"Oh my gosh there's so many!" Shantae said in joy as she looked around the large store in the capital city. She rarely had a reason to travel this far but with her newly acquired savings she was in the market for getting her own personal bath tub. Which the store she'd chosen to shop in had in excess for her to pick from. Running around she admired all the different baths available for purchase while her two friends followed cautiously behind. Sky tagging along for support and judgment as she was supposedly going to use this bath tub as well along with Bolo who was also supplying support but more importantly supplying muscle as he was trusted to help bring the tub back home. "Can you believe this selection? We're sure to find something here."
"There is a lot to choose from." Sky agreed as she looked about, seeing tubs that were simple porcelain fixtures on legs all the way to metal tubs with jewels embedded in the sides as if they were meant to be lounged in by royalty more than used to wash yourself.
"I wouldn't even know where to begin." Bolo commented at all the bathroom fixtures and containers before him. His apprehension didn't extend to Shantae however as she was moving between the baths with delight.
"Oh this one's nice and sturdy. But this one over here is really cute with the sea shells on the side. Then there's this purple one that's got a really nice shade that matches my hair. That one over there has a cushion on the back! You know Risky Boots had a tub with a cushion on it and it looked really comfy for those long soaks where you just want to be lazy all day and-"
"At least she's having fun." Sky said with a smile and a shrug. "Doesn't normally go shopping for just herself."
"Can't say I really do either." Bolo replied looking around. "You think they got any oil drums around here they aren't using? Turns out Mimic was keeping oil in all of his for some reason." Sky rolled her eyes.
"You know we're here shopping for Shantae, right?" Sky scolded.
"I know I know, just keeping my options open too. Be good if I got one I didn't have to scrub too much." Bolo answered. Sky was about to suggest that they could pass by a dump on the way back when Shantae called out to her.
"Oh Sky, look at this one!" Shantae said excitedly as her friend came over to look at her discovery. "Isn't it perfect!?"
"Well it's big enough, that's for sure." Sky answered as she looked over the bath tub. It was iron case on the outside but porcelain on the inside and a plain white color. However the thing was huge, certainly long enough to support two people. In her excitement Shantae climbed inside. "Whoa, hold on! Is that such a good idea?"
"It's fine if I'm going to buy it. Hop in!" Shantae invited and Sky looked around to notice no one seemed to be watching them. Deciding to follow along she got in with Shantae and sat on the other end. "Oh wow, this is big."
"Right? We're not all squished up together if we don't want to be. Plenty of room to get cleaned up and have fun." Shantae said joyfully and put her arms over the sides of the tub. "I can feel that water now just soaking into my bones." As she laid her head back and let her pony tail drape over the side she could see a man standing over her. "Oh, hello."
"Hello there, enjoying the Long Haul model I see." The salesman said with a smile that might have been genuine but was likely etched into his skin from years of selling products to people.
"You bet!" Shantae answered. "This is just the absolute best, exactly what I've been saving up for. What do you think Sky?"
"Well it is pretty great." Sky answered looking the tub over, agreeing that it was both very comfy and offered so much space. "Can you afford it?" That question perked the salesman's curiosity more than anything else but Shantae was ready to answer as she reached over the edge of the tub and showed him the vase full of gems she'd brought with her. His smile creaking upward into a less jovial face and a more hungry one, not that Shantae seemed to mind as she was rather proud of herself right now. "I guess that settles it, let's get a tub!"
"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" Shantae said happily as the two girls giggled in delight. "Gonna grab me some towels, soap and a rubber ducky for the road too!"
"Isn't it too big?" Bolo asked, having finally made his way to where the girls were. "How are we going to get it through the door?" To dissuade any unnecessary concerns (and to be sure he didn't lose his customer) the salesman was on hand to answer that.
"Not to worry! We have loading doors for large shipments at the side of our establishment. We'll naturally be glad to help you fine young ladies out with your purchase." The salesman reassured Sky and Shantae. Though Bolo wasn't deterred in his point.
"No, not your doors. Shantae's." Bolo corrected. "How are we going to get this thing into your lighthouse?" The question put a stop on the entire conversation as everyone there tried to find a way to answer it but the realization was slowly dawning on Shantae what he was pointing out.
"Uhh... well... maybe we could... knock down a wall and fix it after we get it inside?" Shantae suggested nervously.
"Now that I'm thinking about it will this even fit inside?" Sky asked as she leaned over the edge to look at the exterior of the tub. "Even a normal sized tub would take up a lot of room. This thing would be in the center of the whole bottom floor of your house."
"I didn't really consider that..." Shantae said feeling pangs of dread creep into her heart.
"Also you gotta consider how you're going to fill it. Don't want to use sea water, believe me." Bolo explained. "Plus you'd have to keep it hot so you'd either need to buy some kind of furnace for under it or a fire place and then you'd have to chop the wood up every time you want to take a bath and that's not even going into what you'll need to do to drain it. Then there's the cleaning up afterwards..." Shantae didn't hear any more words. Instead she pinched her nose and sunk deeper into the tub until she was laying on her back.
"Shantae?" Sky asked concerned.
"I can't hear you." She answered sadly. "I'm drowning under the water." Sky sighed and hopped out of the tub. "Just give me a few minutes to fill it with my tears and I'll be out of my misery."
"Come on." Sky said as she helped pick up her friend and get her out of the tub, one arm slung around Sky's shoulder and the other weakly gripping the vase full of gems she'd been saving for this very day. The salesman watched helplessly as the vase of gems walked farther and farther away from him, his smile dropping even away from the fake plastered one he'd held up through the day. As the girls disappeared out the door Bolo tapped the salesman on the shoulder.
"Do you happen to have any oil drums you're not using?"
Much later that same night Shantae was sitting up to her neck in hot water from the public bath, amusing herself as she pushed a rubber duck across the water in front of her with small finger taps. "Float along freely Mr. Duck. At least every bath for you will be a big one." She said with a sigh.
"I'm sorry we couldn't buy your bath tub." Sky said to Shantae sitting in the water next to her.
"It's okay, I guess I got ahead of myself. Never even thought about the room and maintenance I'd need to keep a tub in the first place with my little light house. At least we can still enjoy these late night baths every couple of weeks." Shantae said happily to her friend. "And I did get a rubber ducky. Bolo was nice to buy it for me after going on that trip."
"You know I really do appreciate you using those savings to buy us time here in the bath tonight." Sky said sounding a little distressed. "But did you have to go overboard like this?"
"Overboard? I don't think it's so bad. We still have lots of room, right?" Shantae said as a green head floated along the water to meet Mr. Duck. The head smiled and gave the end of the duck's beak a little bite to make it squeak with her teeth. "Rottytops, be careful with that. I don't want it to pop after I just got it."
"Oops, sorry." Rotty said as she let the duck go from her teeth and smiled, her zombie body wading over through the water to put her head back on. "Boy this sure is great! Thank you so much for inviting me! I'm really having a good time." She smiled looking between the two girls. Shantae was smiling back just as happily but Sky seemed distressed still.
"It's not Rottytops I have a problem with." Sky said as she looked farther down the large bathing area. "It's those three." Motioning with her head Sky grumbled at the other two blond woman and the purple skinned pirate captain who were chatting comfortably between themselves. "Why would you even want to bring them here? Haven't they caused you nothing but trouble?"
"But they're part of the reason I got my savings all the way filled up." Shantae argued in return. "It just seemed right if I was going to have a party I should invite everyone, you know?" Seeming to realize they were being talked about, Twitch and Vinegar waded through the water over to where the other girls were with bright smiles on their faces.
"Hey Shantae, thank you again for inviting us to this place. It's really rare we get to enjoy a bath like this." Twitch said, her hair down and almost as long as Sky's without it being held up in the twin pig tails she normally wore.
"Yeah, the showers at the base are okay but they don't compare to this. You two are really lucky you get to enjoy it." Vinegar complimented, letting her body sit and soak up the heat. Shantae grabbed hold of her little rubber duck and smiled nervously, not used to getting this much praise. Especially from people that were normally her enemies.
"W-well we only get to do it every so often because we pay extra. Otherwise we have to share the bath with everyone else in town." Shantae explained.
"Not that the Bath Lady seemed to mind." Sky said. "Her eyes practically lit up when she saw how many guests you were bringing. Hope she doesn't let the secret out and we lose our private time."
"Maybe she'd let us do this as a big party once a month?" Twitch suggested which got Rottytops excited at the idea.
"Oh my gosh, yes! If we could have a big soak like this every month I'd love it!" Shantae seemed to agree but Sky was still cautious about all of it.
"Maybe if you make sure you don't eat anyone's brains." She warned Rottytops. "And if you two stop making trouble for Shantae and attacking Scuttle Town." Sky warned Twitch and Vinegar next. Rottytops just giggled in that absent minded way she always did but Vinegar didn't care for the accusation.
"Hey now, it's nothing personal. Boss's orders. We gotta earn a paycheck too you know. Just so happens our job involves shooting guns and setting off explosives. It's what we're good at." Twitch nodded happily as if that justified everything. While they were all talking Shantae waded over to Risky Boots who was leaning back and taking her time in the tub.
"Hey there, Risky. Are you enjoying the bath?" Shantae asked cautiously, never quite sure what mood her usual adversary would be in.
"I'll give you credit, it's nicer than I was expecting." Risky said. "Bit of a shame I can't have my Tinker Bats in here to serve me while I bathe but I can still enjoy these hot spring waters for all their worth."
"I'm glad you like it. I wasn't sure if you'd make it on such short notice."
"Well I figured since you got to enjoy my bath I may as well try out yours. Still I was surprised to get that invitation from you. I thought maybe you were excited to have a private scrub with me again?" Risky said with a grin and Shantae got up close and whispered to her.
"Can we please not mention that in front of the other girls!?" Shantae asked in a panic.
"What, didn't enjoy yourself last time?" Risky Boots asked in amusement which just made Shantae squirm more. Something she was clearly delighting in.
"I mean I did but... no wait, I didn't!" Shantae argued blushing hard. "I just don't need them to know about it!"
"Fine. You're secret is safe with me, runt. Don't want to make your other girlfriend jealous after all." Risky winked and Shantae pouted, sinking further into the water.
"It was just practice..."
"So I've heard." Risky said still enjoying herself more than she'd let on. Unbeknownst to her or any of the other girls there was also someone else who was enjoying themselves more than they let the group know. Sitting on a small stool and peeking out through a hole in the wall that had been carved to match the decorations along the interior of the bath was the part-time hero and handy man Bolo who was getting a much greater view than he'd expected tonight. He had felt bad that Shantae didn't get her beloved bath tub like she wanted so he went and bought her that rubber duck to try and lift her spirits. It was nice to see she actually enjoyed it. Though when he'd over heard the girls talking about attending a late night bath together he wasn't about to pass on the chance to get a little lift in his own spirits. Never dreaming he'd get to see so many beautiful girls all together in one place like this.
"Enjoying the view?" The Bath Lady asked, her body and long black hair wrapped in a variety of decorative towels that served as her every day clothing.
"It's uh... it's good." Bolo replied in a low voice, not sure how thick these walls were and didn't like the idea of them hearing him speak from the next room over.
"Real good I bet." She replied, leaning on the wall near by. "So it got me to thinking what with this special arrangement I had for you, you're getting quite a deal." Her words caught his attention and drew his gaze away from the peep hole to the woman next to him.
"I guess so?" Bolo replied.
"You know so. So here's what I'm thinking." She said, leaning forward and pushing her chest out. An act not lost on Bolo's eyes. "Seeing as how there's six girls out there instead of just one or two, the rate should probably triple at least."
"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on! Triple!?" Bolo asked, his gaze going from the cleavage on display to the eyes of the woman before him. "Why would it be triple?"
"Well if the normal rate is for two ladies then I think we should add it per pair, don't you?"
"Uh no, I don't. It's still just me doing the same thing. It's not like I'm getting served chips and soda while I'm sitting here."
"Well if you tipped sometime maybe you would." The Bath Lady replied with a frown.
"I'm already paying you a pretty good amount here on top of what they're paying you to use the bath in the first place." Bolo argued, not really happy he was getting raked over the coals with her miserly attitude towards service fees.
"So you're saying you're not going to give me extra tonight?" The Bath Lady asked and Bolo shrugged, not having any more money in his pockets in the first place for her. "Alright, we'll be cutting your session short."
"You know what, fine by me." Bolo said feeling annoyed about all of this. Sure he was peeping and hardly an innocent party but she was basically taking advantage of him right now. "I'll see myself out then. Where's the exit?"
"Oh there's only one." The Bath Lady replied with a wicked smile. A few minutes later the door to her private area in the back of the building swung open with her stepping out and tossing Bolo across the slick surface of the bath house by the back of his jacket collar. "Hey girls, look who I caught snooping around while you were soaking." All of their eyes darted to the young man who was picking himself up off the floor and noticing all eyes were on him.
"Bolo!" Shantae shrieked in surprise and covered her chest with her arms, sinking into the water further. "What are you doing in here!?"
"Wait wait, I can explain!" Bolo tried to argue and looked at the Bath Lady who gave him a little wave and closed the door as she retreated back into her quarters. Turning back to the water he could see four of the girls were all sitting deep in the water to try and cover themselves, all giving glares that could kill. "You don't understand! You see she was... back there she's got... it's a little hole that..." His stammering stopped when he felt two metal barrels get pressed to the back of his head.
"Just couldn't help yourself, could you?" Risky Boots said menacingly as she had her pistol pressed against the right side of Bolo's head standing next to him.
"I wouldn't let someone in my own camp get away with this, don't think I'll let you!" Twitch growled out as she had her revolver pressed to the other side of his head. Swallowing a lump in his throat Bolo slowly put his hands up in surrender.
"Wait don't shoot him in the head!" Rottytops called out, Bolo feeling a glimmer of hope in his heart. "That'll make his brains go to waste. At least give them to me." And it was snuffed out just as fast. He looked to Sky and Shantae but they seemed just as mad and disappointed with him as the others.
"Bolo how could you?" Shantae asked. "I thought you were our friend?"
"I am!" Bolo argued, though that didn't seem to convince anyone in the room. "I am your friend, honest! I just... it's difficult. I'm around you pretty girls all day every day and a man has desires, you know? You're my friends but that doesn't make them go away... so I'm sorry. Really. I didn't want to make you upset ever. Temptation got to me is all." He seemed to get through to Shantae, Sky and Rottytops as they were looking at him with pity. Though Vinegar didn't share in the sentiment.
"Well I guess those are his last words." Vinegar said to Twitch who lowered her gun down to his back. "Might as well put him out of his misery and give the rest to the zombie." Bolo closed his eyes tightly waiting for the shot but surprisingly it never came. Instead Risky spoke up.
"Just a minute now." Risky said as she pushed Twitch's gun away from his back. "He got to see all of us naked but we didn't have the favor returned."
"Wait... so you don't want to shoot him?" Twitch asked confused.
"Not just yet, I think we're owed some entertainment." Risky said and walked past Bolo, giving him more than an eyeful as she sat back in the spring water and set her gun nearby. Reluctantly Twitch did the same and followed her back into the water but kept her gun close too. "I know little Bolo boy here has a thing for the runt's dancing so it's time he paid it back." Both Shantae and Bolo didn't seem to follow so Risky spelled it out for him. "Get to dancing."
"Dance? Me?" Bolo asked confused, looking at all the girls in the room and back to Risky. "I'm not really the best when it comes to moving feet around. Plus there isn't much music here so-" His words were cut short when he heard the hammer get pulled back on Risky's pistol and aimed directly at him. "Okay so dancing it is. Here we go."
It was awkward to say the least and Bolo was right, he wasn't very good at dancing. In fact he was so bad Shantae began to call out tips to him while he was moving to try and help. Twitch and Vinegar were giggling at his display and Rottytops seemed to be enjoying his moves genuinely. Since he was already here Bolo started to get more into it which got Rotty into the mood as well.
"Take off the jacket!" Rotty called out and the other girls cheered. Bolo doing his best to try and remove his clothes while he was dancing along. His shoes being the most awkward part as he actually had to roll onto his back but was happy to see it got a laugh out of Sky and Shantae along with the other girls. When he was down to almost nothing left Bolo wondered if he could escape but his audience wasn't about to let that happen. "Now the pants! Take off the pants!" Rottytops shouted in excitement.
"Whoa, I don't know if I want to see that." Sky commented.
"I do!" Rottytops said gleefully. Shantae didn't agree or disagree, just sinking into the water more but watching carefully. While the girls deliberated Bolo looked over to Risky Boots who was sliding her finger along the length of her gun barrel.
"I showed you my firearm." Risky said to Bolo. "Time to see yours."
"Don't want to upset this crowd." Bolo muttered to himself and pulled his shorts down, kicking them aside to stand in front of the girls completely naked. "Uh... heh, well... here it is."
"Hmph. Average." Risky said in dismissal as she eyed Bolo up and down. "Least he's not too much of a slob."
"Not as good as the boss." Vinegar said keeping her eyes directly on a single part of Bolo's anatomy.
"Well the boss is a one-eyed monster." Twitch said with a giggle.
"Never thought we'd see Bolo like this." Shantae said in amazement, noticing Sky was watching real intently on the naked friend in front of them.
"Yay! Told you I'd eventually get you like this." Rotty giggled at Bolo, licking her lips and Bolo still wasn't sure which kind of hunger was making her do that. Now that he was being observed by everyone Bolo wasn't really sure what to do next but Risky Boots was still in control as she waved for his attention.
"Alright time to join us in the water." Risky said.
"Wha-what's that?"
"Come closer." Risky ordered and Bolo did as he was told, walking over to the bath edge. "Now sit." Following her direction Bolo got into the water and sat on the first step, blushing that he was being pushed around so easily. "Heh heh, looks like you enjoy getting told what to do."
"I uh... don't want to get shot." Bolo replied, which was true but it was also hard to refuse a beautiful naked woman when she asked something of you.
"That so? Your body is telling a different story." Risky said nodding downward which everyone, including Bolo looked to see the erection that was almost peeking up through the water where he sat.
"I can't really help that!" Bolo complained trying to hide himself but failing miserably in the process.
"I'm sure someone can. So who wants first dibs on him?" Risky Boots asked the crowd.
"Wait, what does that mean?" Shantae asked confused.
"I know what it means." Twitch said with a grin. "What do you say Vinegar, want to fire off a weapon?"
"It's always more fun when we do it together." Vinegar agreed as the two girls waded through the water towards Bolo.
"Hey, I still don't know what's going on." Shantae asked as she looked to Rottytops and Sky but they were both watching with intense expressions at what was happening in front of them. "Guys?" Her friends didn't reply but Risky waded next to her and gave her hip a bump with her own.
"Just watch and you might learn something, runt. Or maybe not considering what you already know." Risky teased and Shantae whined hearing that. But they watched as the blond women sat next to Bolo who looked like he might faint having them so close.
"You won't need these." Twitch said as she took his left hand away from him and Vinegar took his right, each being set up and away on the lip of the bath. "Should we get started?"
"Might as well. Let's see if he's got a hair trigger." Vinegar replied as both girls wrapped their hands around Bolo's cock and began to stroke him in unison. Making him grit his teeth and breath heavier at the touch. "Looks like he's feeling it already." Vinegar teased. "Think this is his first time or are we just too much for him?"
"I bet it's both." Twitch said as the duo increased the pace of their hands. The other girls all watching the show going on in front of them with various responses on their faces.
"I can't believe this is happening." Shantae said in shock. "I mean we're really watching this right now."
"Yeah... it's something." Sky say, nervously biting one of her nails as she kept her eyes glued on the three people in front of her. "What do you think it feels like?"
"I... dunno." Shantae replied but as they kept watching she had to admit she was getting curious.
"Oh I can feel him building up." Vinegar said and was resting her body against Bolo's side while Twitch did the same with the other, sandwiching him between them so he couldn't get away, which was the last thing on his mind. "I'll take the hammer if you want the trigger?"
"Usual formation then?" Twitch asked with a giggle as Vinegar's hand went down to massage Bolo's sack gently while Twitch's hand sped up her pace. The other girls watched as his body clenched up and eventually pushed forward as they got him to climax hard in the palm of their hands. They continued to gently rub him down until he was spent, pulling their hands away. "Lucky thing about doing this in the water is there's no clean up after."
"We even have more soap if you need it." Vinegar offered as she passed the bar to her friend, the two girls cleaning off their hands happily as Bolo was panting between them. While it had been a fun show to watch it left the audience wanting more. Risky pouted from her spot in the water.
"Well that's fun for them but he's useless now. Guess that's what we get with only one boy for all of us. Hey runt, don't you have some magic that can solve this problem?"
"What?" Shantae asked, blinking in surprise as she hadn't been listening to a word Risky had said.
"The peeping tom here, anything you can do to give him another boost of energy? I don't want to have to just watch if it's this kind of party." Risky complained and the other girls looked at her curiously.
"Well... yeah there's one spell I know." Shantae admitted. "I learned it from that magic snake saleswoman Tuki a while back. She said it could revive any man's serpent in an instant. I uh... I didn't know what she meant at the time."
"Alright then, lucky us you just so happened to know a spell like that for just such an occasion." Risky Boots said with a teasing smirk.
"I thought it meant snakes when I learned it!" Shantae complained. "Alright fine I'll do it but I've never done this before so don't judge me!" Shantae said and waded over to where Bolo was currently panting for air. Twitch and Vinegar having abandoned their seats next to him when they saw Shantae approaching. Feeling embarrassed Shantae stood up in the water. She knew everyone had already seen everything she had to show (and then some) but it didn't make it any less awkward for her.
"Wow." Bolo said looking at the naked half-genie in front of him. Grumbling Shantae began to dance, her hips moving to a beat in her own head back and forth as sparkling magic encased her body. With a twirl she kissed her finger tip and then reached out and touched it between Bolo's legs. To everyone's amazement he seemed to invigorate with new life instantly after Shantae's dance. "Whoa! Hey, I'm... I'm not controlling this right now!"
"I can't believe I touched it!" Shantae said with her face red as she lowered back down in the water and scooted away from Bolo. Scooping up her rubber duck and hold it against her chest.
"Hey, it's not that bad right?" Bolo asked feeling a little hurt she'd retreat so quickly from him. The other girls however were leaning in closer to see the results.
"It looks even bigger than last time." Twitch said in surprise. "That's one heck of a spell."
"So what does that mean if we do it over and over?" Vinegar asked curiously and Risky decided she was going to find out herself. Pushing past the other girls and standing in front of Bolo.
"That genie magic is good for something. Alright sit up for me, I'm taking my turn next." Rottytops was grumbling in annoyance that Risky had claimed her spot before her but didn't try to argue with the pirate captain. Instead backing off with Sky so they could see what would happen while she had room to work. Bolo did as he was instructed and sat on the lip of the bath so he was out of the water and looked around nervously as he was on display again for all the girls. "Eyes right here." Risky ordered and Bolo looked to her as she commanded. "You follow orders like a one of my Tinkerbats. Maybe I should add you to my crew?" He didn't have a reply to that but Risky didn't care as she got to work, lathering her breasts with soap and then wrapping them around his cock.
It was true Risky was the best "equipped" for a job like that, Twitch and Sky putting their hands onto their own chests and looking between each other as if to understand the sudden doubt they felt in comparison to the other woman. The other girls didn't give it a second thought however as they watched on while Risky Boots moved in slow deliberate motions that made Bolo shiver and forget he was on display. She was having a lot of fun as she would move quickly suddenly and then stop again to prevent him from finishing. "Do you enjoy being in the grip of the Pirate Queen?" Risky asked gleefully and Bolo could only grunt in reply as he gripped the lip of the bath. "Don't worry, I'll give you release. But only when I say you get it." She began to grind her breasts together over him while giggling. Shantae felt Sky's hand grab onto her own as they watched. Despite having gone through more embarrassing things herself it seemed like her friend was the most nervous one in the room. Letting Mr. Duck float away she focused her attention on her Sky.
"Are you okay?" Shantae asked and Sky nodded, her fingers gripping her hand a little tighter. "We don't have to stay if you don't want to."
"...I want to." Sky whispered back to her and Shantae nodded, watching along as Risky was building up to the finish. She ordered Bolo to look at her as she rubbed him with her breasts faster, leaning down to give the head of his shaft a kiss. That was more than enough to finish him off as Bolo groaned and came onto her breasts and chin. Risky rubbing it all out of him until he was left panting. The results of her efforts was scattered over her upper body and she turned to the other girls with a smile and sunk back into the water.
"Well that was fun. Your little friend has some endurance." Risky said to Shantae and Sky as she cleaned herself off. "Does anyone else want a turn? It's fun to watch but even more fun to play." She offered with a devious tone in her voice as she lured the other girls to participate. Both Shantae and Sky were still quiet but someone else was eager to get her turn.
"Me!" Rottytops said eagerly and raised her hand. "Me me me! Shantae, can you do that cute butt wiggle thing and get him ready again?"
"It's a dance Rotty, not a 'butt wiggle'. This is embarrassing enough." Shantae complained but got up out of the water and walked back over to Bolo. He looked exhausted but not unhappy. Putting her feet together Shantae began her dance again, twirling her body and kissing her finger tip then touching it against Bolo's body which instantly grew in excitement from her soft brush against him with her hand.
"Whoa! That's... that's a rush." Bolo said panting hard, fully erect again and still sitting in place. "I'm getting a little light headed here." He complained but found he was surrounded again as the other girls gathered up to see the results of Shantae's magic. Risky looking him over curiously.
"I swear it's getting bigger every time." She said. "You should have been selling this service, would have made your gems in no time." Risky commented to Shantae who sunk back into the water and waded away.
"I don't want to get paid to touch guy's things all day." Shantae mumbled from the bath water, it doing little to cover her but feeling better with her body beneath it. After making some space Rottytops was eager to fill it as she moved in front of Bolo and took a hold of him in her hand with a bright smile.
"I'm gonna get a taste of you." She said happily and Bolo's eyes went wide.
"No teeth, okay!? I don't think any magic is going to bring me back from a bite!" He said in terror and Rottytops stuck her tongue out at him.
"Don't worry, I wouldn't hurt this guy." She giggled and moved her head down, taking him into her mouth. Bolo grunted and braced himself when he felt her lips wrap around him, the other girls staying closer this time to watch their zombie friend work. Her head moved slowly up and down as she sucked at him, pulling her lips off with a wet popping noise. "Wow, it tastes good! I could get used to this." Dipping her head back down Rottytops continued to suck him, moving at different angles to rub him against the inside of her cheek and side of her tongue.
"You should put your hand under him to give him a grip while sucking." Twitch offered to Rotty who did as she was instructed and put her hands around Bolo's sack while she bobbed her head against him, feeling him react from the touch in a way she enjoyed.
"You don't need to breath right?" Vinegar asked Rottytops from her other side, the pair of blonds having fun getting involved. "You should see how far you can take him down your throat." Following their instructions again Rotty pulled her head back and moved it forward, letting him sink down her throat in slow dips. "She's really good at this."
"If you want him to shoot off in your mouth you can use your tongue on the head and stroke him with your other hand." Twitch instructed her and the girls watched Rottytops pull him back from a deep suck down her throat and wrap her lips around the head of his cock. Stroking him with her other hand she twirled her tongue around him, feeling him shake in her grip until finally releasing into her lips. It was surprising at first but she endured and took it all into her mouth, swallowing it down as it piled up onto her tongue. When it was over Rottytops pulled her mouth away from Bolo's cock and opened it while sticking her tongue out to show she swallowed every drop. Vinegar and Twitch applauded her for the performance.
"That was fun, you guys really knew what you were doing." She said to the munitions girls who both shrugged shyly at how knowledgeable they were in the subject. "Hey, we could do another one if you like?" Rottytops asked Bolo eagerly who was barely able to sit up anymore. However a purple hand came up on her shoulder to pull her off him.
"I think you should let the others have a turn, don't you?" Risky Boots suggested to Rottytops who looked to see both Sky and Shantae watching from a farther distance than the other girls.
"Oh that's right, you guys know him better than us anyway." Rottytops said as she waded over to Sky and Shantae in the water. "So who wants to go next?" She offered eagerly but both girls seemed apprehensive about the idea. Shantae more so after everything that had happened so far.
"I'm uh... not so sure we need a turn." Shantae said to excuse herself. "Besides Bolo might need a breather."
"He's fine he's fine." Rottytops said speaking for him. "Why not have some fun with him? It's a great chance!" She offered and Shantae felt Sky grip her hand again under the water as she was looking between everyone unsure.
"Is it really okay?" Sky asked hesitantly. Shantae surprised by the question but Rottytops happy to see her participate.
"Of course! I mean you've already kissed Shantae so this isn't such a big deal right?" Both Sky and Shantae jumped up in their sitting positions at that being said out loud, the girls looking at each other in shock that she'd brought it up in the first place. "It's not big deal, I kissed Shantae too." Rottytops said with a wink to Sky and Shantae's face was red with embarrassment.
"Rotty! I didn't want you to say any of that out loud!" The half-genie complained but Risky Boots was there to add more to it.
"You kissed the runt too?" She said with amusement. "Well you're getting around aren't you?" After Risky's reveal Twitch and Vinegar looked between each other and smiled sheepishly.
"Is now the time we reveal we kissed her too?" Twitch asked the group and Shantae was sinking her whole head under the water now, the tips of her ears still poking out.
"I want a turn too." Sky finally answered and Shantae's head came out of the water looking at her in surprise. "It's okay right? I mean... you know my luck with men. What if I don't get another chance to ever again?" She asked almost sadly but oddly enough Rottytops was there to support her.
"Oh don't worry about that, you're almost as pretty as Shantae. I'd gladly get a taste of you too one day." Rottytops said confidently. "Hey can you get Bolo ready for her?" She asked Shantae and the half-genie looked between her two friends with a sigh.
"Well... if it's for Sky." Shantae said feeling more confident about her decision now. Standing up she moved towards Bolo again who was on his back now on the tile floor catching his breath. She felt a little sorry for him but Sky needed this so he was going to have to be a man and endure it. Performing her dance now for the entertainment of the audience over him Shantae kissed her finger tip and touched him again, making Bolo shout in surprise as he became erect instantly.
"He is for sure getting bigger each time." Rottytops said sounding almost hungry as she looked Bolo over. "Sky can you handle all of this?"
"I don't want it to go inside I just... wanna feel it." Sky said and waded over to Bolo, looking at his cock and feeling intimidated. Normally she was full of confidence but when it came to this it was hard to muster up her courage. "Hey Bolo can you uh... stand up for me?" She asked but he barely responded, still panting hard on his back. When it seemed clear he wasn't going to pull himself to his feet on his own Twitch and Vinegar approached to pull him up by his arms.
"On your feet, soldier!" Twitch ordered as they got him up.
"Don't worry, we got him for you. Us cute blonds have to stick together." Vinegar said with a wink and Sky was grateful to them for a change. Deciding it would be easier if she didn't have to look at him Sky turned herself around and backed up against Bolo, slipping his cock between her thighs.
"W-wow it's... bigger than I expected." She said nervously as she felt him pressed up against her pussy. Using some soap that Twitch handed her to make things easier she lathered herself up between her legs and began to move her hips back and forth. Somewhat reminded of the night Shantae had taught her how to dance in the tub. The pressure of his length rubbing against her folds was exciting as she was already wet from having seen everything that had happened before her.
"She's got some good moves on her." Rottytops complimented as she sat near Shantae in the bath.
"I uh... taught her to dance a little." Shantae admitted, feeling embarrassed seeing her two friends in a position like this. However it was kind of exciting to watch.
"So you've kissed everyone here?" Rottytops asked Shantae. "I feel a little less special now. I thought it was just me and Sky."
"I didn't intend for it to work out that way! It just sort of happened." Shantae admitted.
"Well you are really kissable." Rottytops said happily. "So is Sky too now that I'm watching her. Think maybe all three of us can do this again sometime?"
"Not... this exactly." Shantae mumbled. "But I guess so?"
"Why not this, she's having fun now." Rottytops said as she watched Sky begin to move a little faster with her hips, her thighs squeezing tightly around Bolo's cock and eyes closed as she leaned forward to keep her balance. Changing their support positions Twitch and Vinegar took Sky's arms in theirs to hold her up, watching her body shake and jiggle with each thrust of her hips.
"She's getting close now." Vinegar said watching Sky's face. "Hey soldier, be a man and get a move on." She ordered Bolo who braced himself with his hands on the lip of the tub and began to move his own hips faster, making Sky pant with her tongue out with each thrust. As she leaned forward her hands gripped a hold of the arms supporting her while she moaned and squeezed her thighs tightly around the cock rubbing against her pussy. Hips shaking as she climaxed against it.
"She's got a real cute face when she cums." Twitch said as they supported her through the orgasm. Though she nearly jumped when Bolo groaned out next and came hard between her legs, shooting from between her thighs into the water before them. Thankfully there was a light current that kept everything flowing along to a grated drain at the end of the bath so it wouldn't linger in the water with them. Sky practically fell into the water after her orgasm and sat down on the tile beneath, looking up at the ceiling.
"I can't believe I did that." Sky said happily, a big smile on her face. "I can't wait to get married so I can do it every night." Rottytops and Shantae were both at her side to make sure she didn't fall too deep into the water.
"Dang, she sounds hungrier for men than me." Rottytops said in surprise. "Well I guess that leaves only one person left." She said looking across at Shantae, who realized she was suddenly being stared at by all the other girls.
"Wait a minute, I'm supposed to go next!?" Shantae asked looking at everyone. "Oh no no. Nope, I'm good. I don't need to go."
"Why not?" Rottytops asked disappointed. "It's the best chance to do it."
"She's got a point." Risky Boots said. "Besides I'd like to see those dance moves of yours in action again."
"Doing it with a guy feels totally different." Twitch reassured Shantae who couldn't believe she was being peer pressured into this. She looked down to Sky who was still smiling up at her.
"It does feel good." Sky admitted and Shantae let out a sigh, giving in to the fact she was curious after watching everyone else do it.
"Fine, I'll do it." Shantae said and stood up in the water, getting ready to do her dance again which was becoming both a blessing and a curse for Bolo. Before she could begin though Risky Boots had a suggestion.
"Say what happens if you keep doing that dance on him?" Risky inquired and that got everyone's attention, even Bolo who only lifted his head up just barely.
"Oh yeah let's see!" Rottytops said excitedly. Shantae wasn't so sure though.
"I dunno what if it does something bad?" Shantae asked, having never even used this dance before today.
"What if it does something really good?" Twitch suggested and that seemed like enough of an idea for everyone else to agree to try it.
"Well... maybe it would feel good?" Shantae asked herself curiously, Twitch and Vinegar hoisting Bolo's body up to a standing position again as he'd lost both the physical and verbal ability to agree or disagree to how he was being used tonight. She began her dance, this time after twirling in the water and kissing her finger tip she tapped it against her own behind. Her eye's lighting up in surprise. "Oh wow! That feels... warm." Continuing to move her hips Shantae pressed herself backwards against Bolo with her behind similar to Sky and felt an immediate reaction.
"Urk!" Bolo gurgled out as his cock grew erect against Shantae's ass, her ears twitching as she felt the hard thing pressed against her. It didn't feel bad but it was certainly different. Continuing to move her hips about Shantae pressed herself backwards while she did, feeling him rub between her ass while she danced. Gulping down a lump in her throat Shantae could feel an excitement building up inside her very similar to how she'd felt with everyone else she'd been this close to.
"He's really hard..." Shantae muttered as her hips continued to move, squishing him against her body while the other girls kept him up. She started to move in circles back against him, all the while that genie magic glowing about her body. Twitch and Vinegar had a front row view to what was happening as the girls were watching with interest.
"I think it's getting even bigger?" Vinegar said curiously though it was hard to make out with him squished by Shantae's behind. Unable to resist any longer Shantae bent forward and rested her hands against her legs, pressing her pussy up against his length while her hips moved. There was a lingering temptation to feel what it would be like with that hard thing inside of her but she was still too nervous to do something that bold. Feeling like her body might not be able to support herself an arm came up on her left side to hold her. Shantae feeling her long hair brushed aside by Rottytops who was keeping her body up by holding her arm with one hand and resting another on her breast.
"Need some help?" Rotty asked with a smile as she kept her friend stable, Shantae feeling another hand gripping her other breast as Risky Boots held her from the other side. Her focus seeming to be less to offer support and more to just play with her while she watched Shantae's hips dance. Unfortunately it felt nice to be touched and Shantae didn't dismiss it as her hips continued to rub back against Bolo in a rhythm that was pushing them both closer to climax.
"It's building up." Shantae said with deep gasps of air as her hips ground against Bolo who seemed to be unable to release himself as long as she kept moving with her magical dancing. She was leaning forward so far her face was nearly touching the water, however it was picked up gently by Sky who was sitting in front of her. Soft hands rubbing against her cheek as her beautiful friend leaned in to kiss her lips. Shantae's hands balled into fists as she kissed back, her body shaking as she finally hit her climax and leaned forward into her friend's arms. With contact removed from Shantae's dancing Bolo let out a gasp as he finally climaxed as well, his body cumming hard onto Shantae's back, ass and long hair.
"Dibs!" Rottytops called out as she leaned down to take Bolo's cock into her mouth, wrapping her lips tight around him. Vinegar and Twitch watching in awe as she managed to stuff all of him into her throat and drink down everything he released.
Meanwhile Shantae was cuddled up against Sky in a hug as she was catching her breath from her first experience with a man. The two girls embracing each other as Risky Boots waded through the water to sit next to them. "Don't you two look cozy."
"We are cozy." Sky said happily as she held her friend in her arms.
"Do you want a hug too?" Shantae asked Risky who scoffed and looked away.
"Why would I want a hug from-" She began but suddenly felt Shantae lean over and put her arm around her. "Hey, stop that! I never said we were friends." Shantae just smiled weakly and let her go after a moment. Risky still grumbling over it but not arguing any more.
"We should wash your hair with some shampoo." Sky suggested to Shantae. "Bolo really got it all over you." Hearing they were going to wash up Rottytops made some grunting noises from her position in front of Bolo and eventually pulled her head up, swallowing hard everything she collected in her mouth.
"Mmm... mmmph. Mm!" Rotty said happily and licked her lips. "If we're going to wash up and finish I want to get some shampoo too." She turned away from Bolo who was hanging limply in Twitch and Vinegar's arms as they both looked him over.
"He just kept going on forever. She must have really built it up in him with all that dancing magic stuff." Twitch said in amazement.
"And she swallowed every bit of it." Vinegar said looking at Rottytops. "How did you even manage to keep all of that in your mouth?" Rottytops turned back to them and patted her stomach while winking.
"I'm a zombie girl, I like having big meaty things in my mouth to suck on."
"Something tells me she was good at that before she became a zombie." Vinegar said as they abandoned Bolo's body in the water, the girls focusing on washing themselves up now that the party was over. While Sky and Rottytops were focused on cleaning Shantae's hair she did manage to get them to at least help Bolo a little by flipping him over so he wasn't floating around face down in the water. Despite Rotty insisting it was fine since she swam like that all the time herself. A while later the girls were out of the bath, dried off and dressed.
"So what do we do about him?" Rottytops asked of Bolo, who had been pulled out of the water as well and had towels laid over his crotch and his eyes while he was passed out on the floor.
"Just leave him." Risky Boots said as she sheathed her weapons onto her belt. "He was here in the first place because he was spying on us after all."
"I kind of forgot about all of that while we were in the bath." Shantae admitted, keeping Mr. Duck held tightly in one hand. "Is it okay to just leave him though?" She was still worried about him despite Bolo having sneaked into their private time but Sky was feeling less merciful.
"Let him sleep it off. He'll be fine." The other girls agreed with Sky, not really wanting to have to bother with dealing with him after getting done with their bath. Deciding that Bolo had gotten out of worse situations in that past Shantae left him as well to recover from their night of sexual adventure. Upon their exit Risky Boots was fast to leave along with Twitch and Vinegar, none of them having a good history with Scuttle Town. Though all of them offering to have a party like this again in the future. Rottytops wanted to stay longer but knew she couldn't leave her wagon unattended all night so she regretfully departed with the promise they'd get together again. With everyone off for the night Shantae turned her attention to her friend.
"Say Sky? Do you think it would be okay if I slept at your house tonight?" Shantae asked shyly but felt her hand pulled into a grip.
"I was going to ask you the same thing." Sky said as the two girls left the bath house together happily. "Things got pretty wild back there, huh?"
"Yeah... I never expected tonight to go like this. But is it weird to say I don't regret it?"
"I don't think so. It's not like I regret it either."
"Okay. Thank you Sky."
"For what?"
"Just for being you." Shantae said with a bright smile, the two friends heading off to get some much needed sleep in the comfort of Sky's bed and each other's company.
Early the next morning the bath house was flawlessly clean and awaiting it's customers for the new day. The young man who'd labored to make it that way leaning on a mop and wiping his brow after having worked through most of the night. Bolo was tired as he'd barely gotten a chance to sleep before the Bath Lady had come to wake him up with instructions that he needed to clean up after his little party with her late night patrons. He wasn't really eager to do any more work but in some weird way he felt he owed it to her to help out. So a long night and early morning later Bolo was putting the cleaning supplies back into their supply closet. "I'm finished."
"Oh, let's see." The Bath Lady said as she came out to inspect his work. "Not bad at all, you really got this place sparkling."
"Better be after how long it took me." Bolo complained and let out a yawn. "So are we good? I need to get home and take a nap."
"So eager to head out after all the fun you had here?"
"I've barely slept in the last day. So yeah, getting to bed is high on my list of things to do." Bolo said with a groan as he started to head out. Though he stopped when he heard the sound of fabric hitting the floor and looked back to see the Bath Lady had untied the towel wrapped around her hip like a skirt.
"Does it have to be your bed?" She asked, taking the towel wrapped around her head off and dropping it as well. Her black hair spilling free down her back. "After watching your performance last night I wouldn't mind a little fun too."
"...I guess it doesn't HAVE to be my bed." Bolo said, turning back to follow her into her private quarters. Sure he'd been ridden like a race horse all night but he wasn't about to pass on a call to duty. Especially when it was for a pretty lady that was making that call.