*In the middle of the universe*
"With Thanos' death, the search for the gauntlet has become stagnant, so I say the council sends the gauntlet and a single stone to a human whom has a chance to conquer everything." A hooded figure states as 3 other all powerful godlike beings think. They have had barely any entertainment since Thanos fell to the Avengers. Besides, a new being who has some thoughts and a conscience should be... exciting.
"We have considered the offer. What would you have the stone be and what of the human?" The head council member states as a smirk appears on his face.
"I suggest we give it to a human who feels he is nothing and if you will my lords," The hooded figure says bowing slightly, "May I guide him, and teach him of the gauntlet that he will gain?"
The three beings nod, though the one on the left glares at the figure, "We will remove your powers and make you only as strong as an Asgardian"
The hooded figure, irritated by the left's only restriction, nods knowing he has no choice. He materializes the Gauntlet and the Power Stone as he scatters the rest of them among the universe. Finally, he vanishes, teleporting to Earth, hiding his presence from everything and one.
*In a small apartment on the upper sideof New York*
A boy around the age of 19 walks into his apartment after a long day at work, his black hair fuzzy around his ears and almost reaching his shoulders, sighs and sits on his couch, turning on the tv.
"The hell? More news about the Avengers?" sighing, he keeps flicking through the channels. "I know they saved the universe, but come on people you need to fend for yourselves." He stands up, unable to find anything on that seemed appealing and decided to take a shower.
While he is in there, the Shadowed Figure appears in his apartment, setting the Gauntlet and Stone down onto the table, sitting itself on the couch waiting for its new "master" to arrive. The sound of the water going off catches the attention of the figure as it seems to fade out of existence, as well as the Gauntlet and Stone, so that the boy may have a bit more time to remain as a "normal" human being for a few seconds longer.
"Phew. Just what I needed, especially-" The boy catches himself as he sees the Figure and the items in his apartment. "Who, in the ever loving gift of Christ, are you?" the boy nearly screams as he looks at the being and glares into the hood.
The being chuckles slightly, as it stands up and removes its hood. Underneath is a being that just radiated strength, hair of waving gold and a strong jawline curve into a smile as the being turns to the boy and smirks towards him.
"Isaac Greyson, you are a mortal man yet you almost scream at a being that is the equivalent of your 'God'?"
The boy, now named Isaac, glares at the being seeming undeterred at his statement of him saying he has the power of God. "I don't care, you busted into my home and just sat on my couch. Again, who are you?'"
Once again, smirking, the being stands up and pats Isaac on his shoulder. "I am a being known as The One Who Gives Gifts, and as the little title states I am a being who gives gifts to mortals throughout the universe. Though, saying that would be to annoying for you I take it, so I suggest calling me One." the newly proclaimed 'One' states in a little bit of a drawn out speech. Isaac glares at him with a hint of wanting to punch him.
"Okay, 'One,'" Isaac states as sarcastically as possible, "What is this gift that you want to give me, that makes you break into my house?"
One just casually smirks and gestures over to the table where a large golden gauntlet with a pulsating purple stone sitting under the index finger, almost humming slightly. Walking over to it, One picks it up and hands it to Isaac.
"This is the Infinity Gauntlet. It is an object that, by itself, is virtually just a glove that hits hard." Saying this, One makes the Gauntlet right-handed before Isaac's very eyes, and slips it onto his hand. "Yet there are six extremely powerful stones spread across the universe, and you are lucky that the ones over me has given you just one of them." Pointing at the purple stone, he continues. "This is the Power Stone. An item that can increase any attack or weapon to an even greater strike. It is the one that strengthen all the other ones and can give the most powerful, the Soul Stone, the power that Thanos wished."
Isaac jolts slightly, as he realizes that he has seen the Gauntlet on the news, where Thanos, a raving mad worshipper of Death, laid dead himself with his arm severed and the Gauntlet burned into his flesh, fused by an intense heat.
Seeing the mixture of surprise, fear and slight disgust in Isaac's face, One sighs as he looks at him. "Do not worry, his hand was long since removed and the Gauntlet itself has been purified."
This barely calms Isaac down as he remembers another little fact that Tony Stark, a billionaire AND Iron Man himself, spoke about this item along with the stones to be some of the most powerful and dangerous weapons in the universe. Thanos planned to use the Gauntlet to erase half the people in the universe, and the beings over One has given it to a human just barely getting out of his teenage years.
Isaac takes a shaky breath before looking into One's golden swirling eyes, and says two simple words, "Why me?"
One smiles as he knew Isaac would ask this question "Because Isaac, the Stones seems to resonate with you, calling to you. This is why we have agreed to allow you to use it. Besides, the ones over me wished to see what you would use it for and how."
With that he hands Isaac one last thing, a small coin with an insignia of the Gauntlet on one side, on the other was a picture of the One's face. "If you need any of my help flip that and let it crash onto the ground. The ones over me have...restricted my powers where I am not as strong as I should be, but I can help you how I will." He starts walking towards the door before Isaac calls to him.
"Stop! You say that I can use these and the 'Stones resonates with me' but what does that mean? And what do you expect me to do now? Claim the other stones and conquer the universe?" as soon as that last question leaves his lips he realizes that yes that was the plan. It was especially confirmed when One turns around with a wide evil grin and a cold whirlpools of gold as eyes. "Fine, I get it. Then how am I going to find them, as you said the stones spread throughout the universe, how am I going to get out there? I don't have a spaceship or millions of money?"
One's smile grows wider as he facepalms. "That's right I almost forgot, your ship and the credits you will need to buy stuff from anyone that meets you." he snaps his finger as a map of upper N.Y appears before Isaac, an X marking a spot in the middle of a park. With the map is a small credit card like object which he takes and stuffs into his pocket grumbling slightly.
"And what about this?" Isaac glares and points at the Gauntlet. "I bet as soon as I am seen with this everyone across the universe and back will be out for my head!"
Once again, smirking, Isaac is really starting to hate that smirk, One pulls out an amulet about the size of a regular necklace and puts it on his neck.
"This is able to disguise the Gauntlet, the only ones who would know of it are people who you either let see it, or they hold another stone."
"Okay, at least give me a hint about where the first stone is so that I don't just fly around aimlessly."
"The first location is already on your ship's computer." With that he finally leaves Isaac's apartment with the most powerful weapon on his hand, a map to ship, and an adventure of a lifetime. At least he won't be bored anymore.