"So, now we get to see who Weiss is so eager to meet." Cap said.
"She said it was a female. We know she has a sister. Odds are, it's either her or their mother." Tony theorized.
"Well, let's just watch and see." Black Widow said, starting the episode.
Beacon Academy's courtyard was shown at dusk, with Weiss and Ruby running up the main avenue towards the docking bays.
"Weiss! What is the big deal!? Who is it? Who is she!?" Ruby asked while running to catch up with her partner.
Weiss stopped and smiled at the sight of... "Winter." She finally spoke.
A view from behind showed Ruby and Weiss watching Winter Schnee, escorted by crimson-colored Atlas Soldiers and Atlesian Knight-200's as she exited her airship.
"That's Weiss' sister, right? I think I remember that receptionist saying that in the last volume." Clint said. Natasha nodded to confirm that.
"So, Winter's a soldier in this. That's admirable." Cap said with a smile.
"Of course. If someone's a soldier, they automatically get your respect." Tony said.
"Wait... Your sister?" Ruby asked.
"Winter!" Weiss called, cupping her hands around her mouth. The two then run up to the elder Schnee as she turned to see them. "Winter! I'm so happy to see you! Oh..." Weiss began happily, before suddenly remembering her etiquette and curtsied. "Your presence honors us." She said.
Winter looked around she she approached them. "Beacon... It's been a long time. The air feels... different." She noted.
"I mean it is fall, so, eh, it's probably colder." Ruby said.
Peter and a few others chuckled. "Oh, Ruby. You're adorable, but that's not what she meant." Spider-Man said.
"What was that, Spidey?" Hawkeye teased.
"I-I just meant in the generic, 'that's cute' kind of way! That's it!" Peter defended.
"Keep telling yourself that." Hulk chuckled.
Weiss punched Ruby in the shoulder, causing her to gasp in pain before turning back to her sibling. "So, what are you doing here?" Weiss asked.
"Classified." Winter simply answered.
"Oh, right. Well, how long are you staying?" Weiss asked again.
"Classified." Winter stated again.
"Oh, great. She's like the Natasha kind of soldier: no nonsense, everything's classified." Tony groaned.
"Because not everyone feels the need to tell every little secret there is, Stark." Black widow snapped.
"Secrets and classified information is the way of the coward! Nothing should have to remain hidden!" Thor declared.
"Of course." Weiss said, nodding and smiling in understanding.
Ruby looked around pensively in the silence. "Well... this is nice... I think." She said unsurely.
"You're going to love it here! I know you travel a lot, but so much of Beacon is different from Atlas! (discreetly whispers) Vale, too. The government and school are completely separate! Can you believe it!? I-" Weiss told her sister quickly and excitedly.
"I'm more than familiar with how this kingdom handles its... bureaucracy. That is not why I came." Winter said sternly.
"That's pretty harsh." Hulk said.
"The military can make you pretty strict sometimes. Even I have a hard time loosening up on occasion." Cap defended her.
"Right! I'm sorry!" Weiss apologized.
"Nor did I come here to watch my own blood fail so miserably in battle. But it appears that I have no choice in the matter." The elder sister said quite harshly.
"But, we won!" Weiss said, puzzled.
"Only a novice would refer to that as a victory. I counted at least three strikes missed." She said, somehow even more harshly than before.
"Oh, she's one of those people." Tony said, face-palming.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be better." Clint said.
"Hey, as far as I'm concerned, a win's a win. Doesn't matter how sloppy it is when you get it." Spider-Man said.
A side view of the group was then shown as Winter turned to her security. "Leave us." She ordered. The AK-200s obeyed, walking two steps backwards into formation as she sighed and smiled a little more warmly at Weiss. "How have you been?" She asked.
"Well, at least she does seem to care." Cap said.
"She has a tough exterior, but it's clear there's a soft side." Natasha agreed.
"Oh, splendid! Thank you for asking. I'm actually in the very top ranking of our sparring class! And the rest of my studies are going wonderfully, too! I'm-" Weiss began happily.
Winter's hand was suddenly seen coming down as she slapped Weiss, leaving a massive bump on her head. "Silence, you boob! I don't recall asking about your ranking, I'm asking how you've been. Are you eating properly? Have you taken up any hobbies? Are you making new friends?" She questioned, returning to her stern demeanor.
"Jeez, calm down, lady! Based on that lump, you probably gave her a concussion with that hit!" Spider-Man said.
"Even I've never given Loki such a bruise!" Thor said in shock.
"Well, so much for that soft side, hey, Natasha?" Clint asked as she smacked him upside the head.
"Well, there's Ruby." Weiss said, gesturing to her leader.
"Heh, boob." Ruby giggled as she pushed the lump back into Weiss' head.
"I see. So this is the leader you wrote of. How appropriately... underwhelming." Winter stated.
"Another stuck up brat in the family." Hulk growled.
"That's not it. It's likely being put through the military and likely being a full-fledged Huntress has just given her much higher expectations." Cap defended her once again.
"Jeez, Cap, when someone's a jerk, they're a jerk, just because they're in the military doesn't give them a pass." Tony said.
"Uh... Thank you!" Ruby said uncertainly.
"Greetings, Ruby Rose. I wish to thank you for taking an interest in my sister." Winter said cordially.
"Oh! Uh, yes, of course!" Ruby said and attempted to salute and curtsy. "The honor is in my... court!" She declared, nearly losing her balance with this gesture, waving her arms until she could get back up.
"It's sweet that she's trying." Clint said.
"Indeed. Ruby is most certainly a respectful young lady." Thor agreed.
"I have business with the General and your Headmaster. But, seeing as I'm early, why don't you take me to your quarters?" Winter offered.
"Really?" Weiss asked hopefully.
"Yes. I wish to inspect them and make sure that they are up to my personal standards." Winter explained as she and Weiss began walking towards the Academy, followed by the androids.
"Judging by what we've already seen of her standards, I kinda doubt it." Spider-Man said.
"There's nothing wrong with having tight standards. It helps you stay in peak condition." Cap told him.
"Of course. Just so you're aware, the bunk beds only look unstable." Weiss quickly told her sister.
"Bunk beds?" Winter questioned. [1]
"Oh, yeah. No way those meet her standards." Tony laughed.
"To be fair, those things are death traps." Widow said.
Ruby waved goodbye behind them. "I'll catch up- I mean, I will... reconvene with you both... at a later..." She began, then paused with her hand on her head, wracking her brain for the right word. juncture!" She declared and raised her finger, before stepping out of sight to the left. "At a juncture. Yeah." She confirmed.
Weiss, Winter and the androids were seen walking towards the courtyard, before it looked like a person's point of view, where a certain someone dizzily snuck up behind the AK-200s and promptly decapitated one, before kicking its head towards the group.
"Oh, no. Don't tell me..." Hulk groaned.
"Stark, what manor of mischief are you causing now?" Thor asked.
"Dang it guys, I'm not Qrow!" Tony snapped.
"Hey!" A voice called out, the group turning around to see the man who was previously seen in the Crow Bar. "Yeah, I'm talking to you, Ice Queen!" He declared and tosses the decapitated machine aside.
One of Winter's automated soldiers advanced, rifle raised. "Halt! Winter ordered.
"Excuse me! Do you have any idea who you are talking to!?" Weiss demanded as she angrily walked up to the offender's face.
Qrow placed hand on Weiss' face. "Sssshhh. Not you." He said and pushed her out of his way as he moved forward.
"Is anyone else concerned that drunk guy is so close to a teenager?" Peter asked.
"Weiss is a big girl. She can handle herself." Clint said.
"Hey!" Weiss complained.
Qrow looked at the irritated Winter. "You." He clarified. A raven was seen perched on a lamp post before flying off and circling past the group. "Saw that gaudy ship of yours in town. I guess you're here, too." He said.
"I'm standing right before you." Winter stated the obvious.
Qrow squinted through his hazy state of mind. "So it would seem." He said.
"Go home, bird man! Thou art drunk!" Thor told Qrow.
"And yet he still seems like he knows exactly what he's doing." Natasha analyzed.
"You realize you just destroyed Atlas Military property." Winter informed him.
"Oh, oh I'm sorry." Qrow sarcastically apologized as he looked at his surroundings. "See, I mistook this for some sort of... sentient garbage." He taunted.
"The fact he thought he was destroying something sentient makes it worse." Cap said.
"Now you KNOW I'm not Qrow. I'd never call something like those robots garbage. Sure, they may not be as good as my suits or the Iron Legion, but they're nothing to sneeze at." Tony said.
Winter walked over to face Qrow. "I don't have time for your immature games, Qrow." She snapped.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Weiss asked.
"Geez, you Atlas Specialists think you're so special, don't you?" He demanded.
"It's in the title." Winter stated, once again as if it were obvious.
"It's impressive, but ultimately titles mean nothing. It's what you do with your abilities that makes you worthy of the title." Spider-Man said.
"Well said, Man of Spiders." Thor agreed.
"Well, you know what you really are? A bunch of sellouts. Just like your boss." Qrow taunted once again.
"I'm not sure what you think you're implying, but I've heard enough." Winter warned him.
"Oh I heard, too. I heard ol' Ironwood finally turned his back on Ozpin." Qrow countered.
"Ozpin?" Weiss questioned.
"Yeah. They probably just said Ozpin handed over control of the festival to Ironwood, not that Ironwood basically gave a smear story about Ozpin to the council." Clint said.
"There's no way to tell who's right anymore. Ironwood's approach may have been too forward, but Ozpin's laid back approach clearly didn't do enough, either." Cap told the team.
"Weiss, it's time for you to go." Winter said as she shoved Weiss aside.
"What-" Weiss asked in shock as she was pushed back.
"Listen to big sister, Weiss. She'll protect you. Just like Atlas is going to protect all of us, huh?" Qrow mockingly questioned one last time.
"If you won't hold your tongue, then I will gladly remove it for you!" Winter threatened and drew her sword.
"Alright then..." Qrow said and slicked back hair. "Come take it." He challenged.
"Definitely a Tony reaction." Hulk said.
"Don't make me get the Hulkbuster." Tony warned him.
The square cleared before Winter charged at Qrow, starting a fight. She made several quick, but futile thrusts at Qrow's head as he swiftly bobbed away from the blade, teasing her with several faces until he mockingly bowed towards her. A downward strike was blocked by the base of his sword, Harbinger, right before he tossed it in the air and pointed it towards Winter.
Everyone was shocked at this display. "Whoa! He's totally drunk and he's still dodging her like nothing!" Spider-Man said.
"He's toying with her. He's barely trying at all. You can tell by how lax his movements are and his general lack of concern of visible focus." Widow noted again.
The two openly clashed blades as Qrow landed a downwards strike and aggressively swiped at Winter, forcing her to do a series of back handsprings away from the greatsword and eventually block it. The two then began spinning as they traded blows.
"Incredible! No longer bouts between children. No, this is a true battle between two seasoned warriors!" Thor boasted.
"Even though one doesn't seem to be trying." Clint said.
Ruby suddenly came onto the scene, hurrying up to Weiss. "What's going on?!" Ruby asked worriedly.
"Some crazy guy just started attacking my sister!" Weiss cried out.
"Oh no! Who would do such a th-" Ruby began, before she saw Winter's opponent. "That is my uncle!" She said excitedly.
"What, Just because it's your uncle, that means it's okay for him to attack your friend's sister?" Natasha asked.
"Ruby really seems fond of you there, uncle Tony." Steve teased.
"Cap, I am not Qrow! Remember, my dad made you that shield. I can take it back!" Tony warned.
"What?!" Weiss asked in shock.
"Kick her butt, Uncle Qrow!" Ruby yelled loudly.
"Uh..." Weiss said uncertainly, before deciding to shout her own encouragement. "Teach him respect, Winter!" She told her sister.
Mercury was seen walking in the crowd when he witnessed the two fighting. "Huh?" He questioned, before he recognized Qrow and ran off from the impromptu duel, as the two continued their battle.
"Why would Mercury run? This seems like something that would be right up his alley." Clint questioned.
"He recognizes Qrow. We know that Qrow's been doing something for Ozpin behind the scenes. Likely reconnaissance [2]. So he likely knows who Mercury and the rest of his team are." Cap theorized.
Both Winter and Qrow parried each of their foe's strikes with rapid speed, as Winter dodged a two-handed swing before smacking Qrow's left cheek with the pommel of her saber. But Qrow grinned as his left eye flashes brightly and Winter was forced to leap away with a glyph as Qrow slammed his sword on the ground, shattering the pavement.
"Whoa! That's one tough uncle!" Peter said in shock.
"But did you notice? Winter used a Glyph, just like Weiss. I thought Semblances were unique?" Hulk questioned.
"Perhaps it is an ability passed down through the bloodline? It's been known to happen in noble Asgardian families." Thor suggested.
Winter then broke away from the fight in a mid air crane stance as she landed near a lamppost, which was subsequently destroyed with a swipe from Qrow. Winter then leapt above him and dodging his swings, finally leaping on top of his sword, then giving him an excellent view of her foot as she kicked him in the face. Winter back-flipped onto the stump that used to be a lamppost, but then leapt off onto a railing high above, right as Qrow threw his sword at the stump. Qrow transformed his weapon, firing a cannon shot at Winter and forcing her to jump onto the side of a concrete, arched pillar. She used her sword to stay on the vertical surface until Qrow ran forward and tried firing more blasts at her, which she dodged by scaling the pillar's face and eventually leaping onto the archway itself. Qrow followed suit on the opposite structure, firing off round after round at his opponent.
"They're doing a good job using the environment to their advantage." Natasha stated.
"Unfortunately for Glynda, they're also destroying a lot of that environment." Steve pointed out.
Qrow then searched for Winter as he saw a cloud of white steam consume her, narrowing his gaze. Suddenly, Winter flew towards him, separating her bifurcated saber into two and Qrow blocked her attack. The arch collapsed from the force, causing the two to crash back down to ground level, continuing their furious attacks towards each other. Qrow was forced backward and dragged his sword in the ground to slow to a stop before holding it in a one-handed stance, to the cheer of the audience.
"Not bad at all, I gotta say. I'm getting into this." Clint said.
"A couple of adults fighting like kids. Of course you're into it." Hulk teased.
"Hey, don't act like you're not into it, too, pal!" Hawkeye told him.
"I never said I wasn't." Hulk admitted.
Winter then stabbed the ground with one of her swords, summoning a glyph that created a flock of small white Nevermores, which began flying towards him. Qrow swung his sword at the flock, causing a few to burst into small clouds of steam. He then sent an Aura arc at Winter, causing her to jump back and putting an end to the birds. Winter angrily summoned a second glyph behind her and the blade of Qrow's sword began to transform in a sequence initiated by its clockwork gears. But suddenly, his gaze traveled elsewhere and he suddenly sheathed his sword, instead beckoning his bewildered opponent to come at him with his right index finger.
"Whoa! Did you see that?! She used the Grimm, but they were tiny and white!" Peter said.
"The art of summoning. Only wizards on Loki's level are capable of such power." Thor declared.
"Winter must be exponentially more skilled with her semblance than Weiss." Tony guessed.
"But why would he put his weapon away?" Cap wondered.
The glyph faded away and there was a bright flash of light, followed by Winter speeding forward with light trailing behind her, screaming in rage and preparing a thrust towards Qrow, just before a commanding voice was loudly heard in the courtyard, stopping her blade's point mere inches away from Qrow's neck. "SCHNEE!" Ironwood's voice suddenly rang out.
Winter looked behind her to see General Ironwood standing behind her, with Penny behind him. "General Ironwood, sir!" Winter lowered her blades as she addressed Ironwood at about face.
"Uh-oh. She's in trouble~!" Peter said in sing-song.
"Yeah, starting a fight with a bunch of students around probably won't go over well." Clint agreed.
"What in the world do you think you're doing?" Ironwood demanded as he approached Winter with Penny by his side.
"He started the altercation, sir!" Winter explained.
"That's actually not true. She attacked first." Qrow corrected, putting his hands behind his head in a relaxed stance.
"Technically, he's right. He should be in trouble for destroying that android, but in terms of the fight, Winter made the first move." Cap said.
"He lured her into making the first move. And that's why he put his weapon away. To make it seem like Winter was attacking him and making her look worse." Natasha analyzed.
"Is that right?" Ironwood questioned. Winter searched for words, only to realize Qrow was right. She looked down in shame. "And you." Ironwood said, turning his attention to Qrow, who pointed to himself in mock confusion. "What are you doing here?" The general demanded.
"I could be asking you the same thing." Qrow countered.
"I-" Ironwood began.
"Now, now, everyone." Ozpin suddenly intervened beside Glynda. "There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the Colosseum, that I can assure you has better seats... and popcorn." He told everyone while he swirled his cocoa.
"But... I thought all the fights were done for the day." Peter questioned.
"Yeah. The dorks were the last one." Hulk confirmed, referring to Sun and Neptune.
"Break it up, everyone! We will take care of this mess." Glynda told everyone, while she glared at the three.
"Let's go." Ironwood ordered. As he and Winter left, Penny noticed Ruby and quietly waved to her, while Ruby waved back.
Ruby then leapt giddily towards her uncle. "Uncle Qrow!" She cried out, latching onto his arm, which he suddenly raised in confusion. "Hi." She said happily and kicked her legs excitedly. "It's so good to see you! Did you miss me? Did you miss me!?" She asked ecstatically.
Qrow smirked at this. "Nope." He said jokingly as they shared a grin and he patted his niece's head.
"Aww, how sweet." Clint said.
"Don't you say it." Tony warned him.
"You are an excellent uncle, Man of Iron." Thor finished for Clint, Tony, calling the gauntlets of one of his suits to him, equipping them and aiming at Thor and Hawkeye.
"Qrow!" Ozpin suddenly called. The Huntsman turned to look at the headmaster as Ruby dropped. "A word, please." Goodwitch then repaired the courtyard using her telekinesis.
"I think I'm in trouble." Qrow discreetly said to Ruby.
"You did kinda tear up our courtyard." Ruby reminded him.
"Yeah, I did." He admitted with a wink and gave her a fist bump. "Catch ya later, kid." He said and walked off to join the others.
"They do seem like a good family, though." Steve noted.
"Yang said in the last volume their father basically shut down after losing Ruby's mother. Qrow likely had to pick up some of his slack, as evidenced by him saving Ruby and Yang as children." Natasha theorized.
"And suddenly, your recklessness makes sense." Weiss said as she walked up beside Ruby, arms crossed.
"You're just mad because he whooped butt." Ruby teased and nudged Weiss' shoulder.
"That was a draw, at best!" Weiss argued, but Ruby's grin said otherwise.
"Technically, Winter landed more hits, but Qrow was clearly holding back." Cap pondered.
"Either way, I counted WAY more than three strikes missed. Weiss' slip ups don't seem so bad now." Tony said with a smirk.
Ozpin's office was then shown late at night. Ironwood was waiting with his arms crossed while Winter was impatiently pacing about. Suddenly, a smirking Qrow, accompanied by Goodwitch and Ozpin, arrived in the elevator.
"What were you thinking!?" Winter demanded.
"If you were one of my men, I would have you shot!" Ironwood snapped.
Qrow scoffed and pulled out flask at the three entered the room. "If I was one of your men, I'd shoot myself." He countered.
"Nice one!" Clint laughed.
"Whatever issues he has with Ironwood, he's clearly an ally and a trusted one by Ozpin. He should have more respect for him." Cap said.
"Jeez, Cap! People can make jokes, it doesn't mean they don't respect someone. I joke with you, but I respect you." Tony told him.
"While I wouldn't condone his behavior, retaliating like you did certainly didn't help the situation." Goodwitch chastised Winter.
"He was drunk!" The specialist countered.
"He's always drunk!" Goodwitch told her. The four turned to Qrow to see him drinking from a flask. His eyes widened when he noticed them staring and he held the flask out to the side, looking at it awkwardly before grimacing.
Everyone looked at Tony, but he simply looked away. "Nothing to say, Tony?" Hulk teased.
"It seems when it's his turn for the jokes, the man of iron is fragile as glass." Thor taunted as well, but Tony simply blasted both of them. Their immense durability ensured the blast didn't hurt them, but it certainly knocked them back.
Ozpin stared at Qrow in shock, then sighed and sat down. "Qrow, why are you here?" Ozpin asked.
"You've been out of contact for weeks! You can't just go dark like that in the field!" Ironwood snapped.
"I'm not one of your special operatives, Jimmy!" Qrow snapped back.
"Jeez, why the hostility?" Peter asked.
"It's pretty clear Qrow's loyalty is to Ozpin more than it is to Ironwood. He was clearly mad from the start that Ironwood had control of the festival taken from him, as well as endangering Ozpin's entire position." Widow explained.
"General." Winter corrected.
"Whatever. You sent me to get intel on our enemy, and I'm telling you, our enemy is here." Qrow warned them.
"We know." Ironwood said as he leaned against Ozpin's desk.
"Oh! Oh, you know! Well, thank goodness I'm out there risking my life to keep you all informed!" Qrow snapped.
"From the sound of it, it seems like Qrow's only giving them information while they say nothing to him." Cap realized.
"That's a good way to make someone mad, too." Clint said.
Ironwood exhaled. "Qrow-" He began.
"Communication's a two-way street, pal. You see this?" Qrow demanded, pulling out his Scroll. "That's the SEND button." He said as he pointed to it.
"Guy's got a point. A quick text only takes a minute." Tony admitted.
"If he went dark, then that could mean he's been captured or killed. No use messaging a dead man." Natasha said.
"They had reason to assume you'd been compromised." Winter explained.
"And I have reason to assume you don't need to be here." Qrow snapped, looking to the others. "Seriously, who invited her?" He asked and pointed to Winter.
After a moment of silence, Ironwood spoke. "Schnee, we'll discuss this incident back at my ship." He told her without looking at her.
"But sir!" Winter cried out, looking surprised.
"Winter. Leave." Ironwood ordered.
"So, I guess even Winter isn't in this inner circle." Clint said.
"Harder to keep a secret when more people know about it." Hulk told him.
Winter wanted to argue, but gave up and saluted Ironwood. "Yes sir." She said, then turned on her heel and gave the winking Qrow a dirty look as she exited via the elevator.
"Go on." Ironwood said as he gestured to Qrow.
"Your little infiltrator isn't just another pawn. They're the one responsible for Autumn's condition." Qrow explained as he took a drink from his flask once more.
"What?" Goodwitch asked in shock.
"Who's Autumn?" Peter wondered.
"I do not believe we've heard the name spoken before. But no doubt it is a comrade who has been injured by Cinder and her cronies." Thor said.
"Despite what the world thinks, we're not just teachers, or generals, or headmasters. The people in this room, the leaders of the other two academies, we're the ones that keep the world safe from the evils no one even knows about!" Qrow explained, before getting up in Ironwood's face. "It's why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows. So you tell me, James, when you brought your army to Vale, did you think you were being discreet, or did you just not give a damn!?" He demanded.
Ironwood stared down at Qrow as he placed his Scroll on Ozpin's desk. "Discreet wasn't working." Ironwood said as the center of the room projected a hologram of Vale, Beacon Academy, the Amity Colosseum and Ironwood's fleet of Atlesian Airships. "I'm here because this is what was necessary." He explained as he gestured to his ships.
"Hey, I'd take discreet over a bunch of airships any day." Spider-Man said.
"Right. A military presence in a civilian area always puts people on edge. And in a world where the Grimm are drawn to negativity, nervous and on edge is the last thing you want from people." Steve agreed.
"You're here because Ozpin wanted you here! He made you a part of this inner circle and opened your eyes to the real fight that's in front of us!" Qrow countered.
"And I am grateful." Ironwood assured him.
"Oh, well, you've got a real funny way of showing it." Qrow snapped.
"The people of Vale needed someone to protect them; someone who would act. When they look to the sky and see my fleet, they feel safe and our enemies will feel our strength." Ironwood declared proudly.
"Or, they'll actively seek to challenge it." Thor declared. Many worlds in the past had challenged Asgard merely because they've heard stories of their exploits and wished to test themselves.
"Yeah. You wanna show someone you're strong, take out the strongest guys around you first." Hulk agreed.
Qrow started laughing. "You... You think they're scared of your little ships? I've been out there and I've seen the things she's made, and let me tell you - they are fear." He said, deadly serious.
Ozpin stood up. "And fear will bring the Grimm. A guardian is a symbol of comfort. But an army is a symbol of conflict. There's an energy in the air now, a question in the back of everyone's minds..." Ozpin began, then gestured to the display. "If this is the size of our defenses, then what is it we're expecting to fight?" He questioned.
Ironwood glared at them before sighing and walking forward, picking up his Scroll just as it flashed with the image of a Black Queen.
"The hack!" Clint declared. "Cinder hacked that tower of theirs and now it just spread to the general's Scroll!" He realized.
"That's not good. In a general's device, there's no telling what they could get access to." Natasha said.
"So then, what would you suggest we do?" Ironwood demanded.
"I suggest we find our guardian." Ozpin told them.
"Any chance he's NOT talking about Ruby?" Peter asked, concerned.
"No chance." Almost everyone said.
"Face it, Pete: she's the main focus of this universe and Ozpin's given her special treatment from the beginning. It can't be anyone else." Tony explained.
A dorm room is then shown, where Mercury was sitting in a chair, reporting on the fight he saw earlier, while Cinder walked back and forth, interrogating him with Emerald resting on a bed nearby.
"And you're sure?" Cinder demanded.
"Bad hair, used a scythe, and smelled like my dad after a long day. It was him." Mercury confirmed.
"That was NOT a scythe." Tony said.
"It looked like it was about to turn into one at the end, though." Spider-Man countered.
"But Mercury was LONG gone before that." Clint reminded him.
"What do we do?"
"Nothing. We stay the course. They have no idea who we are, so we have no reason to worry. Besides, the last of the heavy lifting is being taken care of thanks to our clever little friend." Cinder told them, picking up her Scroll as it too flashed with the Black Queen. "Speaking of which... it appears we have a new access point." She explained as Ironwood was shown on the Scroll as an icon, along with a curling "W" in the other corner.
"The general's scroll." Thor realized.
"That can't be good." Hulk said.
"Anywhere good?" Emerald asked.
"You could say that. Go to your rooms. I'll prepare everything for tomorrow." Cinder ordered.
"Yes, ma'am." Emerald complied.
"Got it." Mercury agreed.
"Just what is she preparing, though?" Cap wondered.
"I hate to say it, but all we can do is watch and find out." Tony said.
The Scroll revealed the roster of the Vytal Festival Tournament doubles round, which included CRDL's Russel Thrush and Sky Lark, SSSN's Sun and Neptune and lastly, Penny and Ciel Soleil.
"Let's give the crowd a good fight." Cinder said and scrolled down each pair until she selected Mercury and Emerald to face off against Coco Adel and Yatsuhashi Daichi in the doubles round.
"She can manipulate the fights with her scroll?!" Clint asked.
"That hack has clearly gone deep into their systems. At this point, there's no telling what Cinder can and can't do." Widow said.
The next morning, the crowd saw the rigged match-up on the screen at the Amity Colosseum.
"The randomization process is complete! Ladies and gentlemen, your doubles tournament fight!" Port declared over the announcement system.
As the announcement was heard, RWBY cheered with arms raised, JNPR was seen providing applause and SSSN was shown sitting in front row seats. Bolin Hori and Nolan Porfirio were seen talking to each other behind RWBY and Dove Bronzewing was sitting behind JNPR. Cinder was then shown, now watching her teammates in the seats as she menacingly clapped with a devious smirk, before everything went black.
"They've been rigging the fights this whole time?!" Spider-Man asked, shocked.
"Cowards! Only those without a warrior's spirit would interfere with a contest of battle!" Hulk said.
"That would explain what Cinder and Emerald meant at the end of the first episode, where they already knew the outcome. So, they're clearly rigging these fights with a certain goal in mind." Tony said.
"But why would she put her own teammates up against two second years. Based on how powerful Coco and Yatsuhashi were during the Breach, they're likely above Mercury and Emerald's level." Cap theorized.
"Unless they planned for this and found out their weaknesses, learning exactly how to beat them." Natasha said.
"Only one way to find out now." Clint said, playing the next episode.
A/N: Thank you all so much for watching! I'm sorry I haven't been updating this story too often, but I'll try my best to keep it balanced.
[1] Now that we have Volume 7, we've seen the dorms of Atlas students, which also have what are technically bunk beds, so should Winter really be surprised that Weiss' team apparently has them?
[2] I spelled it right on the first try! I can't believe it!
But now I need to say something serious. STOP. ASKING. FOR. UPDATES. I'm doing the best I can. RWBY Watching the MCU is a MUCH bigger project that WAY more people are constantly asking for. I barely keep up with the demand for that one, so naturally this one will fall on the back burner. I'll try to update it as I go. But you all need to back off and stop asking for constant updates or I WILL trash this story altogether! That is my ONLY warning! If I see more than 5 comments on this chapter that ask me to update, this story is GOING to be deleted. I am NOT JOKING.