I do not own dragon ball z or dragon ball z abridged it belongs to Toei Animation, Akira Toriyama, Funimation and Team Four Star please support the official release.




"Game talking"

"What the hell is going on."

"Welcome the Gamer would you like the tutorial"

Take tutorial (Yes) (No) exp gained 50

"I mean I guess let's see what is going on"

"Thank you for selecting to take the tutorial normally you would not get this option but due to you crossing worlds it has been allowed. Please say or think Status"

"Ok um" 'Status'

Name: Yamcha

Class: The Gamer


Level: 12

To next level 0/60,000

H.P: 2,400

Regen Rate: 6% a minute

Ki.P: 562

Ki strength: 3

Regen Rate: 5% a minute

Str: 46

Dex: 32 [Base 30+2]

Vit: 28 [Base 26+2]

Int: 80

Wis: 67

Cha: 28

Luc: 8

Ki: 2

Before you were #|€|^}%!€ now you have been reborn as Yamcha. Your destiny is in your own hands as well as how close you keep this to cannon so good luck.

"This is your status page it displays your stats and how they work if you click on them now think or say Inventory"


"This is your Inventory page it Allows you to store items within it. Now think or say skills"



Gamers body: Makes your body better.

Effects: Allows the user to be treated as a game character and perceive the world as such.

Level Max

Gamers mind: Makes you think good.

Effects: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effect.

Level Max

Wolf Fang Fighting Style: Yamcha's fighting style it focuses on taking and enduring damage to retaliate with quick Ki infused attacks.

Effects: +2 to Vit and Dex. Damage: 50+number of strikes*Ki put in.

Level 2 (36%)

Ki manipulation: Literally exactly what it says it allows you to manipulate Ki

Effects: Unlocks Ki stat

Level Max

Flight: Allows flight

Effect: Allows flight current speed 50 mph

Level 5 (19%)


Kame Ha Me Ha: I'm not even going to put a description, you know what this is.

Effect: See above

Damage: 50*Ki put in

Level Max

"Your skills as well as your attacks are included in this page. That will be all for the tutorial have fun and remember you can't mess this up as bad as the real Yamcha."

Then everything went white.

AN so yes I know it's short and I don't have much but it is just the prologue soooo anyway this is my first fanfic that only I am writing I'm not getting help from any friends. So please construct criticism only but if you want to flame that's cool too i'll just ignore it. Also this will take place in the DBZ Abridged universe cause I think it will be funnier that way. I don't know how often I'll update cause this is just something to take my mind off some other things so guess that's it.