Just a quick update from the author here!

I'm still alive and still working on this and all my other fics.

Life has just been pretty rough on me lately, and my mental health hasn't been the best. If I'm being honest writing Hank in such a depressed and suicidal state isn't helping much, so I decided to take a much-needed break to look into other fandoms and fics. But I do plan on finishing this story, I have nearly all of it plotted out, I just need to write it.

I swear I'm not giving up on this fic.

Connor and Hank will be reunited, I can assure you of that much. And for the next chapter, I can promise a few new characters, some angst and a flashback or two.

Things are slowly getting better for me, so I hope to get the next chapter out in the coming months.

Thank you all so much for being patient with the lack of updates, and I can't wait to see you in the next one :D


(find me on Tumblr /depressed-pacito)