Hey guys. So, last October I did a one-shot of an AU where the Loud sisters are vampires and Lincoln is a werewolf. Now at the end I asked you guys to tell me what you thought of it and if you wanted me to make more. And after looking over the reviews, a lot of people wanted to see it become like a little series. So after doing some thinking, I have decided to do it. Now I will explain at the end what I have planned for this but for now, here is a little introduction chapter.

Darkness covered Royal Woods. A half-moon shined above the city as no lights were on and no one was moving among the streets, except for ten figures that moved silently through the shadows. These figures made their way through the city at extremely high speeds except for one who was being carried by the leader. As they sped through the city, a creature silently followed them on all fours on the roofs of buildings so he can avoid detection and he so far was succeeding. The figures below had not yet detected him and he planned on closing in soon. Back on the ground, the ten figures made their way into a nearby park under the trees to take a break. The lead figure opened her mouth to take a breath to reveal two sharp fangs. She looked back at the rest of her brood who were similar to her. All of them were pale and wore dark clothing as well as two sharp fangs in their mouths. Except for the smallest whose fangs have not yet come in for she was just an infant. But that didn't matter. This brood was the Loud sisters, the vampires of Royal Woods.

"Everyone good?" the lead asked.

"Yeah we're good Lori." One of them answered.

"Good." Lori said with a nod. "He hasn't caught up yet so I think we're good for now."

"You do realize that he can track us right?" the vampire with glasses reminded her.

"I know Lisa." Lori groaned. She looked at the moon and sighed. "We need to get moving."

"Ok but can we start of slower please?" the vampire wearing a tiara and dress asked.

"Getting tired Lola?" mocked a vampire that almost looked like her mirror except she was wearing overalls and a red hat.

"No, Lana." Lola retorted. "I mean we are way ahead of him. He won't catch us." Lori thought about it and realized that she had a point. They were far ahead so she guessed that it wouldn't hurt to slow it down a little. The moon was still high so they still had time to make it home.

"Ok, we'll walk until we reach the other side of the park." Lori said. "Everyone agreed?" Everyone nodded. "Good. Let's go." The brood walked through the park with content. It was one of the few times that they could take it slow without worry or fear. As they continued making their way through the park, the vampire that was bringing up the rear that had short brown hair and paperclip earrings suddenly stopped walking. She felt like someone was following them. She looked around but saw nothing. Lori picked up that one of them stopped walking and turned to see what was up.

"Luna, is something wrong?" Lori asked.

"Not sure sis." Luna answered. "I feel like we're being followed." Lori opens her mouth to say something else when she hears something moving in the trees.

"Did he catch up already?" a vampire with a pony tail and shirt with the number one on it asked.

"Well Lynn we did slow down so he did have time to catch up to us." Lisa said.

"So what does that mean?" a vampire with sunglasses on head and wearing sea foam dress asked.

"It means that he'll be on top of us, Leni." Lori said. She places the infant in her arms on the ground. "Stay here Lily." The infant nods and Lori starts to look through the trees. "Can anybody see him?"

"No." a vampire with hair over her eyes answered. "He's moving too fast."

"C'mon Lucy. Lighten up." A vampire with a ponytail being held by a yellow scrunchee said. "He might leaf us alone. Ha ha ha! Get it?"

"Not now Luan." Lori growled.

"We could bolt." Lynn suggested. "We could lose him easily."

"No. He is practically on top of us now." Lori said. The brood continued to look into the trees as something continued to jump from tree to tree in a circle until it stopped and everything went quiet.

"Guys, it just got quiet." Leni announced.

"We know Leni." Lynn retorted. Luna looked towards her sisters when she heard some rustling coming from a nearby bush. She slowly approached the bush when a squirrel suddenly runs out startling her.

"Don't worry dudes. It was just a squirrel." Luna assured them. However, right as she finished saying that, a creature with white fur and claws jumped out from the tree and landed right on top her with a growl, catching Luna by surprise. The two rolled around on the ground while the rest of her sisters looked on with surprise. The two separated and stared each other down. Luna then saw her attacker clearly. A young werewolf with white fur on his body with claws. He was also wearing a ripped orange shirt and ripped jeans. He also had no shoes on. The werewolf let out a growl while Luna hissed. The werewolf leaped forward and landed on Luna's shoulders knocking her to the ground. He was then on top of her pinning her to the ground. She tried to shake him off but the werewolf was stronger than he looked. The werewolf bared his teeth in her face and let out a low growl. Luna looked away and prepared to meet her fate when she then felt a tongue go across her face. She looked at the werewolf and saw that he was no longer looking threatening. Instead he had his tongue out to the side and was smiling. He then started rapidly licking her while she laughed.

"Don't give in Luna!" Lori shouts.

"Be strong!" Lynn added. The werewolf continued to lick Luna until she couldn't take it anymore.

"Ok ok! You win!" Luna said between giggles as the werewolf stopped licking her and started to pant happily causing Luna to sit up and wrap him in a hug. This caused the werewolf to lick her cheek. "You got me good Lincoln."

"It was easy once you slowed down." Lincoln said happily. "This means that you are now it."

"While normally that would be the case Lincoln, it's almost morning." Lori tells him. "So we gotta get home."

"Aw man." Lincoln groaned. "Let's just go then." He starts to walk away on all fours when Lori stops him.

"Um, Lincoln? Aren't you forgetting something?" Lori asked before pulling out a leash and collar.

"Lori, do I have to?" Lincoln whined.

"Sorry Lincoln, but you know the law." Lori sighed. "Look, if it was my decision I wouldn't make you wear this but sadly it isn't up to me."

"But the leash laws are for dogs!" Lincoln argued. "And I'm not a dog!"

"I know bro, but the public sees you as a dog so we sadly have to follow the dog laws." Lori said as she put the collar on him. "But I promise that one day you won't have to wear it."

"I hope so." Lincoln sighed.

The Louds made their way back home as the sun started to come up. As they walked they were greeted with the usual glares and fearful glances that they got on a daily basis. As they walked though they also heard the usual insults.

"Here come the freaks!"

"Suck any good blood lately?"

"Stay away from kids freaks!"

"Why don't go chase a car wolf boy!"

The Louds were pretty much use to these insults their whole lives. But it wasn't their fault that they were like this. Seventeen years ago their parents were cursed by witch for accidentally disrespecting her customs. The witch then cursed them to have eleven kids. Ten who were vampires and one who was a werewolf. Worse part was, Lincoln was a werewolf 24/7. There was no off switch. He was a werewolf all the time. He could never blend in. The city treated him like a dog to make matters worse. Now as for abilities go, they had the normal werewolf and vampire abilities. Lincoln had his heightened senses and superhuman strength that surprisingly surpassed his older sisters. He also had his speed when on all fours but he was still slower than his sisters. He still kept up though. The girls had their superhuman speed and senses. They did have super strength but it was only slightly better than the strongest human on the planet. One surprising difference was that the girls were not immortal. While the witch was angry, she didn't want to punish the children by having them outlive any family members that they might have in the future. So she made them mortal. They also all had the classic weaknesses. Lincoln was weak to all types of silver, so he couldn't use silverware without feeling pain from touching it. The girls were weak to garlic, holy water and the classic stake to the heart.

"Lori, can't we just speed through the city?" Lynn asked.

"No." Lori answered. "We need to show everyone that we aren't going to let the comments get to us."

"Fine." Luna groaned. They continued to walk through the town when a few teenagers walk up to them.

"What up freaks?" the lead teenager asked. "Where you guys headed?"

"We're just going home." Lori tells them calmly. Next to her Lincoln glaring at the teenagers, waiting for them to do something. "We're not here to cause trouble."

"Relax. We just wanted to give a little gift." The teenager told them. He reached into his pocket and pulled out something and held it in front of the girls, causing them to back up at what was in his hand. Garlic. "What's wrong ladies? Don't you like garlic?" The Teenager and his friends laughed as the girls walked away from the garlic. Lincoln couldn't take it anymore and looked at the laughing teenagers. He then let out a loud snarl that got their attention. Lincoln took a step forwards and let out a growl while baring his teeth. The teenager dropped the garlic and ran away with his friends right behind them. Lincoln looked at the garlic and swatted it to the side and turned to his sisters.

"You guys ok?" Lincoln asked.

"Yeah. Thanks Lincoln." Luan said with her sisters echoing her sentiment.

"No problem." Lincoln says before climbing up onto Lori's shoulders. "I think it's time we just sped home."

"Yeah." Lori agreed. She looked her sisters and they all ran to home.

Within a few minutes, the Louds arrived at their rundown home on Franklin Avenue. Once they got there, Lincoln jumped of Lori's shoulders and they all headed into the home where they were greeted by two humans, a man who was starting to lose his brown hair wearing a blue long sleeve shirt and a woman with blonde hair wearing a light red long sleeve shirt. This was Lynn Loud Sr. and his wife Rita Loud, the parents of the Loud brood.

"Hey kids." Lynn Sr. greeted. "How was the night run?"

"Fine til the sun started to come up." Lynn groaned as she helped Lincoln take his collar off. "Lincoln finally caught us though."

"Good job Lincoln." Rita said as she scratched her son behind the ears. "Why don't you kids go wash up and try to get a few hours of sleep before you girls go to school and before Lincoln's teacher gets here.

"Ok." The kids said in unison before going upstairs. After they were gone, Rita turned to her husband.

"Lynn, do you think their lives will ever get better?" Rita asked. "Are their whole lives just going to be getting insulted by the town and being alone forever?"

"Rita, they aren't alone." Lynn reminded her. "They have each other."

"You know what I mean." Rita sighed. "Are they never going to make friends or fall in love? And how many times do they have to be afraid that a monster hunter is gonna be around the corner? Especially Lincoln. For all we know he's the only one of his kind which makes him more of a target. We want our children to live normal lives but how can they when the town treats them like monsters and force Lincoln to be a dog?"

"Rita, I know it's tough, but they will get through this." Lynn said. He looked up at the trophy case that he got for their kids and saw that it was empty. "They are talented kids. They all have their talents. They just need a chance to show the world what they can do. They will get through this."

"I know." Rita said. "I just wish that they weren't like this and that they could be normal kids."

"But Rita, this is their normal." Lynn reminded her. "We just need to help them make the best of it. Who knows? Maybe things will get better." Rita nods and looks upstairs.

"I'm going to check on them." Rita said. She goes upstairs and heads to each of her daughters' rooms. She first checked on Lori and Leni who were already sleeping on the ceiling. She then checked on Luna and Luan who were in their bunks sound asleep. She moved on to Lynn and Lucy and Lynn was already in bed while Lucy was pulling out her coffin and going inside. She made her way to the twins' room and saw Lana sleeping with her animals while Lola was still getting ready. She then went across the hall to Lisa and Lily's room where she saw Lisa asleep but Lily wide awake. Rita sighed and walked up to the infant. "I take you aren't tired yet." Lily just giggles. Rita sighs and picks up her baby. "Well you don't go to school yet so you can take a nap later." They leave the room and head to the final bedroom. Lincoln's room. Rita opens the door and sees her son curled up on the bed with Charles lying down next to him.

She remembered when Lincoln first brought Charles home. He fished him out of the nearby pond during a terrible storm. What was even more surprising was he was four years old at the time. But apparently he jumped right into the pond and pulled Charles out and carried him home. Afterwards, they nursed him back to help and let Lincoln adopt him. It was a good call on their part. It gave Lincoln a friend that he could be himself around and she felt that Charles helped keep her son on the right path. She looked at her son and saw him whimpering in his sleep. She quietly rushed over to him and gently rubbed his head.

"Shhh. It's ok Lincoln." Rita soothed. "Everything is ok." After a few seconds, Lincoln went back to his peaceful slumber. Rita smiled and gave him a small kiss on his ear and walked out of the room. She let out a sigh and looked at all the rooms that held her children and looking at the young infant in her arms. "Maybe Lynn is right. Maybe things will get better."

Ok. So this was just an introduction chapter. So yes, Rita and Lynn Sr. are still human. Now I will show how they deal with their much more powerful children in future chapters and show everyone's slightly different personalities. Now several other characters will be introduced. But this series takes place before 'When We Feel Normal' so nothing has happened yet. Now as for the one-shots, they will all be posted under this fic. Think of it as a one-shot collection. Speaking of which, the chapters will be original episodes along with showing how certain events in the series will work out in this AU. So some will be episode re-writes. But most will be original episodes. Now keep in mind that not all of them will be as long as this one but close to it. Also, I will update when I can so please be patient. Also, with this series, I will be taking requests. However, I will be setting some ground rules. First off, one request per chapter. Second, requests can only be three sentences. I look at reviews through my phone so long drawn out requests give me a headache. Also, feel free to PM if you go ideas or if you got questions. Also, don't ask for additional monsters. I already got the monsters I want planned. So other than that I'll try update when I can and don't forget to check out my other fics including Meeting a Loud which just got cover art and When We Feel Normal which was the trial and error for this. So until next time. Farewell. Also, the word Brood is what a group of vampires are called. I looked it up. Bye.