Disclaimer: This story is 100% alternate universe and most, if not all, of the characters in this story are out of character as well. Also I don't own anything by J.K. Rowling and I am not trying to steal her characters, plots, or moments within the books that she has written. This is my own story and I also claim to not copy off of anyone else's work either in the process.

Summary: Life is funny sometimes, but Harry Potter doesn't think so. What starts off as a nasty breakup between himself and his girlfriend, turns out to be an interesting turn in his life. Or is it? M rating is for swearing, implied situations, and violence.

Chapter 1

"YOU'RE WHAT?" A young man yelled towards his girlfriend. The guy was extremely angry after he heard the disturbing news that his significant other had told him.

"I'm pregnant, Harry! How hard is that to understand?" The girlfriend said.

"I heard that you're pregnant, Hermione, but what I don't understand is HOW you're pregnant."

"It's not that hard to figure out, Harry. Obviously, I had an affair and the father-to-be got me pregnant."

"How far along are you?"

"Not that far. I'm not even a month into the pregnancy yet."

"How long have you been seeing him?"

"It's none of your business Harry! Why does that matter to you anyway?"

"It is my business, Hermione! You could at least do the decent thing and tell me how long you've been cheating on me behind my back!"

"Well since you asked SO NICELY," Harry shot her a snide look at that comment. "it's been about six months."


"Oh don't be so dramatic, Harry. You act all tough, but we both know you won't do anything. You'll just get mad and then eventually go back to normal. Besides, It's not like you didn't see this coming. The signs were all there!" Hermione sneered at him.

"SEE WHAT COMING? How could I have possibly known? Have I not been faithful to you, Hermione? I supported all your decisions, helped you get your dream job, and helped you find your parents when they went missing! Why would you betray me like this? Tell me what I did wrong!" The young man shouted at his recent ex-girlfriend. It wasn't nearly as loud as before, but it wouldn't be long before he became extremely mad once again.

Hermione didn't say anything for a few minutes. During said time, Harry became increasingly angry with each passing moment. He started yelling at her and shouted profanities, but eventually, Hermione decided she had had enough. She walked up to her now ex-boyfriend and slapped him hard in the face. Harry stumbled a few feet back and nearly fell over thanks to the power of the physical contact. A few seconds went by and the distinct outline of a palm print was shown on his face.

"Now if you'll PLEASE stop shouting and just listen to me?" Hermione asked as she attempted to control herself. When Harry nodded, she continued.

"Once upon a time, Harry, you were the man I fell in love with, but you are not that person anymore. Over the past year, you have constantly been at work, or been with your friends, instead of spending time with me. When we were at Hogwarts, you were attentive, caring, and completely devoted to our relationship."

"Yeah and look where that got me." Hermione sneered at his comment but continued.

"When you told me you loved me after Christmas, I was in heaven. I knew we would marry someday. We moved in together two months after graduation and everything was perfect. Then not long after, you changed. I was against you becoming an Auror from the start, but you refused. You stopped being attentive. You stopped giving me a reason to believe you, because you always came home late. And since we haven't been intimate for so long, I went looking for some pleasure from someone else. He may not know me as well as you do, but he's TWICE the man you are Harry James Potter!"

"How dare you, Hermione. First of all, most of what you said was a lie! YES I did tell you I loved you, and YES I did want us to move in together, but you have your facts wrong on everything else. I didn't change. You did! I told you from the beginning that I wanted to be an Auror, because my godfather was one. I wanted to be just like him! You never told me you were against it at all! Secondly, I never stopped being attentive or caring. I was always here, but you would come home late without ever having any reasonable explanation. I let it go at first, but it became frequent, and after a while I figured out what you were doing. I decided to wait for you to come clean, but you never did! And lastly, I would have been intimate with you had you been home in the first place! So don't tell me you were lacking in a sex life, Hermione, you were just getting it on the side with SOMEONE ELSE!"

"Fuck you, Harry! I clearly made a mistake being in a relationship with you at all! You'll never see what kind of person you've become because your head is so far up your own ASS!" Hermione said as she began walking away from the living room. As she climbed the stairs and began packing her clothes to leave, Harry stormed after her.






Hermione decided to stop her packing and head out of her room with a look of pure hatred on her face. She went to her ex and slapped Harry one more time. This time the slap caused him to fall backwards down the stairs. He wasn't too hurt, but it sure did feel painful. As his head stopped spinning, Hermione came down the stairs with a luggage case in her hand.

"Don't you ever call me a bitch, Harry Potter! I can see that you are too immature to take this news, and since you're blinded by rage, you won't bother listening to reason. Im leaving you. I'll send for my things. Don't even try to burn them. I put a charm on everything." Hermione gloated.

"Wait!" Harry pleaded as she stopped on the stairs. "Who is he?" Hermione didn't say anything.


Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed before she turned back to face her ex. The girl looked into his eyes and saw nothing but anger, not that she could blame him of course. She sighed once more before answering.

"I think you know who the father is, Harry. I know you're a dense moron sometimes, but even you can figure this out." She said as calmly as possible.

Harry really hoped Hermione wasn't talking about the one person who annoyed him more than anything, but he was almost positive at this point that it was him. Harry was going to have a talk with him soon, but right now he went back to focusing on Hermione.

"Did you ever regret it, Hermione?" Harry asked with some sadness in his voice.

Hermione paused. She was certainly not expecting this question and it absolutely threw her off. She was quite torn on the subject. Did she really care for Harry? Sure she did. But in her mind, Harry changed so much and she had to find support somewhere else. But then again, it wasn't that hard to go through with the affair after some time.

"I did at first, but now, no, I don't regret it. You were a great friend, once, but now you're nothing like you used to be. I can't understand why you turned out this way. If you ever do get help, then come find me. Goodbye, Harry. Take care of yourself. You're going to need it."

And with that, Hermione walked down the remainder of the stairs and slammed the front door. For the first since he moved in, Harry was left alone in 12 Grimmauld Place. The house was given to him from the will of his godfather, Sirius Black, the alleged murderer but he was never cleared of his charges, even up to his death. As Harry picked himself up from the stairs, he walked right into the master bedroom and started looking for his ex-girlfriend's things. He wanted to take his rage out on something, and he might as well start with her belongings.

The room was neat and tidy, just like Hermione liked it. Boxes were stacked in the corner with what looked like the rest of Hermione's things. It seems she had some time to pack up her things and promptly leave later that day. This was obviously planned. Harry wondered how long Hermione was thinking about leaving him. Tearing himself away, Harry went straight to the nearby closet that was magically expanded to house all their clothes. Only Harry's remained. He wasn't surprised. Hermione did take a suitcase after all, so he figured that she charmed the luggage and got them all in there.

The next room Harry checked was the bathroom. Like the bedroom closet, all of Hermione's things were gone, but Harry's remained. Harry was thankful that Hermione didn't throw Harry's things away, but it didn't matter too much. He was extremely wealthy and could afford anything he wanted. The 19 year old was filled with a ton of hate and sadness at the moment. He then decided to check every single room of the house in hopes of finding something that belonged to Hermione. Nothing was found, and Harry was angry. Not one article of clothing, or a neglected piece of jewelry, or anything of sentimental value was left in the house that Hermione owned.

After finding nothing, Harry stormed down the stairs, went into the kitchen, and grabbed the nearest bottle of firewhiskey. Not even bothering to find a shot glass, Harry grabbed the lid of the bottle, quickly twisted it off, and began drinking, and drinking, and drinking. It only took 20 minutes for him to finish off the unopened bottle, and Harry was wasted, but it didn't matter to him. No one was going to check up on him, and he wanted to be alone anyway. The room was spinning madly. Harry tried his best to make it over to the couch near the kitchen, but it proved to be impossible. Since Harry was so drunk, he stumbled over himself and fell to the floor, not bothering to get himself up. He stayed there for the remainder of the night, and tried his best to get some sleep.

Harry had no idea how long he slept. Sometime through his slumber, he awoke to the sound of something sizzling in the kitchen. His head pounded and felt like a hammer was beating him over the head with vigorous force. His vision was blurry, but that was because his glasses had fallen off just a few inches from his face. After putting them on, the young man made his way over to the kitchen to see who came by.

"So you're finally up. Rough night I see? I'm not really surprised. You always were quick to hit the sauce too hard."

Harry groaned and didn't care if his father heard him or not. Yes, Harry's parents survived the attempt on their life from Voldemort all those years ago. The Dark Lord died when the killing curse rebounded back to him, but no one had any idea why, and no one questioned it. No one was considered to be the chosen one, there were no prophecies to speak of, and the Potter's weren't overly famous as they would have been in other timelines. That wasn't to say that Harry had a good childhood. You see, Harry was one of three children born from Lily and James Potter. His brother and sister were constantly praised for their talents, while Harry was not as favored. He wasn't ignored by any means, but James Sr. and Lily often made it clear that James II and Rose were way better children than Harry, and nothing he did could change their minds.

James Potter II, and Rose Potter were favorited by Harry's parents from the beginning. Harry's brother was a Gryffindor like his father and mother. It didn't hinder him from being the oldest child either. James was incredibly brave, had a natural talent for flying (which his father approved of), and was extremely gifted in Defense Against the Dark Arts. The saving grace of his character for Harry was that James was an idiot in all of his other subjects. He would usually come home with Poors or Trolls on his exams, with the rare instance of getting an Acceptable. James was extremely happy to have a job as a Seeker for the Quidditch Team: Puddlemere United. If he didn't have this job, he would probably be working as an hourly assistant in a joke shop somewhere.

Rose, on the other hand, was sorted into Ravenclaw because she was incredibly brilliant. The youngest Potter had a photographic memory, and often boasted her superior intelligence in the presence of others. She frequently gave Hermione a run for her title of "brightest witch of the age", but most people preferred Hermione's attitude over Rose's. James and Lily were happy for their daughter's accomplishments, more recently, the ascension into the Ministry of Magic by being the youngest witch to ever hold the position of junior secretary to the Minister. Harry didn't care. She was a brat and that's all that mattered to him.

Harry was sorted into Slytherin. His entire family disapproved, with the exception of his godfather, Sirius Black, until he died. From day one in Hogwarts, Harry's brother James made his life a living hell. Since Harry was a Slytherin, his Gryffindor sibling taunted him for being an "evil wizard", tripped him in the halls on almost a daily basis, and insulted him whenever he could. Most of these insults just bounced off of him, but the one that hurt the most was hearing that his mum and dad didn't love him.

When Rose came to Hogwarts, things got even worse. The sibling duo of Rose and James was unstoppable against Harry, but no one cared or stood up for him. Rose would insult his intelligence by claiming he was a dunderhead, and James would take up the physical abuse by picking fights with Harry. The only saving grace was when Harry graduated from Hogwarts because he wouldn't have to be around his obnoxious sister any more. James graduated two years earlier, so he only had one difficult Potter to work with at the time.

"Why are you here, Dad? Shouldn't you be kissing the ground your first son walks on, or having lunch with Rose?" Harry grunted.

"Oh I just wanted to see how my son is holding up. We all heard of your recent breakup with Hermione. That's terrible, Harry. Just terrible."

"Terrible for her, or terrible for me?"

"Her. It sounds like she was suffering because of you, but I'm not surprised. Your relationships have a tendency to not last long. Maybe you should take this lesson to heart, and treat your girlfriends better."

"You and I both know the reason why my relationships don't last. My pig of a brother can't keep his hands to himself. It was always like this in school, and now it seems to have expanded outwards as well. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he's the rat who had an affair with Hermione and got her pregnant."

James Potter raised his eyebrows when hearing this surprising bit of news.

"Pregnant? Where did you hear a ludicrous thing like that?"

"Oh, I thought everyone knew she was pregnant? Because after all, if you know, then everyone knows! Did Hermione come by and tell you all the great news?"

"She did come by and tell us it was over, but she never mentioned being pregnant. We were relieved that she finally made the right choice. You were never worthy of her. I'm only glad I was able to salvage our relationship with her parents, because after all, they are our partners in several businesses."

"Is that all you care about? James, Rose, and money?"

"No. I care about your mother too."

"Whatever." Harry muttered. "It's obviously James' baby, by the way. Who else would be devious enough to steal another one of my girlfriends, and get her pregnant?" Harry said sarcastically.

"She's not pregnant, Harry. She told you that in order to get out of your relationship." Harry's father informed him.

"Yeah right, Dad. My brother stole Hermione, got her pregnant, and now you're going to be the grandfather to a bastard child. There's no way James will marry her. She will be tossed out on the street the first chance he gets, and move on to some other floozie. It wouldn't be the first time he's ruined someone else's life." Harry said while brushing off the comments of his father.

"Don't you EVER talk about your brother that way!" James Potter said as he smacked Harry in the face. "Just because you turned out to be a disappointment, doesn't mean you should take it out on your brother."

Harry didn't say anything to his father. There was no use trying to change that asshole's mind. Once James Potter made up his mind, that was final. No one could persuade him, not even Lily Potter.

"Why are you really here Dad? Did mum not cook breakfast this morning so you had to stop by and steal my bacon?"

"Your mother is busy with your sister's wedding. Of course you would know if you stopped by once in a while. Honestly Harry, insulting your mother, what has gotten into you?"

"I didn't insult her, Dad, I merely observed that you are a dirty thief and stole my bacon supply!"

James had finished cooking Harry's bacon some time ago while talking to his son. Throughout the conversation, James was eating the bacon strips until there was nothing left. He took Harry's bacon on purpose, just like he always did when Harry was a kid.

"Well I can see that coming over here was a waste of time. Thanks for breakfast Harry. See you real soon for your sister's wedding."

"As if I'm ever coming to her wedding. That little monster doesn't want me there, and I'm not going."

"That little monster is your sister, Harry, and she is getting married on Saturday. You would do well to be there, and support her. Your mother and I expect it!"

"But not Rose, right?"

"She was against the idea, but your mother and I made her see reason. Make sure to get her an expensive gift, to let her know she made the right decision on inviting you."

"I'm not bringing that stuck up bitch of a sister anything. I will go to her wedding, but as soon as the vows are over, I'm out of there. I'm not going to wait around and hear the insulting things about me while eating."

"No, son, you WILL stay the entire time, or you be evicted from Grimmauld Place!" James threatened. "Oh yes, Harry. I'm dead serious. I realize this is your house, but your stay at your godfather's house lies on the decision to come to the wedding. If you really want to throw that away, then fine, don't come. But don't expect me, or your mother, to give you the place back."

Harry looked at his father with complete disgust. The young man was ashamed that he was related to this incredibly self-centered ass. Harry had a feeling in the back of his mind that his mother and father had already taken him out of their will already, and was using this leverage to guilt trip him into going, but couldn't prove it. There was no way he could access the Sirius' will by going to Gringotts, because the document belonged to Lily and James Potter, and could not be read by anyone else until their deaths. As if he would care that they died. There would be no tears shed by Harry James Potter at all. Until that time, however, Harry would try his best to keep his inherited house in tact.

"Fine." Harry begrudgingly stated.

"Good. Was that really so hard? Now if you'll excuse me, I have to help your sister get things ready for the wedding. See you on Saturday at 9:00 AM sharp!" James Potter said as he flooed back to the Potter Manor.

Harry was pissed off beyond reason. His eyes turned a blood red color, and he threw all of the nearby things on the floor in hopes of smashing them. They didn't. It looked like Hermione our charms on the objects in the house as well, which was the norm for her. Since Harry couldn't throw anything he decided to get ready for the day and go into work. It may have been his day off, but the young man didn't care. He couldn't stay in the house all day. It would cause him to go insane with anger towards his entire family.

Saturday came extremely quickly for Harry, and he dreaded every possible minute leading up to the wedding. He tried to sleep last night, but couldn't because he really, and I mean REALLY, did not want to make an appearance. So what if his sister was getting married? It's not like Rose would change her mind about her brother for one day. She was a brat, and he was the "ass of a brother". Nothing would ever change.

Around 8:55 AM, Harry was dressed in his spiffy suit and tie. His shoes were nicely polished and his hair was well combed. Well combed was such a vague term. His hair was always a rats nest of wild hair follicles. He liked it. No one else did. When it reached 8:59 AM, Harry took the floo powder and threw it in the fireplace while saying "Potter Manor" as quiet as possible. He hoped that by saying it quietly, he would end up halfway across the world somewhere, and not be able to floo back. That would be such a damn shame if he missed his only sister's wedding. Unfortunately he did make it to the right location and stumbled out. Next time Harry vowed to say the location wrong and see where it took him.

Harry stumbled out of the floo connection and landed on the floor of his parent's living room. There were tons of guests walking and running around. Thankfully none of them were his siblings or father, but he knew he would see their smug faces soon enough. His mother was a different story.

"There you are, Harold! Thank goodness you arrived. I'm so glad you decided to help out with the wedding. Your sister will be very appreciative."

"Mum, my name is not Harold, it's Harry. We've been over this many times, and you know what my name is."

"Of course, Henry. Okay now place your gift for the couple over here, and then please help out the rest of the hired help. We must make sure your sisters wedding goes off perfectly!" Lily Potter exclaimed as she walked away. Out of all his family, Lily bothered him the least. At least she tried to care, but she always got his name wrong. Always.

Harry didn't bring a gift. Not really. He did have something for his sister, but it wasn't what she was expecting. Earlier on, Harry transfigured a rock into a nice set of dragon hide gloves for Rose. The charm would wear off in about 12 hours. Harry only hoped that his sister would open up the gift, and then realize the next day it was gone. That would be such a damn shame. He only wished he could be there when his sister noticed the pair of gloves was gone. Harry took his gift, and placed it with the others on the nearby table.

Realizing he had nothing better to do, Harry made his way to the back where the hired help was to set up the wedding tables. Even though the ceremony would begin in 3 hours, there was a lot left to do. Thank god for magic. Unfortunately the Potter house elves were currently busy with other tasks, so the young man would have to tackle his assignments by himself. Harry started by getting all the tables unfolded and the chairs placed in the appropriate spaces. He was just about to start draping the tables, when another voice Harry didn't want to hear came within ear reach.

"Well well well. Long time no see, little brother." James Potter II said with an emphasis on "little brother" towards his younger sibling.

"What do you want, James? You trying to steal another girlfriend of mine? Well that's too bad considering you already took Hermione away from me! Now I am single again thanks to you, you pigheaded ass!"

"Touchy touchy, Harry. It's not my fault that Hermione left you, and found herself a real man instead. Maybe you should treat your girlfriends better. If that happened, then you wouldn't have caused her to go after someone else." James said with a smug face. "From what I hear, her new lover is quite the looker and a great seeker too."

"So he's a seeker huh? Which team does he play for?"

"Uh ... um ... Hollyhead Harpies?"

"That team is comprised of all female players. Try again, dipshit."

"What's your problem, Harry? Hermione cheated on you, and found a better lover. That's not my fault. If anything, she came on to me and ..." James was saying but realized that he had said too much to his brother.

"I knew it. I knew you slept with her and had an affair behind my back. That is so typical of you, James, it makes you predictable." Harry said with a nasty look on his face. If looks could kill, then James would be dead. "Oh. Wait. It's not that predictable. Want to know why? Hermione is pregnant!" Harry almost shouted. James' face fell the instant he heard this piece of news.

"You're lying. She's not pregnant. She would have told me."

"Well that's what she told me on her way out of my house! Unless she's an amazing liar, then I'd start looking for a ring for Hermione. Oh wait. What am I thinking? That's not your style. You won't marry her because that's beneath you, James. First you sleep with her, then you get my ex-girlfriend knocked up, and then, like I'm guessing, you'll leave her on her own to raise the kid while you go back to fucking bimbos on the fly. Am I right?" Harry asked.

Instead of talking it out with his brother, James launched himself at Harry and the two were punching each other profusely. Even though Harry was quicker, James had the strength and easy beat Harry in less than a minute. A crowd of people had formed around the two, and all gasped at the sight of James hurting Harry. When James had finished his beatdown, he realized he was being watched so he abruptly left. Harry was still on the ground and was eventually helped up. When he had a moment to regain his composure, Harry performed a few healing spells on his face, and did a few concealment charms to mask the bruise he would get in a few hours.

After being throttled by James, Harry decided to go back inside the house instead of helping set up outside. He figured that someone may end up hurting him too. Once inside, Harry could see that the entire house was full of frantic people. Most of them were women. Thankfully Rose was not downstairs, and instead in her old room on the second floor. Harry would have probably lost it if Rose had come down right now and started beating him senseless also. He figured she wouldn't do that right now, but, Rose was considered to be a bridezilla, so he wanted to keep his distance.

"Harvey, over here!" Lily Potter exclaimed towards her estranged son. Harry rolled his eyes and moved closer to his mum. "Harvey can you please start heading outside? The ceremony is about to begin, and I want you to sit in the front row with us."

Harry wanted to object immediately since he couldn't stand the thought of his sister, brother, and father, all sending daggers with their eyes at him, but changed his mind. This was hopefully his sister's only wedding, so he might as well suck it up and enjoy it. Harry made his way to the front row of the ceremony and sat down near the farther end. James Potter Sr., James Potter II, and Lily Potter soon made their way over to their son, but didn't sit as close. There were a few seats open in the front: two were reserved for the groom's parents, and one was reserved for Remus Lupin, Rose's godfather, and best friend of James Potter Senior.

Minutes later, the groom's family appeared. The parents of the groom made their way down and sat close to Harry's family. Since Harry had no idea who these people were, he decided to take in their appearances: black hair, very proper, both were wearing fancy clothes, and they definitely adored their son, because they wouldn't stop talking about him. Not long after the groom's family's arrival, Remus Lupin made his way over to his seat.

"Hello, Harry. It's been a long time hasn't it?"

"Hello, Remus. It's good to see you again." Harry said with some reluctance.

Harry knew Remus Lupin was a nice man, but he almost blindly sided himself with Rose Potter on almost everything. Since Remus had always wanted a girl, he treated Rose as if she was a princess. Nothing was too good for her, and thanks to this behavior, Rose became greedy and vicious when she didn't get her way. Remus was also great friends with Harry's dad and mum too. There were a lot of stories told about Remus, Sirius, and Peter when the Potter children were growing up, but it became old news, and soon none of them wanted to hear these stories any time soon.

"I must say, Harry, I think this ceremony is gorgeous. Your sister will appreciate all the work that was put into it. I can't wait to see her face and watch her smile light up the area."

"I don't think you know my sister that well, Remus."

"Nonsense, Harry! This is a special day for her, and we all need to show some support!"

Before Harry could retort, the ceremony began. During his conversation with Remus, James Potter Sr. made his way to the back and walked his daughter down the aisle. After a few minutes, James and Rose arrived at the front while her future husband was already there. Harry did admit that Rose looked great for a bride, and her husband looked not too bad either, but he didn't care too much. His main area of concern was just how long this damn celebration was going to last. The ceremony proceeded onward. Rose became Mrs. Michael Corner at some point, and everyone was clapping, and clapping. Harry did clap a few times, but it was only for Michael. Those claps were extremely slow. Harry purposely did this in hopes of trying to warn him in becoming Rose's new husband that "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, Michael."

It was a short time later when the reception began. Not surprisingly, Harry was not allowed to have a seat with the family. Not that it bothered him. Rose and Michael were seated in the center, with the best man, Terry Boot, on Michael's left, and the maid of honor, Hermione, on Rose's right. Harry was completely astounded that Hermione was the maid of honor, considering she was shacking up with Rose's older brother. Maybe Rose knew about it didn't have a problem with that. Then again maybe she did know and it was too late to get another replacement maid of honor. The thought was still really disgusting.

"Just get through this wedding, and I don't have to see Hermione again. Hopefully for a long long time. Same thing goes for Rose … and James! Yeah I think I want to avoid James the most." Harry thought.

Moments later the glasses were being clinked and the speeches from the best "people" as Harry called it, started. Terry's speech was pretty lackluster, commenting on Michael's accomplishments in school and getting a job at the Ministry of Magic. Harry tried his best not to fall asleep, because other people were doing it in the crowd. Sometime in the distant future, Terry finished, and everyone woke up, and started clapping as if it was the best speech in the world. Hermione was up next, and Harry was groaning because he knew this was going to be bad for him somehow.

"Hello everyone, my name is Hermione Granger. I am a muggleborn and didn't know much about the wizarding world when I first arrived here. After two years at Hogwarts, I still didn't know very much of how this world works, how people function, and what kinds of prospects were out there for everyone. Then Rose Potter came into my life. It was hard for us to be friends at first since we are both so competitive. I remember when she beat my score on the Potions Exam in my third year by three points, and we ended up fighting for a few days over who was smarter. Despite our competitiveness, we were really close friends throughout school. When it came time to graduation, I was sad because I was leaving behind my best friend for a year, while I headed off towards a career. I thought that by being close to her family, it would fill the void in my life, but it wasn't the same. Even though I got to know her brothers very well (Harry groaned at this part), and became comfortable with her parents as if they were my own, I knew I would still miss my best friend at school. When she got out, I was so excited to have Rose back into my life, and now, we both work for the ministry and try to outdo one another there too (the crowd chuckled at this). Rose, I know you and Michael are perfect for each other. You make each other happy, and I know you couldn't have found a better match than the man right beside you. I wish you both the best that life has to offer, and I hope you have a wonderful marriage." Hermione said while trying to keep her emotions under control.

Hermione then raised her glass, and offered her congratulations towards the newly married couple, which almost everyone in the crowd mimicked, except for Harry. He only sent a glare towards his newly ex girlfriend, and she gave him one in return. The young man knew this was a crock of bullshit. Hermione and Rose were NOT friends. Hermione was only there to make a crack at him, and she somewhat succeeded. Hermione was correct when she said that she and Rose were competitive, but it normally ended in a shouting match, and more often than not, the two girls would fire spells at one another, and try to kill each other from pure hatred. When Rose got the position at the ministry, Hermione was furious and attempted to get her fired. She failed, but wasn't fired. Harry suspected that Rose only picked Hermione because she had some dirt on the muggle-born witch, or because she wanted to cause some pain to her somewhat older brother. Harry guessed that it was first choice.

The floor was then cleared as Michael and Rose took to the center of the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. It would have been touching, had Harry not wanted to vomit the entire time. After the first dance, other couples moved towards the center, and began dancing, but Harry wisely hung back. After watching some of the dances, Harry was tapped on the shoulder and saw that it was Ron Weasley, James Potter's brutish friend.

"Hey, Potter. Rose wants you to dance with her."

"Tell her I refuse."

"She said you would say that. She also said if you didn't, she would announce to everyone about you being an unfaithful cheat to Hermione." Ron said with a sneer.

Realizing that Rose would do something so devious at her own wedding, Harry begrudgingly got up from his seat and made his way over towards his sister. It wasn't hard to locate her, especially since she was the loudest one there. What with the boasting about her appearance, or the fact that her wedding day was today, Rose was absolutely going to soak all of the attention up.

"Hello, Rose."

"Oh hello brother! It's so wonderful to see you" Rose said with a ton of fake enthusiasm in her voice. She had to do her best to appear to be happy considering that there were a lot of people around her.

"Can we get this over with? I would like to go back to my table and be left alone."

"Oh don't be such a stick in the mud, Harry. Come have a dance with me! Don't you want to dance with your sister on her wedding day?"

Harry knew exactly what he would have liked to his sister, but wisely decided to bite his tongue. It wouldn't do well to insult Rose on her wedding day. The other guests would have a field day. Rose guided him towards the dancing area and made Harry assume the correct hand positions on her. She started talking really quiet to him so no one else could hear. Thankfully the band was loud enough for the pair to start throwing insults at each other without anyone overhearing.

"I bet you wish you really weren't here right now. Right Harry?"

"Wow, I'm so glad you noticed. How could you tell, Rose?"

"As if I couldn't smell your misery from a mile away. I saw you in the front row and knew you were angry for being here. I don't blame you, Harry. I wouldn't want to show up to your wedding either, so I guess we are even on that regard. Besides, why would I ever want such a slime ball like you here? The only reason why you were invited was because of Mum and Dad."

"Trust me, Rose, I know they're the only reason. I know you would never do something nice and actually invite me personally. It goes against your character. Just think of what people would say if you actually seemed to care for me."

"Oh shut up you bastard. I actually have another reason to invite you here. I know what you did to Hermione, and I have to say I am disgusted with you. Not that I'm surprised. You really are a pile of human garbage."

"DISGUSTED WITH ME?" Harry yelled but instantly began to regain his cool. "Once again you have your facts wrong, little sister. Hermione left me, because she was sleeping with our whore of an older brother over there, and he got her pregnant. Or did James not tell you that?"

"She's not pregnant you imbecile! Hermione only said that to get away from you, and be with James. I can't blame her at all. As if anyone could ever love you, with your awful attitude and disrespect towards women. I should have you thrown out of here right now!"

"Oh so that little prostitute isn't pregnant is she? Well we'll see about that when she starts showing in a few more months. Face it, Rose. Your darling older brother is a pig, and will dump Hermione the instant she tells him the truth. Mark my words, Hermione will be a single mother in less than a year from now."

"Whatever you say you little cretin. I'll have you know that Hermione and I talk a lot about you. We may not be the best of friends, but trust me, I'll do anything to make your life miserable, even if it means pretending to be her friend. Do you know what she said to me? She said you are a pathetic lover and not a caring boyfriend at all. She said that James is better in every possible way than you. Also she was planning on leaving you from almost the beginning, but didn't have the heart to tell you, because you're so pathetic." Rose viciously exclaimed into her brother's ear.

Before Harry could retaliate back at her, the song ended and the two siblings stopped dancing. In order to play their part, Harry and Rose bowed to each other, with the fakest smiles ever on their faces, then went their separate ways. Harry was relieved to be away from that little horrific bride rolled up into a terrifying nightmare. With nothing on his agenda, Harry went to the bar to drink away his problems. Harry was not one to normally drink, but in times like this, he made exceptions. He swore to his parents that he wouldn't get drunk at Rose's wedding, but that didn't mean he couldn't get buzzed.

"A shot of firewhiskey please, and leave the bottle. I feel I'm going to need it today." Harry informed the bartender. Even though the man behind the counter was worried about doing such a request, he gave in and gave the young man his bottle of alcohol.

Harry was slightly hurt after hearing the things that Rose said to him. It's not like he didn't hear any of those insults before, but never all at once. He didn't bother trying to inform his parents of what Rose said. His father would simply not believe his "lies" and his mother would just turn her attention back towards Rose or James, because after all, they were her only children. Her spoiled rotten, selfish, and bastardly children at that. Harry had gotten through his fourth shot of firewhiskey when someone came up from behind and tapped him on the shoulder.

"What?" Harry said with some anger as he turned around to see who was bothering him. The young man had an inkling that it was Ron again sent to do James' dirty work, but was surprised when it wasn't him. Nor was it his traitorous ex-girlfriend Hermione, and it wasn't anyone who was related to him. No the person who tapped his shoulder was an extremely beautiful young woman he had never expected to see again. Least of all here.

"Hi." the woman said with some shyness in her voice.

"Hello. Now what do you want?"

"I uh … I wanted to introduce myself. I'm …" the girl tried to say but was interrupted.

"I know who you are, Ginny Weasley. If you're looking for my dickhead brother, he's back there probably trying to shack it up with some poor soul who is low enough to accept his advances." Harry said while pointing over to the main tent in the back.

"Oh. Um. I appreciate that, but …"

"Good I'm glad you got what you wanted. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to return to drinking this bottle of alcohol." Harry said with a slight amount of reluctance. He didn't want to drink this much today, but it was necessary in order to get through the amount of time he would spend with his family.

"I wasn't looking for your brother, Harry. I was looking for …"

"Oh my mistake. You must mean Rose. If you want her, then I'm sure she's talking to my jackass of a father. She is most likely over there as well." Harry said as he gulped down one more shot while again pointing to the main tent. He was starting to feel a little bit of that buzz, but continued onwards. That feeling of tipsiness wasn't going to stop anytime soon, but Harry welcomed it.

"I didn't want to talk to your sister either, Harry. I wanted to talk to you."

"Sure you were." Harry stated with some sarcasm. He knew he must have looked disgusting by the way he was drinking, but didn't care. The buzz was getting stronger with each new shot and the young man didn't want to come down from this high.

"Did James put you up to this? It wouldn't surprise me if he did." Harry asked.

"I haven't talked to him once today, Harry. He did invite me, but he's been too busy to talk to me at all. I can't blame him one bit. It is your sister's wedding after all."

"Then why don't you talk to someone else, hell, anyone else besides me? You were close to my parents, and friendly enough towards Rose, so it's not like you can't talk to other people here. Why don't you stop wasting my time, and just tell me the truth?"

The bartender was starting to get a little hesitant to serve Mr. Potter any more liquor, especially after seeing him yell at this girl who hadn't done anything to him. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to have given him the entire bottle.

"Excuse me?" Ginny asked. She seemed a little offended by his comment, but not too much.

"You don't have to pretend, Weasley. Being my brother's ex and all, it would make sense that he would talk about me. I'm sure he mentioned how pathetic I am, and would try his best to use other people if possible to make me miserable, right?' Harry said as he finished another drink and then turned his full attention towards the redhead.

"You think I don't remember you, Ginevra, but I do. All the pranks, insults, and thefts of my things are still rooted in my mind and they haven't gone away. You may not have done all of those things to me, but you did instigate a lot of them. I didn't think you were that self centered and cruel, but I guess I was wrong. What's your game here anyway? You're still good friends with James even after everything you both went through, and now you're talking to me? Are you trying to make small talk as if nothing ever happened? Well I'm not falling for it. Not today at least. As I said earlier, my shithead brother is down there somewhere most likely fucking some tramp. If you need him that badly, then go."

Ginny was now incredibly nervous. Her subtle approach seemed to be failing fast because she had hoped that Harry wouldn't have remembered her. So much for that.

"Listen, Harry, I swear I'm not here on James' behalf. I came here on my own because I sincerely wanted to talk to you. I understand you're hesitant, but I swear that I'm not lying. Can you please give me a chance?" Ginny hopefully asked. Harry pretended to think about it for a moment before he answered abruptly.

"No." Ginny's face fell. "I don't want to associate myself with anyone who is friends with James, or Rose, or have ever had relationships with James, or Rose." Harry said while sighing. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to leave this sham of a wedding. I wasn't even invited here anyway."

Harry took the remainder of the firewhiskey bottle, and started walking out to the apparition point. The bartender decided not to say anything again, but was truly mad at the attitude that the second oldest Potter child was displaying here. Before Harry left, he said one final thing to Ginny.

"By the way, Weasley, tell your oaf of a brother, Ron, to stop bothering me. I don't have time for his childish games and would prefer if he weren't around me anymore. If you see Bill though, tell him I said hi. He's the only Weasley that I've actually liked thus far."

He could tell that Ginny Weasley was crushed, but he didn't care. He wasn't going to fall for another one of his sibling's tricks today. Harry was positive that James had asked her to talk to him and then make him feel worse. The young man had already had enough today thanks to his idiot mum, bitch of an ex Hermione, and the savageness of James and Rose. He was grateful that his father didn't decide to approach him today, because it would have been the shit icing on the shit cake. Harry finally made it to the outside area, and then apparated away. No one even noticed that he left except for one person, but she was currently upset from the way he treated her.

Later that night, Harry dreamt about his time at Hogwarts, something he hadn't done for two years now. Since Ginny Weasley's appearance at Rose's wedding bothered him, his consciousness decided to focus on one of the more significant times he had to deal with his blockhead brother. In his dream, Harry was sixteen, in his sixth year of school, and was heading down the crowded hall to his next class, whatever it was. Harry was carrying his books in his bag and kept a tight grip on them as he walked by the other students. When he finally made it towards a semi empty hallway, the young man discovered that he was surrounded by Gryffindors on all sides. They weren't blocking him, but there was a lot of them conveniently present. As he was about to reach the end, James Potter II appeared out of nowhere with Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, and a few other Gryffindors named Seamus, Dean and Pavarti. The small army decided to step in front of Harry and pushed him back.

Harry remembered what happened next all too well. James and Ron tried to throw a few punches at him, but quickly sideswiped out of the way. Dean and Seamus had their wands at the ready in case either Gryffindor had somehow lost, while Pavarti conjured up a barrier so Harry, Ron and James couldn't escape until the Slytherin had been taken care of. The fist fight continued in the small ring, but Harry had managed to dodge the punches for now. His brother had come close a couple of times to hitting him, but Ron was just pathetic and couldn't reach his target at all. Harry couldn't avoid the harm for long because his brother slammed his gorilla fist into the young man's face. Harry's glasses were broken and fell to the ground without any effort.

Seeing his opportunity, Ron lunged at Harry with raging fury. Ron pummeled Harry to the ground and began beating him senseless, while James asked him to lessen up so that he could have a turn. The next few minutes were hazy as Harry absorbed blow after blow. He was bleeding out his nose, hair, and ears, but it didn't seem to be enough. Before he passed out from the pain, Harry could see James walk over to Ginny. They seemed to be laughing. The two were pleased at how things turned out for the younger Potter, and the evidence was not hard to deny. He couldn't remember what happened next, because when he woke from sleep, the young man was in the Hospital Wing. His face was bruised and the bleeding had stopped, but the pain was almost unbearable. Thankfully Snape had found Harry when he did, otherwise the boy would know how things could have turned out.

Harry awoke from his dream and found himself sitting up in bed. He was not calm after witnessing the dream. It was dark, so he assumed he had slept for quite a while. Without much choice of what to do next, Harry went back to bed for a few more hours. He didn't have another nightmare that night.

Sunday wasn't too exciting for Harry, but he was just glad to get away from his family for the day. Monday creeped its head after that, and Harry was glad to get back to work in the Auror department. This was the one area of his life where he was appreciated and his co-workers liked him. In the morning, Harry performed his normal routine and proceeded to floo into the Ministry of Magic. Just like always, the ministry lobby was crowded with witches and wizards busying themselves with whatever they were trying to accomplish. There were several paper airplane memos above their heads as well, that zipped so fast around corners that it was impossible to tell where they were going exactly.

It wasn't too long before Harry arrived at work. He was the supervisor of a small team that dealt with attacks from dark wizards. Lately things had gone pretty well. Criminals were scarce ever since Voldemort perished all those years ago. The only ones who ever performed any major crimes had tried to murder, rape, and steal in the name of their once beloved Dark Lord. That didn't mean there wasn't any work to be done in the Auror department though. The Minister of Magic always kept them busy with something.

"Hello, Samantha. How was your weekend?" Harry genuinely asked the front desk receptionist as he walked in.

"It was good, Mr. Potter. I have exciting news! Joe and I found out I'm pregnant! I'm expecting my little one to arrive in September!" Samantha said with a huge smile on her face.

"Really? Wow that's amazing! Congratulations Samantha!" Harry hid his disappointment when hearing this news, but had to be happy for her. He wasn't upset at all that Samantha was expecting a child, but to hear someone else was pregnant, after already hearing it from his ex, it hurt him.

"How many times do I have to remind you, Mr. Potter, that I'd prefer to be called Sam?"

"And how many times have I've asked you to call me just Harry instead of Mr. Potter?"

"Fair enough, Harry." Samantha jokingly sneered at her boss. Harry stuck his tongue out at her, being the immature one in the conversation. Sam thought it was funny.

"Well again I'm really happy for you, Sam. If you or Joe need anything, please let me know. Okay?"

"Okay, Harry." Sam said. "Oh wait, I almost forgot, you have someone waiting for you in your office."

"Is it an appointment that I forgot about?"

"Let me see here. Hmm … no it appears to be unscheduled. I don't know who you were expecting, but they're in there."

"Do you remember who it was, Sam? Was it a man or a woman?"

"It was a man. He had slicked blonde hair and wore a fine black suit and tie."

"Did he appear to be older than me?"

"I'm sorry, Harry. I only was able to see his clothes and hair before he walked past me saying that he was going to wait for you to come in. I have no idea if he was older than you or not."

Harry jokingly groaned. He had a pretty good idea who this person was, and even though he appeared to be miserable at the thought, he was excited to see a possible friend.

"Thanks, Sam. I'll see you later."

Harry went towards the back of the small office space and opened the door to his office. Inside he found the blonde haired man that Sam talked about, but was surprised when he realized it wasn't the one he was expecting.

"Draco Malfoy? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be licking someone's boot right about now? God knows you couldn't have survived in this world without that, because your magical prowess is the equivalent of a squib." Harry exclaimed.

"Is that how you treat an old friend, Potter? You never write, and you never stop by to see how I'm doing. I'm starting to feel offended! Also you're one to talk about being a squib. We both know your father had to bribe all the professors at Hogwarts in order to graduate because, let's be honest, you're the epitome of idiocy, and your knowledge of spell casting is on par with a first year muggle-born." Draco Malfoy said.

Harry gave the young man in front of him an angry look, but it quickly dropped once the two of them broke out in laughter. Harry went over to his longtime friend and the two hugged each other. The two then released and Harry walked over to his desk and sat down.

"It's good to see you, Draco, but I'm surprised to see you here. Shouldn't your father be here today? I was expecting him to come by in hopes of using my extremely stretched thin amount of men and women in the Auror department. I heard he was going to throw another house party."

"I haven't heard anything about that."

"Sure you haven't. You're usually the first to know about these things. I expect an invitation by the way." Harry stated.

"Whatever, Potter. Father is not going to be stopping by today. It's just little old me."

"I'm assuming this is not a social visit, because if it is, there's the door. I do have a lot to do today." Harry indicated the door behind his friend.

"Oh yeah I'm sure you have a lot to do, considering the Aurors aren't as busy as they used to be. The paperwork is not going to file itself is it?" Draco mocked.

"Fair enough. What do you need?"

"I am requesting your services. Only you. I would prefer if this was done discreetly."

"Why come to me? Surely there are others in this department that can help you?"

"Come on, Harry! We've been friends since the beginning of school. I thought that our longtime relationship would amount to something."

"Fine, Draco. I guess I can help you out." Harry sarcastically answered. "What can I do for you?"

"It's not for me, It's for my parents. Ever since father defected from the Dark Lord, he and my mother have been targeted and harassed by Voldemort fanatics. There are some that believe my father got away easily, and his disloyalty should not go unpunished. I know the Aurors have taken care of Nott, Dolohov, the Carrow siblings, Pettigrew, McNair, and both of the Lestranges. Even you personally took cake of Crouch Jr., but there is one left in the Dark Lord's inner circle that needs to be arrested. Is this something you can handle?"

Whatever Harry was expecting from his friend, it certainly didn't sound like this. Draco rarely came to him for help because he always preferred to do things his way, and he was usually successful. This time Harry knew it was serious.

"I hope you're not talking about, Greyback, Malfoy."

"I am. He's the last one of those degenerates that the Dark Lord recruited. As soon as he's hunted down like the dog he is, then my parents can feel safe."

"Draco ..." Harry said with a sigh.

"What, Potter? Is it money you need? We will pay you anything you ask, just please get this done!"

"I don't want your money, Draco. I just want to inform you that Greyback has avoided capture at every turn. He's the most devious Death Eater that we have ever tried to take down. Not to mention that he's a werewolf, and his clan will not betray him under any circumstances. We've done everything we can try to get that bastard. How do you expect us to find him?" Harry almost angrily exclaimed.

Draco pulled something out of his pocket and tossed it over to Harry.

"That should help you find Greyback."

Harry opened the little bag and discovered what was inside. His eyes widened when he discovered what it was.

"Is this …"

"It's Greyback's hairs, yes. With this, you can use a polyjuice potion to change into him, and then try to find the werewolf. I suggest to start looking for his clan, but I'm sure you already knew that."

"Where did you get this?" Harry shockingly asked.

"That monster almost killed a few children last week, and thankfully it caused him to lower his guard. Father was trying to find information about his whereabouts when the monster happened to be coincidentally nearby. Greyback seemed to be in one of his aggressive moods so father stunned him when he wasn't looking, took some hairs, and left before he was discovered. He only managed to get these to me yesterday."

"Why didn't Lucius just kill Greyback? That would have eliminated the problem!"

"Father has abstained from killing ever since he defected. It would have made things easier, but he is firmly against taking a life. He said that killing ripped apart his soul, but had no choice because of the Dark Lord."

"Where are your parents now?"

"They're still in the manor, but I am moving them to a secure location tonight. The walls have ears, Potter, even in here, and I wont say anything more on the subject.'

Harry sat in his desk and for the first time he honestly had nothing to say. Draco had just given him the key to finding the last one of those bastards who supported Voldemort and got away. This would also mark the end of a long road ahead for Harry. With Greyback's arrest, the deaths of several innocents in this war would finally be avenged, the world would be a lot safer and the Malfoys could come out of hiding.

"Draco, thanks to you and your parents, I will make sure the bastard is taken down. It will take me a few days to get everything I need to leave, and I will not return until he is either dead or captured. Once he has been dealt with, I will make sure you and your family get credit for aiding the Auror department." Harry said with a huge smile on his face.

"Thanks, Harry. Just please be discrete and do it quickly." Draco Malfoy said as he shook his friend's hand as another gesture of his gratitude. As Draco began to leave, Harry asked how much his reward would be for finding Greyback, to which the blonde haired man just smirked, said nothing and walked away.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly for Harry Potter. After discovering that the Ministry's potion supply was close on finishing its next batch of polyjuice, Harry guesstimated that it would be ready in two days. This free time would allow Harry to look over the case notes written on Greyback, and maybe ask for whereabouts from darker wizards in Knockturn Alley. The other possibility would be to ask Remus Lupin, because after all, Greyback was the one who turned a young Remus into a werewolf. It also helped that the man was a personal friend of his dad, and had been friendly with Harry on several occasions.

Just before the young man headed out for the door, Sam stopped him from leaving.

"Wait, Harry, don't leave yet!"

Harry screeched to a stop. "Did I really forget another appointment today, Sam?"

"Actually no. This is another walk-in. She really wants to talk to you, Harry. Should I send her in?"

Harry rolled his eyes in annoyance. There was a very high probability that this woman was just trying to meet him because he was extremely wealthy. Even without his share of the family fortune, the young Potter had a lot of money on his own, thanks to hard work, determination, and his money being divided into multiple businesses in the stock market by the goblins at Gringotts. Harry was angry when the Daily Prophet decided to announce that he had made a killing from his stock market success, and he suspected that Rose was behind it. He could never prove it though. Ever since his wealth was leaked to the public, flocks of pathetic girls would come by quite often every week. Harry had tried to get the Minister to sign off on some kind of ward that prevented gold diggers from bothering him at work, but the man was currently busy, so Harry would have to deal with these intrusions for the time being.

"Is she one of those girls who only want my money? If so, then I'm not interested. I have enough matters on my plate without having to deal with the crazed up witches that attempt to meet me every week."

"I thought the same thing at first, Harry, but she seems genuine. Why don't you see what she wants? If it turns out I'm wrong, I will personally drag her butt out of your office myself. Deal?"

"Deal." Harry said with a short laugh. "Okay. Send her to my office in 30 seconds. I'll pretend that I'm really busy with something." Sam laughed back at his mannerisms.

Harry made it back to his office and was slightly anxious to see who this woman was, and why she wanted to meet him so late in the day. As long as it was anything other than a fan girl, Harry would help her the best he could. To make it seem like he was busier than he was, Harry pulled out some papers from his older cases on Greyback, and started looking over them. He might as well be useful if he was going to be here longer. A knock at the door initially surprised him, but shook it off once he informed the woman to enter. Harry didn't even look up at her yet.

"Hello, Harry."

Harry looked up to see that it was Ginny Weasley once again. She was dressed in casual clothing that did hug her body in all the right places. She also looked determined to be here. He would have been intrigued had he not already seen her at the wedding, but now she wanted to talk to him at work! Harry inwardly groaned and this time it was not sarcastic at all. Using all the reserved up patience he had, Harry cautiously greeted the red headed woman with some form of politeness.

"Hello, Miss Weasley, is there something the Auror department do for you today?" Harry said with as much enthusiasm as possible. He did not want this girl to come in, but he would at least hear her out before making any judgements.

"Yes, there is. Although I don't need the entire Auror department, I just need one."

"Oh? Can you explain please?" Harry asked with some newfound curiosity.

"Well to be honest I don't need an Auror at all. I never got the chance to talk to you at the wedding. I wanted to come by and see if I could talk to you now." Harry was now beyond annoyed with this woman. Not only did she outright lie when she said she needed an Auror, but she was wasting his time.

"Miss Weasley, did you actually come here with a problem, or were you just trying to get some alone time with me? Frankly, I am extremely busy with an upcoming case, and I need to devote all my time and energy towards that. Now unless you have something life threatening, then I suggest you leave."

Ginny Weasley may have been known to be a fierce and passionate little spitfire, as her brothers so wonderfully pointed out, but she couldn't yell at Harry James Potter. The guilt inside of her wouldn't allow it.

"Could you at least hear me out, Harry? I have some things to say, and I would really appreciate it if you would listen."

"Fine. Just hurry up." Harry drawled. Ginny knew she was on fragile ground, but she had to move forward.

"I wanted to apologize, Harry. You were right when you said I was a nasty little girl in school. I know that I contributed to your rough time in Hogwarts, even when you were nothing but nice to me. When I first saw your brother, I was smitten instantly. I wanted to be with him no matter what it took, and I eventually got my wish. When your brother and I started dating, he made it abundantly clear that I couldn't associate myself with you, or risk our relationship ending. So in order to please him, I became something I didn't like. Whenever James would insult you, I would join in. Whenever your brother wanted you to be pranked, I would offer my ideas in support. And whenever your brother rallied others into making fun of you, or bullying you, I joined in without hesitation. Rose didn't help in matters either, and even further encouraged me.

One day I woke up and realized just how much I had done to you. It was if my life completely turned upside down. I thought about every single time I hurt you, and I felt sick. My conscience made me feel disgusting to act the way that I did, but it was too late to change the past. When I confronted your brother about this, he attempted to apologize, but I could tell it wasn't genuine. I left James after that. I couldn't continue to be mean to someone just so James would be happy. We decided to remain friends, even after everything, but we're not as close as we used to be.

After I graduated, I wanted to make things right by apologizing to you. I must have written dozens of letters, but none of them seemed to sound genuine enough. I eventually attempted to contact you, but you never responded to my letter. Either that or your brother got it first and threw it away. I had hoped that I would see you again one day so that I could tell you in person that I was sorry, but it never happened until your sister's wedding.

In short, I wanted to say I'm sorry, Harry. What I did was inexcusable, and if I could go back to fix things, I would. You didn't deserve any of the crap that was thrown at you. I just hope you can accept my apology."

"Wow you really are a piece of work, Weasley. Everything you've said makes complete sense now! I expected nothing less from James, because he's good at getting under my skin. I don't understand why you would even bother trying to apologize now, when you could have done it a long time ago. That is when you actually had a soul. It really speaks a lot about your character when you only care about putting down others just to satisfy your partner, but I'm sure you don't care about that. Then again, you're probably not the first one to do something like this just to date the blockhead that is my brother. I'm sure a lot women have done even more terrible things than you though." Harry angrily said while gritting his teeth.

"Well I appreciate you coming by and opening up old wounds from the younger days, Miss Weasley. I can't thank you enough for that. I had hoped to put those school days behind me, and just enjoy life without having to relive my time at Hogwarts, but now it seems the past is catching up with me. What exactly did you expect would happen when you walked in here? That'd I'd be civil, move on, and accept your apology? No way. That's twice now you've made your into my life in under a month, and I'm hoping I don't have to deal with you anymore after today."

"I understand you're mad at me, Harry. I do. You're mad about a lot of the things I did, and I can't blame you at all. I am … " Ginny tried to say but was cut off.

"No you don't understand, Weasley!" Harry shouted as he got up from his desk and faced her. "People like you are truly disgusting. No guy is worth lowering your character in order to be in a relationship with them. Not even my brother. If you were even remotely sorry at all, you would have broken up with James from the beginning, or would stop being friends with him! But you didn't, and you're still friends to this day! You can preach to me all you want about being sorry, but there's nothing you can say to make me change my mind about you! It was stupid of you to come here and expect me to react differently!"

"Harry … I'm sorry … I really …" Ginny tried to say with some tears in her eyes that were threatening to fall from her face.

"Don't interrupt me! As I said before, Miss Weasley, I won't associate myself with someone who is friends, or has ever had a relationship with my self centered git of a brother. Let me give you some advice, Miss Weasley. If you don't already know, James is going to drag you down if you continue to be around him. Way down. That includes my bitch of a sister too! Now do me a favor and leave. I have a lot to do before I leave the country." Harry continued to shout while he sat down in his desk again.

"I … understand, Harry. I just hope you will give me a chance to show how sorry I am. Maybe sometime if you're up to it, you can stop by and we can get coffee or something? You can find me in the sports area of the Daily Prophet. I cover the quidditch section in the paper." The redhead hopefully asked.

"Don't hold your breath, Weasley. I would say don't let the door hit you on the way out, but I'd be lying." Harry said with some angry sarcasm. Ginny seemed to have gotten the hint, finally, and she left. As Harry began to leave, he gathered his things and stopped by the front desk once more.

"Holy Merlin, Harry! I could hear the shouting from here! What happened?" Sam asked with a shocked look.

"It was bad, Sam." He said while sighing. "She made a huge mistake coming here."

"How bad was it, Harry? Was she a galleon grabber like you thought?" she asked.

"No. Worse. She made me remember my not so pleasant memories from Hogwarts. It still amazes me to this day what people won't do for my brother and sister. I'd rather have dealt with a galleon grabber to be honest. Do me a favor and don't let in any unscheduled appointments from now on please? I'm done with these kinds of people."

"Sure thing, boss."

"Oh, by the way, I am going to be out of the office for a while. I have an urgent assignment from a friend of mine that involves taking down a dark wizard. Maybe even a few werewolves if necessary."

"Ooo sounds like fun! How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know. I would say under a month, but it may be longer. I'm leaving two days from now once I have the proper equipment I need."

"Okay. Make sure that dark wizard gets what's coming to him, Harry! Kick his ass!"

"Thanks, Sam. Have a great night!" Harry laughed.

It took only a few minutes to reach the floo exits in the Ministry of Magic. After disappearing into a wall of green flames, Harry made it back to his somewhat depressing house. Instead of finding the house with all the lights turned off, Harry saw there were several lit up areas in the kitchen. The young man went toward the room in the house, and saw that he was not alone. His father was sitting at the kitchen table, going over some documents. He appeared to be stressed out, but the younger Potter didn't care whatsoever.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked him.

"Is that how you treat your father, Harry? I'm not all that surprised at your rash behavior, but you could still learn some manners."

"Sometimes I wonder if I am related to you at all. We may look alike, but that's it. We have nothing in common."

"The feeling is mutual, Harry. It seems that despite my good looks and talents, you seemed to have only gained one of those traits. It's too bad, really, I was hoping I would have two boys like me, but it seems that I never will." James sighed.

"Is there a reason why you're here? I'm getting quite tired of you appearing in my house without my permission. Just because Sirius permanently made it possible for the rest of you to floo in, doesn't mean you can just barge in whenever you damn well please."

"Yes it does. This is technically my house since Sirius left it to me in his will, but I gave it to you out of pity, since I knew you would never be able to find as good of a place as this."

"If you only stopped by to insult me, then please get out. I've got enough to worry about as it is."

"Oh I'm sure you do." James Sr. sarcastically responded. "Actually I came by because I need your help."

"Wow. So the great and mighty James Potter needs help from his disgrace of a son? What'd you do? Throw all your money away gambling? Kill someone and bribed your way out of prison? Am I getting close?"

"No you insolent child. I haven't done anything wrong, but I need your help. It is extremely important. I would normally never come to you for help, but considering we don't have much money left, you are my only option."

"What are you talking about?"

"The fortune dried up and I have been reduced to going back to the work force, Harry. That's what I am. talking about." James admitted. Harry was upset that the contents of the vault were gone. There were many books and family heirlooms that Harry would like to hold onto some day, but now they were gone.

"I can't say I'm surprised. You never were good with money, dad. I on the other hand have millions of galleons at my disposal. Maybe you should have saved your money wisely, instead of blowing it on expensive weddings or the latest model of brooms for your oldest son."

"Be that as it may, I did come here to ask you for help." The father seemed to be struggling to keep his emotions under control as he spoke the next few words. "Your mother is dying, Harry."

Harry was stunned at this news. The young man first thought his father was deep in debts with the bank, but after hearing this, he had no idea what to say. His eyes were misting. He sat down in the chair across the table from his father. Soon enough his tears were flowing and there seemed no signs of it stopping. In a rare act of compassion, James Sr. got up from his chair, went over to his son, and put his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"I know, Harry. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but she is dying. She's been diagnosed with a rare disorder that will eventually cause her magical core to disappear. Eventually, she will have nothing left, and then die as a result." James said. He was struggling to keep himself together, but had to keep it under control.

"About three years ago, your mother and I noticed that she was behaving abnormally, and would have accidental instances of magic, as if she were a child. When we went to a healer, the they discovered the rare disease in her body. I've been doing everything I can to keep her alive through various treatments, but nothing has permanently fixed the problem. The treatments have been very expensive, and drained all of the money in the family vault. If she doesn't receive treatment soon, she will die. I don't know how much longer she has. One of her last wishes was to see her only daughter marry. She got that wish, Harry, now I want you to grant me one of mine."

Harry looked at his father. The young man could tell that his father was dead serious about this. There was no way he would say something so horrible for it not be true.

"What do you need from me?" Harry asked. He was still trembling from the news.

"I need money, Harry. I don't have the funds necessary to keep your mother alive. I won't lie, son, we only have one last treatment left to try, and if this doesn't work, your mother will be out of options." James then faced his son.

"I know you won't do this for me, I wouldn't either, but do it for her, Harry. I want to try everything I can to save her." Harry nodded in agreement.

"Of course. How soon do you need the money?"

"As soon as possible. Your mother's next treatment is in a week from now."

"How much do you need, dad?" Harry asked. James was a little happy inside that his son wasn't angry with him. He wasn't happy however to ask his son for an extreme amount of money.

"I need 500,000 galleons. That will cover the expenses of the treatment, and the remainder of the bills that we have yet to pay from St. Mungos." Harry didn't say anything, but nodded instead. The young man sighed.

"I can do that. I'll go to Gringotts tomorrow, and transfer the money into your account." James sighed in relief.

"Thank you, son. I'm going to go back to your mother to take care of her. I would appreciate it if you could show up for your mother's operation on Sunday." Harry nodded once again. James then said his thanks one last time before heading to the floo connection in Harry's house.

"Dad? Maybe after this is all over, we can start again? I don't want our relationship to be the way it is now." James was surprised. The relationship between himself and his son was dreadful but the father had always hoped that one day it would fix itself. Now it seems he was going to be given that chance.

"I'd like that, Harry." Harry smiled. "I'll be in touch with details soon. Goodbye, son."

James left the boy's home, and flooed back into the Potter Mansion. As soon as his father left, Harry realized that if he was going to spend his possible last amount of time with his mother, he was going to have to cancel the hunt for Greyback for now. Harry flooed over to Draco Malfoy's residence, which it turns out was the Malfoy Mansion. The young Potter was surprised when none of the Malfoy elves had greeted him considering they always did every single time. Harry began to shout Draco's name throughout the halls of the mansion in hopes of his friend being home. It only took a few minutes to hear some scuffling upstairs, so Harry ran up the stairs and headed towards the bedrooms.

As Harry got closer to where Draco's old bedroom was, the sounds of scuffling started to get louder. It sounded like someone was moving around furniture but trying really hard to not make it sound like they were home. Draco's old room did not have the weird sounds as Harry thought, so he continued onwards. Once again, the sounds continued to get louder, but now it sounded like someone was chewing as if they hadn't eaten in a few days. Harry was getting a little worried so he started opening all the doors around him, but nothing was inside. Finally he approached the farthest room down the hall when he knew that the sounds were coming from inside. Harry grabbed his wand and slowly opened the door.

The scene inside the room was something out of a horror film. Blood was everywhere, body parts were mangled and tossed in different areas, and Harry could tell there was more than one dead body inside. As hard as it was to ignore this amount of gore, Harry looked around to see what that weird sound was. Now that the door was open, Harry was sure with 100% certainty that someone was eating. The sound of flesh being torn off was disgusting. The creature inside was also unmistakable. Even though it was a full fledged werewolf, the color of the hair, and the scars on its back was a dead giveaway. The person who Harry had been hunting for, Greyback, was only a few feet away with his back turned away from the young Auror.

Since the monster was distracted by his prey, Harry carefully opened the door all the way open. The boy then raised his wand a little higher. If he missed his target, then Greyback would escape, or worse, Harry might die or be turned. Before shooting off a spell, the boy casted an anti-apparition charm, and a anti-portkey ward. Now, the Auror was ready, but so was Greyback. The monster heard the spells being casted behind him thanks to his enhanced hearing. To make it seem like nothing was wrong, Greyback continued to eat on the flesh in front of him. Before Harry could take his next breath, Greyback lunged at him with his monstrous hands and almost sliced him in the face. Harry ducked out of the way just in time to run down the hall. Unfortunately, his wand fell out of his hands when he got himself out of the way.

"Shit." Harry said aloud. Greyback seemed to have noticed that the wizard had dropped his wand, and howled with glee in response. The beast's grin grew wide, and the terror in the young man's eyes grew even wider. The only thing to do was run. To face Greyback head on without his wand was suicide. Since the young Potter was not trained in the ways of wandless magic, he had to find another weapon capable of killing the werewolf. The Auror ran down the hall as fast as he could with Greyback hot on his trail. The beast came close to scratching Harry a few times, but he ducked around the vast hallways of the manor. Harry knew that eventually his luck would run out, so he started to guide the monster down a specific hallway towards the room with a secret passageway that Harry knew about. Unfortunately he had never seen it before.

The growls of the beast were shrieking in anger. His attempts to kill the Auror were pathetic. He was a werewolf for a reason, so it was time to go into overtime and murder this annoying wizard. The beast leapt around the corners and ripped the walls apart in order to catch up to the wizard. The gap between the two was becoming narrower by the second with Harry almost reaching the room he need to go to. With his final push, Harry reached the room, shut the door behind him with a ton of force, and locked it as soon as possible. Greyback was beyond angry. He started to claw his way through the door. In minutes, the wooden barrier would be matchsticks on the floor.

Harry knew he was safe for the next few minutes, but he had to find the secret passageway immediately. The young man took in his surroundings and realized that he did make it to the master bedroom of Malfoy manor. During his time as a Death Eater, Lucius hid his belongings in a secret room that led to the bottom of the house from this room. Now where was the switch to get inside?

"Okay. Let's think. What's around? There's a bed, several pieces of bedside furniture, a mirror, a closet, a vanishing cabinet, a …" Harry thought before he stopped abruptly. There was only one place he could look because the answer was so painfully obvious. The wizard flew open the doors and leapt inside. In seconds, the young man transported to the bottom of the manor.

The room was vast and stocked full of weapons. It seemed Lucius was hellbent on supplying the entire Death Eater clan in case their side needed some extra supplies. Swords and daggers were hanging from the walls, axes were stocked in chests, and death eater clothes were stuffed in drawers of various furniture. The first thing Harry looked for was another wand, but after looking for ten minutes, the young man determined there were none. The next best option was to find a silver sword. There were a ton of swords around, but none of them were silver. Most of them were rusted and had a lot of wear and tear. Next was to locate an axe. Harry tore through various chests to find a silver axe that hopefully was not too heavy for him to lift. He was disappointed because there was only one that he could use, and it was a woodcutting axe. Even though it wasn't much, Harry took the weapon and headed back to the vanishing cabinet.

Harry transported back to the room and realized the room was in shreds. Greyback had absolutely gotten through the door but thankfully he was not present. Harry stepped out of the vanishing cabinet and quietly made his way around the mess in the room. The Auror made his way out and rushed back to the far end of the manor with the axe in hand. If there was any chance of getting his wand back, this would be it. Harry reached the end where his wand had dropped and grabbed it off the ground, but he didn't realize that Greyback had stealthily followed him back. The Auror turned around and was greeted with a vicious growl and a damning slash across his chest. The pain was pulsing throughout his body, and the blood was flowing, but this was not the time to stop. Harry ducked out of the way once again, and sent a blasting charm at the monster's body. The spell sent the creature to the top of the ceiling and then fell to the floor. Seeing his chance, Harry took the silver axe and violently slammed the small weapon into the beast's head over and over again. Blood was splattering everywhere. Thankfully Harry was smart enough to keep his mouth closed. To swallow the blood of a werewolf would also transmit the curse into the unsuspecting victim.

The deed was done. Greyback was dead. Harry pulled the axe out of the monster's skull and then fell down to the floor leaning next to the wall. The Auror took some time to catch his breath while internally celebrating his victory over the death of the last Death Eater. There were none left of Voldemort's original inner circle. He had done the ultimate task of bringing these maniacs to justice, and now he could take some time off and relax. Some time later, Harry got off the ground and made his way to the room with various body parts inside. The young man's worst fears were realized when he discovered the bodies of Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco Malfoy on the floor. They were all dead. Harry had come too late to save them, and there was nothing he could do about it. It seemed that Greyback kept close tabs on the Malfoy family, and struck when the time was right. The pain inside the young man was too much to handle. He sobbed for the loss of his closest friend and the family he sometimes wished he was part of. The death of the Malfoy's hit him hard, but once he started to mourn, Harry realized he was bleeding and needed help.

Since it was too early to head to the ministry, and Harry was injured from the attack, he had to go somewhere safe. He wasn't sure he could have made it to St. Mungos. Harry made his way to the floo network and went straight to Grimmauld Place. When he arrived, the manor was dark and it was apparent that everyone was asleep. Making his way to the nearby couch, Harry limped over and fell onto the piece of furniture when the pain was too much to bear.

"Dobby! Winky!" Harry yelled as loud as he could. Two elves quickly appeared out of thin air.

"Master Harry!" the both of them said in shock.

"Please help me!" Harry pleaded.

"Dobby will be back sir! Winky will watch over Master Harry." Dobby said before he vanished.

"Master Harry please sit up. We must bandage the wound." Winky exclaimed.

As Winky began to help the young Potter, a sound from upstairs came thundering down from the upper floor. James Potter Sr. seemed to have awoken from his sleep. He quickly made his way over to the living room and saw what was happening.

"What is going on here, Winky? Where is Dobby?" James asked with some urgency.

"Master Harry is hurt, Master James! Dobby went to retrieve bandages for Master Harry!" James was suddenly overwhelmed with concern for his son and rushed to his side. As he approached the couch, the man could see Harry bleeding profusely from his chest wound. Dobby suddenly returned with the bandages and murtlap essence and began applying both to Harry with Winky assisting.

"What happened, Harry? Who did this to you?" James asked while the two elves worked.

"I was investigating a case about Greyback." Harry said with some grunts because of the pain of the murtlap essence. "The Malfoy's were in trouble, but after you told me about mum, I wanted to tell them I couldn't do the case. I went to the Malfoy Manor and saw them all dead. Greyback was there. He attacked me by slashing his claws into my chest, and I killed him with an axe."

"So you were attacked by Greyback, the most vicious werewolf in the entire wizarding world, and came here? ARE YOU INSANE!? You have the curse of the werewolf!" James screeched at his son. While this was going on, Dobby and Winky had finished and left without anyone noticing.

"Did you not hear anything I just said? I was attacked by his claws, not from a bite! You should be thanking me! I killed the last Death Eater in Voldemort's inner circle! I thought you be glad the bastard was gone, but instead you only care about me maybe having the werewolf curse!"

"I don't want to hear it, Harry! Have you not seen the amount of blood on you? I bet that's Greybacks and you may have swallowed some of his blood! You are infected, and I won't have some rabid monster come here to attack our home! Get out of the manor immediately!" James yelled.

Harry didn't need to be told twice. With some amount of struggle, the young man picked himself up from the couch and went over to the fireplace.

"Don't come back here, Harry! I know the beast will take over and you will kill everyone you know!"

"That's fine with me! I should have known you would do something to make me hate you again, and you've succeeded!"

"Don't bother coming to your mother's operation on Sunday! As of this moment, you are no longer my son! I will not have a bastard monster like you disgrace the Potter name!"

"FINE! GOOD LUCK TRYING TO SAVE MUM'S LIFE WITHOUT MY HELP! GO FUCK YOURSELF, JAMES POTTER!" Harry yelled with all of his might before he left.

Harry flooed into 12 Grimmauld Place with a fall to the ground. He could never handle flooing like he could with flying or apparating. While his wounds still hurt, they were at least clean. Harry made his way up the stairs to his bedroom and removed his clothes. The shower was turned on and the young man showered the spattered blood from his body. Once everything was gone, Harry dried himself off, got out of the shower, and went straight to bed.

The next morning came quickly. Harry went downstairs to search for his wand that he left on the couch. After grabbing it, and performing some mild numbing spells on his chest, Harry went back upstairs to get ready for work. He didn't have time to grab breakfast at home, so he would grab something in the Ministry of Magic. Harry flooed to the ministry and tried to make his way over to the Auror department without wincing too much. He found it to be impossible. It only took a few minutes to arrive at work, but to him it seemed to take forever. When he made it to the office, Sam ran over to the young man and hugged him as carefully as possible.

"HARRY! My god are you okay? I heard what happened!"

"Wow calm down, Sam! Now what are you talking about?" Harry asked as calmly as he could.

"The Daily Prophet said you were attacked by Greyback! Are you okay? How bad does it hurt?"

"I'm sore, but I will be better soon. Wait! How did the Prophet find out about this?"

"You mean you haven't seen the paper?" Sam asked. Harry shook his head. "You're not going to like this, Harry." she said as she gave him the morning paper. When Harry read the title, the amount of rage in his body grew to a new level he never thought possible.


The article was not pleasant. It detailed him as a possible murderer instead of someone who would have brought him into the ministry for questioning. What was even more damning was the testimony given by his estranged father. James Potter Sr. leaked the story to the press and made more than one mentioning that Harry was hurt by Greyback, and may even have the curse of the werewolf. The article continued on from statements from his brother, and others inside the ministry, to offer their thoughts on Harry's actions. That and the Daily Prophet had to ask whether or not it would be acceptable for him to continue to work in the Ministry of Magic at all. Most of the testimonies said "no". Harry noticed at the bottom that the article was written by Rita Skeeter, the most vile reporter in the Prophet. He would have to speak to her at some point and possibly sue her for slander, but that wasn't important right now.

"I'm so sorry, Harry. I can't imagine what you're feeling right now." Sam stated to her boss.

"Thanks, Sam." The young man said while he sighed. "I guess it's only a matter of time before …"

"POTTER! IN MY OFFICE NOW!" The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, said as he poked his head inside the Auror department.

" … before the Minister finds out." Harry said while finishing his sentence. After sighing once again, Harry asked Sam to start getting his things together in a few moving boxes. There was no way he wouldn't be sacked from his job today. If Harry knew anything about the Ministry it was they had this very strict rule: don't hire werewolves or vampires. He was doomed, but had no choice but to leave the office and start heading to the Minister's office.

Along the way, Harry received a lot of stares from the other workers. None of them seemed friendly. A few people yelled at him to leave, but there was nothing he could do to stop them from saying these things. Werewolves weren't ever seen as second class citizens. If anything, they were portrayed as vicious monsters who have no control of their actions which is ridiculous because there is a wolfsbane potion that causes the cursed to be in control of their actions when the transformation occurs. What's even more ridiculous is that the ministry even supplies the wolfsbane potions! Harry was not going to focus on this lunacy currently because he honestly had more pressing issues.

It seemed to take forever to arrive in the Minister's office since everyone pretty much stopped what they were doing and made him feel uncomfortable. Some of his fellow co-workers were among those in the scared crowd, which he found extremely annoying. When he approached the lifts, Harry discovered that no one wanted to get into one of the elevators with him. That was fine with him. It only took two minutes for the lift to take Harry to the top floor of the Minister's office. The average man would have been intimidated to enter because Rose Potter would have been working in the front, and had a nasty reputation for guarding the Minister, but she was on her honeymoon, and Harry was extremely grateful for that. He really didn't want to get into a row with his sister.

"Hello, Mr. Potter. The Minister is expecting you. Please follow me this way." The Minister's temporary replacement secretary said as he was led to the back. Harry never got her name. The secretary knocked on the door twice and the door was opened abruptly by magic obviously.

"Sit down, Mr. Potter!" Cornelius Fudge ordered and was not friendly about it at all.

"I assume you saw this morning's highly exaggerated article in the paper slandering my credibility. Right sir?" Harry asked.

"You're damn right it's about the paper, Potter! What were you thinking going after a werewolf and letting him injure you?"

"Not to be rude, sir, but you have no business poking into the affairs of the Auror department. You may require us to become your bodyguards from time to time, but you cannot control our department and you have no jurisdiction whatsoever. So why don't we get to the real reason why I'm here, and you can just fire me for possibly being a "dangerous creature" even though I know that I am not one."

"How dare you, Mr. Potter! I will admit I was going to let you go, but that's no reason to be hostile with me, when I am simply doing my job!"

"If you were really doing your job you would get the ministry healers to check my blood for traces of lycanthropy, but that would embarrass the Daily Prophet for once again spreading lies, and you can't have that because it would fall on you for being an incompetent politician. Also, you're an idiot, sir, and can't do anything without certain people bribing you to do their bidding."

"That's it, Potter! I no longer care if you are a werewolf or not! You are hereby terminated from your position from the Auror department, and you will clean out your desk immediately. Now get out of my office!"

"Just so you know, sir, Greyback managed to kill the Malfoy family before I was able to end his miserable life. I would send a team of Aurors over to the mansion and have them examine the scene. They also deserve a proper burial, and I am going to attend, so don't try to stop me."

"Fine, Potter, I don't care what it takes you to get out of my office, just leave and I will grant you permission to attend the funeral."

"Thank you, sir. I would wish you a prosperous reign as Minister, but I would be lying. I can only hope that the magical deities do something to fix this broken government by sacking your incompetent ass." Harry said as he slammed the door shut. The receptionist at the front wisely decided not to say anything to Harry, and went back to work as if she didn't hear the Minister have a shouting match with the young man. Harry briefly heard the Minister shouting back at him as the door closed, but didn't look back as he made his way to the Auror department.

The stares continued as Harry made his way back to his recently empty office, but at least the idiots inside the ministry didn't stop altogether. Harry entered the department with some irritation, and his co-workers could see that it was not the right time to give him flack about possibly being a nasty creature. Sam was the only one who approached him. His boxes of things were left on top of the counter.

"I'm sorry to see you go, boss." Sam said with some sadness in her voice.

"I'm not your boss anymore, Sam. I'm just plain Harry Potter now."

"You'll always be my boss to me, Harry. I owe you so much for giving me this job, and helping Joe and I quite a few times in the past when you didn't need to. I don't care if you do end up being a werewolf, you're an amazing person, and if you really do need anything, Joe and I will help."

"Thanks, Sam. I'll miss you." Harry said while giving his old co-worker a hug. "Take care of yourself. Maybe sometime the three of us can grab dinner?"

"I'd like that. Goodbye, Harry. I'll see you around." Sam said while shedding a few tears. She went back to work and Harry grabbed his things, shrunk them down, and put them in his pocket.

The floo exits to the Ministry were right next to the Auror department, so leaving would not be a hassle. Harry could hear the minister in the background exclaiming that the "werewolf" problem was taken care of. Werewolf. Yeah right. There was no way that the young man could be a monster. He was careful, knew what he was doing, and healed himself up to the best of his abilities. Harry wasn't worried because he did deliver Fenrir Greyback's head on a silver platter, so the people of the world should be thankful that this bastard was dead!

Harry turned away from the ministry and stepped through the floo, removed his shrunken things from his pocket, threw them into the corner, and made his way back to bed. He didn't care if it was morning. Since he had already dealt with the prejudices that were surrounding himself today at work, sleeping in his bed seemed welcoming. Within moments the young man had fallen asleep, with his problems far behind him.