I could teach you how to survive without Meli."

Naruto said with a serious look. Elizabeth stared at the Uzumaki's eyes. She hadn't realized how blue and beautiful they were. As a woman it made her somewhat jealous that a man had better looking eyes than she did. But jealously wasn't the sole occupant of princess Elizabeth's mind. She was carefully considering the offer Naruto made her. When he said he could teleport them back he heart jumped with delight. It explained how Naruto got to her and it would help her escape from her sister without having to involve Meliodas-sama. But when Naruto finished the sentence, that delight slowly faded away. His words made her realize why she was so easily captured. It was because she was weak. She couldn't defend herself or even fight to defend others. That's why Meliodas-sama... That's why everyone always had to protect her. Even her kidnappers were trying to protect her!. Elizabeth made a decision that second. No matter the cost, she would make sure she was strong enough to be useful to Meliodas-sama, to Sasuke-sama and everyone!

Elizabeth's eyes took a determined light and she grabbed the kunai as if it was the most important thing in life.

Naruto smiled. He liked the look in her eyes. 'Looks like I've earned myself another student.'

"Yosh. Get on my back. The place smells really rusty so it's safe to say we're underground."


"Yeah. Maybe they moved you in your sleep. We are currently underground and I can sense about fifteen people outside this door. Most likely your kidnappers are trying to keep you somewhere Meliodas wouldn't be able to find easily and are still focusing on guarding you."

Naruto rubbed his chin.

"Well it is possible that not all fifteen are fighters, in an underground facility two things are vital. An engineer and a cook. Unless this place was created with magic an engineer would be needed in case anything goes wrong. It's highly possible that one of the fighters can cook as well so we should assume there are fourteen battle proficient men present. Our aim should be to remain hidden and to avoid combat at all costs until we locate the engineer. He'll be our key outta here. But don't get all smiley saturday. It ain't exactly a cake walk. There is a high probability that the guards would be stationed in every route that could take us to the engineer so we might have to engage a few and if necessary... Kill."

Naruto watched as some of Elizabeth's determination wilted. He wasn't surprised. The thought of killing was never a pleasant thing, especially when one hadn't even been in a life and death situation before.

"B-but Naruto-sama something doesn't add up."

Naruto raised an eyebrow at the princess' words.

"What do you mean?."

"My sister was the one that kidnapped me... And she hardly ever trusts anybody... She only showed a little amount of faith in Griamor. I really can't imagine her having these many people guarding me... And taking me underground is the last thing she'd do. Veronica hates being underground."

Naruto rubbed his chin in thought.

"Did you by chance touch your sister?."

"Hai Naruto-sama. We hugged."

"I see. I'm going to have to find her scent on your body."


"Yup. It's totally for a good reason so... Could you lose the blanket?."


"Elizabeth-chan I swear I won't do anything perverted."


Elizabeth slowly took off the blanket she used to cover her upper body and blushed as Naruto pressed his nose in between her breasts.

"Naruto-sama!. You p-promised!"

"Hey I'm no Inuzuka, I gotta get close and personal to pick up a scent... Jeez Meliodas really is a boob maniac guy. I can smell him all over here hehehe. Wait a minute is that... Sasuke?."

Elizabeth pushed Naruto away and shielded her girls with her hands.

"Stop Naruto-sama I'm not comfortable with this."

"Meh I already found what I was looking for. You gotta learn howta chill Elizabeth-chan."

Naruto took a deep breath and searched for the the now familiar scent of Veronica. Kurama's influence on him was really something. His hieghted senses made it possible for him to pick up a scent that was hundred meters away from him.

"Your sister ain't here Elizabeth-chan... We have to assume you were taken by someone else and proceed to escape."

"Someone else... Naruto-sama you mean to say I was kidnapped from my kidnappers?."

"Hehehehe I guess it's funny when you say it like that Elizabeth-chan. Yeah that's what I think... We should get going, hop on."

Elizabeth did as Naruto told her and got on top his back.

'Daine was right... Naruto-sama's back is so strong and muscular... Like Meliodas-sama...'

Naruto slowly walked to the door and in a quick motion he silently broke the locks and slipped through the now loosely open door. Naruto swiftly moved to a corridor on his right and crouched down beside the wall just before the corridor made a bend.

Naruto silently motioned Elizabeth to get down. The princess complied but still remained pressed against the Uzumaki, making it obvious that she was starting to get cold feet.

'There's a guard just after the bend.'

Elizabeth's eyes widened. She suddenly could hear Naruto speaking in her mind. From the smile the blonde gave her, she was sure it was one of his powers. She guessed it was connected to the nature thing Sasuke had talked about.

'What do we do Naruto-sama?'

Elizabeth wasn't sure if the link worked both ways but spoke anyway. Her thoughts were confirmed to have reached Naruto when he replied her.

'We sneak passed him.'

Before Elizabeth could question the whiskered man he went through quick hand seals and then motioned Elizabeth to climb on when he was done.

The princess complied but to her surprise Naruto quietly but boldly walked passed the guard. Now she was shocked at his action, but what shocked her most was the fact that the guard didn't even react to their movements. He just remained rooted to his post, staring at the same direction with the same passive expression. It was almost as if he didn't see them at all.

Naruto smiled at the confused face Elizabeth was making and continued their escape

They had gone through several corridors, somehow managing to slip through the notice of the guards but they still hadn't found an escape.

It'd been an hour since Elizabeth's decision to learn and they hadn't made any progress. From his body language, Elizabeth was able to guess that he'd started considering teleporting them back to safety.

That's when something finally happened. There was a sound, after an our of complete tranquility somebody finally made a sound.

'There it is again' Naruto thought.

The sounds were very faint but sounded close at the same time. Naruto guessed whatever was making the noise was separated from them by thick doors or...

'The walls!' Naruto mentally shouted making Elizabeth hold her head in slight discomfort. He offered the princess an apologetic look which she nodded at.

Naruto tried to follow the faint sounds as best he could and after a few minutes of walking the sounds began increasing in volume. Naruto wasn't able to make out what the sounds meant, but he was certain they were voices.

'Possibly the engineer' Naruto said mentally.

'Or the cook?.' Elizabeth replied.

Naruto smiled at her. 'Yeah, maybe.'

As he expected the sounds only led him to a dead end. Naruto would easily break the wall down if he wasn't trying to be as discrete as possible. Naruto slowly considered his options. Destroying the wall with a rasengan was out of the question.

He could use his wind blade to slice through the wall and use a basic Genjutsu to make it seem as though it had been untouched. But he doubted he could successfully cut through earth without anybody noticing. The slightest sound would echo to all the guards and it would be game over. Also there was a high probability that they were people just behind the wall. Naruto felt the best option would have been using Henge no jutsu. Except Elizabeth couldn't use henge and since she didn't have chakra he couldn't transform her with his own henge. Chakra was essential for jutsu. Shinobi can sometimes trigger jutsu for others or use their own chakra to amp jutsu that wasn't thier's, but one thing was vital. Whatever you are transforming as long as it breathes air has to have chakra. Everybody in his world possseed chakra. Unfortunately this wasn't his world. Naruto was left with only one option and ironically it would've been his best if he were alone. By using his so called white senin mode and concentrating on the natural energy that flowed within the air, Naruto was able to merge with it. In short he transforms into air. Making him, invisible, intangible and also naked.

Only his body could meld with nature to such a degree. His body transformed into air while his clothes were left behind.

There were few cracks in the wall so Naruto could easily slip passed unnoticed. The problem however was that he'd have to leave Elizabeth for an unknown amount of time. He'd used his perverted sensei's infamous invisibility jutsu to shroud them both. This was possible due to the nature of the technique. It was basically chakra manipulation on a level that would make a Hyuuga jealous. But there was a trick.

First the user shrouded his entire form with chakra. Then they used a special fuinjutsu to make their chakra 'reflect'

Basically they weren't invisible they were like mirrors. But unlike regular mirrors they didn't have a distinct pattern. They were able to reflect anything they touched. Meaning when Naruto touches a wall he'd reflect the wall.

Lastly your chakra signature had to be masked. Naruto didn't need to worry about this part since there wasn't anybody here who could sense his chakra. (I hope I explained that good enough)

But what made it possible for Elizabeth even when she didn't have chakra was the first step. All Naruto had to do was cover her with his chakra. (Think of it like a chakra blanket)

'Elizabeth-chan... I'm gonna have to leave you for a bit so don't make a sound while I'm gone unless you'll be seen and I'll have to teleport us out.'

The princess nodded understandingly.

Naruto carefully lowered himself so not to make a noise. The princess quietly got down and nodded at Naruto. the Uzumaki closed his eyes in concentration for a few minutes and to Elizabeth's shock he suddenly disappeared leaving his clothes behind. It took almost all of her willpower to stop herself from screaming in horror. She wasn't sure what just happened but for some odd reason she felt more comfortable when a sudden gust of wind brushed her hair.

Naruto in his air form went through the cracks in the wall and found himself in a room that was filled with animal skins and skulls and in the middle of it were five men dressed in white robes, standing around a shrine with a giant bowl of a red substance Naruto guessed was blood. Wanting to know what the place was all about Naruto willed his body to move but strangely it wouldn't. He slowly started feeling... Solid.

'What the fuck?. My senjutsu is cancelling on its own!.'

Naruto watched in confusion as his body reverted to it's original form. Gravity kicked in and with a loud thud Naruto hit the ground.

'What in the actual fuck?.'

The five men dressed in white turned to the naked Uzumaki with wide eyes. Ignoring the million questions and curses going through his head Naruto charged forward. He was a lot slower than he planned on going, but didn't dwell on it. In a blur of movement Naruto broke two of the men's necks. One was about to scream but Naruto quickly delivered a jab to his midsection, temporarily silencing him. His eyes caught the view of a knife and he immediately grabbed it and slit the throats of the two other men who hadn't gotten over thier shock. Naruto then stabbed his knife into the last man's skull permanently silencing him. In a quick movement of speed that only a ninja could achieve, Naruto gathered all the bodies before they slumped and carefully hid them under the skin of a grizzly bear.

Naruto's ears twitched at the sound of footsteps. The Uzumaki quickly grabbed the knife and dashed towards the source.

"Brothers I heard a noi-MMMMPH!" Naruto grabbed the man by his face, sealing is mouth. The blonde also had both his scrawny wrists suspended by his single powerful hand. Staring at the scared man with empty eyes Naruto pinned him on the wall. The man was facing the wall and so was unable to see what Naruto was doing, but the rush of pain he felt told him what had been done exactly. Naruto had buried the knife into his spine, and he could literally feel all the life leave his body. Naruto moved in a burst of speed and pushed the man's head into the gaint bowl of blood. Unable to get his body to respond to his commands. Eyes stung shut by the tick red blood, he was denied the allowance to see how he died, or even squirm. He was completely helpless and all he was left with was his heightened senses. His eyes rolled back to his head in with a final gurgle he was dead. Naruto carefully and quietly hid his body were the others were, this time though he tore part of the man's robe and tied it around his waist.

Naruto stared at his palm and noted that he was feeling significantly weaker. It was a very familiar feeling, but Naruto couldn't put his finger on it. After a few seconds his eyes widened in realization.

'My chakra is being suppressed... It's like that time I was kidnapped.'

The whiskered teen made a distasteful sound and cursed his luck. He should've just teleported Elizabeth back as soon as he found her. He just had to offer a stupid thing like survival lessons. Naruto growled. Now he had to quickly find an exit and get back to Elizabeth before the guards located her.

Naruto silent slipped through the slightly open door that the last man he'd killed came from. He found himself in another corridor and that made his hopes rise. Maybe he could find a way back to Elizabeth afterall.

But fate wasn't so kind today.

A loud horn echoed through the entire hideout. Naruto froze in his tracks, eyes widened. He slowly turned around and saw one of the men he gave a neck break glaring at him hatefully with the horn still in his mouth.

'Shit! I was sloppy!.'

Naruto dashed towards the man in speeds that shouldn't be possible for any normal human or even a holy knight without the use of magic. The man was about to blow the horn again but Naruto was quicker. His leg muscles buldged and he brutally stomped the nine inch long and curved cattle horn into the man's throat. But that wasn't what killed him, the force from Naruto kick completely flattened his head.

Naruto released a frustrated sigh. Now the enemy was on alert, the chances of them finding Elizabeth had gone from high to ridiculous.

Knowing he couldn't break through the reinforced concrete without his chakra, Naruto had no choice but to go the opposite direction of Elizabeth.

'Please hang in there princess!'

Elizabeth had heard the horn and nobody needed to tell her what that meant. Quickly gathering Naruto's discarded clothes as she knew he'd need them, the white haired princess ran to the direction she and Naruto were coming from. She then made a bend into another corridor that she hadn't been through before.

By the sounds of the footsteps all around and the yelling voices of the guards Elizabeth knew stealth would be useless right now so she focused on finding Naruto-sama. She could tell something was wrong. When Naruto-sama didn't return after the horn she concluded he was in a tight position. The blonde was a nice person and Elizabeth didn't need any confirmation that he cared for her and the sins. So if he didn't return that meant he was in trouble.

Elizabeth hid the kunai Naruto gave her under his clothes. There was no reason or none she could give for that course of action, but at the moment it felt like the right thing to do. Maybe this was what they called survival instincts?.

"The sacrif- I mean the princess has escaped!."

Elizabeth stomped in her tracks and scrabbled to a wall and pressed her back on it. Just ahead of her there was a bend that and that voice sounded too close for comfort.

"Why else would they sound the alarm if it's not that?."

This voice sounded feminine but still deep enough that it could be mistaken as a man's.

"Oh right!."

The first voice said. There was a nervous laugh.

"Whatever just look around until we find the bitch."

The femine voice said.

Elizabeth frowned at being called a bitch but still remained quiet in her hiding postion. The Princess calmed her nerves and steeled her resolve. Unconsciously she'd already decided what to do. Even though she had enough time to run away from the guards but she couldn't keep running from them all so she remained hidden. Because she had a plan. Her plan was simple. Pretend somebody else tried to take her and she managed to escape. Once the guard let his or her guard down, attack. Then depending on which guard she met, she'd be able to hide in plain sight or have to redo the whole thing.

"Got it!."

The man said and Elizabeth began hearing footsteps. She released a small sigh in relief when she heard his heavy steps getting fainter. But she new she wasn't out of danger yet. The female guard had to be coming her way and if her plan failed it would be all over. Taking a few steps backwards and pretending that she just came in, Elizabeth stopped as the guard appeared.

Elizabeth tried to look as innocent as she could which was far easier than she knew. The female guard had slightly visible black hair. Her face was hidden by her helmet and her physique was completely defined by the shape of her armour. The breast plate was pretty sizable Elizabeth was thankful for this. This way she wouldn't have to squish herself into the armour. The princess readied herself and finally the guard's eyes met her's.

"Hey you're the sacr-princess"

The female guard said.

Elizabeth frowned. That was the second time that happened and she didn't like it.


Elizabeth stammered and mentally rebuked herself for not being capable of even calming herself. It would be a miracle if this woman believed anything she said. She was sweating and shaking uncontrollably her lies would certainly sound pathetic. At least that was what the princess thought. If her lies were true, this was the condition any stranger would expect her to be in. As much as they knew, she still believed she was taken by her sister and as such would feel more comfortable in her custody than that of her supposed second kidnapper which would be Naruto.

Elizabeth let her mind travel a little as the woman silently waited for a response. She seemed content with extending the silence after her slip up that she hoped Elizabeth hadn't noticed. In her view a spoilt princess who was being 'punished' by her sister wouldn't worry too much about such a tiny tongue slip after all people made mistakes here and there. But what she didn't know was that Elizabeth had heard a similar mistake from the first guard and knew that she wasn't with her sister anymore.

'That's the second time they've made that same error... From the sound of things, they both meant to say sacrifice. What have I gotten myself into... Who are this people...?'

Elizabeth panicked and couldn't stop her limbs from instinctively moving back.

'What am I doing?!. s-stop moving or she'll suspect you!. M-My legs are moving on their own!. Stop... Stop... Stop it... Stop... Stop... ELIZABETH STOP MOVING!'

The female guard noticed that she was moving backwards and tsked in annoyance.

'Shit she must've gotten spooked by my slip up. I gotta calm this girl down before she figures out she's not with her sister anymore. Damn shit heads! I told them to drug this bitch. If she discovers what's really happening the ritual will suffer. Gotta play my cards right. Gotta get her to trust me.'

The female guard said.

"My name is Nikara. Your sister Veronica-sama sent me to look for you. You seem to have left your room."

The woman said in a polite voice.

Elizabeth knew that if her eyes weren't already wide from her fear they would've widened at that moment. Her body stiffened and she stopped moving. The guard interpreted this as Elizabeth believing her and calming down somewhat.

On the other hand Elizabeth was shocked. Naruto had said convincingly that her elder sister wasn't in the premises and that she had been taken by someone else. Why was this woman speaking as though Veronica was close by?. Elizabeth wasn't smart like Sasuke-sama or Naruto-sama in tough situations, but she knew an opportunity when she saw one. If they had already come to the conclusion that she broke out without help, then that meant Naruto-sama hadn't been found. If she played her cards right she could find an opening, disguise herself as a guard and pretend to be searching for herself while she looked for Naruto-sama. Something clicked in Elizabeth's head making her blood run cold.

She was still carrying Naruto's clothes. Even his frog patterned boxers.

If the guard saw this then she'd know Elizabeth was lying if she agreed to their assumption.

'Should I stick to the first plan?.'

Elizabeth wondered. That idea had a higher probability of success but that meant the guards would focus on Naruto-sama and not her... She couldn't accept that outcome!. She was the one that made him come here, she was the one who told him to stay longer. She wasn't going to let him bare the consequences of her mistakes. She'd do anything she could to lessen the burden she'd put on him by being too weak to resist kidnap by her own blood.

Elizabeth remembered that her upper body was almost completely naked. That gave her an idea. She boldly put on Naruto's under shirt and oversized (at least for her) jacket, blushing as she swiftly hid his boxers, the kunai and pants in his big and deep pockets.

"Where did you get those?."

Nikara asked.

"That's why I snuck out... T-the clothes the guard brought were too small. I was feeling cold so I..."

Elizabeth intentionally trailed off. The princess hoped she sounded believable. The smile Nikara gave her put her at ease. But she still tensed up when the guard took a few steps forward.

"Well that's alright princess. I'll lead you back to your room."

The guard said and turned away to back Elizabeth.

Normally Nikara would make sure she was always behind prisoners. They tended to try stupid things that always led to death or brutal injury. If she could help it she wouldn't want to have to hurt the sacrifice. But she was trying to build trust first. Also this particular prisoner was a princess that got kidnapped by a single holy knight and her sister. If she wasn't able to resist them then what could she do to her?.

Nikara decided to take the risk and walked ahead of the princess.

Elizabeth's body was quick to follow the woman. She was delighted fifty percent of her plan was a success and hoped she could steel her resolve once again and finish the plan. Again her instincts told her not to strike immediately. She didn't know for what reason but obeyed them anyway.

After a couple of minutes Elizabeth felt it was time to make her move. Silently as the sweet princess could, she pulled out the razor sharp kunai and grabbed it with both hands.

This was it. Light reflected on the black steel weapon, further assuring her that he strike would be successful. infact she had no doubt that the cut would be deadly despite her physical weakness. The weapon was thick and sharp enough to pierce through armours. But that wasn't her aim, the unprotected skin of Nikara's nape was the most the best place to strike. She knew that. She knew if she closed her eyes and struck it would be over before she realized it. She wouldn't have to see Nikara's dying face. She wouldn't have to look at any of it. This was the time to strike!.

'This is m-my chance... Move. Move. Move. Move. Move!... Please... Why won't my body obey...'

Elizabeth's hands trembled and she couldn't stop the tears from steaming that her face.

'Naruto-sama gave me this... I took this... Why can't I use... Why?...Why?... Why won't I move?!.'

Elizabeth bit her lip to stop her sobs from being audible and shakily moved to return her kunai to Naruto's pocket. But her shaky hands made her loosen her grip even without her notice. Nikara heard a sharp sound that sounded like a gasp from behind her. The guard turned around to see what was the cause, her sudden movement made Elizabeth panic. The princess frantically tried to put the weapon away, but her grip failed her. Without realizing how loose her hold had become, Elizabeth moved to sharply, succeeding in dropping the kunai instead of hiding it.


The sound of metal hitting marble was like an announcement for her failure. Elizabeth's heart sunk. She could feel the beads of sweat she didn't know were all over her body until now. She felt them individually roll down her body. The beating of her heart had taken a fast and hard tempo. It was almost painful, it felt as though her heart would explode. She felt light headed and her vision was getting blurry. This was it... She had been found out. This would be her end. Her mind had ignored all sensible logic and focused on the worst case scenario... Death.

It then dawned on her.

She was mentally prepared to do it... But her body didn't move. The innocence and the kindness in her wasn't what held her from completing her task. It was the awkwardness of it. Her body had never made that sort of move before, and under all the pressure she simply lost her ability to will it to do what it hadn't done before.

From the beginning of the encounter with the guard it was what was happening to her. Her body never responded to commands it wasn't used to. She was unable to craft her own lies so her body refused to speak at first. It only agreed to Nikara's assumption and told the truth mostly. She was feeling cold. The clothes the guard brought were sizes too small. Her body made her tell part of the truth, while accepting the conclusion of the woman named Nikara. That was after all she did as a princess, say yes to whatever was suggested. She never had the capability to voice an objection for her own benefit. She was always good at helping others not herself. Her body made her try to run away... Something she always did when she was scared. It made follow the guard like a lost puppy, the same way she followed Meliodas-sama... The only thing she did properly was putting on Naruto-sama's clothes and that was to protect Naruto-sama, not herself. She didn't want to take this woman's life because of Naruto-sama, but because of herself. Mentally she was prepared, emotionally she was a mess but still able to-

It dawned on her again...

She was ready, prepared and willing to take a life.

She was ready to...

'...Kill her.'

Elizabeth said in horror.

"Oh what's this?. I guess it can't be helped. I'll have to use force to take you, you bloody sacrifice!."

Nikara said with a crazed smile.

She was always one who loved the violence. Pulling out her sword, he swung at the princess with the aim of knocking her out with the hilt. But to Elizabeth she thought she was going to deliver a killing blow. This time her body wanted to move but she forcefully willed it not to. She deserved to die... She was a burden on everybody's shoulders. She couldn't even control her own body, then what use was she?. To Meliodas-sama, to Sasuke-sama? the sins? Naruto-sama? to anybody?... Useless stuff like her didn't deserve to associate with people like them. She was better off dead. The only mercy she felt she was worthy of was not seeing the way she died. So all she could do was close her eyes and wait for it to end.

Meliodas brutally slammed his fist into the larger man's gut. The blow was enough to send him crashing through the walls of the inn they had decided to stay for the night.

'My name is Griamor... You may have heard of me. You are probably wondering why the captain of the seven deadly sins is currently beating me to a bloody mess, some of you may have already put the pieces together but allow me to elaborate. My thanks to those who have given me this allowance. Ah yes, it all started when I went to check on lady Elizabeth. All seemed to be fine, she was enjoying her blissful sleep and seemed to have lost all will to further resist Veronica-sama. But then, five men dressed in armour that made me mistake them for holy knights surrounded her, that told me that all was not going well. I assumed a fighting stance, convincing myself that these were knights sent by the kingdom to forcefully return I and the two princesses back to the kingdom. Many of you may not have expected this but I and Veronica-sama's search for lady Elizabeth wasn't as err... Legal as we made it seem. Veronica left the palace on her own volition without permission from the kingdom. Ugh M-My–!. Pardon me, where was I?. My apologies, I could not deny my self that scream as I believe my manhood has been crushed. Moving on. I was completely defeated... No I shan't sugar coat it. I was utterly and brutally outclassed by these men who I believed were regular knights that I could intimidated with my size or defeat with my magic. I was thoroughly proved wrong and left almost dead on the floor. Veronica-sama was not pleased when she learnt that her sister was taken from her under my watch. Scars you will find on my upper right tigh should serve as a description of how angry my lady was feeling at that moment. And when I finally thought my pain and suffering would would finally take a derseved pause, the captain of the seven deadly sins appeared. As we made eye contact, I'm ashamed to say it but my life flashed before my eyes. My Body ached and I was unable to move yet I shivered like a teenage girl holding her pregnancy test result. With his appearance the air in the room felt thin, every hole in my body struggled to gather what little air they could get. And yes I meant it when I said every hole... I am ninety-five percent certain that a third of all the oxygen I gathered passed through my rectum. Almost in a flash the captain of the seven deadly sins descended on me with questions and his iron hard fists. If I had any answers I wouldn't have been able to offer them as my throat had already been crushed. I also doubted my sanity and my ability to construct a sensible response to the questions that were asked of me, afterall during the ordeal I was catching glimpses of my father and his best friend Hendrickson riding ponies and smoking the infamous deadly weebs. But insane or not I can assure whoever is reading these words that, I am never going to be a father...'


Sasuke pushed himself up to a sitting position. He couldn't believe he did it. But at least it was worth it...

There was a rude and loud knock on the door of his private quarters. The Uchiha sighed, it was certainly Nero behind the door. He didn't understand why the boy had to be so bad mannered at every point in time.

The Uchiha noticed that he was feeling more drained than he would after a spar with Lee and blushed.

'I guess I'm no Naruto...'

Sasuke thought to himself. The onyx haired young man had to tsk as Nero banged the door with his fist once again.

"Hold on Nero. I'm coming!"

Sasuke said and looked around for his pants. He found his belt laying on a shelf and had to sweat drop at the condition it was in. Guila was a tad too rough.

Unluckily for Sasuke the red haired preteen had mistook his words for 'Come in'. The brash yet talented tyrant dragon whisperer swung the door open revealing Sasuke and Guila (still sleeping) on a single bed together, both completely naked aside from the blanket over the holy knight and Sasuke's lower region.


Sasuke was still looking for his pants and didn't know when Nero came in. Well he didn't until he heard the scream.










Then Guila began to stir.

"Mmm Sasuke-sama I want more..."

Both Nero and Sasuke blushed. The Uchiha didn't want any of this to go this way.

'All I wanted was information... Now I ended up sleeping with Guila and caught by N-N-Naruto's student?.'

That's when it hit him.

'I can't let Naruto find out about this! if I do I won't hear the last of it till we leave this world... He'd tell Diane and she'd tell Ban and he'd tell Hawk and it'd tell Meliodas then he'd tell... E-Elizabeth!. Must stop it from getting to that!. I might have to use it...'

Sasuke's expression suddenly got serious. He was a smart man so he always prepared himself for the future. He'd been practicing how to handle a situation like this for when he'd get married, have a kid and have to give them the... Sex talk.


Sasuke said in a voice that would remind you of his younger smug self.

"What you're seeing here is very natural and essential for life."


"What... What were we doing you mean to ask?. Well I'll tell you. I was making love to your moth– I mean Guila. This is an act that is completely natural and born out of lov– I mean lust. Probably when you're old enough you will do this with your wife, girlfriend or even some random hooker you don't know. But never forget to use protection. I'm not saying you can have sex now, I'm saying when you're ready you should always wear a condom."

"What's a condom?."

'Oh right this is a different timeline...'

Sasuke hn'd and took a few seconds to come up with a response.

"For protection the grown ups just use magic spells."

Nero said surprising Sasuke.

"Wait you know about sex already?."

"Ya of course! I'm fourteen not stupid."

"Wait so you already knew what we did?."

"I lived with dragons my whole life, of course I know what males and females do when they're alone."

"How did you learn about the protection thing?."

"Dragons use it too, what? even they don't want to be forever bound to a single female."

"I see..."

"Well what about ya?."

"What do you mean what about me?."

"Are ya bound?."

"What do you mean? of course not."

"Oh ya used protection then?."

"Of c–"


"W-Wait a minute Guila."

"Just take that off Sasuke-sama, it'll be alright."

End of flashback.


Sasuke said.


"... I'm gonna be bound."


"Oopsie indeed Nero... Oopsie indeed."

Naruto was fed up of walking around in circles. This particular part of the underground building was just one big circle. He'd gone from the room he'd killed those men, to another weird looking room and back to the room.

It didn't help that for some reason the place was cold and the dim lights and animal remains and skin added a lot of spookiness to it. Naruto Uzumaki was a gutsy and powerful ninja. But it was common knowledge that Naruto had one fear and it was ghost and anything ghost related.

This place could easily pass as a haunted house. Naruto didn't like that... Naruto didn't like that at all.

The Uzumaki sighed and mentally told himself to calm down. He still had Elizabeth to worry about so he had no time to lose. There were six men down here and no traces of food and water. The remains of the dead animals were mostly thier innards. Six men couldn't seal themselves up in a single room, Naruto reasoned.

'There must be an exit I gotta find ittebayo'

Naruto noticed that some of his chakra had started steadily increasing. He mentally thanked his partner for his quick chakra recovery. It recovered faster than this room could erase.

Naruto estimated his chakra level to be around 1.3% of his original level and rising fast. Even if this was abysmally low by Naruto's standards, this chakra level would be too much for anybody to handle. That's just how much chakra he had compared to the other shinobi. 0.1% would be an excessive amount for a sannin.

Naruto chuckled in remembrance of the face Hinata made when she decided to use her byakugan to see just how much chakra her boyfriend had.

Naruto smiled in memory of their night out with Gaara and his girlfriend Yuki.


"Hinata hurry up or we'll be late!."

Naruto said for what he believed was then seventeenth time. He didn't get why girls took so long to get ready. And Sakura had told him Hinata was a girl who didn't care much about looking good. That made him wonder how long Ino would take to get ready for a night out. He silently said thanks to kami that they didn't go out much. He and Ino kept thier relationship physical and he was thankful they did.

'I mean ever since she started dating Sai the guy keeps getting paler and paler'

Sasuke had also told him he was lucky to have a simple girl like Hinata. "Try dating Sakura Haruno for two nights" he'd said. In Naruto's opinion Sakura-chan didn't seem like a really complicated girl. He knew all the things she liked and they were pretty simple to him.

Kakashi also said he was lucky to have Hinata. Naruto had asked him why but the masked white haired man wouldn't answer. He just eye smiled and told him to read his new icha icha book.

Yeah. Kakashi had carried on the legacy of his dead sensei and published his very own sequel of icha icha double trouble. Naruto was left confused on how the books sold so well now that it was the current hokage of all people that was writing it. It wasn't until he asked Sakura who to his surprise was a proud fan of it that he got his answer.

His teammate looked angry and inspired at the same time as she spoke. She explained that Kakashi had been labeled the most-wanted-bachelor of konoha for fifteen years, and their smut reading sensei took advantage of every single day, sleeping with variety of women all around the ninja world and in the most extreme situations you could imagine. Sakura said his most popular 'conquest' was in kumo, where he nailed a chick in the council meeting room, DURING A COUNCIL MEETING. Naruto immediately saw why his books were so good. Unlike ero-sennin who usually went for anything in a skirt and spent most nights with civilians and whores, Kakashi targeted kunoichi and important figures in high places and had a habit of doing the extreme. Everybody enjoyed the rush of doing the dirty in a place you can easily be caught. Ero-sennin was obviously the better smut writer Sakura had explained. He was a better writer all round but Kakashi surpassed him with eccentricity and better build up. I mean there's only so little you could do to hype a sex scene with a regular woman in a world of supernatural humans. Kakashi would use his life experiences as chapters in his books. Like being trapped on a sinking ship and nailing the captain while she said to hurry before the water got to the both of you.

One of his various 'encounters' with women had been with two Hyuugas, which was impressive since the Hyuuga clan were stoic and strict and it was common knowledge that they wouldn't permit their blood to be diluted. Even if they could prevent pregnancy, Hyuuga women still firmly refused to be involved with anyone they wouldn't marry. It was their clan's code. Kakashi had written a book on his experience with two Hyuuga women although he didn't make their physical attributes that much similar to the main thing. But when you write about white eyed girls one would guess that you were referring to the Hyuuga. It was an open secret really. No one directly admitted to the realization for fear that the Hyuugas might decide to rebel like the Uchihas, after all it was a soil on their honor (something they valued almost as much as their precious eyes). That was his best selling edition till date. Everybody wanted to know how it'd be to bang a Hyuuga girl. The title of the book helped to further entice men and even women to buy a copy. It was his sensei's best work and a complete masterpiece. Icha icha: Caged birds.

Naruto honestly felt his sensei went too far with the name of his book. But he had to admit it was catchy. Every Hyuuga hated the reference and would attack anyone they caught reading the 'abomination', be it man, woman, child, infant or even animal, the Hyuugas didn't care they let thier palms do the talking.

After reading the book it took Naruto's willpower and two nindo promises to Sakura not to rape Hinata when she came over his house to hangout.

The weird thing about the book was no matter how many times he read it he never tired of it. Hinata had even caught him reading it once. When he saw her he'd just thought she'd blush and faint or run off or scream his name or something so he just went back to his book. That was his first mistake. Hinata had boldly and angry walked up to and yanked his book from his hand. Like someone possessed he she tossed the book in the air and furiously tore it to shreds with a sixty-four triagram palms attack. That told Naruto she was mad... When she continued striking at the air even when the book was completely destroyed, Naruto had to back up a bit. She had announced the technique as a sixty-four palm strike attack but had strangely counted up to ninety-two. When she finally stopped she began yelling at him. Timid shy cute little Hinata made even the kyuubi fearfully ball up in a corner. After ranting about how much the smut novel dishonoured her clan, Hinata smirked at him and told– No that would be implying she gave him a choice, which she didn't. Hinata demanded that he get naked.

"I'll show exactly how inaccurate that piece of garbage is my love."

Was what she said. Naruto wouldn't willingly admit this to a soul but he ran away from his supposedly timid girlfriend. Running was an understatement, he was haul assing to anywhere that would keep him safe from his girlfriend. He knew he'd awakened something dark in the lavender haired beauty and he wasn't going to stick around to find out what exactly that was.

Except he failed.

Hinata caught up with him. Pulled him back home and took his innocence.

After that day she continuously apologised to him for the... rape. Naruto till this day hadn't forgiven her even though she rocked his world. That was a man's job. Stupid Hinata...

(How did we go from chakra levels to Naruto got raped? Opm is crazy like that people.)

Naruto sighed as Hinata finally came out of the bathroom. If he had to be totally honest he couldn't find any difference from before she went in. He decided not to make a comment and they both silently walked to the red hound. It was a bar owned by the Inuzuka clan, it wasn't Naruto or Hinata's kind of place but it was Yuki's first choice and she'd just been promoted to chunin so thier hands were tied. Yuki was Gaara's girlfriend and the kage had invited both of them to join them in a celebration of her promotion.

When they arrived at the bar Gaara was already there. He and Yuki were dancing together to the rock music that he was about seventy percent certain was Kiba's.

I mean who else would have a chorus like "Way to be on the ball baby~ Ruff!" if not Kiba?.

Naruto had a hard time not laughing his ass off because of two things. One Hinata accidentally sang sang along with a man who was singing karaoke to the same song that everyone was dancing to. Hinata didn't even think about what she was saying, she just read and mumbled along. Her eyes widened and she turned tomato red when she realized the hidden meaning in the line she just finished.

'I'm gonna empty the balls on you baby~ Ruff!"

Hinata's mouth was left in an oh shape when the realization hit her. She then blushed and looked anywhere but her smiling boyfriend's face.

His second reason was Gaara. Gaara was many things, a former jinchuriki, a former dead man, a incredibly powerful sand using ninja and a kage but Gaara was by no means a good dancer.

'He sucks... God I've never seen a guy that sucks so bad at dancing. And he isn't even following any steps!'

Naruto thought as his amusement rose.

Dancing to rock music was relatively easy. I mean any movement that didn't look too ridiculous could pass off as dancing. But Gaara had to be THE WORST dancer in the history of bad dancers. The funny part was that he had that stupid looking grin on his face. Naruto guessed he'd already taken too much alcohol already.

Naruto decided to save his friend from further embarrassment. He pulled his blushing girlfriend along and swapped her for his red haired friend and gave her an apologetic smile. Hinata understood and smiled back at her childhood crush and assumed to role of Gaara's replacement and danced with his girl.

Hinata was a decent dancer at best was what many women would say.

But to the men... She was a spectacle to watch (hehehe waka waka)

"Hey Gaara sit over here."

Naruto said to his friend and sat him down on a couch that was meant for that one guy who drank too much and passed out in the bar. That was more or less Gaara if he took another drink today.

"H-Hey I... I was dancing!."

"I know you were buddy but you gotta sit down for a bit."

"No way man! M-My girl she... She's dancing with another dude already!."

"That's Hinata."

"Oh?– Ohohohohohohohoho stop it man!... You remember Santa Claus?"

"Santa what?."

"Shit man you forgot who he is already?... I nee... I need Shukaku to tell ya. He *hic* knows all the details. Oi Shukaku! get your ass over here!."

"Umm... Shukaku isn't here Gaara."

"Fuck. Fuck him... Y-you know I'm a kazekage bro?."


"That's so tight man... Ladies just love the way my... My... I just love the... Err... Fuck Shukaku man!, where's the story I asked for?!."

"Come on Gaara let's sit down."

"You sit down!. I'm f-fine... Never been better since I nailed Temari."



"You just said you slept with your own sister."

"No man... I-it was you who slept with my own sister."

"You're really drunk Gaara you should sit"

"No bruh... Nope. Temari likes that lazy asshole man... We're just friends man don't get mad."


"You're mad bro... I told you not to get mad bro."

"I'm not ma–"

"What if you are anyway?!. I can't take ya... Y-you don't scare me you orphanless home!."

"You mean homeless orphan..."

"Get out here with the details bruh... I-I *hic* bet I got more chakra than you."

"Yeah... No."

"I do. I swear on my clan leader's grave I do."

"Gaara you don't have a clan–"

"Go get Hinata... she'll tell you."

Naruto sighed and called Hinata over. The Hyuuga had knocked Yuki out. The girlfriend of the kazekage wasn't the good kind of drunk and was getting in fights with anybody that didn't have red or lavender colored hair. Hinata noticed Gaara was looking at her and started regretting her actions, but instead of rebuking her Gaara just shrugged and muttered something about not caring if his girlfriend only went that far with Hinata. Hinata of course didn't know what he meant.

Naruto stood up from the couch so Hinata could put the newly promoted chunnin down to rest.

"Thanks Hinata. Can you help us out with something?. Gaara wants to gauge his chakra."

Naruto said.

Hinata wanted to ask what led him to making that request but decided not to. She probably didn't want to know. The kunoichi activated her dojutsu and stared at the red haired kazekage first. She was a surprised at what she saw. To the best of her knowledge Gaara was no longer a jinchuriki. This meant he no more had a massive secondary chakra source residing inside him. Her byakugan confirmed this as she didn't see any other chakra except Gaara's. But it was scary that an ex jinchuriki would have chakra that surpassed that of a bijuu, even though it was a slight difference.

"Kazekage-san's chakra is bijuu level."

Naruto was stunned by this. He didn't expect Gaara to have this much chakra on his own. He mentally smirked, of course Gaara didn't slack off. But that wasn't enough to rival him. In fact that was literally nothing to him.

Hinata looked at her crush. She wondered why she hadn't bothered scaling his chakra before. It never crossed her mind to see for herself why Naruto was so feared. And when she did she had to double check.. Triple check. But no matter how much she looked there was no end to it. And she'd seen levels passed even THE KYUUBI. And he still had more?!.

"Couldn't find an end huh Hinata?"

"T-Thats j-just your primary source... I didn't even include Kurama-san's chakra well."


"W-what are you Naruto-kun?."

The look on her face wasn't fear. It was amazement mixed with lust strangely. Naruto guessed Kakashi's book was right after all. Hyuugas seemed to have a thing for guys with large amounts of chakra. But to him the face Hinata was making was too cute. She was biting her lower lip and playing with her fingers like she used to do few years back, her byakugan was still activated and she stared at him like she was seeing him for the first time.

'Yep she's definitely gonna try to rape me again...'

End of flashback.

Naruto couldn't stop himself from laughing at his memories. Times like that made him miss his world more than ever. He was thankful for the nature of this world, thanks to it's uniqueness time moved a lot faster here than it did there so he didn't have to bother about worrying Hinata. Naruto wondered how time moving so fast here was possible. Probably Mezura-chan's doing he guessed. If she was truly the goddess of space and time then that shouldn't be impossible for her to achieve.

Naruto walked down the passage he'd been through multiple times, eyes darting around for an exit or clue and for the first time since he got here he noticed something. The torches used to illuminate the rooms and corridor were upside down. Naruto was confused as to how he hadn't noticed that until now. The Uzumaki pondered if maybe putting the torches right-side up would trigger a secret door to open or something. It kinda sounded stupid now he thought about it. The blonde carelessly put his hands behind his head and stared up for the first time. What he saw was the last thing he'd expect to be here. Vultures... Lots of them, hanging on what could be the ceiling or the floor lifelessly but the movement of their lone eyes told him they weren't.

It couldn't be spelt out more than it already was. This place was strongly connected to the letter V.

Naruto estimated the number of the vultures to be around two hundred at least. They were present in both rooms and corridor. This wasn't what Naruto wanted to find or even what he'd expected, but he knew one thing. The longer he stayed here the worse things would get. The vultures were beginning to move more and more by the second.

"This could get dangerous..."

Elizabeth had waited... First it had been seconds ... She figured this was what people meant when they say life slows down before you die. But now it had been five minutes and still Nikara's blade hadn't touched her.

Elizabeth wanted to open her eyes but she feared that when she did Nikara's blade would land on her and she'd have to watch herself die.

"Are you really going to remain there with your eyes sealed little one?."

The voice Elizabeth heard wasn't familiar, but for an odd reason she felt that she'd known this voice all her life.

"Open your eyes Elizabeth."

The voice said.

Elizabeth obeyed.

The woman she saw had to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Her skin was pale but it shone with a godly light. Her hair long wavy white hair sparkled like the waters of a crystal clear river on a sunny day. Her eyes were an exquisite blue, hooded by long eyelashes that held the same radiance of her magnificent hair. Elizabeth wouldn't be ashamed to admit that for the first time she considered lesbianism, even if only for a few seconds.

"Having naughty thoughts about me already little one?."

Elizabeth couldn't stop the blush from spreading around her face.

"My name is Mezurajikēsu1. I am the goddess of space and time, as you can see."

The beautiful goddess pointed at Nikara who was frozen to a spot, with her weapon partially thrusted forward. Carrying the same crazy expression from five minutes ago. She was exactly as Elizabeth saw her before she closed her eyes.

"W-what did you do?"

Elizabeth asked.

"My dear isn't it obvious?. Since I am goddess of space and time I am able to stop the flow of time. That is what I did."

Mezurajikēsu said.

Elizabeth's eyes widened in shock.

"Now we just have to find my Naruto and leave. His presence has disappeared again and I fear he's be kidnapped. You will have no need to use this woman's armor. Come with me... We're looking for my love."

Sasuke sat across from Guila who was blushing in memory of what they had done. She had no regrets even though she suspected Sasuke was just trying to seduce her for information. If anything she welcomed his advances with open arms. (Or open legs Gihihihihi ;)

However there was one question gnawing at her. What did this make them?. She knew she couldn't expect much as it was highly probable that she was just being used but despite the reality of it she still had a little hope that there would be something between them after their afternoon of passion. It was truthfully a pathetic thought, but she couldn't help herself.

Guila had asked herself many times since she got here, what made her go from hating Uchiha Sasuke to craving him?. And since they had just made love she was convinced that it wasn't just his body she desired. She wanted something more, something that Sasuke would not be able to give. She knew but that was the way humans were. They always had hope, even when they knew the situation was hopeless.

Sasuke was the one who broke the silence.

"I had a good time Guila, and I'm sure you did too. But let's not talk about us for the time being, I have some questions I'd like to ask you."

Sasuke said. This left Guila completely shocked. There was an 'us'?!

Sasuke mentally nodded. He said those words but by no means did he mean them. He only spoke them to butter Guila up for his questions. Yes... Uchiha Sasuke was willing to go that far. He'd use this woman and feed her with lies and false pretenses until she is tightly wrapped around his finger. He was a shinobi after all, and as a shinobi he uses all possible means to achieve his goal. Playing with a gullible woman's feelings was child's play to him. Since Guila wanted him, he'd use that to get whatever he wanted from her. The first steps were complete, now it was time to rip the fruits of his labour. This way he'd still retain her as a trusted ally and a spy for the holy knights. Everything was going according to plan.

Recalling the words of the sloth sin King, Sasuke decided to start his questioning from there.

"How did you get so powerful in a short span of time?."

Sasuke watched as the black haired woman stiffened and glanced away from him. He was used to her fake expression and closed eyes, but every since they came here she'd dropped the mask. From reading her body language Sasuke knew it was unlikely that she would answer anytime soon so he decided to hasten the process. The Uchiha stood up from his throne-like seat and walked behind Guila without her notice. The onyx haired sharingan user gently grabbed her by her the side of her arm and rested his chin on her shoulder. The unexpected touch sent electric sparks of pleasure through her body. Just a single touch from her and she was already close to whimpering.

"Guila-chan... I need to know these things so my plans can succeed."

Sometimes saying the truth was the better way of deceiving a person, and that's what he did.

Guila gasped as Sasuke kissed her neck and nibbled her ears slowly. Guila knew he was just seducing her for the information but... He was just so intoxicating. She couldn't resist.

"T-They used experiments on us..."

Sasuke pulled her earlobe with his teeth and suckled them a bit.



"Oh... I've heard of him before *kiss* why don't you tell me exactly what they did to you darling."

His sweet talk was getting to her far easier than anybody could. Even her brother couldn't make her sway so easily to his demands and she thought he was her one and only weakness... Not anymore. Sasuke Uchiha was her kryptonite.

"T-They fed us red d-demon blood... It made me a lot s– *moans* stronger."

"I see... That's going to be troublesome... I can't completely trust you if you have something I don't trust inside you..."

Sasuke slowly started unbuttoning her upper wear.


"Shh shh... Calm down darling. I'm just going to replace that demon with my power."

Sasuke's suddenly bit into Guila's neck, drawing blood as he did. The shinobi elite wrapped his arm around the woman's mid section and caressed her toned belly with his fingers. The tracing of his fingers helped her calm down then he infused his senjutsu chakra into her body, using his teeth as a passage. After a minute Guila felt something 'shift' in her. It was a short experience that didn't last more than an instant yet she felt as though he entire being had been converted into something else. It wasn't far from the truth.

Sasuke pulled his mouth away from her neck and licked the little bits of blood from her neck making her moan again. There was a small purple glow on her neck and after that a seal that looked like his mangekyou sharingan appeared on her neck. Sasuke decided that he'd asked enough questions for the day. He stood up but before Guila could say anything he pick her up bridal style.

"You did wonderful Guila-chan... Allow me to properly thank you."

Guila blushed as Sasuke carried her back to his private quarters.

(Hate me all you want.)

Elizabeth followed the woman called Mezurajikēsu through the corridor. She was surprised to see all the guards frozen to a spot by her time magic.

The woman moved with so much grace it made Elizabeth admire her more and more. But even with the increasing admiration she still wasn't sure who this person was. She told her she was a goddess, it wasn't too hard to believe after the princess watched her for a few minutes but what made her suspicious was her reference to Naruto as her love. The thought of Naruto having a romantic relationship with such a beautiful woman made her blush and oddly jealous. She didn't understand why she felt that way. The reason for her suspicion was that Naruto or Sasuke hadn't ever spoken about this woman to her or any of the sins, that meant there was a chance she lying. Elizabeth tried to think what this woman's aim was. If it was to kidnap her then she'd succeeded more or less, the white haired princess stood no chance against a regular soldier talkless a goddess who could stop time. It would be very embarrassing to get kidnapped for the third time and would ultimately destroy whatever was left of her self-respect.

"You shouldn't think too much Elizabeth."

Mezurajikēsu said.

Elizabeth's eyes widened. This was the second time she made a comment like this... It was almost as if–

"I'm reading your mind?."

Mezurajikēsu said with an amused smile.

"Y-you can read my mind?."

"No I'm not doing that at the moment, I'm simply hearing your thoughts. Reading minds means I have to transfer a bit of myself into a person's subconscious. At the moment I'm not doing that, I'm simply hearing your thoughts because we are connected."


"Yes sister we've been connected since the day you were born."

"S-sister? wha–"

"Ara I've said too much... Never mind me."

Mezurajikēsu smiled at Elizabeth. She then put a finger on her lower lip and tapped it repeatedly.

"Elizabeth... Won't you show me where Naruto-kun is now? he must be in trouble if he isn't protecting you now."

"I-I... S-sorry!, he's over umm... I can't remember the exact place."

"*sighs* You're really hopeless it's so cute... No worries. I'll just read your memories... I know where my love is now. Let's go Elizabeth."

Mezurajikēsu led Elizabeth towards the area Naruto had entered.

"U-Um Mezurajikēsu-sama–"

"None of that. Just call me Mezura or Mezu or big sis"

Not sure which to pick Elizabeth just asked the question that was bothering her.

"Who are you to Naruto-sama?."

"Mmhh?, isn't it obvious... We're lovers."


"Just like you and that pervert Meliodas."

"N-No it's not like that! we're just friends!"

"Oh? then why is it that your other friends don't constantly grope your chest?."


"*Laughs* Let's just go."


"I'll ask you one last time... Where. Is. Elizabeth?."

Meliodas was on a knee as he spoke to the beaten up man who was supposedly the get away carriage rider for the princess and her second abductors.

"Cap'n won't aaask again~"

Ban said and pushed his finger into the stab wound on the man's arm, earning an ear numbing scream.

The fox sin and Diane had reunited with King, Meliodas and Hawk and joined in the search for Elizabeth. King, Hawk and Veronica (who demanded that they take her with them) went around town to gather information on the people who had taken the white haired girl while Ban, Diane and Meliodas handled the thugs.

"I-I-I already t-told y-you!, I don't know!. I was only the rider for half the job!. I don't know where they took her!. please just let me go... Please..."

"Ban... Kill him."

Meliodas said mercilessly.

Ban licked the blood off his finger. Enjoying the man's repeated chants of please. The sin of greed pointed two fingers to the man and smirked ,showing his fang like canines as he did.

"Aye cap'n."





Diane maintained a stoic expression. She didn't like death, killing or even fighting but years under the captain taught her that all that was necessary. And the way the captain was Diane knew he wouldn't take kindly to any protests.

She wondered about that...

Lately she'd been calling him captain more than Meliodas. Calling him captain wasn't anything new to her but most times she said it in a teasing or suggestive manner. That was because of the way she saw him after all. To her he was an equal despite his size. He was someone she could count on and look up to and depend on for protection. The first time they met that's exactly what he did for her and she was grateful till this day. But lately she hadn't been seeing him as an equal or her shield anymore... When she called him captain it wasn't in the usual girly voice neither was a pronoun for Meliodas. When she said it she meant it. She saw him as a superior now, as the leader of their group, as the captain, not her captain.

If she wanted anything to be her's then it would be...

'I can't believe I'm missing that baka so much already... I wonder what he's doing. Men are so careless so he must be in some type of trouble. Sasuke is there with him so I don't have to worry...'

Diane blushed.

She couldn't believe she just said that. She couldn't... I could she be worried about Naruto?.

"Diane! lady what are you doing blushing at a time like this!."

"Hey, Mr pig don't shout at Diane like that!."

Diane shook her head head and pushed away the thoughts of Naruto that were flooding her mind. She was surprised to King and Hawk who were supposed to be in town standing in front of her.

"Zip it ballerina!."

Hawk said with steam blowing out of his nostrils.

"We need to concentrate on finding Elizabeth-chan!, who knows what they could be doing to her!."

Hawk said.

Diane nodded somberly. The princess must be really scared at the moment, they had to find her quick, before captain loses it.

"You're right Hawk... How did the search go?."

Daine asked. King was the one who decided to repeat the information they had already shared with the group for Diane to hear.

"The towns people claim they know who or where lady Elizabeth was taken, but we heard rumors about a cult that had been kidnapping teenage girls from different towns. We did a little more digging and found out that all cult members are criminals and traitor holy knights and mages. That explains why they so easily defeated the big guy. It's still a mystery where their base is. No one has any information that can help us locate it on our own..."

King said with a sad expression. Diane nodded sadly and sent a glance at Melodias who still wore a blank expression. The captain of the seven deadly sins suddenly jumped to his portable bar and returned with a qwil and a blank piece of paper. The blonde wrote down a few things and signed his name.

"King give Chastiefol to me."

Meliodas said. It wasn't a demand and it wasn't a request as well. It was just a statement but King knew better than rejecting the blonde. Putting his faith in Meliodas and trusting that he wouldn't do anything that would affect him or the team, King summoned his spear and passed it to Meliodas.

The dragon sin tore off a piece of his clothe and firmly tied the piece of paper he'd written on to the spear. Guessing he should at least say what he was planning after King had showcased just how much he trusted him, Meliodas spoke.

"I can feel Sasuke's presence from here... It's just a few towns from here. He might be able to locate Elizabeth."

Meliodas said. He grabbed the magical spear like a professional javelinist and with a grunt of effort the spear flew like a bullet, aiming to land in the location of Sasuke.

"Now we wait."

Nero Sat with his favorite dragon, a black tyrant dragon called Riefer. It was a loner and didn't show any interest in females despite having the alpha status. Nero thought he was similar to Sasuke-sensei... Well that was before he caught him and Guila... Nero grumbled in annoyance.

'And I was developing a crush on Guila... This sucks. Hmm? what's that?.'

Nero looked up and saw something landing at freighting speed towards him.

'Is that... A spear?.'

Nero asked himself. The red haired decided to take action before that spear ended up skewering one of his dragons.

"Riefer!, go get that shiny thingy in the sky for me will ya."

The dragon whisperer said in casual voice, but to any other normal dragon it was a direct command from the master, but Riefer wasn't normal so he pretended he was asleep. Nero knew better and gave it a slap which he barely felt, but it was enough to send the message across. The dragon flapped his humongous wings, 'unintentionally' knocking his master away and earning a curse from him. Riefer took to the skies like a falcon, flying at a speed that would make sound jealous. The black dragon flew to the side of the spear and opened it's massive jaws wide. Riefer caught Chastiefol inbetween two of its enormous teeth and flew back to his master.

Nero gave his dragon a pat on its chin and walked to the spear and yanked it out without fear of hurting the highly durable creature. He noticed something was attached to the spear and pulled it out. He tossed the expensive looking spear away and opened the piece of paper, mentally thanking Sasuke for teaching him how to read and write2. Nero smiled like a madman at the contents of the message.

'Sasuke, Elizabeth was kidnapped. We need back up, get Naruto so he can help us find her.


"Meliodas!. Fucking Meliodas?!, sensei knows the captain of the seven deadly sins?!. Why didn't he frigging tell me?!, how could he?!. I'm gonna match up there and give him a piece of my m– No Nero... Yer not gonna do that. He's probably mating with Guila some more. Yep, he's busy, so he can't attend to the sins now. That's why he sent me, his student to help out, yep... That could work. I'm doing it!. Riefer!. Geta lock on the scent and take me there. We're going on an adventure!. Oh dontcha looka me like that. Sasuke-sensei won't find out, I swear!. Let's go!."

Riefer reluctantly took a whiff of the sheet off paper and then the air. That black haired man scared him shitless. Nero grabbed the spear and climbed on top his scale covered snout and sat cross legged with a smile still on his face. Riefer flew towards the smell he'd picked up on the paper while his master whooped in excitement.

"Here I come Meliodas!."

"Well I don't think we should expect Sasuke to respond immediately."

King said to the other sins.

"Let's say we go back to the town and get a drink, captain?."

Meliodas knew what King was trying to do, and it wasn't working. As far as he was separated from Elizabeth he wouldn't be able to to even act normal if he tried. Their bond went deeper than any of his friends knew, so they wouldn't understand.

"I could go for a driii– What's thaaaat~?"

Hawk and all the people present except Meliodas and Ban eyes went wide.

"A-A dragon?!."

Veronica said in fear.

"It's not just any dragon... It's a tyrant dragon!"

King shouted.

The dragon circled around them before landing by their right. On top of the dragon was a red haired kid who looked to be about thirteen years old or maybe twelve.


The boy jumped down from his dragon and gave the sins a big smile. When he stared at Diane and his smile got even wider.

"You're big and pretty!. Hey Riefer I betcha never seen a girl this big before huh?."

The dragon didn't reply but it made a funny noise that sounded like a laugh.

"Who are you?."

Meliodas said as he noticed Chastiefol in the red haired boy's hands. To Nero this wasn't what he was expecting the captain of the seven deadly sins to look like, he was nothing like his posters. The dragon whisperer knew he wasn't to be underestimated though, the look in his eyes were dangerous and like a dragon in 'calm rage'3.

"I'm Nero!"

The boy said with his grin still intact despite his previous thoughts. He was a confident kid, maybe too confident.

"Stay where you are."

Meliodas warned in a serious voice.

"How did you get that spear?."

Nero blinked in confusion and scratched the back of his neck.

"You threw it to us with a later didn't ya?."


"Yep. I'm Sasuke-sensei and Naruto-sensei's student and a very proud tyrant dragon whisperer."

"I thought tyrant dragons are supposed to be aggressive creatures."

Veronica said.

"Riefer is different, the rest of the family are hot heads like me. That's why I bring him along so he can give me a good whack when I mess up."

The dragon made a sound that the sins guessed meant acknowledgement.

"You say you're Sasuke's student... Sasuke has never spoken about you. I don't recall Sasuke ever saying he had a student either."

Meliodas said and disappeared in a blur of speed. In that instant he was behind Nero with Chastiefol in his hand and the blade pressed at the side of Nero's neck.

"Who the hell are you?."

Riefer's eyes widened and it released and bone shattering roar. Meliodas flared his magic energy and gave the dragon a dangerous stare. Some of it's rage turned to caution and it back away and bit before narrowing it's eyes. The primitive creature knew it was suicide, but it was ready for that outcome. Yes, if he lounged forward and tried to save his master, then undoubtedly he would die. Still... It was prepared to accept that outcome.

"Don't do anything stupid Riefer. I already told ya... I am Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto's


Nero replied in a calm voice. Riefer didn't lower himself back to a sitted position but black dragon kept his words at heart.

"Prove it."

Meliodas said.


"You must know some personal things about Naruto if you're his student."

"Actually I know more about Sasuke-sensei. I just met Naruto-sensei today."

"If you don't answer then I'll assume you're a spy."

"What kind of spy comes in riding a big ass dragon?."

"D-Dont sass me gaki."

"He made the cap'n stutter~"

"Shut up Ban. Diane ask him a question about Naruto!"

"Why me captain?!."

"Yeah why her?!."

"You're juuust jealous King."

"Shut it!."

"You sins are nothing like what I expected."

Veronica said.

"Daine just ask the question. Now."

Meliodas order.

"Alright okay!. Does Naruto like me too or no–..."





"I can't answer that."

Nero said with a creeped out face.

"I guess Diane was the wrong choice nishishishi."

Meliodas was not able to contain his amusement even with his current anger. It wasn't everyday they got to see this side of Diane. King on the other hand looked like he'd just taken an axe to the chest. The love of his life just admitted to having feelings for another. It was too much for him to bare, he felt like he would explode.

"I'm not surprised by any of this for the record!. I always knew Naruto and Diane had a thing for each other!"

Hawk declared.

"Well I know a lot about Naruto so I'll ask the gaki the questions." Hawk paused. "Alright what's Naruto's favorite technique anybody who's fought the guy would know this and since you're supposedly his student you should know too."

Nero stroked his imaginary beard and took a thinking pose. When he and his sensei sparred he was mostly dodging and blocking as the goal was to test his capacity not compare it to his. Nero hardly got to see any of his techniques as basic taijutsu was enough to deal with him at his current strength.

"Sensei beat me without using any special technique. Like I said we just met today."

Hawk and Meliodas narrowed their eyes at his response. The blonde haired man was prepared to end it but Hawk's voiced stopped him from slitting the spy's throat.

"What's his catch phrase. ANYBODY who's associated with Naruto should know that at least."


"Do you think that's good enough?."

Meliodas asked, ready and willing to end the boy's life if he turned out to be a spy. Hawk nodded quickly, not all that comfortable with seeing Meliodas like that. The blonde had never shown this level of seriousness or caution before. He was always so care free.

"Yeah. Naruto only says that when he's having a comfortable conversation with someone. If the brat is an enemy Naruto wouldn't get comfortable around him."

Hawk reasoned.

"He may have overheard Naruto speaking to Sasuke or even us. I suspect him to be a spy not just a regular unfriendly."

"Do you really think this snot nosed brat could spy on a guy with hyper awareness like Naruto?."

"Naruto's a really good sensor..."

"That's what I thought. Let the kid go you're beginning to scare everyone."

"Not meeeee~"

"Except Ban."

Satisfied with the pig's deduction, Meliodas let go of Nero and tossed Chastiefol to King who grumbled about blondes with no respect for the fairy king's weapon and put it away.

Nero rubbed his neck and gave the sins a big smile that sort of resembled Naruto's. His claim that he was the blonde's student suddenly got more believable.

"So now that we're friends I can tell ya why I'm here. So as ya can guess I read the contents of ya letter and I gotta say ya picked the perfect guy for the job. I'll find yer princess in no time!."

'We didn't pick you...'

Were the thoughts of the deadly sins after Nero spoke. Well not all of them, Meliodas eyes were slightly widened. The realization of something just hit him and made him thank the stars that he didn't kill this boy. One would've ignored the boys claims as all children, especially the hyperactive ones tended to boast a whole lot. But not this one, he had proof to backup his claims after all, he found the sins quite easily with his only lead being a note and a spear. The fact that the boy did this under a few minutes meant he was a master tracker which was no surprise since he was a dragon whisperer. This boy was currently indispensable to them, Meliodas saw that now.

"Hey Nero right?. How good is your nose?."

Meliodas asked, drawing the attention of his teammates, the princess and the red haired boy.

"Well I haven't mastered my whisperer magic completely so it's around dog level. But ya don't need to sweat it, Riefer's got da best nose in the entire family. He can easily pin point a scent that's about eighteen million kilometers away from himself!." Nero gave a toothy grin. "So if ya princess is anywhere on this side of the world, he'll find her."

Safe to say the claim sounded wild but none of the sins or even Veronica attempted to call his bullshit. They reasoned that even if he doubled the range of his dragon's nose the original range would still be more than enough to find Elizabeth. If they could find the princess with his help then they wouldn't mind his obvious exaggerations. If only they knew Nero was speaking nothing but the truth. Dragons were the second best trackers in this world, they were originally the undisputed best until a certain blonde haired Uzumaki stepped into their world.

Naruto's sensory was on a level that left even Mezura perplexed at how his senses could even spread so far. Naruto could sense a low level mage with a hardly noticeable magic energy from several dimensions away. His pin pointing ability and differentiation of energies made him almost unable to be caught by surprise. And unlike most sensors Naruto could literally feel himself standing next to a man who was millions of kilometers away from his person. It was sensory to a degree that it seemed as though he was in the exact same location as his target. Some might say he was neigh omnipresent. That would give one an idea of how far they were from their original world, since Naruto was unable to sense even the massive chakra of Killer B from this plane of existence. That also gave an idea of how much power Mezura had. She could easily be compared to Kaguya if dimension jumping capacity could be used to gauge one's tier.

"But you will have to know her scent first."

Meliodas said and Nero nodded.


Meliodas pull out something from his breast pocket that nobody aside from himself, Nero and Riefer could see.4 Meliodas explained that it was a strand of hair he found where the princess was kept before she was kidnapped for the second time. Diane, Veronica and King gave him creeped out stares, the three found it disturbing that the short blonde had a strand of the princess' on his person.

"Well that's weird but convienet for us... Riefer take a whiff."

Nero commanded and the dragon did as it was told. It took several deep breaths that could've made any normal human come flying into his snout, but aside from his rustling clothes Meliodas was unmoved by the pulling force created by the dragon's inhaling. The dragon turned to his master and made a sound that sort of sounded like a moan. Understanding what that meant, Nero motioned for it to lower itself. Riefer complied without argument.

"Alright Riefer's found yer princess. Get on we'll take ya there tyrant dragon style!."

Nero said with a pose that he thought was cool but was actually ridiculous in the eyes of the adults. They laughed. Meliodas didn't have the luxury or time for laughter and just went ahead and mounted the beast. Riefer growled a little when Meliodas where only his master sat. Meliodas got the idea and moved to it's neck and remained standing.

Daine got on next. Compared to the tyrant dragon she was the human and it was the gaint. The giantess sat on the back of the black beauty and smiled at King's antics when he carried both Veronica and Hawk up Riefer and left Ban screaming about 'cheaters~' on the ground. Despite his complaints the fox sin easily got to them with a single jump. Nero nodded and easily climbed on top the black dragon's snout. Nero laid down like they weren't supposed to be going anywhere at the moment, earning sweat drops from his passengers.

"Hawk mama! conceal yourself we'll be back as soon as we can!." Meliodas said to the gaint green pig. The pig made a sound and began searching for the perfect hiding spot.

"Y'all might wanna hold on to something."

Nero said and on cue Riefer made a mighty flap and pushed it's enormous body into the skies. The sins and princess got the gist and quickly latched onto the dragons thick scale. Except for Meliodas who just reminded standing with his hands in his pockets.

"Aintcha gonna hold onto something Meliodas?."

Nero asked. The captain of the seven deadly sins remained silent but had to frown as Nero grinned mischievously at him.

"Riefer... Hit max speed."

The speed of the tyrant dragon suddenly tripled and even Meliodas had to quickly grab hold of something so he wouldn't be thrown off the beast. Diane's cleavage was the only thing stopping Veronica, Hawk and King from flying off the dragon. The giantess owed it to her natural born super strength to be able to keep herself atop the dragon. Ban was caught unprepared by the sudden increase of speed, he was almost thrown off the black dragon and was currently clutching the tip of the dragon's tail for dear life. Dear immortal life...



King said with a blush. Diane smelt soo good. And felt so soft...

"Lighten up at least you get to feel Diane up a little!."

King turned tomato red and tried but couldn't succeed in hiding his embarasment, even though Ban couldn't see his face, plus the speed the dragon was moving at made movement almost impossible.

"See! we're both having fun~"

Naruto watched as the vultures started moving towards each other and much to his surprise they were pecking at each other's faces. Stunned by the sudden show of brutality Naruto was caught off guard by a sword strike to his mid section5. He owed it to his reflexes for avoiding what would've easily spilled his guts.

Naruto looked up and was greeted by another slash. This time he was ready for it he easily side stepped, avoiding the attack and slammed his fist into his attacker's chest, sending him flying a few feats away.

Naruto's eyebrows furrowed. Normally that punch would've turned the man into a bloody mess instantly but his chakra hadn't recovered nearly enough for that to be possible without wasting excess amounts of his hard earned chakra. Naruto gauged the amount he had now and it was around 2% of his original.

Around low end bijuu level Naruto figured. He should be able to kill this guy with relative ease if he played his cards right.

Naruto used the opportunity given by his attack and starred at his attacker. He... No it was a gray looking beast dressed in rusty armour and carrying a battered up blade. From what Naruto could see it had no eyes. Purple smoke steamed out of it's rotten and scattered teeth mouth. Naruto was–

Naruto's instincts told him to duck immediately and that he did. Again his reflexes had saved him from death, a sword swung passed where his head was milliseconds ago.

Naruto pumped chakra into his feet and made distance between himself and the newly appeared second hostile. Glancing at the second attacker Naruto found that it was identical to the first. Sounds of groaning made him look up quickly, and that's when he saw it.

The vultures weren't just furiously pecking at each other, they were merging and the result was these monsters.

Naruto inhaled some of the purple smoke that slowly filled the entire corridor and vomited a glob of blood.


He and Sasuke had a strong immunity to poisons but his case was due to his tenant's fast curing and regenerative chakra which was currently on the low (by his standards). Naruto could focus some chakra to help the damages a boost his immunity but that would demand a big chunk of his concentration. Normally Kurama focused on these things but now the fox hadn't gathered enough chakra to have a consciousness yet and even if he had, Naruto would want to to primarily focus on restoring his chakra and not his health.

The Uzumaki quickly covered his nose. There was no time to waste on contemplation. He was a shinobi and as such had to adapt. Naruto's priority at the moment was survival but the secondary aim was to destroy these things, whatever they were. Naruto quickly backpedalled until he found himself in a room that wasn't filled up with the poisonous gas yet. Taking a deep breath our favorite Uzumaki made a few handseals and took a horse stance.

"Yōton: Handoherudo Kazan!"6

Like a volcano his hand erupted massive waves of larva and literally and I mean literally flooded the entire corridor with the liquid fire attack. Naruto had to sweat drop at that. His aim was to fire larva globs but ended up using a more catastrophic jutsu. He was going to have to confirm everything hostile in this area dead. Closing his eyes for a bit, he picked up no sign of life in the room, that meant the vultures were dead as well.

'So boring... I should've been a little less cautious and enjoyed myself a little bit. Well the faster the better I guess, I gotta find Elizabeth-chan as soon as possible.'

Naruto thought to himself.

"You are quite the monster kitsune..."

Naruto froze. He heard a voice, he was sure of it but his senses couldn't pick up anything. The voice sounded close, at most eight steps behind him. Naruto slowly turned around, guessing the person wasn't here for a fight since he didn't take the opportunity to jump him.

Naruto's eyes widened again. There was nothing there... Absolutely nothing but he still heard the voice laughing.

"You make such funny faces kitsune..."

"Who is this?."

"You have forgotten me already?. I believe we met recently."



"How can it... How come I can't see you?."

"Tis because I lack a physical body at the moment. Right now you're speaking to but a small fragment of my magic."

"I see... Argos right before you disappeared I saw something in your eyes... It was... I don't believe you are evil."

There was silence.

"Don't be foolish kitsune I am evil. And there should be no trust between us and yet... Here I am trusting you enough to speak to you in my most vulnerable state, when you the one man who can destroy me."

"What do you mean 'the one man who can destroy' you?."

"It means exactly what it sounds like. You are the only man who is able to truly kill me... Afterall you are her descendant..."


"Since you have destroyed my minions I believe your reward is due, and what better gift than the gift of knowledge. Listen carefully kitsune, the goddess may have told you things about me but that isn't close to half the story. My name is not Argos, I have a true name, not a moniker but a birth name, given to me by my very beautiful mother... I was born in a time when even the likes of the demon king hadn't come into existence and I was born a human. I adored mother and believed every single thing she said so much so that I didn't even realize how different I was from the other humans. I had a sister, she was a rogue who preferred hanging around friends more than family and demanded more often than supper that our mother told us about our father. As a child it was only natural that we'd want to know about our father but my sister was far more desperate than I could ever be. Mother said it was because I was just like him... At the age of five I had already murdered close to twenty men and five horses, why?, at that point I wasn't sure. While committing the acts I had reasons but after I was done, I always felt as though it was more than that. Much more than that. The murdering wouldn't stop and I was even tempted to attack people in public without fear of being caught, but my mother intervened before things escalated to that level. She had no choice but to tell me about my father. It turned out my father was a demon king."

"Demon king..."

Naruto repeated.

"Perhaps you should ask your friend Meliodas about it, he should know better than anyone what a demon king is. Back to my story. Since I heavily inherited my father's genes I was already showing signs of demon maturity at a young age. Basically it was puberty for demons and instead of constant boners I got murder urges. The revelation shocked my sister but strangely not myself, I had felt like I always knew what I was even when I didn't. My sister developed a bit of jealousy towards me since I resembled our father most and was already showing signs of maturity even when she was the senior. 'Your luck vexes me' she often said to me. Finding out what I was allowed to control my urges easier, afterall acceptance always works better than ignorance. A lot happened after then, there was an incident that pushed my mother to put swords in the hands of her children. She taught us how to fight and over the course of our training I showed more promise in the way of the swords, and because of it my sister's jealousy got worse and worse. Eventually I was forced to leave my sister and my mother and pursued my life's goal. My eyes have seen many wars, many murders, rapes, countless atrocities have been committed right before my eyes and yet my soul felt nothing... But then that day came. I had a vision on a rainy night that I didn't understand. I was on my way to consult shaman but encountered my sister on my way. She had joined an army of humans to help fight back the dominating forces of the demons that plagued and defiled our earth. My sister wore a smile on her lips when she said our own mother was dead. When I asked what killed her she lied and said she died of a broken heart. Her plan was to make me blame myself for her unfortunate demise and even though I was in shock I saw through her plan. Standing beside her was a man who she had introduced as the 'love' of her life. Her husband to be... In my anger and I admit I still feel no remorse for my actions till this day, I the son of the demon king Argos killed my sister's lover right before her eyes. I skewered the bastard like a wild pig, but I did not stop there I made sure not to strike his heart and as she watched, I used my considerably smaller but more powerful fists to assault his skull until it caved in. Then I ripped him open like a can, tore his heart out and crushed it for my sister to see. She was in a state of shock that dulled her motor abilities. It was a more severe state than I had been in before I attacked her lover. But it did not matter to me. My sister did not care much for mother so she felt none of the pain I felt. I simply made her feel..."


"It went without her having to say. She was going to try to kill me for the rest of her life, but I didn't mind. After all I had found somebody who was just as dear to me as my mother was. My sister lacked the control over her demon side like I did and adding the trauma I inflicted on her by killing her fiancé she fell into the darkness and joined the demons. I did not mind, disgusting as they were they were still part of our family and they accepted her with open arms. It was then that the goddess clan saw it fit to take the initiative and attacked the demon empire. My sister hadn't fully mastered her demon side so she was easily butchered. Even though I was a rational person that knew there must be casualties in war I was still tempted to march to the palace of the angels and destroy them all. The woman I cared for convinced me not to act and was the only thing that kept my tired mind from breaking into two, she was the only one who was there for me and I discovered that I loved her for it. I told her to marry me and she happily agreed because she loved me too. I was willing to leave everything for our life together. I was ready to abandon my sword, my demon side and even my life's goal all because of her. I traveled to find the best goldsmith, I wanted to get her the most beautiful ring in the world... But when I returned to our little cottage I found her dead. Raped to death by the very specie she loved and supported. Her blood was everywhere, the scent was horrible... Her face was covered with bruises, they must've beaten her when she tried to resist. The men were either ignorant, drunk or just stupid, I say this because those vile creatures offered her dead body to me, they said; 'It's your lucky day kiddo! this whore is still tight and warm in death, we'll let you have some fun with her!.'"


"I killed them. I killed them and every living thing within and around the village they came from. That moment my eyes were opened. I finally saw the truth. All my life I was trying to see which specie deserved to exist solely in the earth and I finally found the answer. None. None of them deserved to breathe, none of them deserved life they were unworthy of it. As the most powerful being it fell on me to do Kami-sama's work. Scriptures said that the world would eventually be cleansed of all existence and I knew I was destined to fulfill his words. None of it mattered to me Minato... I killed, animals, humans, children, demons, angels, babies who were yet to be born, none were spared from the scourge. I wished to completely erode the earth but my task was never completed. I was approached by a man called Noah. He was a man of God and he told me that Kami-sama wanted to show mercy to the world once again. I could not argue with my God so I did as Noah begged of me. I sparred his family and let him gather every specie of beast in pairs. I even did the same for the demons and angels and that is why they still exist currently. You must've heard of Noah's ark, there was no such thing as an ark, rather it was a hideout. While they took shelter I unleashed my full power and destroyed every living thing in sight. There was never a flood, but the blood of the one's I slaughtered was equivalent to the red sea. From that day every specie that was capable of hatred hated me. They blamed me for taking away thier ancestors and putting thier species at risk. The letter V stands for two things, the first is vulture, this is because I destroy the flesh of my enemies after killing them, like a vulture I always made sure that all that remained were bones. The second meaning is Vengeance. I do not need to explain why I was given that name. hundreds of thousands of years passed and every living thing tried to kill me, I only got more powerful with every encounter and so they knew they couldn't defeat me by normal means. I cannot tell you how now, but know that was the reason I finally fell. But they were too weak to permanently end my immortal life so they ripped my soul from my body and divided my emotions into different parts. So far you have come into contact with two pieces of my soul and my emotions. The first was bitterness and now you're speaking to trust. Minato, despite your efforts I will be reborn. My soul will be whole again and I will locate my body and possess it once more. When I return I will send you and Sasuke back to your world and then I will continue from where I stopped. This time there will be absolutely nothing left of any race in this world, I swear it."

Naruto remained quiet for a few minutes then smiled sadly right before he spoke.

"Argos I can finally say I understand how you feel. But I don't approve of your decision and I don't believe that we are all destined to fulfill the words of Kami. I was also brought to this world because I am strong and I won't sit back and watch you destroy it because you asked so nicely. Like it or not I WILL be your opponent and I will continue to oppose you cuz ain't that what humans do?, neh Argos."

Naruto heard the laugh of the ancient demon again.

"You speak so much like her... Very well Minato. But don't say I didn't warn you, you may be powerful but we both have different definitions of power, so prepare yourself else I will destroy even before I've started enjoying our battle."

"Right back at ya!."

"It seems your woman is approaching."

"My woman?."

"Yes the one who calls herself nature."

"She's here?!."

"I believe I just said that..."

"Sorry, I'm just shocked."

"Minato I have something important to tell you."

"What's that?."

"First I shall give a short explanation. You as a jinchuriki use the power of your demon, this potent energy source is called youki. The opposite of a demon is an angel, they are like two sides of a coin, demonic power and divinity original grace cannot exist without the other, that is the key of the world. But that is not my point as of current. What I want you to understand is that you're dying."


"A human like you cannot house both divinity and demonic powers in your body. Your soul will be eventually destroyed by the two powers fighting for dominance."

"What do you mean I'm housing divi– Oooh..."

"Yes the goddess bestowed you with her powers without warning you of the side effects. Blame it on love not her, and focus what I am about to tell you will save your life, you can get mad later."

"I'm all ears."

"As a jinchuriki your body has completely adapted to youki due to your seal and the fact that you are born to be a container. Your grace has been left unchecked ever since you gained it and is slowly eating away at your body without you or the little kitsune's notice. I will tell you how to avoid certain death. You have to achieve certain life and that is another name for immortality. There are several ways to achieve immortality and there are several forms of it, but only certain forms of immortality should suffice. I know three was by which you can become immortal. First is locating and drinking a cup full from the fountain of youth. The second is finding my body and drinking a cup full of my blood. The last way is to find the god of death's register and succeed in taking your name off it."

"There's a god of death?."

"Yes. Believe it or not but you've made an encounter with your world's shinigami before."

"I really don't remember anything like that... Anyways I gotta say I'm happy Argos. Looks like Kurama isolating himself took away a very important memory from getting into your possession."

"What do you mean by that?."

"Oh don't worry, when the time's right you'll find out."

"You seem undisturbed by what I just told you."

"Hmm... howdya guess?."

"Stop being so cheeky you brat!."

"Hehehehe can't help myself... I can sense Mezura-chan now. Later Argos we'll meet again."

Naruto waved at the the man even though he wasn't physically present. The Uzumaki casually flicked his finger and created a giant hole in the wall and walked out. Naruto starred at his palm with a small smile.

'Dying huh... I wish.'


Sasuke sat in front of Guila's naked form and watched as the curse mark seals slowly spread around her white skin. His stare was stoic but the tapping of his feet gave away his slight concern. Guila hadn't moved ever since the curse mark surfaced. It made him grateful and also concerned at the same time. He would prefer not to watch her in pain, the transition was always painful so her unconsciousness could be seen as a good thing, but... This was the first time he'd seen anyone unconscious during the 'turning'.

Sasuke wondered why he was concerned about her well being in the first place. He was more than certain that he haboured no romantic feelings for the black haired woman and they hadn't known each other long enough for him to see her as a friend. Maybe it was because of what they shared... Sex was a very special thing to everybody, and even though he only had it for a reason and not his own enjoyment Sasuke still found himself craving her more and more. With that in mind the Uchiha wondered if he feared for her only because she was currently the only person who he would let scratch his itch. The rinnegan user frowned.

'How low have I fallen?... I'm not worried about Guila, I'm worried I won't get any if she dies... But none of that matters, I have gotten sufficient information on the holy knights from her already, things would still work out even if she dies... Perhaps it is better if she does die here... She knows how to get into our hideout and she also knows about Nero's special abilities. The last thing I want is holy knights raiding the kid's home... Kid, that's true... Guila has a little brother, what would he do if he loses his sister, how would he f– I'm over thinking it. I shouldn't let emotions influence my reasoning. The kid is none of my concern as of now. He was the reason I didn't end Guila, I can't afford to keep doing him favours. My focus should be on the current situation.'

After about thirty minutes Guila began to stir, and soon her eyes fluttered open. She blinked when she noticed she was naked. She looked up and saw Sasuke sitting with a calm expression. The tapping of his feet told her something that caused her to smile a little.

"Sasuke-sama what am I doing here?."

Guila said. She remembered she was naked and blushed and tried to cover herself as much as she could. Guila felt her heart skip when Sasuke gave a small smile

"Good afternoon sleepy head. Oh please don't do that, I'm enjoying the view."

"S-stop Sasuke-sama..."

Sasuke chuckled at her embarasment. (Not a false chuckle, he actually found it cute.)

"After you passed out from your orgasm I took you here and began the process of replacing the demon powers in you with mine."

Guila blushed and nodded at his words. Earlier he'd explained to her what the curse mark was and offered to take it away if she was afraid of the risks. (Strange that he would offer that, no?.)

"It's strange though. You're the first person that's slept through the transition. But your body accepted my cells well, I guess we're really compatible."

"You're such a tease Sasuke-sama..."

Sasuke didn't say anything he just smirked at her and offered her his arm. Guila took Sasuke's lone arm and let him raise her up.

"It's getting late, you should go home back to your brother."

Guila nodded in agreement. She didn't have to search long for her clothes since they were left in a very obvious position. After dressing up Guila began making her exit but paused as she heard Sasuke cough, she turned around and saw the Uchiha making a 'come' motion at her. Like the good girl she was, Guila obeyed. Her reward was a deep kiss from Sasuke.

"We'll see each other later."

Guila wanted to say yes but her words came out as incoherent mumbles. Sasuke patted her head and in a poof of smoke she was alone in the room, blushing like a certain Hyuuga girl.

That kiss was different from all the other ones they'd shared. Those kisses were out of lust and happened only because they making love but this one... It was different and there was something behind it. That kiss definitely meant something, she could feel it.

Sasuke starred at himself on his mirror, his Sharingan spinning furiously.

"Why... Did I do that?... Why did I kiss her that way?. Damn it... Things just got more complicated."

"Alrighty we're here!."

Nero said. Riefer circled a small cottage that was the only building in the area he'd flown to. The black dragon finally landed and earned groans of relief from the sins. Even Meliodas looked thankful for a few seconds.

"I don't want to ever ride that fast again!."

King said as he pulled off his shirt that had been soiled with Hawk's vomit. The pig had the decency to at least avoid eye contact with the sloth sin.

"Good thing none of Hawk's throw up got on me. Thanks for shielding me King!."

Diane chirpped. King blushed in embarrassment and rubbed the back of his head.

"I-it's nothing Diane..."

Ban slumped to the ground. He was feeling too dizzy to move, riding the way he did probably wasn't the best way to fly but he had no regrets, it was real fun for him.

"So this is where my sister was taken?."

Veronica said in a straight voice even though she was unable to move from the lying position Diane had put her in when they landed.

"Kinda looks too small for a hideout..."

Hawk said and eyed Nero suspiciously. If this kid had taken them to the wrong location, even kami wouldn't be able to save him from his, hooves– fists–feet?


"Yep. This is the place, but don't be so narrow minded ya piggy!. They are obviously underground."

Nero said. Hawk got a tick mark and began yelling and using obscene words on the red haired boy.

"Quiet Hawk."

Meliodas said in a serious voice.

"We should go find Elizabeth, we don't have time to–"


The door of the cottage swung wide open and two beautiful white haired women came running out with scared looks on their faces.



Meliodas and Veronica said in surprise. Meliodas was expecting to find her here, but he expect her to make her escape by herself.

"Is she wearing Naruto's jacket?."

Hawk asked, raising his imaginary eyebrow.

"Eeeep dragon!."

Elizabeth screamed and was about to turn around and run back into the cottage but suddenly paused, after a second she resumed running towards Meliodas and the dragon.

"I rather the dragon!."

Both white haired woman screamed in unison.

"Meliodas-sama! nee-san ruuuuuuuun!."

Elizabeth shouted at the blonde. Meliodas arched his eyebrows in confusion. What did she mean by that?, how could he run after he finally found her. He wasn't given time to think anymore, the white haired princess tackled him to the ground and the other woman turned sharply and faced the cottage with white glowing hand.

'No time for Fortaleza de Francia... if I amp it enough, this should be able to hold it in...'

"Cubo Perfecto!."7

In a flash of light a transparent cube appeared around the cottage.

"Huh?, Ellie what's goi–"


'Will it hold?!.'

The area they occupied and beyond was covered in a bright red light, after a few seconds the light died down. They all sighed in relief, whatever the white haired woman did was enough to contain the blast.

But what they saw after the dust settled caused all thier eyes to widen in shock. Where the cottage was there was a hole. The mouth of the hole was only as wide as the magical cube that saved them but it was deep. It was more than two thousand meters deep.

"Holy shit!."

Nero said in amazement.


Mezura and Elizabeth were close to the area Elizabeth and Naruto were forced to separate when they heard a loud boom. The two women curiously ran to the the where the noise came from and found Naruto who was naked except for the small piece of clothe that he wrapped around his waist. If you looked closely you could even see the tip of his–


Elizabeth covered her eyes and blushed as much as Hinata when Naruto hugged her for the first time. Mezura wasn't as innocent as the princess and the licking of her lips made that more than obvious. Naruto just gave the ladies a smirk and made no move to decently dress himself.

"So you're here Mezura-chan."

Naruto said.

"Yes. I decided to aid the princess in your absence."

"Thanks. You've earned yourself a reward."

"Really, and what would that be?."


Elizabeth's covered eyes widened in shock and she quickly waved her hands at Naruto and Mezura.

"N-No please don't make me watch!."

Both Naruto and Mezura burst into laughter. The white haired woman had to hold Naruto for support so she would fall over from her laughter. Elizabeth realised that they only did that to tease her and pouted making Naruto smile. 'She's just too adorable', were the thoughts of Naruto and Mezura.

"You look a lot more happy Mezu-chan"

Naruto said and got a kiss on the cheek from the woman.

"Why wouldn't I be?, you're finally mine."

"True but don't forget, I'm still with Hinata so you'll have to share."

"No problem my love."

Naruto smirked at Elizabeth who was looking away from the scene that she must've seen as intimate. The Uzumaki realized that the ruble that gotten into the corridor they were standing in remained frozen in the air and never reached the ground.

"What's with this place, everything except us isn't moving."

Mezura smiled at his observation. He was getting sharper and sharper every day.

"It is because I stopped time. My powers didn't affect that room since it's anti supernatural and it did not affect Elizabeth because I willed it."

"Why aren't I affected then?."

"You have some of my chakra so you have an immunity to my powers just like myself."

"Cool. Cancel your technique and don't activate it. I'm gonna trash this place. It's connected to the letter V and even Argos referred to the people here as his minions, I'd sleep better if I wipe this place off the map."

"You met him again?."

"Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Do you have some defensive ability or anything like that?."

"Yes but it req–"

"Sweet!. Can it tank a bijuudama?."

"You want to fire a bijuudama here?!."

"Yeah I really wanna cut loose Mezu-chan, please?."

Naruto said with a smile.

'Oh sweet supreme deity... The way he says my name... I am tempted to just take him right now, to hell with my sister's presence. How can I even say no to that smile?."

"Okay Naruto, but give us a five minute head start, I know a way out of this place, we'll need at most five minutes if we run."

Mezura said.

"Kay I'll give you ten."

Mezura just smiled at him. She blew him a kiss and pulled the embarased princess with her as she ran.

"I'm thankful that your ability is able to defend against Naruto's magic, I've witnessed firsthand how destructive it can be."

Elizabeth said with a relived smile. But her relief turned into horror after Mezura spoke.

"Actually it can't."


"Yes, I only spoke those words because I wanted to impress Naruto."

"So you have means to protect us?!."

Elizabeth panicked.

"Don't be silly of course I do. We just have to get out of the building first. It takes incantation to work at full power so I don't use it often. It's not actually my natural born ability, rather it is magic and I'm barely competent at it."

"Barely competent."

Elizabeth repeated in a whisper. Now she was really scared for her life.

"But you do not need to worry. I will just use my surplus amounts of energy to make up for it's flaws. It's called Fortaleza de Francia 8 it creates a magical fortress that is absolutely impregnable. It rejects all that tries to enter it, regardless of the power behind it or the form. If you have heard of the Frankish empire you should be able to understand it's powers better. This magical fortress will protect us from Naruto's bijuudama so do not fear... Kuso."


"We're going the wrong way..."

"What?! We've been running for a good number of minutes now!."

"I know!. The right path is this way!."

"We'll soon be out of time! we won't make it!."

"Damn it!."

"Please stop time again so we–"

"NO!. Naruto instructed me to unfreeze time and leave it unfrozen, I shan't go against his request!."

"Surely Naruto-sama would understand why you had to make an exception!."

"I'm not!. Keep running!."

"You're risking your life! our lives!."

"Yes and I apologize but I have morals. Also I can sense the deadly sins outside this place."

"Meliodas-sama is here?!."



"There is the exit!, move! hurry up!."

End of flashback.

"Yare yare... I over did it again!."

Said the familiar voice of a blonde haired ninja.

Naruto pumped chakra into his feet and jumped out of the deep crater he'd just created and landed in front of the sins. Everybody noticed two things, the first was that he was now completely naked, unbeknownst to him the bijuudama destroyed the only piece of clothing he had on. The second was his size. All the girls were scarlet and strangely king looked embarased.


Diane muttered. The size of that thing was enough to be called a club. And he wasn't even erect yet!. Diane estimated that he was currently about nine inches long and about three in girth.

"Naruto/Naruto-sama/Baka you're naked/ Too big!."

Naruto blinked at the words of the four women and looked at his lower half and was surprised to find that they were correct. Without uttering a word Naruto just stretched his hand at Elizabeth who got the message and tossed his boxers and pants. Naruto quickly dressed in them and didn't bother asking for his shirt.

"Why were you naked?."

Meliodas asked his fellow blonde. Naruto shrugged before he spoke.

"My attack must've destroyed my clothes... What are you guys doing here anyway?."

"We were looking for Elizabeth, but you already found her before any of us so I guess we were worried for nothing."

Meliodas said.

"Ellie come over here! I have to see if that barbarian hurt you!."

Veronica demanded and pulled her sister to a corner. Naruto sweat dropped at being called a barbarian. The Uzumaki just shrugged it off as royalty's way of being overprotective. Naruto turned and noticed the large black dragon and it's master.

"Hey Nero what are you doing here?."

"I offered my services to the sins, that's how we were able to find this place."

Nero said with a proud grin and a puff of his chest.

"Now you answer our questions! who is she?!."

Hawk said as he pointed one of his feet at the white haired beauty. Mezura smiled prettily and hugged Naruto's arm inbetween her big breasts.

"I'm Naruto-kun's girlfriend."

The sins, pig and Nero's eyes widened in surprise. Diane had a similar reaction to the one King had when she mistakenly admitted that she had feelings for Naruto.

"Amazing! that's great sensei! she's soo pretty! must be da most beautiful woman I've ever seen!."

"Yeah Mezu-chan is very beautiful."

Naruto admitted.

"Oh Naruto-kun you flatter me so much!."

Mezura said in a very flirty voice, making it obvious to Diane that she was trying to show off and make her jealous. But why?

'Take that giant bitch. Naruto-kun is mine and mine alone, that lavender haired bitch is next.'

Ban glanced at Diane and saw that she was doing her best to stop herself from assaulting the woman. Ban smirked at the brilliant idea he just had. The sin of greed walked up to Mezura and got a little too close that the woman had to back away and hid behind Naruto on reflex. The sudden show of weakness made both Ban and Diane smirk while Mezura frowned and glared frostily at the white haired man. Ban's smirk only got wider.

"Hey Naruto... don't mind if I ask?, Who do you think is the better girlfriend material for you, Mezura or Diane?."

Diane and Mezura's eyes widened.


Curiosity made people seek out answers that weren't even meant to be revealed to them in their life time, but there was always a limit to how far curiosity can push you. Daine and Mezura were curious about who Naruto would prefer but they didn't want to get the answer now. They wanted to know but they preferred if it wasn't voiced yet. Fear was the cause of this preference, the fear of being the one he didn't choose discouraged them from asking for an answer directly from Naruto. It was the first opportunity that Naruto got to compare Diane and Mezura, they had just met after all, but the fear had always been present, this question was just a variation of the single question that they were curious about but still dreaded the answer. 'What kind of woman do you prefer', that was the question. 'Who do you think is the better girlfriend material for you?' the answer would still be the same with a guy like Naruto. Naruto was always painfully honest about everything, if he preferred Diane or Mezura he'd say it only if they're his ideal women. Naruto wouldn't pick any of them unless they possessed all the qualities he wanted in a woman. Naruto Uzumaki does not compromise, it's either everything or nothing.

Naruto starred at Ban and wondered where that question came from. The blonde sighed as he noticed everybody was starring expectantly at him.

"I'm not picky with women to be honest. I only desire four things, and they are; A kind heart, a simple mind, a strong resolve and a sexy body I really like big titsttebayo!."

Naruto said as he recalled Hinata's bare melons.

"I like 'em a lot...Anyways, Diane and Mezu-chan possess all these things so I can definitely fall in love with any of them."

Naruto said and Ban just smile at him then wiggled his eyebrows at Diane who stunned into silence by the Uzumaki's words. The serpent sin Immediately ran off like a pro wrestler who's been offered some real action. Mezura just frowned a little bit a pinched Naruto's hand and sweat dropped when the blonde didn't even react.

'Damn his durability...'

"Naruto-kun you know it is not advisable to say you would fall in love with other girls in front of your girlfriend."

Mezura said.

Naruto chuckled sheepishly and gave her that dashing smile that she was sure was her own kryptonite now.

"Sorry Mezu-chan..."

"You'll have to make it up to me."

"Whatever makes you happy."

"Oh don't worry about that Naruto-kun. I know exactly what it is that I... Crave."

Mezura said in a sexy voice that had most of the men present turned on. The goddess disappeared in a sparkly light, but not before she whispered words that made Naruto, Hawk, the sins and Nero's eyes widen. No one was able to speak until after a minute or two.

"I'm going after Diane."

Naruto said and disappeared in a blur of speed.

"Hey come back here!, Diane doesn't want to see you after the stunt your girlfriend pulled!."

King said and flew after the blonde.

"Ban. Why did you do that?."

Hawk asked.

"Was juuust helpin' a friend out master!~."

Naruto had finally succeeded in losing King when he found Diane sitting at the edge of a cliff with her knees to her chest.

'I can't believe I ran away... Because Naruto said he could love me?. Why did that baka's words have such an effect on me?. It's been happening a lot lately. Anything about the baka always gets me flustered... Diane what's happening to you?, are you falling for Naruto?. No way!. It's not possible he's such a stubborn, bad mouthed, immature, careless and glutinous baka!, how can I fall for such a man?... Is it because of that body of his?, his caring heart? or am I just attracted to his power, or his simplicity or maybe it's his charisma that's making me feel this way or his cute childishness... Or maybe I'm just attracted to everything about him. Maybe I just like Naruto for everything that he is... He doesn't see me as irregular, and says nice things to me... And plays with me whenever I want and he's the only man to call me beautiful... Naruto... I think... I... I didn't notice... But I've... already fallen for you.'

Diane tried to fight back the tears that were threatening to roll out of her eyes, but the thought of Naruto with another woman broke the dam. She sobbed uncontrollably and hugged her knees as tight as she could.

'I can't have him!, he's already with her... I'm too late. The man... I want is with another woman. This feeling... I d-dont want to feel this way... Why?... Why?... Why?... Why?... Why?... Why am I crying?... I'm a deadly sin. I-I shouldn't cry for anyone, but... I can't help it when... I love you so much Naruto!.'

Diane felt something that felt like paper pressed on her waist.


Diane's eyes widened. She was suddenly spinned around by Naruto and... She felt... Naruto's arms wrap around her body and could hear the soft beating of his heart as he pressed her body to his. His smell... It was intoxicating. His muscles felt hard and yet soft and smooth at the same time. Her head was resting on his chest while his surprising smooth hands rubbed her back like she was a baby.

She was... Small like a human... Shorter than him. She didn't know how it was possible both Naruto had made it possible. Diane wanted to ask how and if it was possible to maintain this new size for long periods of time but instead she remained silent and relished the moment.

She was here in the arms of Naruto. Everything else could wait.


The giantess looked up and saw Naruto who's eyes glowed with determination.

"I don't really understand women too much so sometimes I end up saying dumb stuff, but... I never want to see you cry again so I will do anything to make sure you're happy. I promise."



"K-Kiss me."

Naruto wasn't expecting a request like that and honestly he freaking out in his mind but his face didn't show any of it. He pushed all reason aside and focused on his current mission. Making Diane happy and fulfilling hIs newly made promise.

Naruto lowered his head and Diane still had to stand on the tip of her toes to make their kiss possible. Diane felt her entire world turn white. His lips were so soft... The way he kissed her just made her want more and more. His lips had become everything to her in those moments, she felt as though they were her life source and when he pulled away she'd die.

And when he finally leaned away he surprised her by carrying her bridal style. He gave his trademark grin when she asked what he was doing.

"You've carried me a lot of times, let me return the favor."

Naruto said and didn't even wait for her answer before he jumped off the cliff. The Uzumaki landed on some rocks and began skipping from rock to rock and rock to hill while Diane screamed in fear. She didn't know that being carried could be so terrifying.

"Don't be scared Diane. I won't let you go... Ever.

Naruto said with a smile.

Diane decided to trust in his words and let go of her fears. She loosened her grip on him a bit and slowly began to enjoy the ride he was giving her. Soon she was laughing, soon they were both laughing. Every jump was anticipated and every landing was appreciated because always meant they would make eye contact. He smiled at her again and she felt like tasting his lips again. She would've blamed herself later on for taking advantage of Naruto's kind heart so she could satisfy her secret desires but she knew she wasn't to blame, he was... Who could resist the urges when this man smiled at them like that. It got her all the time, whenever he smiled like that... It was his fault not her's...That smile... That damned smile... Always that smile.

1. "Mezura" means expression or face "jikēsu" is a mixture of space and time. Together Mezurajikēsu can be translated as the identity of space and time.

2. Sasuke has spent much more time with Nero than Naruto knows and made it his business to teach him some etiquette, manners and how to read and write. The latter was more difficult than watching an insecticide commercial with Shino.

3. Explanation coming up.

4. Both Nero and Riefer have an extended visual perception and acuity that exceeds all other magical beasts

5. Nardo's sensory heavily depends on his chakra which was very low at the time.

6. Yōton: Handoherudo Kazan/ Larva style: Handheld volcanic eruption.

7. Perfecto Cubo/ Perfect cube. Why is it in Spanish and not Japanese?, explanation will come later

8. . Fortaleza de Francia/ Fortress of Francia.

Opm: Will make an effort to post regularly. Later guys.