Harry and Ginny had come back to England together for part of the holidays. Ginny was spending the first week up in Scotland to visit her in-laws. This meant Harry had the first week free.

'Andy,' Harry called out as he came through the floo. He knew Teddy was working but Andromeda was expecting his arrival.

'I hear you brought this one with you?' Andromeda said meeting him at the doorway.

Harry grinned. 'She asked me actually.'

'Oh, will you bring her round to meet us?' Andromeda said smiling.

'I think you have met her before,' he said smirking.

'I hear she is visiting Pat and Cath this week, so what will you do with yourself. Teddy is working.' Andromeda asked as they walked through to the kitchen.

'I have some lesson plans I need to get started on.' Harry replied. It wasn't his favourite part of the job but it was better than turning up and having no idea what he was going to do. He usually just replicated the one from the year before but would make adjustments as necessary. It amazed him how much one lot of first years could change from the next. 'I will pop round and see Susan and the other aurors, unless Ginny wants to come.'

Andromeda just nodded and smiled back at him.

He made good on his promise to himself and spent the first week on his lesson plans for the upcoming school year. Spending part of the day helping Andromeda with dinner for the night and waiting for Teddy to arrive home from Auror training. He had been hoping that Teddy would go on to play quidditch but he wanted to be an auror instead.

Ginny had wanted to see Susan and Teddy, so when she came back from Scotland, they decided to head to Ministry to see if they could catch up with the others that night. Hannah no longer worked at The Leaky Cauldron having been accepted at Hogwarts as their Matron not that long ago.

As they walked through the corridors of the Ministry towards the Aurors office, Harry spotted Hermione walking towards them. He looked at Ginny who had suddenly lifted her head and dropped his hand. Harry could tell Ginny was uncomfortable so was going to give her a way out if she chose to use it.

'Harry, Ginny.' Hermione said surprised.

Harry wasn't sure how to react. He should have known he would run into her, but he completely forgot.

'Hermione,' both Harry and Ginny responded in unison.

Harry leaned down towards Ginny and said, 'How about I meet you at the Burrow?'

Ginny looked relieved and agreed. 'Sure. Uh Hermione, um nice seeing you again. Uh, yeah, um, bye.' Ginny said awkwardly but then just continued along the corridor.

'So, you and Ginny huh?' Hermione asked, once Ginny was out of sight.

Harry looked at her. 'We're not together … yet.'

A small smile was playing on Hermione's lips. 'Trying to relive your youth?'

'No, not at all.'

Hermione pursed her lips. 'I don't get why you would want to go backwards, didn't you want more? Isn't that why we ended?'

Harry sighed. 'I had more and then I went backwards. I want more back again.'

It was dig at her, he knew it and so did she. There was no relationship between them at all now. Too much anger, hurt and time had seen to that.

'Well I hope she makes you happy then.' Hermione said composing herself.

'She does.' Harry said with a small smile.

'Well I am sure you have made her happy, a childhood dream come true.'

'It's not like that, besides she had that with someone else. I guess I'm hoping to give her a new one.' Harry answered honestly.

'So, you can be friends with her but you have barely spoken to me in over a decade?' Hermione asked quietly.

'As I said, she makes me happy.' Harry said reiterating his point.

Hermione looked sadly at him. 'I thought we both wanted the same thing. I thought we both wanted to make the wizarding world a better place than what it had been.'

Harry was thrown a little by this, did she honestly feel they were going to be this power couple saving the wizarding world from itself. They couldn't even save their relationship. 'Well of course I wanted to make things better but our mistake was in thinking we were better together.' Harry hated thinking about their past. It was futile now. Why would she even bring it up? He scowled. 'Anyway, I have to go. I promised a few people I would go around and see them today. Goodbye Hermione.'

'Yes, well goodbye Harry.' She turned on her heel and walked away from him.

Harry looked despondent as he watched his ex walk away from him. But then he thought of Ginny and even though they hadn't cemented their future together just yet, the thought of what could be made him smile as he made his way to the Aurors office yet again.

'I can't help but think your visit is a little too coincidental with the timing of someone else.' Susan said smiling at him as he peered through her doorway.

'It could be.' Harry replied, his smile telling Susan all she needed to know.

'Well she had an identical look on her face as well when I saw her just five minutes ago.' Susan said smiling back at him.

Harry just blushed. 'Nothing's happened. Sort of.'

Susan just smirked at him. 'I know. I see her every time she comes back.'

'Does she talk about me?' Curiosity getting the better of him.

'No, not by name anyway, but she has been different this last year or so. Her spark is back. She lost it after Oliver. And before that, you.' Susan answered honestly.

'Oh.' Was all he said but then moved on to the still missing Death Eaters who no one had seen or heard of in more than a decade.

'We're hoping they're dead,' Susan said indifferently.

'Maybe.' Then both just laughed. Harry figured just like Susan, if a decade later they were still hiding, well they could just keep the worthless life they were currently living.

'So, have you been seeing anyone?' Harry asked getting off the subject of Death Eaters. He knew she had been single for a while but maybe things had changed.

'Yes, I have actually,' Susan answered, a smile coming back to her face. 'She works in Record Management.'

'Oh, anyone I know?'

'No, she is new.' Susan responded her cheeks reddening.

'Ahh. Cute?' Harry prompted.

Susan blushed further at this, 'Yeah.'

'So apart from Ginny, have you been seeing anyone?

Susan knew all about Saige but not necessarily all of the ones before or after. 'Yeah, meet someone else.' Harry replied holding up his right hand.

'But she has been back in your life like almost a year. No one at all?'

Harry whispered. 'A very wise woman once told me that I fucked up when it came to Ginny. I will not be doing that again.' Finishing with a smile.

'Well she hasn't been with anyone since Oliver, and that's been years. Be careful, OK? She's worth it.'

'Yeah, she is.' The look on his face showed that she most definitely was.

'Oh Harry,' and she hugged him tight.

'Hey,' Harry held her at arms lengths and looked at her puzzled.

'She's special Harry.' Susan said looking at him, her eyes were now misty.

He looked at her, all the little things slowly adding up. It was then that he realised she had loved her too.

'You're late.' Molly greeted him with as he walked in through the backdoor. Harry checked his watch, he was sure he was early, they had agreed on six.

'We've missed you Harry, I have missed you,' and the next thing he knew, she had gathered him into a massive bone crushing hug that he hadn't had in years. Harry was startled but then relaxed. He had missed her too.

'I …' Harry started.

'It's fine, sit.' Molly said pushing him into the chair beside Ginny.

Charlotte was frowning and he could tell she was wanting to ask Ginny what was going on but he saw Ginny just shake her head. Charlotte complied and didn't say a word.

Molly placed new cups of tea on the table and took a seat herself. 'So, how have you been?'

Harry considered her for a moment. 'Good.' Then reaching for Ginny's hand under the table, he said. 'Better.'

Ginny just squeezed his hand a little tighter, a small smile forming on her face.

Discussion moved on to his job and he began to tell Molly about the school, classes and his students.

He had missed being here. He missed this table. More importantly he had missed the Weasleys.

What he didn't miss was the look between Molly and Ginny. He saw Molly purse her lips slightly, while Ginny just shrugged. He wanted to ask but he didn't want to make things uncomfortable so just left it.

Arthur came through the floo not long after, Charlotte practically falling out of her chair to get to him.

'Little Charlie.' He said bending down to kiss her forehead. His smile fading slightly, as he looked towards the table. 'Harry.'

'Mr Weasley.' Harry swallowed nervously. 'How have you been?'

'Good, always busy but nothing we can't handle.' Arthur's smile a little wider now.

'Ginny,' placing a kiss on the top of her head, before heading over to Molly and kissing her cheek.

'And it's Arthur now.' Arthur said looking back up at Harry.

Molly and Ginny were talking about Charlotte and making sure she had everything ready for school. Harry could hear Ginny exclaim that she wouldn't be there the whole time just during the week. Charlotte had told Ginny in no uncertain terms that she would stay during the week as her friends would be there fulltime as their parents were still back in San Francisco. But Harry did manage to catch snippets of Arthur and Charlotte talking at the other end of the table.

'Something is going on but I'm not sure what?' Harry could hear Charlotte asking Arthur.

'Not now Charlie, maybe speak to your mum later, ok?'

'Fine.' Charlotte sulked but then began chatting about how excited she was for school.

Dinner was delicious. He knew it would be as it always had been. Conversation was kept light as they all talked about the family, their jobs and Charlotte's social life.

After dinner, Harry thought it best to speak to Molly and Arthur regarding his behaviour towards them after what had happened with Hermione. He turned to Ginny. 'Maybe you and Charlie can go flying. I just want a quick word with your parents, if that's OK?'

'Sure.' Ginny replied looking at him. Harry could tell she wanted to know why but he would tell her later.

'I'll get the brooms Mum,' Charlotte said racing out the backdoor. Ginny just smiled and followed her daughter out the backdoor.

When the backdoor closed, he turned to face them both. 'I just wanted to apologise for the way Hermione and I behaved after -'

But Molly cut him off. 'Look, I won't say everyone was having an easy time of it straight after it occurred. Ron seemed more resigned but it really did take Ginny by surprise. You could have come once everything had settled. We loved you both as if you were our own.'

'I know and I truly am sorry for declining the invites. We just felt it would be too awkward.' Harry said apologising.

'There's no need to apologise, Hermione already has.' Arthur said simply.

Harry looked at him. 'What do you mean?'

Arthur sighed. 'Just after you left the country, she came to my office in tears.'

Harry didn't know she had done that. 'Oh.'

Arthur continued. 'She was sorry for the both of you, what had happened and well a lot of other things. I wasn't quite sure what she was saying at the time as she was quite distressed over everything. She was a little hard to understand.'

Harry felt pathetic. His ex-wife had done years earlier what he should have done. These people had been like parents to him and the way he had treated them was deplorable.

'Well I guess I just want to say it as well.' Harry reiterated.

'Really, it's OK Harry.' Molly said smiling sadly as she looked out the kitchen window. 'You got our girl flying again.'

'How did you know -' Harry started.

Molly just shook her head. 'Go, go join Ginny and Charlie, we know you want too.'

This time he hugged Molly. 'Thank you.' Harry only hoped they knew how much he meant it.

If he saw Hermione again he would thank her for doing that, he thought walking out the backdoor to join the girls. He was glad she had made that effort when he had left. His biggest regret was that they had had to do that in the first place. Not for the first time that night, he thought, they all should have been here together. He and Ginny, Ron and Hermione all with their own kids, flying around the makeshift pitch just as they had done as kids.

He grabbed a spare broom from the shed and went up to join Ginny and Charlie as they played tag.

'Do you remember the last time we were here together?' Harry asked shyly as he and Ginny landed. Charlotte had already gone inside to get a drink.

'Why, yes I do.' Ginny said smirking. 'There will not be a repeat of that tonight however, Mr Potter.'

Harry simply cupped her cheek and leaned down to capture her lips with his. 'One day.' Resting his forehead against hers.

'The drama filled life of an eleven-year-old, huh?' Ginny said, it was obvious she was trying to fill the silence.

They had just arrived back from England and the trip had gone well. He had caught up with everyone he set out to see. Teddy being an obvious highlight, the barely-still-a-teenager was growing up wonderfully under the care of his grandmother and although Harry saw him four or so times a year, he could hardly claim being an influence. He was shocked with the intensity of the relationship between Teddy and Victoire. His biggest regret was not being there more but his life was here for the time being.

Harry looked at her 'Yeah,' he finally answered.

Ginny was looking at her shoe when she shyly asked 'Do you want to come in?'

Harry accepted and moved to sit on the couch. Ginny joined him. 'Thank you for everything. I know it was hard for you to come see mum and dad.'

'I actually had a lot of fun. So, did I pass?' Harry asked cheekily.

'Yeah you did.' Ginny giggled and then got up to make them coffees before settling back onto the couch under Harry's draping arm.

'I am very grateful that you did that for us.' Ginny turned her head to look at him.

'I should have done that a long time ago.'

'What's done is done, we can only focus on the now and what will come for us.' Ginny replied.

Harry smirked, 'Skeeter will have a field day with this.' He said hoping to get her back into her normal playful mood.

Ginny just laughed. 'I can handle Skeeter.'

'Yeah but can I handle all of your admirers, don't think I haven't seen the fan mail on your desk. Oh, and the photo for your by-line doesn't help either.' He said stroking the skin by her waist. He could feel her shiver at his touch. He loved how he could do that to her.

Ginny took his face in her hands, you mean this as she winked at him. 'You know it's just to get the readers, right?'

'Yeah, randy teenage boys.' He said looking grumpy but smiled as he continued to stroke his way up her side.

Ginny laughed at him.

'And their dads.' He tacked on.

'Maybe you should have stuck it out with Hermione, she'll be the Minister for Magic one day, imagine the publicity involved in that.' Ginny laughed.

'Not a chance,' Harry growled as he leaned her back onto the couch.

After some seriously intense snogging, which he was grateful that Charlotte had not managed to interrupt, must be the 'Wood' genes he figured, they finally came up for air.

'I have a small confession to make,' Harry said to her biting his bottom lip, as he half laid on top of her.

Ginny's face dropped. If he wasn't so embarrassed with what he was going to tell her he would have laughed at her expression. 'I have your third-year promotional poster at the bottom of my trunk.'

Tears welled in her eyes. 'But …'

'And it came out a fair bit.'

He just cupped her cheek with his hand, a sad smile appearing on his face. The smile that then broke out on her face had him falling in love with her all over again.

'Well it was a popular one.' Ginny said grinning and dragged his lips back to her.

They had been back from England for a month when she finally agreed to go back to his room. Thankfully the teachers entrance was nowhere near the students, so Charlotte who had stayed for the weekend would have no idea she was here. Ginny had told him that she didn't think Charlotte would be quite ready for her mum to have sleep overs just yet.

Ginny moved over to the window, looking towards the mountains that surround Ilvermorny. 'It's very beautiful here, I can see why you love it.'

Her breath hitched when he touched her upper arms pulling him flush against her. They both knew what was going to happen tonight.

Reaching around, he began to unbutton her robe, letting it fall from her shoulder to the carpet below. 'You're beautiful.'

She really was. At thirty-five, her hair had darkened a little, but her skin and the smatter of freckles still remained.

Ginny turned in his arms. Her dress buttoned all the way down. He undid the top button and then the next.

'I haven't been …' Ginny faltered blushing.

'This is all in your hands, if you want to stop, no matter how far we get we will.' Harry said hoping to address any concerns she may have had but she remained quiet. He could feel her breath quicken and the look she was giving him alone made him hard. Taking that as a yes, he continued to unbutton the top part of her dress. He was now at her waist, so he knelt in front of her to continue. He gasped as he got to mid-thigh.

Ginny smirked at him and ran her hands through his hair. 'Well, it was a sleepover date. Had to make it worthwhile, didn't I?'

He undid the final button and looked up at her while she shrugged the dress off her shoulders letting it fall to the ground. The look she was giving him reminded him of the same look she had given him at the Burrow all those years ago. A look he never thought he would see again.

'You're gorgeous,' was all he could say as he looked up at her in her black lace and red ribbon.

Her breasts were barely contained in the bra she was wearing, her hardened nipples peeking out just above the cup. They were slightly larger than what he remembered, but she wasn't seventeen anymore.

His hands moved to her tiny waist, although still small in stature, her hips had widened slightly giving her defined curves he definitely did not remember her having. His heart was racing as his hands skimmed over her hips. 'Fuck me' was all he could say.

'That was the plan, wasn't it?' Ginny replied cheekily.

His hands cupped her arse as he nuzzled her mound through the tiny g string she was wearing.

He pulled his head back up to just stare at her. He wanted to be inside her desperately but he was going to wait. This was going to be for her, he reminded himself as he moved his hands back up to her breasts, while he placed wet kisses from her belly button to her ribcage. Her smell was intoxicating and she tasted the same on his lips.

He moved his hands back to her thighs so he could undo her stockings. When he had all four unclipped. He hooked his thumbs under her g string to bring it down her hips, her thighs, calves and finally they too were on the floor.

He paused, taking her in again. She stood practically naked in front of him. He had never seen her so exposed like this and couldn't stop himself from thinking this could have been his all this time.

'Harry, is everything alright?' Ginny was now looking concerned as her brow creased.

Harry could only nod at the look in her eyes. He moved his hands to her bottom. Using just his fingertips to softly trace the ribbons behind her.

'Oh Harry.' She moaned quietly.

This was what he wanted, what he needed. He was a damn fool all those years ago if she was feeling even half of what he was at this moment. He swallowed hard as he realised what his actions were already doing to her.

Harry placed a wet kiss on her hip bone before moving to her core. Her legs parting for him. He noticed a little quidditch hoop and quaffle going through on her upper thigh. He lifted that leg to place over his shoulder, kissing it in the process. He heard her gasp, but he wanted her moaning. Harry continued to kiss his way to where he knew she wanted him to be and where he would stay until he felt the last throb …

Harry waited for her grasp on his shoulders to relax before he stood and took her mouth. Desire racing through him and if the moans escaping her lips were any indication, she wanted him just as much as he worked his way down her neck and across to her shoulder. He had to have his lips touch every part of her.

Moving behind her, he moved her long hair off her shoulder exposing her back to him. All coherent thoughts gone replaced by just one; she was exquisite.

He whispered into her ear, 'Let me love you again,' before his lips began their descent on her spine. It was on the way down he noticed the tattoo just on her right side.

He placed another kiss just on it. 'Is that -'

'Yeah, it's muggle, so it doesn't move. I didn't want mum to know I had it. It would have been all over the papers in two minutes flat.' Ginny said quietly.

'It's cute,' a tiny little snitch on her side just where her rib cage began.

'It's yours. Closure.' Harry turned her head to face him. 'It was better than the alternative,' she smiled before kissing him lightly.

His lips continued their assault until he got to her right shoulder, he stopped. The moonlight glinting on the faded scar tissue. 'Ginny, what is this?'

'Oh, it's nothing. I got it during the war.' Ginny said apprehensively. 'Well discuss it in the morning.'

Oh Merlin, he knew about the scars Seamus and Neville had but he hadn't dared think Ginny would have been touched the same way. He breathed in deeply, he would wait but he couldn't wait for her any longer as he moved them towards his bed.

Ginny went to unclasp her bra, but Harry just stopped her.

'No, leave it.'

Biting her lower lip, she said. 'You like it, huh?' Her eyes lighting up.

'Gdshlpme.' He mumbled into her neck before lowering her back onto the bed.

Ginny took his face into her hands. Lifting an eyebrow, 'Use your words, Harry.' A small smirk appearing.

Harry could only roll his eyes playfully at that before sliding one hand through her hair cupping the nape of her neck, while the other grasped her hip as he slowly nestled his hips between her thighs.

Harry's lips met hers again and he was literally at her mercy the moment he felt her fingernails move across his shoulder blades and spine. He could feel her need in the way she was softly arching up into him, so he moved the hand from her hip to where he knew she wanted to be touched.

'Please, Harry,' was all she could get out before he gently slid his finger inside her making her gasp breathlessly. Her eyes widened, then slowly shut as his lips moved down to her chest.

'You're so beautiful,' he said before taking a nipple into his mouth. He could feel her begin to shiver as he nipped its peak lightly. His finger had now been joined by another as he slowly continued to move them inside her.

'So are you,' she said so softly, he wasn't sure she actually said it.

'Gin.' Harry said, Ginny slowly opening her eyes. That look was back and he had to be in her now. His arousal was already excruciatingly painful and he had to be in her while he still could. He wasn't sure how much longer he could abstain.

He removed his fingers and moaned, as he slid slowly into her. Her eyes darkening further. He didn't move but waited for some sign from her to show him she wanted this too. Ginny just nodded.

She was so tight and warm and felt better than what he could have possibly imagined it. His desire wanting nothing more than to pound into her, but he held back and began to slowly and smoothly move in and out of her. He could feel her hands moving lower on his back.

'Faster,' she whispered and he smiled as he pushed himself deeper and faster into her. Her moaning now becoming louder as he could feel her begin to contract around him. Harry felt himself beginning to come undone.

His breathing becoming ragged as he felt her come around him again. He was so close, so close he couldn't help but continue to thrust into her. His mouth found hers. Twice more and he was done, his release harder than what he couldn't imagine it being. He felt like he had nothing left to give. He had poured every bit of his emotion into her, exhausted he could do nothing more than just rest his head on her shoulder as she held him inside her.

Harry had never felt like this. He knew this was where he was supposed to be. With her.

They were lying face to face, as he reached out to move a strand of hair from her face but allowed his thumb to graze her cheek gently. She closed her eyes at his touch.

'I thought it would feel different to when we were younger.' Harry said to her in the quiet of his room.

'Why would it feel different?' she said drowsily, rolling over and curling back into him.

He watched the dozing form cuddled up next to him, a crudely etched lightning bolt faintly marking her skin.
