Tandy checks her watch for the third time in the last ten minutes and feels the dense atmosphere of the ship yard sink into her skin. Her back is starting to ache from laying prone atop these industrial crates, but it gives her the perfect vantage point. From here, she can see both the main and the side entrance of the warehouse. This is where her newest lead brought her, and based on the obscene number of armed guards, her hunch had been right. Eventually the goal will be infiltration, but she needs to do more surveillance first.
It's easy to lose sight of that goal, though, when the air is sticky and hot and her underwear is wedging in the worst possible way. Maybe she should have listened to Ty. Maybe this had been a bad idea. Then again, he doesn't like anything about her Roxxon investigation. He said he didn't want her to get hurt, didn't want her obsessing over something that may never amount to anything.
"They covered up my dad's death, Ty. They took everything from me."
That's all she ever had to say and he'd drop it. She knows why, knows he's probably the only person in New Orleans who understands what she's feeling.
Tandy shakes her head and tries to force Tyrone out of her mind. She checks her watch again. Ty said he was going to Evita's at eight. She wonders if he's still there, what they're doing, and then remembers that she isn't thinking about him and turns back to the warehouse.
There is a black van pulling out from the other side of the building. It stops briefly for an inspection from several guards, then exits through one of the many security gates. Tandy's watched the same van make the same rounds the last three nights she's come here. That has to be something, right? She decides yes, that is something, and that it's enough for tonight. She is stiff and hungry and done hiding on top of this stupid storage unit.
Pulling her hood tighter, Tandy shimmies to the other end of the crate and swings her legs over the side. She uses the metal braces bolted to the crate's side to gingerly climb down, her feet hitting the pavement without a sound. She creeps along the edge of the crate to get one more look at the warehouse. A figure is waiting for her, along with at least ten of his buddies dressed in the same dark uniforms.
"See something you like, Blondie?"
Tyrone forces himself not to look away from the screen, even as his palms begin to itch and his heart beats wildly. When the inevitable jump scare comes, he flinches away, gasping in what would become a scream if he were alone.
Evita laughs, turning her chin up smugly. "I didn't take you for such a scaredy-cat."
"I didn't take you for someone who likes horror movies." He shoots back.
She shrugs and settles deeper into his side. "I get too focused on the plot holes to be scared. Like take this guy." She gestures to the protagonist onscreen. "He just heard his girlfriend screaming bloody murder. He followed the sound to the basement where the stairs are covered in blood."
"If he had any sense, this is when he'd call the cops. But no, he's going to try and take this psycho on by himself."
"It's heroic. He's trying to rescue his girl."
"He's trying to be macho. There's no way he can take this on by himself."
Tyrone wants to make a joke, but for some reason his thoughts drift to Tandy. She was planning that Roxxon stakeout tonight. He hopes she's okay. Something crashes onscreen and he jumps again. Evita sniggers, her smile barely contained on her face. Tyrone tries to focus on that instead.
Tandy's lungs are burning, her heart beating so fast it feels like she's going to explode. She can still hear them behind her. Their boots pound against the concrete at a relentless pace that tells her they aren't going to tire easily. She can't outrun them. She needs to hide.
Without thinking, she draws a dagger from her palm and hurls it behind her. She can tell from their exclamations that it's a shock, but they keep on her. She tries again and this time a piercing scream followed by a thud answers her. Dashing down another row of storage units, she makes some quick turns and spots an opening. In a split second she shimmies in between two crates. Her dark jeans and hoodie make her practically disappear into the shadows.
The sound of charging boots and shouting draws closer and closer. Tandy doesn't breathe, doesn't move a muscle as they blur past her. She waits for the noises to fade, so long that her legs begin to shake, then she inches her way out of the opening. Fingers dig into the back of her neck, yanking painfully on her hair. She doesn't have time to dwell on it as her head collides with the metal crate.
Light explodes behind her eyes, not like when she uses her powers, but like her whole head's turned to white noise. Everything begins to blur around her. The feeling of hands around her throat, the inability to take in air is all noted distantly, like it's happening to someone else. Pushing through the haze is a voice telling her to fight – fight – and she clings to it. She curls her fist, feels the icy heat ignite in her palm, and thrusts it forward. There is a scream, a release, and suddenly she can breathe.
The world pitches sideways as she takes a step, then another. She clutches the edge of the storage unit for support. Her attacker lays in the fetal position, hands covering his bloodied face, moaning in pain, but she barely registers it. There's light in her vision again and it takes her far too long to realize they're flashlights.
"She's over here!" Someone yells, but the figures coming toward her look more like monsters than humans.
She wretches herself away from the wall and runs.
Ty can't really explain how he knows, only that he does and he needs to go, now. He nudges Evita and she moves out of his lap, scrunching her eyebrows at him. He searches frantically for his phone and sneakers, the feeling morphing into something almost painful.
"You okay?" Evita says, reaching for him.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. I just – I gotta go."
"Again?" The softness of her voice makes him freeze and look her in the eyes. There's a hint of a smile on her lips, almost resigned, but her eyes look sad. "Do your thing, babe." She says with a wave of her hand.
Ty gives her an apologetic look, leaning in to cup her face as he kisses her. "You're amazing."
"I know." She shoves him, her grin widening. "Now get out of here."
"I'll make it up to you!" He calls over his shoulder as he's sprinting out the door.
He keeps running down the street as he unzips his backpack and pulls out Billy's cloak. He's fumbling to get it over his shoulders as he ducks onto a side street, beyond the reach of the street lights. The hood cuts off his peripheral vision, making it a little easier to focus.
Gotta find Tandy. Gotta find Tandy.
Shit, how does he do that? He's never purposefully traveled somewhere he doesn't know before. Will this even work?
Just think about Tandy. Think about her in trouble. Think about how she needs you.
He imagines her fighting for her life, faceless goons ganging up on her. The thought sends his heart racing, but when he cracks open his eyes, he hasn't moved.
Get it together, Ty! She needs you!
He nearly growls in frustration, squeezing his eyes shut and curling his fists into his cloak.
Think about Tandy. Think about Tandy. Think about Tandy.
He thinks about her hair, of all things. Last he'd seen her, it had been braided into pigtails. The look was so juxtaposed by her devious personality; it's almost funny. He thinks about the ratty sneakers that she always wears, the drawings on the toes he's never close enough to make out. He thinks about her laugh, her smile; not the practiced smile she can throw on at the drop of a dime, her real smile. It's always hesitant, like she's surprised she still can.
The familiar wave of sensation washes over Tyrone and he lets it carry him. He's floating weightlessly until his feet settle onto solid ground again. Salty air fills his lungs. He's somewhere by the water. People are shouting somewhere in the distance. He opens his eyes and turns toward the sound.
Somethings crashes into him, pushing him back a few steps. They tumble to the ground with a groan of pain and Ty realizes with horror that it's Tandy.
"Shit," he spits as he kneels beside her, careful not to touch any exposed skin. "Tandy, what happened?"
She blinks at him slowly, clearly straining to focus on him. There's blood in her hair and he has to stop himself from taking her face in his hands.
"Ty? How did..." she trails off, head turning lazily from side to side.
Shit, shit, shit.
"Come on," he tries to hoist her up, his arm around her waist, "I'm getting you out of here."
She leaning heavily against him, head bobbing as she fights of unconsciousness, when two men come around the corner in a sprint. They skid to a halt and raise their guns in a fluid motion that stops Tyrone's heart. Without thinking, he throws himself around Tandy so that she's shielded by his body, his cloak folding around them.
He hears the gunshots echo as his feet leave the ground and everything goes dark.
Tandy thinks she's dead for a moment. She's blind and weightless and she thinks it makes sense that this is what death feels like. A golden gate in the clouds with angels flying around always sounded like bullshit – not that heaven would want her, anyway.
In another moment she thinks she's drowning. Dark waves lap against her body and her lungs scream for oxygen. Her feet touch down and she imagines it's the ocean floor, then suddenly there is light and sound and air. She takes in as much as she can and nearly chokes.
Someone's saying, "Hey, hey, hey. Tandy, it's okay." There's a steadying presence around her waist, but her vision is still swimming. "Tandy, look at me."
The weight moves to her shoulders, digging into her aching muscles and she grimaces. Ty's face slowly comes into focus, his wide-eyes frantic.
He must not like what he sees. "Shit." He looks around, locking onto something behind her. "We're on Pryce Avenue. We're not far from my house, come on." His arm is around her again, pulling her forward. The motion makes her sick. He's rambling now. "Don't worry. It's gonna be okay, just hang on." Has he ever sounded this afraid? "My parents will be home. They'll get you to a hospital."
Something pushes through the grog in her mind: a red, pulsing danger sign.
"No." The word sounds as if it's clawed its way out of her.
Ty's step falters. "What?"
"No hospital." She strains, her fingers curling violently in his shirt. "Promise me, Ty. No hospital. Promise me."
If he answers, she doesn't catch it as the world fades out and a different darkness takes her.