Chapter Fifteen: Genin

"So you want to be a genin" Tsunade asked, looking at the child in front of her.

Mikoto stood in front of the Hokage by herself. Naruto had offered to come with her of course. He had said something about being able to persuade the old lady to do anything he wanted. But Mikoto had wanted to come alone. This was something she had to do alone.

"Yes Hokage-sama," Mikoto replied.

"Well you can't be wearing that!" She said, pointing to Itachi's old scratched headband. She reached into her desk and pulled out a new one, "Here ya go!" She said tossing it to her.

Mikoto's eyes widened as she took off her father's headband to switch them, "Really? Just like that?"

"You can't just do that Tsunade-sama!" Shizune interrupted.

Tsunade scowled at Shizune. To be honest now she just wanted to do it to annoy her, "I can do whatever I want," she snarled, "I'm the Hokage."

Shizune shook her head rapidly in a panic, "She hasn't attended the academy or been tested or…."

"Shizune!" Tsunade snapped, "Calm down." Tsunade looked at Mikoto with appraising eyes.

"There are no teams for her!" Shizune insisted.

"Apprenticeships are not unheard of," Tsunade argued.

Shizune shook her head, "Perhaps in a time of war but now…:"

"Enough!" Tsunade interrupted, "I need to think."

Mikoto's eyes were still wide a Tsunade looked her over. She hoped that the Hokage liked what she saw. She really didn't want to attend the academy.

"You trained with Jiraiya yes?" Tsundade said.

"Yes." Mikoto replied with a nod.

Tsunade nodded, "I'm inclined to trust Jiraiya," She said.

Mikoto let out a sigh of relief.


Her breath hitched.

"You do need to be tested. Hmmm…" Tsunade said thoughtfully, "Who do I trust? I got it!" She said with a snap of her fingers.

"Report to Training Ground 9 at 8 am sharp! You will meet your potential Jonin-sensei then."

Mikoto nodded rapidly, her eyes still wide. She bowed and turned to leave.

"And…" Tsunade started before she could leave.

Mikoto froze.

"Be careful," Tsunade warned, "There are those in the village who may be jealous of those eyes of yours."

Mikoto's eyes narrowed, "They can try." She said without turning around.

She left the room and started down the hall. As she walked she gave a sidelong glance at at man walking with a limp with bandages on his body, covering his eyes.

She shivered.

Something about that man seemed off.

He was definitely someone to avoid.

"My student is giving me a grand student!" A voice thundered through the village.

Might Gai was screaming in happiness as he was approached by Neji. Apparently Neji had been asked to take on an apprentice by the Hokage. He was so excited that his knowledge would be passed on. After Neji had told him he had leapt forward and scooped his student up into a bone crushing hug.

Neji's face turned red from both embarrassment and pain. He released Chakra from his Tenketsu, forcing Gai to release him.

"Never do that again." Neji said.

Ten-Ten sighed in sympathy.

Gai however didn't pay Neij any mind as he turned to Lee, "Isn't it wonderful Lee! We get add more fellows to our youthful family!"

"Gai-sensei!" Lee shouted.

"Lee!" The two hugged each other. Tears streaming down their face.

Neji sighed, "I haven't even decided to pass her yet," he mumbled.

Lee stopped his rejoicing and turned to face his friend, "You don't think she's strong enough?" He asked.

Neji looked up thoughtfully, "She's plenty strong. I've sparred with her several times when we she was training with the Gentle Fist."

He thought back Mikoto's temper and remembered the times she lost control of the Byakugan only to attack with a vicious Sharingan fighting style. He remembered her putting a member of the clan under a genjustu in frustration.

"She's reckless," He continued, "She went after Sasuke alone and has a tendency to lose her temper."

"You weren't exactly a calm genin yourself Neji," Gai said.

Neji glared at Gai, "That was different!"

"Was it? Honestly had I known the depths of your hatred I may not have passed you." Gai was serious now, his voice was quiet, "You almost killed your cousin."

Neji's eyes narrowed at the memory, "Exactly," was all he said.

"Well!" Gai said cheerfully, "We'll see at the test!"

"Yosh!" Lee shouted, "We shall watch and support Neji!"

Neiji's eyes widened, "You will what?"

"Let's make sure we get a good night's sleep so we can be there bright and early Gai-sensei!" Lee said giddelly!

"YES LEE!" Gai

"What have I gotten myself into," Neji sighed.

The next morning everyone arrived at the training ground bright and early. Tsunade was there with Shizune who was watching with wide, nervous eyes. Gai and Lee were also there as promised.

Mikoto stood in the center of a field surrounded by trees. She looked around. This is where she had fought her Uncle Hiashi. It felt like ages ago that she had faced her mother's murderer with nothing but fury and vengeance on her mind. Now she felt as though she was a part of the Hyuuga Clan. Perhaps a slightly less uniform part, but a part nonetheless.

She looked across the ground to her cousin. He faced her with a stoic and serious look on his face. She smiled slightly, he looked a lot like Hiashi. Or perhaps it was Hizashi.

"So you're going to be my sensei Cousin Neji?" She asked him.

"If I decide to pass you, you will call me Neji-sensei." Neji replied.

Mikoto nodded her understanding, "So what will be my test?" She asked curiously.

"A simple spar." Neji replied.

On the sidelines Gai's giant eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he had thought for sure that this test would be about temperament, not skills. What is Neji thinking?

Mikoto also looked confused, "You've seen me fight before Cousin… Neji-sensei."

"I choose the test," Neji said firmly, activating his Byakugan.

Mikoto smiled, "Ok then," and she activated her own dojutsu.

Neji had to contain his surprise. Although he had seen it previously, it was still strange to see the split kekkei genkei in her eyes.

The onlookers however were far less subtle. Having never seen it before everyone had their own reaction.

Shizune gasped in shock.

Gai and Lee both stared with their jaws almost grazing the floor.

And Tsunade just smiled greedily. What a great addition she would make to the ranks! Even if Neji failed her, Tsunade would definitely have her enrolled in the academy.

Mikoto looked around with her new eyes, getting used to the wash of vision. Not only could she clearly see everyone's tenketsu and chakra pathways, but she could also see colors within their system. The flow of chakra itself. The way it rises and falls, like breathing energy.

She looked at Neji and watched his chakra. It glowed as soft yellow and sat firm. It flowed evenly and appeared grounded. Like rock.

She smiled, "Neji-sensei, do you have an earth chakra nature?"

Neji's eyes bulged slightly in surprise, She can see that much? He wondered, "Take your stance," he said aloud.

Mikoto nodded and took a gentle fist fighting stance.

"One," Neji counted, "Two… three!"

Mikoto charged in, fast as lightning, striking at Neji's chakra points with pinpoint efficiency.

Neji had to admit, he was having trouble. Mikoto's movements were completely different from the last time they had sparred. She was quicker with her Sharingan active; she could easily track his movements and he could feel her quickly slipping under his defense.

She was powerful. And she hadn't even started using ninjustu; and she knows a lot of ninjutsu.

Shit! Neji thought to himself. He had gotten distracted and he could see a hand slip under his guard, about to strike his central tenketsu. Neji released chakra, preparing a rotation. He began to spin, but before he could gain momentum his spin froze. Mikoto's hand appeared and she hit upwards, sending Neji flying.

Neji landed hard with wide eyes. What happened to his rotation?

On the sidelines Lee gasped for air, "Gai-sensei, what was that?" He asked in shock.

Gai was watching with a serious glint in his eye, "Remarkable, just remarkable."

"What?" Lee begged, "What's remarkable?"

Gai gave Tsunade a sidelong look and she nodded. She had seen it.

"Mikoto has already mastered the rotation with her Byakugan. So she could counter Neji with her own rotation. But two powerful rotations meeting like that would send them both flying." Gaid started.

"But neither of them went flying!" Lee interjected, "Neji just stopped rotating."

Gai nodded, "That's where the Sharingan comes into play. She read Neji's rotation with her left eye and could see the exact trajectory and amount of chakra that Neji was using. In order to counter it, Mikoto released the exact same amount of chakra and the perfect amount of counterspin in order to negate Neji's rotation. And Neji was so shocked that he left an opening."

"I see," Lee said. Ninja's who are born with power… Lee thought to himself, Mikoto-chan, I envy your kekkei genkai, but I will train to be stronger than even you.

Mikoto smiled at the fallen Neji as he slowly stood up, "Impressive," He said.

"Does that mean I passed?" She asked sweetly.

"It won't be that easy," Neiji said, "Eight Trigrams: Air Palms!"

Neiji sent a wave of chakra towards Mikoto forcing her to dodge. In mid-air Mikoto began her hand-signs, "Katon: Fireball Justu!" She breathed in and sent a giant fireball towards Neji.

Neji rotated, counting the fireball easily.

Mikoto landed behind him and continued to make hand-signs, "Futon: Great Outburst!" She send a blast of wind at Neji.

Neji smirked and began to rotate.

"Katon: Fireball Jutsu!" Mikoto said again.

Neji's eyes widened, but before he could dodge, the fire and wind technique met and grew into an inferno. Neji had no choice but to rotate.

Even through his rotation Neji could feel the heat; it burned his body, singing his clothes, and turning his skin pink. Nothing major. But impressive nonetheless.

After the inferno died down Neji stood in the center of the field. He looked at his potential student as she drew her sword, preparing for the next round.

She was panting and sweating profusely. Those techniques, the taijutsu, and the use of her eyes had tired her out. He could see she was almost out of chakra.

Now was the time.

He smiled gently at her, "You're strong. With more training you could easily kill Sasuke."

"What!" Lee shouted from the sidelines.

"Quiet Lee!" Gai said firmly, "This is Neji's test."

Mikoto just stared at Neji, a confused look in her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"Vengeance," Neji said, "He killed your beloved father after all."

Mikoto's eyes narrowed.

Silent tears rolled down her face as she turned her head to look at Sasuke. She could kill him now. It would be easy. She felt anger and fury boil inside her as she stared at the last glow of chakra in his body. She summoned chakra into her palm. It was time to put out that glow.

In that moment of weakness she had almost killed Sasuke. But what would that have accomplished. She would have hurt Sakura. She would have hurt Naruto-sensei. And it wouldn't have brought her father back.

Did you know that forgiveness is a superpower?

Her father's voice rang in her ears.

She remembered forgiving her Uncle Hiashi. Letting go of all that hatred had felt like a relief. And by forgiving him she had gained a family. If she had killed him…

She could see it. She could see the hatred and ire of the Hyuga clan. She wouldn't have befriended the sweet and gentle Hinata. She would never have met Hanabi.

She wouldn't be her.

She looked up at Neji, "I don't seek vengeance."

Neji smirked, "Is that so? Don't you hate him? Don't you want him gone."

Mikoto looked down at the ground sadly, "He and I are all that's left of the Uchiha." She said quietly, "I will not risk that over petty vengeance. Besides, Sasuke's in enough pain as it is. I don't need to add to it."

Neji's eyes widened slightly in surprise. There was wisdom in her words. She was not the same child he trained with mere months ago.

"Well that's good then," Neji said, keeping up his persona, "Itachi Uchiha was the bane of the Hidden Leaf, he deserved to die."

Mikoto's head snapped up. She looked at Neji in shock. He had stood by her side at the funeral. He had comforted her. Did he truly feel this way all along?

"The man who slaughtered his clan," Neji said mockingly, "If he did it than you can to. Sometimes I can't believe Hiashi-sama ever allowed a danger like you into the compound. For all we know, you've been plotting to kill us all along!"

Mikoto felt a sharp pain in her chest and her chakra surged. She breathed, trying to reign it in. In one two three four five, out one two three four five.

She deactivated her eyes and looked at her cousin, "I'm sorry you feel that way," She said sorrowfully, "I can only hope to prove you wrong in the future."

She turned to walk away. It was clear that Neji had never intended to pass her.

Neji however smiled, "You pass."

Mikoto froze, "What?" She turned to look at him.

Neji walked up to her and bowed slightly, "I apologize for my words," he said, "I couldn't allow another Sasuke to enter the Shinobi ranks. Another Uchiha bent on vengeance."

Mikoto's eyes widened, "So everything you just said, it was all a part of the test."

Neji nodded, "Of course I know you're strong enough to be a genin. Even a chunin perhaps. But I was not sure if you had the temperment for it. After all, I've seen you lose your temper many times."

Mikoto nodded. She remembered putting that man under a genjutsu for no reason other than her anger. She understood Neji's trepidation.

"But you just proved to me that you've grown," Neji smiled and put his hand on her head, "You kept your temper even after I insulted your father and you showed no interest in revenge. Again I apologize for my words, but I would be happy to take you on as a student, if you'll have me."

Mikoto's face broke into a huge smile, "Thank you," she beamed, "Neji-sensei."

Tsunade smiled, It's settled then, she thought to herself.

Shizune sighed, I hope Tsunade-sama realizes exactly how much paperwork this is.

Gai and Lee were hugging each other and crying.

"She passed!" Lee shouted.

"I have a grand-student!" Gai screamed.

Neji looked at Mikoto and smiled.

"Come," He said, "tonight, dinners on me!"

Mikoto's eyes widened and she grinned happily.

"Because tomorrow, the real work begins."

And with that, her smile dropped.

Oh boy.