Hello everyone. Here his my first fanfiction so please do not judge me too badly. English is not my mother tongue so I apologize about any mistakes.


Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight. All the characters from the manga belong to Matsuri Hino.

Chapter 1: "Do you have a minute dad?"

It was the first day of summer break. Yuuki was standing in front of the heavy wooden door of the director's office. She seemed to hesitate before knocking.

"Come in" she heard.

She made sure that she was smiling as she usually did in front of those close to her and she opened the door. The director immediately ran to her and tried to catch her in his arms. She easily avoided the hug and bowed respectfully.

"My darling daughter, I wish you would not be so formal with me…" the director cried on the floor.

"Good evening Mr Director" Yuuki replied happily.

The director sighed.

"Hello Yuuki, did you need anything? If it is about the dinner, I have still a few papers to fill so I will not be back home for another hour or so but there is some chicken in the fridge if you want."

"Well it is not about that…" Yuuki said hesitantly. For a moment, her smile faded and she wondered if she would be brave enough to ask him.

"Actually, there is something I need to ask you… It is not easy to ask but… Would you agree if I asked you to go to another school?"

"What!? My baby hates me! She does not want to be around me anymore! What did I do to deserve this?!" he complained without even realising how serious she was.

"Dad!" Yuuki said "Sit down please."

He stopped and went back to sit behind his wooden desk that had been broken so many times. Yuuki knew that by calling him "Dad" she would have all of his attention. As a matter of fact, Kaien Cross was now looking at his daughter with a concerned face and seemed to be waiting for what she was going to say next.

"I actually thought a lot about it." Yuuki started "My grades here have not been so good, with my job as prefect I don't sleep much and, since you are my adoptive father, other students look at me as if I was privileged and hate me for that. I hardly have any friends beside Zero and Yori. I truly think that I would be happier and more focused on my studies if I were in another school."

"If your duty as prefect is to much, I can arrange to have other people do it, you should have told me before that it was that hard for you." Kaien replied trying to understand why suddenly his beloved daughter who always seemed so happy wanted to go away.

"It is not only that, dad, I feel like I could do so much better if I was away from Cross Academy for a while. Don't you want me to succeed and be happy?" It was a little harsh trying to manipulate his feelings, but she really needed to leave this place.

"But where would you go?"

"I found a school, it is in a city one hour away from here, it is called Shinrinchi High School. They have a dorm, it is not too expensive and the place is quite safe." she said. She had chosen this school for three reasons. First, it was not too far so the director would not be worried but at the same time it was far enough for her to feel away from home. Then it was near Isaya Shoto's house and she knew her father would feel better if one of his friends was nearby even though she had never met him. And finally, she was almost certain that Kaien didn't know much about this school.

"I see you have it all figured out." Kaien said sadly after a while. "Well I guess I should talk to Kaname about this…"

"Don't tell it to Kaname!" Yuuki replied quickly.

"Why not?"

"I don't want him to be sad. I'd rather he finds out when I'm gone" she lied when in fact she just knew that he would never let her go.

"Well Yuuki, I will think about it" he said and she knew the hardest part was done.

When she went back to her room that night, she knew that the director was probably trying to gather as much information on the school as he could. She thought about the real reasons why she wanted to leave. She had not entirely lied to her father, of course she wanted to get better and sleep at night but mostly she felt trapped at home. She smiled all the time in front of Zero, Kaname, Kaien and Yore, but inside she felt miserable. She felt like she couldn't breathe, she loved Zero almost as a brother but seeing him suffer all the time was just too much, she loved her adoptive father too but every time she looked at him she couldn't help but wonder who her real family was and why they abandoned her and it hurt. And then there was Kaname. Kaname who always had a sad look on his face when he saw her. Kaname who she loved and could never have. Kaname who was so overprotective. Well, they were all overprotective, they thought that Yuuki was weak, defenceless, just a child that was theirs to protect from everything. They kept so many secrets from her, she knew it, to keep her "safe", but all it did was suffocating her. That's why she took the decision two month ago to leave Cross Academy.

While trying to sleep, she thought about Zero and Yori, how much she was going to miss them no matter what if she truly went to Shinrinchi, they were her best friends, her only friends. She thought about Kaname too and how she was strangely both sad and relieved to be away from him for a while. Who knew, she might even meet a boy there who would make her forget Kaname.

Just before she fell asleep, she felt her door open and Kaien look melancholically at her. She knew she had won.

Three days later the director came to see her which, in itself, was weird because he never did that. He sat on her bed just beside her and started calmly:

"I will agree to your request if you promise me a few things."

"Anything" she said.

"You will call me every week, you will keep your grades above average and…"


"You will call me Dad."

"Sure, I'll do that… Dad."

"I did not announce it to Kaname because even though I don't agree with keeping it from him, it is your decision to make. Yet, if I may, he will probably freak out when he realise that you left without a proper good bye so I strongly recommend that you call him."

Yuuki rolled her eyes.

"Now we need to complete your file, I briefly looked at it and it is quite long" her father went on.

"Don't worry about it I will take care of it" she replied without telling him that it was already ready and that it only needed his signature and the number of his bank account.

"OK, I will leave it to you then." He got up and sighed. When he was at the door, he turned to Yuuki and asked:

"Are you really sure this is what you want?"

"I am, Dad!"