Title: 24/7
author: Cindy Ryan
series: Take Two
Summary: When Sam attracts a stalker protecting her becomes personal to Eddie. More than he'd like to admit.

Actress Samantha Swift sighed happily before taking a sip of her morning coffee. She was back on a set. Sam hadn't realized how much she'd missed it until now. As much as she enjoyed working with Eddie this was where she belonged. It didn't matter if it was a movie, tv or commercial set there was a certain magic to it. Sitting in a fabric backed director's chair Sam watched the crew set up. It was barely five on a monday morning in Studio City. She'd gotten the call for this burger ad on Friday. With recent events Sam was just happy to be in front of a camera again even if it was for a fast food chain.

"Look out!"Someone called from Sam's right.

Sam glanced around to find the source and the cause of the warning. She heard an ominous creak of metal and looked farther up. Sam screamed as she saw the plummeting spanse of lighting coming straight for her. The heavy metal beam had eight medium sized lights in metal casing. All lights were on and Sam knew from being under them for hours how hot they got.

"Everyone clear!"Another voice yelled.

Sam threw herself forward and to the coffee bounced on the floor and as she did Sam knew she wasn't fast enough of far enough away. Bracing herself Sam covered her head with her hands and waited.

Private Investigator Eddie Valetik flashed his ID at the hospital security guard in front of the third floor room. Eddie had to fight down his irritation and impatience as the young Hispanic man took the ID from Eddie and examined it. Finally the guard satisfied handed it back and Eddie pushed the door open after a brief knock.

Eddie had been on an early morning stake out. He'd been up since three and at the location since four. Berto had called him as soon as the news story had hit social media. Eddie had tried to reach Sam and had received no response not even a text. He told himself her phone could've been damaged. Still Eddie hadn't relaxed until now when he opened the door and saw his partner for himself. She was sitting up in bed as a nurse applied fresh gauze to a large bandage on Sam's right forearm.

"Eddie?"Sam asked in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"My partner's in the hospital think I wouldn't come check on you?"Eddie countered as he reached her side. "What happened? All Berto could find out was an accident on set."

"That's good enough for now."The brunette nurse interjected as she tore off a piece of gauze and secured it. "I'll come back later and finish."

"Thank you."Sam said to the young woman as she left then to her partner she said. "I'm okay, Eddie."

"I tried calling you..."Eddie began once the nurse closed the door.

"My phone was smashed under the light rigging."Sam explained grimly. "It hit a pole on the way down or it would've smashed me too."

"Looks like it took a bite out of you anyway."Eddie observed as he walked to where the nurse had been standing and gently examined Sam's forearm."Lucky it's not broken."

"Yeah, lucky."Sam echoed.

Eddie glanced up at the hollowness in his partner's voice. Almost on it's own Eddie found his left hand covering Sam's right giving comfort.

"What is it?"Eddie prompted softly.

"I've got a stalker."Sam responded her eyes wide and afraid. "Found this in my purse after the accident."

Eddie felt a flash of white hot anger as Sam handed him a normal sized piece of computer printer paper. It'd been folded several times but was now folded in half. He opened it and saw a black and white recent picture of Sam leaving her apartment. Next to her image in bright red letters was typed "If I can't have you no one will."

"The light that fell was right above me, Eddie."Sam said in a shaky voice. "If one of the crew hadn't shouted a warning..."

"I'll figure this out, Sam."Eddie promised as he looked once more at the picture. "He won't get to you."

Sam nodded and Eddie could tell the shock was starting to wear off. She was trying to put on a brave front but he knew Sam well enough now that he could pick up the signs that this had shaken her.

"I'm going to get more guards on your room."Eddie continued as he squeezed Sam's hand briefly before stepping away. "Then I'll swing by your place; you have a security system?"

"Yes, but it's a few years old."Sam replied.

"I'll call the company and get that upgraded and talk to your landlord about locks."Eddie said as he walked towards the door.

"Eddie..."Sam began and then reached for her purse and pulled out a set of keys tossing them to him.

Eddie caught the keys and nodded his thanks.

"Get some rest."Eddie advised softly.

Sam opened her mouth to say something but closed it.

"It'll be okay."Eddie said quietly.

As he left Eddie hoped he hadn't lied to Sam. He'd done his best before to protect a client and she'd still died. Eddie wasn't going to let history repeat itself. Sam was his partner and that alone would earn his protection. Eddie was also realizing that despite his best efforts he and Sam were becoming friends. He'd find a way to keep her safe; no matter what.