Title: honeytrap
Pairing(s): Bonnie/Stefan, Bonnie/Damon, Damon/Bonnie/Stefan
Summary: As senior year begins Bonnie finds herself roped into a plan to lure Stefan into a trap Damon has set for him at the first bonfire of the year. Like with most things involving the Salvatore brothers nothing goes as planned.
Warnings: Pre-Polyamorous Relationship, Non-Canon, Language, Mentions of Torture, Dub-Con, Sexual Content, etc.
Author's Note: I am back guys and mostly posting here to inform you that I have moved my stories over to Wattpad. I might post a few here but Wattpad is my new home and the link is on my profile. This story was a Tumblr request and I hope you all enjoy!
part one || lure
Bonnie Bennett sighed as she sifted through the contents of her closet trying to find an outfit for the bonfire being held by the Student Spirit Committee. If not for Caroline she wouldn't bother attending.
Bonnie wasn't exactly in the mood to be around people, or rather one person in particular. As much as she had missed her boyfriend all summer, she was avoiding him like the plague since discovering he was in contact with not one but two of his ex-girlfriends.
It didn't matter that they were dead. What mattered was that Bonnie had been away for three whole months and Jeremy had lied about speaking to his exes that entire time frame. He was in essence cheating on her in an emotional since. Were either Vicki or Anna corporeal, she couldn't trust that things wouldn't have gotten physical. That was the problem, she couldn't trust him any longer.
However, like with most things, she was expected to be understanding and give the benefit of the doubt, while her own feelings on the matter were disregarded. She had tried to get Jeremy to see her point of view to no avail and when they spoke he seemed more interested in justifying his actions and excusing his behavior. She decided to save herself the headache and just stop answering his calls altogether.
Bonnie pulled out a pair of long jeans and rejected them immediately, tossing them on the growing pile on her bed. She frowned. She wanted to have fun. More than anything she needed a distraction. Needed to forget and let go.
It was annoying. She had spent the whole summer cooped up pining after Jeremy and waiting for him to call and acknowledge her existence. It had been a waste. Senior prank night had been another time she had been forced to watch as he friends were endangered thanks to Klaus.
She had waited for her senior year since before she even started high school. She'd been excited about it. Been expecting popularity, fun with her friends, and a hot boyfriend to walk the halls with. She had been expecting fun. Laughter. Joy. Peace. An amazing year to look back on once she started college. What she was getting instead was a boyfriend who would rather hang out with ghosts than her, friends too wrapped up in their own drama to even bother hanging out with anyone besides their boyfriends or exes in Elena's case, and the looming threat of a hybrid out there somewhere that no one could seem to find a way to kill.
"Screw this," Bonnie spat. She intended to make her own fun but going to the bonfire stag without even her friends to hang out with wasn't fun. She'd have more fun staying home, eating cookie dough and marathoning episodes of Ru Paul's Drag Race. Caroline would likely be too busy with Tyler to notice her absence anyway.
Bonnie moved over to her pajama drawer when she heard a loud knock coming from downstairs. Scowling Bonnie left her bedroom and walked through the house. As she descended the stairs she hoped that it wouldn't be Jeremy on the other side of the door when she got to it.
She took a deep breath as she reached the front door. When she opened it she was surprise to see Damon Salvatore on the other side. He was leaning against the door frame his arms crossed and his blue eyes staring down at her.
"Hey witchy," he smirked, "Are going to stand there and stare or are going to invite me in?"
Bonnie crossed her arms over her chest. "I've known you over a year now and you've never had an invitation into my house," she stated, "If you're expecting one now this had better be good."
Damon stood upright, his facial expression turning serious. "Well if you don't let me in then Elena is going to put herself at risk with some stupid plan to lock Stefan up that could get her hurt or worse," he said.
Bonnie sighed. "He wouldn't hurt her. Klaus needs her for his hybrids. He's been compelled to protect her."
"In case you forgot her already took a bite out of her," Damon reminded her, "Besides compulsion or no compulsion he's a ripper. A blood addict. A switched off blood addict at that. Do you really want to gamble on which side of him will win out when Elena tries to bait him?" At Bonnie's silence Damon continued. "If you try your hand however, you have your magic to back you up. And before you give me that bullshit about not having the power of the dead witches, remember you had more than enough power on your own before that to take Stefan now, hell maybe even Klaus himself. We both know it. So let me in, Bonbon."
Bonnie glanced longingly at her living room. She looked at her couch. She looked at her television. At the blanket her Grams had knitted that she kept draped over the back. She would be giving it all up she knew. If Elena was in danger and because Stefan was in a way a threat to nearly everyone in town in his current state, Bonnie would help out. She knew it and Damon had been banking on it.
Nodding, resigned to her fate, Bonnie took a step back. "Come in Damon," she muttered.
Damon grinned a little too widely as he stepped over the threshold. Bonnie wanted to set him on fire just to prove a point but she restrained herself as he stepped in and walked past her.
Bonnie watched as Damon looked around the house. He walked casually from room to room on the first floor. Bonnie didn't bother following. When he returned to the foyer she hadn't moved from the spot that he left her.
"It's nice, your house," he complemented, surprising her with how genuine he sounded, "Warm. Eclectic. Bohemian. Inviting. With a little attitude. Very you."
"Thanks," Bonnie muttered trying to not to reveal how flattered she was. She had in fact done most of the decorating. She stayed in the house more than her father and so he often times gave her his credit card and let her do what she wanted whenever she felt like a change. Bonnie was surprised that Damon had knew her well enough to pick up on that. Even Jeremy had never mentioned anything when he came over, though most of their time had usually been spent either making out or going through her grimoires trying to find a way to stop Klaus when they were together.
Bonnie shook her head to clear it. She wasn't supposed to be thinking about Jeremy. She returned her attention to Damon who was eyeing her expectantly. "So what's the plan?" She asked
Damon shuffled his feet and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "You're not going to like it." He warned.
Bonnie raised a brow at him. "Do I ever?" She asked.
Damon chuckled. "Touché." And then, "Just let me get it out before you veto it, alright?" At Bonnie's nod he continued. "So," he began, "If the half-naked girls that I woke up to this morning are any indication, the only thing that seems to appeal to Stefan other than blood at the moment is sex. He's switched off so he's not only emotionless but pretty much morally bankrupt at the moment. Which can actually be fun if you know how and when to stop. Stefan doesn't. Not only does he not have boundaries, he pushes everyone else's. He gets off on it. I want to take advantage of that."
Bonnie blinked at him. "And how to you suggest we do that?"
Damon sighed. "I knew I would have to spell it out for you," he said, "Listen, with the risk of actually complementing you outright I am going to be completely honest here. As long as you promise not to set me on fire, that is."
Bonnie bit back a grin before she nodded. "Go on."
"You're hot," Damon stated, "And powerful. And practically unattainable. Whether you believe it or not Bonnie, you're the definition of forbidden fruit. This Stefan, would have no problems with taking a bite if we dangled it in front of his face."
Bonnie laughed outright then. "I call bullshit," she said, "There's no way Stefan would be interested in me."
Damon rolled his eyes. "He was before."
Bonnie glared. "Not like that," she said, "And you know it. He wanted to be friends for Elena's sake."
Damon leaned forward until his face was inches from hers. "That's what he told you and himself I'm sure," he murmured, "But I know my brother and I know vampires. He wanted an excuse to be close. Witches and vampires don't mix usually but when they do…"
Bonnie tried to step away but Damon edged closer. She watched as his eyes darkened. He sniffed the air around her. His pupils dilated, blown out wide. "What are you doing?"
"You know a vampire's senses are heightened," he whispered, "Everything. Taste. Smell. Touch. Sight. We can sniff out a lot of creatures if we want. Same with werewolves. And witches…well your magic is in your very essence. It's a part of everything you are. Your body. Your scent. Your blood. You sweat it out. Breathe it out. And vampires are hyperaware of it all." Damon placed his hands on her shoulder. "You Bonnie," he continued, "Smell like lavender and rose. Your blood…I remember how it tasted. Like honey and ginger. I can feel your power too. Like being too close to the flames, hot enough to make you reach out of feel the warmth but strong enough to make you keep your distance in case you get burned. You could tempt any man. Any vampire if you wanted. You just don't know your power. In more ways than one."
Bonnie swallowed thickly. She squirmed under his touch and his fingers flexed over her shoulders. "I'm still not convinced," she said, though her tone wasn't as strong as she wanted it to be, "You're a vampire. You're telling me I tempt you." Bonnie wanted it to come off as a joke. It made no sense to her. Both the Salvatore had been wrapped up in Elena or Katherine or in some ways both since their arrival. The best she could do was her best friend's brother and even he was tempted away from her by ghosts.
"You did," Damon admitted, "You do. Both of us. But when you've been around as many women, as many witches as we have you, been around period as long as we have, you get good at hiding things. At making people see what you want them to see. I might have been obsessed with Katherine when I got here but I've always been aware of you Bonnie. I think you know that. Saint Stefan was too good to try for it. Too moral. Too far up Elena's ass. You name it. But me…I'm no saint. But you're too smart. Too powerful. Too judgy. You name it. To fall for the likes of me. Not easily."
Bonnie scowled. "So you're saying Elena is easy?"
Damon nodded. "For me and for Stefan," Damon shrugged. "She tries to play hard but we both know what buttons to push. Besides, she more like Katherine than she wants to admit. I may care about her. Have feelings for her. But I know how to play her too. So does Stefan. Better than me even. You'd be a challenge though. Ripper Stefan loves a challenge. He has no morals and he knows you always liked him best. If you give him any indication that you'd be interested, even if it's a lie he'd jump at the chance just for a taste."
Bonnie shook Damon's hands away and stepped back from him finally. She wasn't sure what to say to anything that he just said. She wouldn't lie and say she didn't find either Salvatore attractive. She remembered when they had first arrived. How naïve she had been then. When Stefan had just been the new got with a "hot back" and Damon had just been his sexy older dangerous brother. Before she had known who they were. Before she had gone cold and closed herself off to them.
She wondered what would have happened if she had let Stefan get close to her. Befriend her like he had intended. Or if she had paid more attention to the way Damon had looked at her. The same way he was looking at her now. She had read it as hatred before. Frustration and irritation perhaps. However, upon closer examination, now that his words told her what to look for she could see the heat there. The hunger. He was right. They were good at hiding. She wished he had never told her. Her mind was racing with thoughts and feelings she herself had kept hidden and buried after finding out their true nature.
"So what do you want me to do?" Bonnie asked, looking away from him, "Flirt with him. Distract him and then knock him out."
Damon nodded. "Pretty much," he shrugged, his stance returning to normal, "More subtle than that though. Maybe even fake drinking a little too much. I doubt even this Stefan would believe you'd flirt with him without alcohol involved." Damon eyed her seeming to think someone over. "You can flirt right? I mean I kind of assumed that Baby Gilbert just fell into your lap."
Bonnie winced at the mention of Jeremy. She felt like a bucket of cold water had been dumped over her head. Any thought of either Salvatore desiring her fled. Whether they were having problems or not she was still with him. It didn't matter if the Salvatore brothers did really find her attractive. They both loved Elena. Besides Damon had said it himself, he knew how to play women, who knew if he was even telling the truth.
"I can flirt just fine," Bonnie grumbled walking around him, "You've told me the plan so you can go now."
Damon shook his head. "Not until I see what you're wearing to the bonfire. Both Elena and Barbie Klaus will be there vying for Stefan's attention. If you're going to dangle the bait you got to be dressed to impress."
Bonnie rolled her eyes but acquiesced a moment later. "Fine. Whatever. Follow me."
Bonnie began to think better of it as Damon follow close behind as she ascended the stairs. She walked in the direction of her bedroom and tried not to overthink it as he followed her inside.
He glanced down at the pile of clothes on her bed and around the room with interest. "Couldn't find the right outfit, huh?" he guessed, "I came just in time it seems."
She watched in disbelief as Damon walked over to the double doors of her closet and begin sifting through the clothes as if he lived there. Bonnie opened her mouth to object as Damon mumbled to himself as he dissected her wardrobe. "You have good taste," he frowned, "You just need to wear more clothes that show off your assets."
"Excuse me?" Bonnie frowned.
"It seems like the only time you show any leg is in your cheerleading uniform," Damon said, his tone admonishing, "You have plenty in here to work with. Why don't you ever wear any of this stuff?"
Bonnie watched as he looked through the clothes in the back of her closet. Clothes that she hid after buying. Most of them she loved. Tried on in the stores and bought immediately before decided later that she couldn't pull them off after all.
"I like this one," Damon beamed as he pulled out a short pink boho mini dress. The skirt was layered with a flared silhouette. It was backless with spaghetti straps that tied around the neck and at the lower back. The front neck like plunged low enough to leave very little to the imagination.
Bonnie had bought it on a whim from a boutique her cousin at frequented over the summer. She intended it to be one of the one's that she would look at longingly but would never see the light of day. "That's a little much for a school bonfire." She tried.
"You're wearing it," Damon stated leaving no room for argument, "Its casual enough to not make it seem like you're trying too hard and catching enough to let everyone know that Bonbon is secretly not so secretly one of the hottest girls in town."
Bonnie brushed off the complement in favor of asking, "Why do you know so much about women's fashion?"
"I've slept with a lot of women," Damon answered, "A fashion designer or twelve in the mix over the years."
Bonnie took the dress from his hands. "Why doesn't that surprise me?"
Damon ignored the ire in her town. "Wear heels," he instructed. He reached behind her and gently tugged her hair loose from the ponytail she had been wearing that day at school. Bonnie held her breath as he carded his fingers through it. "Hair down," he murmured, "And curled. Stefan loves the curls. I do too."
Bonnie felt her stomach flutter and she brushed his hand away. "Fine," she agreed, "I'll meet you at the school."
Damon scowled as her expressed closed off again. He should have known she wouldn't entertain him for long. Like he suspected the idea of either of them wanting her made her uncomfortable. He had thought he had scented some arousal downstairs but he had obviously been wrong or she was as good as hiding as they were. "Fine." He nodded.
Bonnie didn't bother saying goodbye as he walked out of the room and descended the stairs. She let out a relieved breath as she heard the front door slam shut.
Bonnie walked nervously down the hall towards Alaric's classroom where everyone was meeting up before the bonfire. She felt ridiculous. The dress was well above the knees and the heels, while wedges, were strappy and invited the eye. She was wearing a long double necklace with a pink stone that fell between her breasts inviting the eye. She felt overdressed and ridiculous. She was ninety percent sure that her friends would laugh upon seeing her.
Her nerves got worse as she overheard them speaking as she approached the door.
"So the plan is for you to distract Rebekah and Bonnie to draw Stefan's attention and use her witchy powers on him," Caroline was saying, "Are you sure she can pull this off?"
Elena spoke next. "Listen I'll just distract Stefan," she said, "Alaric or Bonnie can sneak up behind him or something. He's supposed to protect me anyway. I don't want to risk Bonnie getting hurt and-"
"You don't think she can pull it off either," Tyler interrupted.
Bonnie froze and thought about turning around and going home. What had she expected? They had faith in her magic but no one would pick her over Elena or Caroline to draw a man's attention. She couldn't even keep her own boyfriend's attention.
"She can pull it off," Damon's voice rang out surprising, "She will. You Elena are just afraid of some real competition where Stefan is concerned."
Bonnie almost laughed and she heard Elena to the same and winced. She knew Damon was just coming to her defense but she knew no one was buying it no matter how genuine he sounded. "He hasn't even been distracted by Rebekah and they have a history." Elena pointed out.
"And she's hot." Tyler said. And then, "Ow!" A moment later telling Bonnie that he had been punished by Caroline for his trouble.
"So is Bonnie," Damon said seriously, "Hotter even."
There was a stunned silence and then. "Bonnie's hot but not Rebekah hot," Tyler again and another, "Ow."
"Bonnie is beautiful," Caroline defended, "Any guy would want her. That's not the issue. Stefan isn't any idiot. Even if he wanted her, he'd be suspicious if she just went up to him and started flirting."
"She'll be more subtle than that," Damon interjected, "And like you said, she's beautiful, he'll be too busy staring and sniffing out of blood to care. I'm telling you guys it'll work. Bonnie's magic isn't her only power." Bonnie smiled until he continued. "Which you'd all be able to see if she would stop hiding in the hallway."
Bonnie sighed agitated at being caught. There was no turning back down.
"Come on, Bonbon," Damon called out, "I can hear you breathing. I can hear your heart beating. I can smell lavender."
Bonnie suspected her friends silence was paired with guilty looks for talking about her behind her back and shock at Damon's words. Still she forged ahead and continued her trek down the hall.
As Bonnie walked into the classroom with her head held high in spite of her uncertainty. "Hey guys," she said, still she refused to look at anyone in particular.
"Damn," Bonnie's head shot up at the sound of Tyler's voice. As her eyes met his she was surprised to see his flash yellow before Caroline elbowed him hard in the side. "Ow," he hissed again, then, "I mean you look good, Bonnie. Like really good."
"Yeah, you do. You're gorgeous." Bonnie turned to Alaric in surprise. She hadn't heard him from outside so she hadn't realized he was there. "I mean not that I didn't think you were before," he continued, "You have been but that's a really nice dress. I mean…you look…beaituiful….in the appropriate teacher and student sense. Not like in the guy and girl sense…well you do…but I'm just going to stop talking now because that got really awkward really quick."
"Uh…thanks Ric." Bonnie blushed biting back a laugh. Damon laughed at Alaric outright and earned a glare.
At Caroline's cleared throat Bonnie turned to her friend and saw her beaming. "It's about time you pulled out something from the closet stash," she grinned, "You're definitely going to pull this off."
Bonnie beamed back but her smile wavered as Elena spoke, "It's a bit much for a bonfire but you look nice, Bon."
Bonnie wasn't sure how to respond and wasn't too surprised when Caroline beat her to it. "A bit much like a green plaid corset top?" She countered eying Elena's outfit.
"Green isn't really a good color on you, Elena," Damon said, standing from his seat on the window seal. No one missed the double meaning of his words. "You look perfect little witch," Damon smirked giving Bonnie a once over, "What did I tell you. One of the hottest girls in town."
"Since you've slept with most of the girls in town should I take that as a double complement?" Bonnie asked, finding her footing in their familiar banter.
"Take it however you want," Damon shrugged. "Especially if you're volunteering to be next in line."
"In your dreams," Bonnie huffed as he sidled up next her, placing a hand at the small of her bare back. Bonnie tried to hide her reaction to the skin to the skin contact but suspected the vampires in the room had picked up on in.
"The word is fantasies, Bonbon," Damon whispered, "But we'll talk about that later. Right now we have a ripper to bring down to his knees."
Bonnie didn't object as Damon's hand moved from her back down her arm and finally to her hand where he threaded their fingers together. "Ready when you are," she said.
Elena pushed past Damon on her way to the door giving Bonnie a look that she ignored. "Let's just get this over with," Elena muttered.
Bonnie couldn't help the smile that came as Caroline walked up to stand on her other side and whispered, "Oh this is going to be fun."
Bonnie had no doubt that Caroline was glad to see Elena fade out of the spotlight for once. Bonnie hated to admit it, but as Damon squeezed her hand she felt as if she didn't mind being the center of attention.
Stefan Salvatore was bored. If not for Klaus's compulsion resulting in him effectively becoming Elena's babysitter, he wouldn't have bothered coming back to school let alone coming to the bonfire to show his school spirit which amounted to a lot of drunk and high teenage standing around listening to bad music and dry humping against trees. He would use the drunkenness to his advantage later when it was time to have a real drink, for right now the beer in his hand would have to do.
Stefan was posted by the keg pretending to give Rebekah the time of day for his own amusement when he saw her. Bonnie Bennett, scowling as she walked away from Jeremy Gilbert who was vying for her attention, along with a few other boys and men in her proximity. Stefan couldn't say he blamed them. In the dress she was wearing she was looking like his next meal and thought about the number of times he would beat himself up before when he caught himself looking. Scenting. Craving. When he felt satisfaction as his blood entered her body on those times he had saved her life. There would be no beating himself up tonight, only enjoying the view.
Bonnie walked past Jeremy, ignoring his pleas as she left him behind. She winked at one guy as she passed. Brushed her hands along the arm of another. Let one whisper a request for a dance in her ear. All the while she ignored her boyfriend, didn't even spare him a glance back. A power move. Stefan was impressed.
Not much drew Stefan's attention in this state outside of blood and the games he liked to play but as Bonnie sauntered toward them dripping confidence and smelling like rose and honey Stefan felt himself being reeled in.
"Shit, she looks hot," he muttered into his cup drawing Rebekah's attention and stopping her whining over the lack of Tyler's presence by her side.
Rebekah looked in the direction Stefan had been staring in and smirked. "Well, well, well," Rebekah laughed, "The way Nik talked about the witch you'd think she was a nun with mystical powers. Moral he said. Uptight. He was wrong about her. That girl is made of fire. I've seen it before. He'd be all over if she let that side of herself out more often. Hell, I might give her a go myself."
Stefan raised a brow at her.
Rebekah shrugged. "When you're willing to give me the time of day again, we'll talk. Until then, Tyler is occupied and a girl has needs. Besides, witches are so responsive in bed. Everything sings. Their body. Their power. And with our senses. It's like having an orgy with one person. Sensory overdrive in the best way." Rebekah squirmed shifting from one foot to the other. "I forgot how much I missed it. There was a witch in New Orleans who used this spell that made her tongue feel like a vibrator. I bet the Bennett girl is fast learn. I could probably make her beg for it."
Stefan caught her arm as Rebekah moved in Bonnie's direction. "Not so fast," he hissed, "Bonnie's off limits."
Rebekah glared. "For me or for you?" She turned to him her eyes pleading. "How about all three of us get up to something then, huh? It'll be like old times but even better."
Stefan rolled his eyes. "I'll pass." He had his own plans for Bonnie and they didn't involve Rebekah.
"I thought you were supposed to me more fun like this." Rebekah pouted.
Stefan started to respond when the scent of rose hit him full force making him dizzy. He turned to see Bonnie walking toward them and stopping in front of the keg. "Can you two find somewhere else to flirt you're in my way?" Bonnie hissed waving the cup in Rebekah's face.
They could both tell Bonnie had been drinking, and that on top her being pissed at Jeremy and obviously out to prove a point, made her easy prey. Rebekah gave Stefan another pleading look. In respond Stefan nudge Rebekah out of the way and took the cup from Bonnie's hand filling it up to the brim before handing it back to her.
Bonnie raise a brow before chugging half the cup down. Stefan watched her throat work as she swallowed. "The old you would have lectured me on my drinking habits by now," Bonnie said.
"Well the new me has no qualms with anyone drinking their fill," Stefan said filling her cup up once more and ignore Rebekah walking away with a huff.
"Are you trying to get me drunk?" Bonnie asked.
"When you look this hot is that really a question?"
Bonnie leaned forward and Stefan could hear the racing of her pulse and feel the warm thrum of her magic. He had been a dumbass for letting her by him before. All the sensation he had denied himself as a "saint" as Damon had called him, seemed to be rushing towards the surface.
Bonnie laughed as she watched his expression change and the sound made him want to press her up against the nearest tree. "It's going to take more than beer for me to entertain what the look on your face is asking for, Stefan," she said.
"Well how about you entertain a dance then," he pressed.
Bonnie seemed to be considering it which meant she was likely already more drunk than he thought.
Stefan leaned forward and whispered into her ear. "I bet it'd piss Jeremy off. He hasn't stopped staring since you walked over here."
Bonnie was glaring as he pulled back but there was something like determination and mischief behind it, no heat. "Well then," she grinned, "I guess one dance won't hurt."
Damon Salvatore was trying and failing to focus on his part of the plan. He was in the middle of feeding Rebekah a marshmallow by the campfire when he noticed his brother and Bonnie dancing in front of set of speakers that was blasting music throughout the forest.
He watched the sway of Bonnie's hips as he pressed closer into Stefan's body. Watched his brother's hands move lower. He hadn't expected it to work so fast but he should have known. Everything that was stopping Stefan from making a move before was gone and Damon had to stop himself from intervening. Soon Bonnie would get Stefan alone, knock him out and this would all be over.
"Lucky bastard your brother," Rebekah spat resentfully as she gazed mournfully at the bag of marshmallows at her feet, "Got to her before either of us did. I even offered a threesome and he still took her all for himself. He's always been greedy and entitled. He just hides it behind that stupid smile."
Damon looked at her dumbfounded. Of all of the turns he had expected their conversation to take he knew this wasn't one of them. "Excuse me?"
"The witch," Rebekah sighed, "I know you were staring at her. You don't have to pretend. I get it. Trust me. Bedding a witch is always an experience like nothing else. That's why my brother keeps doing it. And one as powerful as that….I think you get the point."
"Nothing like that is going to happen with Bonnie and Stefan."
"It will," Rebekah stated matter-of-factly, "Stefan always gets what he wants. Especially from women. Stefan high on blood has no issues with taking it either. Trust me. I know."
Damon couldn't help the growl that he emitted before he spoke. "You don't know what the hell you're talking about."
Rebekah studied his face a moment and laughed. "I kept wondering why Nik always called her the 'Salvatore's witch' when he mentioned her, like you two had some kind of claim to her or something. You do though. Or at least you think you do. Both of you. Claimed her without even realizing it. Probably from the moment you saw her. It's cute, if not a little pathetic. What's the point of claiming her if you're not willing to do something about it? If she's walking around town looking like that with that much power, someone's going to be smart enough to, and it looks like that someone is going to be your brother."
Damon looked in the direction of Bonnie and Stefan in time to see his brother leading Bonnie away from the crowd, Bonnie's bareback pressed against Stefan's front, his hands at her waist. She was giggling as he whispered in her ear and from where stood it didn't look like an act
"What's that look?" Rebekah grinned, "Is somebody jealous?" She laughed off his objection before the words left his mouth good. "I'll be a good house mate and stay out of your way tonight. As much as I would love to see the show when your brother brings the witch home, I see no real point if I don't get to join in." Rebekah stood. "I'm going to find someone else to do tonight," she gestured towards Elena who was leaning against a nearby tree watching Stefan and Bonnie with a glare of her own, "I suggest you do the same."
As Rebekah walked away Damon eyed Elena. It would be easy to taking advantage. She was drunk. Vulnerable. She was pissed that her best friend and her ex had just disappeared to do who knew what even if as far as Bonnie was concerned it was an act. For Stefan it wasn't. They both knew that. He could go over and comfort her. Talk her back from the edge and into his bed. It would be so very easy.
Damon stood, making a snap decision. Elena seemed to brighten as she saw him heading for her direction. He said nothing as he bypassed her and headed to where Bonnie and Stefan had disappeared.
It felt surreal as Bonnie allowed herself to be lead under the bleachers on the football field. She hadn't expected it to work. To work and to work so quickly. She half expected that she was being led into a trap but the way that Stefan was looking at her she could tell that whatever attraction that he was feeling for her was genuine.
"How many people do you think have hooked up out here?" Bonnie asked, purposefully making her words slur as Stefan spun her around in his arms to face him.
"Enough to make it a cliché," he answered, clearly amused.
"You probably know all about high school cliché's," Bonnie laughed, "You've been to high school how many times again?"
The laughter died on her lips as he leaned down until they were eye level. "Enough times to know that this is the part where I try to kiss you," he whispered, "And the part where you're slap me for it. Because even drunk Bonnie Bennett is too smart to let a vampire near her. Especially a ripper. Unless…"
"Unless what?" Bonnie asked, allowing him to lift her arms and wrapped them around his neck.
"Unless you've wanted to kiss me for a long time and you being drunk and me being like this gives you the perfect excuse to do it."
Bonnie didn't protest as he pressed his lips to hers. It was part of the plan. However, instead of using her magic to knock him out she felt herself kissing back. Opening her mouth to him. Shivering as he groaned when his tongued swept inside.
It wasn't until she heard footsteps that her eyes fluttered open even as she continued to kiss and be kissed. Her eyes met the ice blue of Damon's and finally she pull away from Stefan.
He leaned down and touched his forehead to hers, his hands framing her face. "You taste better than blood."
"That's some praise coming from an addict," she laughed, reaching her magic out as he looked down at her.
Stefan smiled and this his face closed off as he fell to the ground unconscious.
Bonnie breathed hard as Damon marched toward them. Damon was scowling and Bonnie didn't understand why.
"You didn't have to make out with him to knock him out," he hissed as she approached.
"I thought it would be better if he was distracted," Bonnie defended, "That was the plan right. He wasn't paying attention. He didn't see it coming."
Bonnie stepped back as Damon stepped over Stefan and crowded into her space. "Or maybe you just wanted to kiss him like he said. Even when he's like this, he's still the one you choose."
Bonnie glared. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I saw the way you looked at him," Damon spat, "Always smiling in his face. Never could say no to him. But every time I got near you, you acted like I was some kind of disease. Even now, even knowing that he's done things just as bad as I've done you still let me touch you."
"For the sake of your plan," Bonnie reminded him.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Bonbon," Damon moved forward backing Bonnie into one of poles holding the bleachers up, "How far would you have let him go if I hadn't walked up? What else would you have given him a taste of?"
Bonnie wanted to slap him. Set him on fire. Give him an aneurism until he passed out next to Stefan's body. But all she could manage was to ask, "Why the hell do you care?"
Bonnie expected him to shout that he didn't. Laugh in her face and point out much of a hypocrite she was for allowing Stefan to put his hands all over her, her hatred for vampires be damned. She didn't expect him to kiss her. He did. Hard.
Bonnie didn't pull away. Where with Stefan there had been a thrumming like electricity, with Damon there was heat. She whimpered as he licked into her mouth. Wrapped her arms around his shoulders and allowed him wrap her legs around his hips so he could press himself closer. She felt him hard against moaning as he rocked his hips forward.
"I can't say I'm entirely surprised by this development," a dry voice from behind them caused them to pull apart. Bonnie flushed as her eyes landed on Alaric.
Bonnie attempted to unwrap herself from around Damon but a firm grip and growl kept her in place. "Throw Stefan in the trunk and get the hell out of here," Damon ordered, in between placing kisses down Bonnie's throat, making her squirm, "My little witch and I have some unfinished business."
Alaric sounded unrepentant as he said, "So does Vicki Donovan. She went after Elena. Tried to blow up my car. Almost succeeded but I noticed the gas in time."
Bonnie expected that to get Damon's attention but as he lowered her legs to the ground his movements were slower than someone who was supposedly in love with Elena should be moving after just hearing she was in danger. "I'm assuming she's fine or else you wouldn't be here." Damon said sound bored.
Bonnie once again made an attempt to remove her arms from around his neck but he reached up and held her there his grip leaving no room for her to argue.
"She's fine," Alaric said, "She's with Jeremy." Bonnie shifted uncomfortably. Ghosts or no ghosts Jeremy was her boyfriend and she had kissed not one but two vampires just moments ago. "But Matt needs Bonnie to help banish Vicki. He somehow gave her a foothold into our world with the help of some witch from the other side. She made a deal to kill Elena so she could stay. She won't stop."
Damon sighed and nodded. When he turned back to Bonnie the look in his eyes was intense and seemed to want to say something but whatever it was he pushed it back. "This isn't over," he said as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers more gently than before. He pulled back and carefully unwrapped her arms from around his neck, "Go. I need to take care of my dear brother anyway. Come find me at the boardinghouse later."
Reluctantly, Bonnie nodded.
She watched as Damon picked up Stefan's prone body and threw it over his shoulder. He turned to Alaric. "Take care of her, Ric," he said and Bonnie was sure he was speaking about Elena until his next words, "She's been drinking so make sure whatever spell she uses, she doesn't over excerpt herself."
"I'll look after her," Alaric agreed easily.
"I mean it," he said, "If anything happens to her this time when I try to kill you it'll be more than just an attempt."
Alaric glowered but nodded. "I got it."
Damon glanced back at Bonnie before speeding away. Bonnie looked off to where he'd vanished for a long moment before turning to Alaric. "What the hell was that?"
Alaric laughed. "If you knew him like I did, you really wouldn't be surprised." At Bonnie's continued look of confusion Alaric sighed. "He does care about you, you know. A lot. I can't speak for now but before, Stefan did too."
Bonnie nodded even if it was still hard to process. "I'm starting to get that."
"I don't know where Jeremy or Elena fit in to all this and I know Jeremy is being an idiot right now with all this ghost stuff," Alaric said, his face growing serious, "But I can't think of any way this could end without someone getting hurt so, whatever happens be honest with yourself and with them."
Bonnie nodded again even though she wasn't sure if she would take his advice on either account.