A Hitch in the Plan

Disclaimer; I do not own Harry Potter, JK Rowling does.

Summary: James Potter, having studied under Mad-Eye Moody is more than a little paranoid, especially when it comes to his Heir. And of course, one should NEVER underestimate a mother's instincts. A trunk left for Harry has unexpected consequences to Dumbledore's plans.

A\N: This is my first story There is a M\M pairing. DON'T LIKE DON'T READ! This is a manipulative/bad/evil Dumbledore story there will also be some Ron, Molly, and Ginny bashing. Noble and Ancient Houses, politics,genius powerful Harry, Wolfstar. Rated T for mentioned abuse, mild slash, and for Sirius' potty mouth.

Reviews are appreciated flames will be used to toast marshmallows or printed out and used to line my cat's litter box. Whatever I feel like.

…...Prologue: June 1981

"I swear James," said Lily Potter, putting her hands on her hips, "you're getting almost as bad as Mad-Eye!"
"Lily..." James said, scratching the back of his head, "I know, OK. I don't want to think that way but..."

"Constant Vigilance, I know. I didn't say you were wrong," Lily said, shaking her head, "I was just making a point." Lily got a sour look on her face,

"OK, point made," said James smiling, "now what?"

"What was your idea?" asked Lily.

"Well...I thought maybe a letter?" James said/asked, scratching his head.

"A letter?" said lily, incredulously.

"What did you have in mind, Lils?"

"I think Dumbledore has some kind of...plan for Harry."

"And YOU call ME paranoid?"

Lily frowned. "he is a little TOO interested in Harry for my liking.. He's trying to make it seem like Harry HAS to face him," she looked at their almost one-year old, asleep in his playpen, "What kind of Leader of the Light pins that on a child's shoulders?"
James grinned at her, "I just wanted to make 'proper provisions for my Heir'."
"it's the prophecy James, he talks about it like it's the end all, be all of everything to do with Voldemort!" Lily said, lightly stroking Harry's messy hair when he started to stir, "I don't like it…"
James put his hands up, "OK, OK, Lily calm down! We'll figure something out. Besides, you know he said that it could be Frank and Alice's son."
"I've seen the way he looks at Harry sometimes, it's...I don't know! Call it
mother's intuition, but I just don't like it!"
"Calm down, Mama Bear," James said smiling, "we're doing something about it now."
"Ok James, I'm calm," LIly sighed and ran a hand through Harry's messy hair, "so what are we going to do?"
"Well… I do have some….different ideas."

"Like what?"

"FIrst thing's first, we need to get to Gringotts."
"I'll get our cloaks," said Lily, already moving, "you can floo Sirius."

"Yes dear," said James, grinning as he reached for the floo powder.