Hey guys so I realise I haven't posted in so long lol well, the new 3B episodes inspired me and I have written quite a bit of these drabbles. Hope you like it.

SPOILERS for 3B! Do not read if you're not caught up to date!

Magnus peered out towards the city of lights that lit a way through the darkened night. His thoughts roamed as free as a bird to the sky, taking flight within the farthest corners of his troubled mind and plaguing him, their pursuit unmerciful. They were relentless and attacked his subconscious without falter as he found himself at their mercy. The grip they had on him was unchallenged as he doubted that, even as peaceful as the lasting night was, they would be put to rest anytime soon. They weighed heavily over his fragile heart. Brought with them were images of before when he was capable of wielding magic as naturally as it was for his lungs to consume air. The ability to breathe, however, seemed more natural than his will to silence his restless demons. Quite frankly, it was impossible to tune them out no matter how much he longed to feel at ease while he stood out on his balcony to feel the warm breeze place soothing kisses to his mocha skin.

The light wind blew past him, entangling his dark strands and causing them to perform a small, ungraceful dance.

His lids slowly slipped closed when he started to relax to natures positive effect, from the feeling of peace that slowly washed over him from his placement against the railing. His magic had always been a part of him, what made him, HIM and the sudden loss of something that had been with him since birth was not only difficult to comprehend but was now a forced reality he was made to live in. Magnus had to get accustomed to the Mundane way of life and he wasn't sure how he could move on as this new 'person'. To settle for being 'normal' when he certainly was not. To know that he would now have to go through life mortal was quite the unwanted wake up call for him. He partied, flaunted over men and woman that peeked his interest, lived well over three hundred years without the worry of aging and growing crows feet, of not thinking much about the afterlife but this new revolution came to him as eye opener. As much time as he possessed before was now cut entirely short by mortality.

He understood that Alec was trying to get him to see that his magic was not what defined him, made him the person he was, not entirely, but he also knew the hunter couldn't possibly fathom his emotions and just how much it effected him to have lost the one thing he always had when he hadn't anything, or anyone, else. He wasn't sure he could even put it into words how so. Magnus simply resorted to keeping quiet and not try to explain how he now felt. Which entailed helplessness, uselessness, all the things he wasn't before. That was quite certain the moment he was incapable of fending off Iris, instead becoming her captive and causing more problems for his beloved than were necessary. He should have hanged back like Alec had suggested instead of choosing to fulfill his need of being of assistance regardless of the dangers that lied ahead but the hope of being needed was more overpowering than the concern of getting hurt or worse.

And so the warnings of being a casualty instead of a asset were highly ignored to quench his thirsts.

Slowly, Magnus let his heavy lids raise to reveal deep brown orbs filled with unseen emotions that swirled inside of him like a twister to land. They were quite destructive and could have a deadly impact on his sanity. Absorbed in his silent self loathing, the sound of the front door, it's hinges whining in protest, didn't register to him. Nor did the approaching footsteps that followed shortly after the soft click of the door closing. It wasn't until they came to a stop beside him did he realize that he was no longer alone on the balcony. His eyes didn't need to slide over to see who it was as he already knew the person occupying the space beside him already. The silence went on still, like it had for hours on end, until it was finally interrupted by his soft voice, "You're home late. Did everything go well?" He asked in hopes that initiating a conversation would help put a temporary halt to his still lively thoughts.

He waited for the reply, to hear the man' sweet voice and when it did finally reach his ears Magnus once again closed his eyes as it was like the gentle stroking of piano keys that played a beautiful Symphony Orchestra. It was both reassuring as well as calming the moment Alec replied, "Yeah. We need to talk."

Usually that line was cause for alarm as most couples thought the worse when it was quoted but Magnus didn't get the sudden urge to worry about what they may mean seeing as he had faith in their relationship.

Still, he opened his eyes and glanced beside him at the hunter. They were questioning, yet, somehow knowing, like he knew where the talk was heading and he didn't want to discuss it. He was reminded enough of his powerless state with the constant use of reminders.

"Alexander. I am tired. I think this is a conversation to be had another day?" He suggested in a friendly manner as his tone was more exhausted than anything else but as the man turned to walk back inside the loft he found his arm grabbed and looked to see Alec' hand gently grasping just above his elbow.

Magnus locked gazes with the hunter. Light hazel captured that of dirt and he found himself frozen, unable to look away from the deep pools of sympathy. That was what he saw when staring into Alec' but there was something else that was just as strong shining in those eyes he admired so much. Determination? Conviction? Love? He couldn't pinpoint the exact emotion he saw amongst that one but he knew if he continued to look into them that he would surely drown in their depth. So he went to avert his attention elsewhere. Unfortunately, Alec read his mind it seemed because a hand was brought up to rest against his cheek to keep him from shifting his eyes towards a different direction. The palm against his skin radiated warmth. His heart started to accelerate the second Alec moved forward. The small rift between them slowly closed as the hunter leaned in. Magnus' closed his eyes almost mechanically as he melted into the sudden movement of pressing lips to his. It was a soft, tender kiss that made his knees weak from the sheer affection behind the action.

After a minute they left and he felt slightly disappointed. He should have known that words would have then followed but even if he had the ones that drifted out from in between Alec' lips had enough force behind them to make him stop breathing all together. He listened to them all the while denying the fact that even behind closed lids tears, that were kept at bay for too long, had formed and caused small droplets to escape through his eyelashes to trail down his cheeks. He wasn't sure why now they decided to break free from his controlled hold but it was the emotion laced in the hunters proclamation that caused all the inner pain he felt to finally become too much. As it was the words;

"Your magic may be gone but the person you are isn't. You're still Magnus. You're still the person I fell in love with, the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. That didn't change and it never will. Magnus. I LOVE you. With or without your magic."

Magnus let out a quiet sob...