Data clearing~... Jaune Arc - Not Found.

Was this a mistake? Was this for the better of things? Those questions run around my mind everytime I remeber... myself, but I do know in my mind, body and heart, that what I did was for the sake of me getting in their way. I knew how my character work. They wouldn't need me. They could handle their emotions, right?

Jaune sat on a maroon chair with a face that was covered in deep thought and the window blind's shadow.

"Was it really necessary?" Qrow sat right across of Jaune with cigar in his hand his red eyes staring at the boy's blue orbs.

Jaune sighed like he already heard this question a million times. "Of course. Your niece will be much more safer with my-" Jaune then stares at his hands for moment and clenched them "-replacement."

Qrow scoffed at Jaune's replacement. "I don't really care about my niece's safety. She can handle herself. What do you think is she, 10?" Qrow then took another blow from his cig. "What I care is.. what about your safety?"

"Ozpin already told me that I have a personal mentor. He used to be a student here, he said." Jaune answered Qrow.

"Oh-hoh. Mr Enigma is finally getting a power-up, huh?" Qrow smirked.

After the short conversation of the two. A banging of a wooden door can be heard. Qrow then crossed his legs. "That might be him." Qrow this time grinned. "Come in!"

squeaking noise and light footsteps is what the pair heard before Jaune's new mentor can be heard "Allen Siel. You'll be now under my care." A comforting and carefree voice came from the mouth of Allen.

"The name's Jaune-. My bad. My name is Luciel Narukami." Jaune replied.

[The Replacement, Alyssa]

A feeling struck me while I was studying. With my partner Pyrrha- wait Pyrrha? Who's she? Wait where am I?! Alyssa thought as she panicked around her team's dormroom gaining the attention of her partner.

"Are you okay, Alice?" Pyrrha asked.

Ah! She called me Alice! Wait... if... Am I dreaming! I'm in the RWBY universe! That means I can meet Ruby and Velvet and Jaune... wait.

"Uh Pyrrha?"

"Yes?" Pyrrha turns back to her partner.

"Do you know a student named 'Jaune Arc'?" Alyssa nervously said Jaune Arc causing Pyrrha to raise an eyebrow on Alyssa's behavior

"Jaune... Arc? No? Why? Are you having a crush?" Pyrrha asked with a tender smile causing Alyssa to shake her hands in a panicked pace.

Ohnoohno! She doesn't know who's Jaune! D-did I replace him! Why!!! Alyssa went insane in her mind for a bit and then turned to a behavior of how does a highschool girl act around the one she admired. What she said about the crush thing wasn't wrong though... heh heh~. She then thought...

"Wait. Does he exist?" She asked herself quietly.

Prologue End

A/n: A new idea I got while I was listening to 'Donut Hole' by Hachi. What happens if Jaune pulled an Ash Crimson or Ragna the Bloodedge (Depending on your preferable game) and decided to play shadow recon throughout the series. And also, join Alyssa as she tries to find and bring back Jaune Arc.