"My head," Kurama whined as they walked to the cliffs Manaka was last seen and he held his head in pain.

"So you're finally thinking clearly again?" Yusuke asked.

"Not so loud," he complained.

Botan said, "I don't see Manaka anywhere near here." She flew around the outer cliffs and looked around.

Hiei replied, "She's probably long gone. This whole trip was wasted."

Kuwabara asked, "Where do we try next? It took us hours to get here. I think I might actually agree with shorty for once, this does seem like kind of a waste of time."

Yusuke asked, "Do we even know if she's still in spirit world? I'm starting to think this is a lost cause."

"My, humans move so slow," a female voice came out of nowhere, "even when demons help those humans, they can get quite delayed." A woman with white hair, wearing all white, floated down to several feet in front of them.

Kuwabara asked, "Who are you?"

"You!" Kurama shouted, "Manaka, where's the clock?" He held his head in pain again.

She replied, "Don't worry little foxy, I have it on me right now. Your little trip wasn't a complete waste like you guys keep saying."

Yusuke said, "You were the one controlling all that fog back there, weren't you?" He pointed to the trail behind all of them.

"I was just taking precautions," she said, "we can't have the best fighter out of your little group in top condition now can we."

Hiei asked, "What did you just say?" He drew his sword and glared at her.

Kurama said, "You might think you've handicapped us but you're wrong!" He took out a rose and turned it into a whip instantly.

Manaka said, "Right, your little rose whip. Don't hurt your friends!" She used her wind powers to wrap it around Yusuke and sting him with the stinger on the end and moved it to Kuwabara to sting him too.

"Damn that hurt!" Yusuke shouted as they hit the ground.

"No!" Kurama shouted. His whip moved on it's own toward Hiei. He cut it into pieces as Manaka wrapped it around him. A piece moved before he caught it in time and slashed his face acrossed his eyes. "Hiei!" Kurama shouted.

"You just became your own worst enemy," Manaka said coldly.

Botan looked over at Yusuke and Kuwabara and said, "They're out cold."

"They will be for a few hours," Kurama replied, "Manaka what do you want?"

She replied, "I'm just going to have some fun with this little clock here." She pulled the spirit world clock out of her pocket. A sword suddenly beheaded her, killing her instantly.

"Fool," Hiei said coldly, "I can still see." His jagan was wide open as blood gushed down his face.

"You're actually alright?" Botan asked nervously.

Kurama took out a leaf and it became a long vine, "Hiei, this should stop the bleeding." He handed it to him to wrap around his head.

"Best fighter," he muttered, "nonsense."

Botan said, "I think Kurama could have done that too, beheading someone from a distance isn't exactly a skill." He grabbed Yusuke and pulled him up.

"I'm not the one that got drunk and high on fog," Hiei replied as he grabbed his sword and the clock from Manaka's lifeless body.

"Alright, the clock has been found!" Koenma shouted happily as he took it back from Hiei.

Jorge asked, "Should you really be so happy sir? Hiei almost went blind, Yusuke and Kuwabara got knocked out, and Kurama was intoxicated just to get the spirit world clock back."

Botan said, "But we did get it back."

"My head still hurts," Kurama complained.

"Sorry," she replied.

Hiei said, "You better put that clock under lock and key better next time so someone doesn't have to steal it."